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    Computational Differential Privacy for Encrypted Databases Supporting Linear Queries

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    Differential privacy is a fundamental concept for protecting individual privacy in databases while enabling data analysis. Conceptually, it is assumed that the adversary has no direct access to the database, and therefore, encryption is not necessary. However, with the emergence of cloud computing and the «on-cloud» storage of vast databases potentially contributed by multiple parties, it is becoming increasingly necessary to consider the possibility of the adversary having (at least partial) access to sensitive databases. A consequence is that, to protect the on-line database, it is now necessary to employ encryption. At PoPETs\u2719, it was the first time that the notion of differential privacy was considered for encrypted databases, but only for a limited type of query, namely histograms. Subsequently, a new type of query, summation, was considered at CODASPY\u2722. These works achieve statistical differential privacy, by still assuming that the adversary has no access to the encrypted database. In this paper, we argue that it is essential to assume that the adversary may eventually access the encrypted data, rendering statistical differential privacy inadequate. Therefore, the appropriate privacy notion for encrypted databases that we use is computational differential privacy, which was introduced by Beimel et al. at CRYPTO \u2708. In our work, we focus on the case of functional encryption, which is an extensively studied primitive permitting some authorized computation over encrypted data. Technically, we show that any randomized functional encryption scheme that satisfies simulation-based security and differential privacy of the output can achieve computational differential privacy for multiple queries to one database. Our work also extends the summation query to a much broader range of queries, specifically linear queries, by utilizing inner-product functional encryption. Hence, we provide an instantiation for inner-product functionalities by proving its simulation soundness and present a concrete randomized inner-product functional encryption with computational differential privacy against multiple queries. In term of efficiency, our protocol is almost as practical as the underlying inner product functional encryption scheme. As evidence, we provide a full benchmark, based on our concrete implementation for databases with up to 1 000 000 entries. Our work can be considered as a step towards achieving privacy-preserving encrypted databases for a wide range of query types and considering the involvement of multiple database owners

    Efficient Hardware Implementation for Maiorana-McFarland type Functions

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    Maiorana--McFarland type constructions are basically concatenating the truth tables of linear functions on a smaller number of variables to obtain highly nonlinear ones on larger inputs. Such functions and their different variants have significant cryptology and coding theory applications. The straightforward hardware implementation of such functions using decoders (Khairallah et al., WAIFI 2018; Tang et al., SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2019) requires exponential resources on the number of inputs. In this paper, we study such constructions in detail and provide implementation strategies for a selected subset of this class with polynomial many gates over the number of inputs. We demonstrate that such implementations cover the requirement of cryptographic primitives to a great extent. Several existing constructions are revisited in this direction, and exact implementations are provided with specific depth and gate counts for hardware implementation. Related combinatorial results of theoretical nature are also analyzed in this regard. Finally, we present a novel construction of a new class of balanced Boolean functions with very low absolute indicators and very high nonlinearity that can be implemented in polynomial-size circuits over the number of inputs. We underline that these constructions have immediate applications to resist the signature generation in Differential Fault Attack (DFA) and to implement functions on a large number of variables in designing ciphers for the paradigm of Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)

    Computing 22-isogenies between Kummer lines

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    We use theta groups to study 22-isogenies between Kummer lines, with a particular focus on the Montgomery model. This allows us to recover known formulas, along with more efficient forms for translated isogenies, which require only 2S+2m02S+2m_0 for evaluation. We leverage these translated isogenies to build a hybrid ladder for scalar multiplication on Montgomery curves with rational 22-torsion, which cost 3M+6S+2m03M+6S+2m_0 per bit, compared to 5M+4S+1m05M+4S+1m_0 for the standard Montgomery ladder

    BBB PRP Security of the Lai-Massey Mode

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    In spite of being a popular technique for designing block ciphers, Lai-Massey networks have received considerably less attention from a security analysis point-of-view than Feistel networks and Substitution-Permutation networks. In this paper we study the beyond-birthday-bound (BBB) security of Lai-Massey networks with independent random round functions against chosen-plaintext adversaries. Concretely, we show that five rounds are necessary and sufficient to achieve BBB security

    Stickel\u27s Key Agreement Algebraic Variation

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    In this document we present a further development of non-commutative algebra based key agreement due to E. Stickel and a way to deal with the algebraic break due to V. Sphilrain

    Quantum NV Sieve on Grover for Solving Shortest Vector Problem

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    Quantum computers can efficiently model and solve several challenging problems for classical computers, raising concerns about potential security reductions in cryptography. NIST is already considering potential quantum attacks in the development of post-quantum cryptography by estimating the quantum resources required for such quantum attacks. In this paper, we present quantum circuits for the NV sieve algorithm to solve the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP), which serves as the security foundation for lattice-based cryptography, achieving a quantum speedup of the square root. Although there has been extensive research on the application of quantum algorithms for lattice-based problems at the theoretical level, specific quantum circuit implementations for them have not been presented yet. Notably, this work demonstrates that the required quantum complexity for the SVP in the lattice of rank 70 and dimension 70 is 2432^{43} (a product of the total gate count and the total depth) with our optimized quantum implementation of the NV sieve algorithm. This complexity is significantly lower than the NIST post-quantum security standard, where level 1 is 21572^{157}, corresponding to the complexity of Grover\u27s key search for AES-128

    Verifiable Value Added Tax

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    Value Added Tax (VAT) is a cornerstone of government rev- enue systems worldwide, yet its self-reported nature has historically been vulnerable to fraud. While transaction-level reporting requirements may tackle fraud, they raise concerns regarding data security and overreliance on tax authorities as fully trusted intermediaries. To address these issues, we propose Verifiable VAT, a protocol that enables confidential and verifiable VAT reporting. Our system allows companies to confidentially report VAT as a homomorphic commitment in a centrally managed permissioned ledger, using zero-knowledge proofs to provide integrity guarantees. We demonstrate that the scheme strictly limits the amount of fraud possible due to misreporting. Additionally, we introduce a scheme so companies can (dis)prove exchange of VAT with fraudulent companies. The proposed protocol is flexible with regards to real-world jurisdictions’ requirements, and underscores the potential of cryptographic methods to enhance the integrity and confidentiality of tax systems

    PAC-Private Algorithms

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    Provable privacy typically requires involved analysis and is often associated with unacceptable accuracy loss. While many empirical verification or approximation methods, such as Membership Inference Attacks (MIA) and Differential Privacy Auditing (DPA), have been proposed, these do not offer rigorous privacy guarantees. In this paper, we apply recently-proposed Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) Privacy to give formal, mechanized, simulation-based proofs for a range of practical, black-box algorithms: K-Means, Support Vector Machines (SVM), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Random Forests. To provide these proofs, we present a new simulation algorithm that efficiently determines anisotropic noise perturbation required for any given level of privacy. We provide a proof of correctness for this algorithm and demonstrate that anisotropic noise has substantive benefits over isotropic noise. Stable algorithms are easier to privatize, and we demonstrate privacy amplification resulting from introducing regularization in these algorithms; meaningful privacy guarantees are obtained with small losses in accuracy. We propose new techniques in order to reduce instability in algorithmic output and convert intractable geometric stability verification into efficient deterministic stability verification. Thorough experiments are included, and we validate our provable adversarial inference hardness against state-of-the-art empirical attacks

    Unclonable Secret Sharing

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    Unclonable cryptography utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to addresses cryptographic tasks that are impossible classically. We introduce a novel unclonable primitive in the context of secret sharing, called unclonable secret sharing (USS). In a USS scheme, there are nn shareholders, each holding a share of a classical secret represented as a quantum state. They can recover the secret once all parties (or at least tt parties) come together with their shares. Importantly, it should be infeasible to copy their own shares and send the copies to two non-communicating parties, enabling both of them to recover the secret. Our work initiates a formal investigation into the realm of unclonable secret sharing, shedding light on its implications, constructions, and inherent limitations. ** Connections: We explore the connections between USS and other quantum cryptographic primitives such as unclonable encryption and position verification, showing the difficulties to achieve USS in different scenarios. **Limited Entanglement: In the case where the adversarial shareholders do not share any entanglement or limited entanglement, we demonstrate information-theoretic constructions for USS. **Large Entanglement: If we allow the adversarial shareholders to have unbounded entanglement resources (and unbounded computation), we prove that unclonable secret sharing is impossible. On the other hand, in the quantum random oracle model where the adversary can only make a bounded polynomial number of queries, we show a construction secure even with unbounded entanglement. Furthermore, even when these adversaries possess only a polynomial amount of entanglement resources, we establish that any unclonable secret sharing scheme with a reconstruction function implementable using Cliffords and logarithmically many T-gates is also unattainable

    HEonGPU: a GPU-based Fully Homomorphic Encryption Library 1.0

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    HEonGPU is a high-performance library designed to optimize Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) operations on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). By leveraging the parallel processing capac- ity of GPUs, HEonGPU significantly reduces the computational overhead typically associated with FHE by executing complex operation concurrently. This allows for faster execution of homomorphic computations on encrypted data, enabling real-time applications in privacy-preserving machine learn- ing and secure data processing. A key advantage of HEonGPU lies in its multi-stream architecture, which not only allows parallel processing of tasks to improve throughput but also eliminates the over- head of data transfers between the host device (i.e., CPU) and GPU. By efficiently managing data within the GPU using multi-streams, HEonGPU minimizes the need for repeated memory transfers, further enhancing performance. HEonGPU’s GPU-optimized design makes it ideal for large-scale encrypted computations, providing users with reduced latency and higher performance across various FHE schemes


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