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    33677 research outputs found

    The Influence of obesity on developing osteoarthritis and the recovery after knee joint replacement – a review

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    Obesity is a chronic disease accompanied by inflammation. It is becoming more and more prevalent all around the world and so are its consequences. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease of the joints. The range of its risk factors is broad, but the most common is obesity. OA can be treated in a surgical and non-surgical way. The surgical method - knee replacement is the most effective way of treating OA, but unfortunately it does not solve the problem. Obesity takes a part not only in development of OA, but is also involved in developing postoperative complications and impairing the recovery in general. The influence of obesity is determined not only by the weight and increased mechanical forces affecting the organism, but also on a molecular level by the hormonal activity of the substances produced by white adipose tissue. Condition of the patient should be optimised before the surgery in order to minimize the risk of complications and increase the chances for fast and effective recovery. Obese patients after the surgery need proper nutrition and care focused on their needs, which often is a challenge to the healthcare providers. After the surgery those patients cannot be sent back to the condition that made them sick. Reduction of weight is suggested to prevent the development of postoperative complications and OA. Prehabilitation seems to improve the immediate postoperative results. Starting regular training a few weeks after the surgery seems to positively affect the process of recovery

    Wyznanie rosyjskiego jurgeltnika.: Antoni ze Skrzynna Dunin i jego memoriał z 1735 r.

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    W artykule przedstawiona została działalność Antoniego ze Skrzynna Dunina w okresie przeislenia politycznego w Rzeczypospolitej w latach 1733-1736. Niezbyt zamożny, choć dobrze spokrewniony i skoligacony szlachcic, osiadły w województwie witebskim, wykorzystał bezkrólewia po śmierci Augusta II i wojnę o tron polski do podjęcia próby podniesienie swojego statusu materialnego i społecznego. Związał się z obozem prorosyjskim, co było w sumie naturalnym wyborem zważywszy na fakt, że jego żoną była córka feldmarszałka i wysokiego urzędnika carskiego księcia Iwana Trubeckiego Katarzyna, w Rzeczypospolitej występująca w źródłach pod imieniem Regina. W spisanym latem 1735 r.  memoriale-petycji adresowanej do głównodowodzącego wojskami rosyjskim w Rzeczypospolitej księcia Ludwika von Hessen-Homburg, Antoni Dunin twierdził, że nie ograniczył się do sympatyzowania z Rosją, ale oddał też konkretne usługi ambasadorowi imperatorowej Annie w Warszawie Karolowi Gustawowi von Löwenwolde, rzekomo ratując nawet jego życie, gdyż uprzedził go o planowanym ataku wojsk polskich na siedzibę ambasadorską i Pałac Saski. Związanie się z obozem prorosyjskim sprawiło, że Dunin (jak inni jego krewni) stał się zdeklarowanym zwolennikiem księcia Fryderyka Augusta II Wettina, od 17 stycznia 1734 r. koronowanego władcy Rzeczypospolitej Augusta III

    Szachiści umysłów. Wpływ walki informacyjnej na rosyjską kulturę strategiczną

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    The aim of the study is to familiarize readers with three publications of key importance in trying to understand the character and mentality of Russians, whose authors are: Felix Koneczny, Włodzimierz Bączkowski, and Evgeny Messner. This will make it possible to show the sources of the information warfare currently conducted by the Russian Federation. The article presents the results of the research on the Turanian civilization, which, according to the description of Felix Koneczny, occurs in a similar form in the Russian Federation. It also characterizes the Russian power, showing that Russia is in fact far from European values. Russia’s way of thinking, strategic culture and policy are closer to Asian civilization. In addition, it was indicated that the information warfare is the basic form of fighting and the basis for building the power of the Russian state. The authors devote a separate place to the ‘rebel war’ (or ‘mutiny war’), according to the concept of Evgeny Messner, in which the line between the regular army and society is blurred. The authors came to the conclusion that the key to success in rebel warfare are effectively implemented information activities.Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie czytelnikom trzech kluczowych dla próby zrozumienia charakteru i mentalności Rosjan publikacji, których autorami są: Feliks Koneczny, Włodzimierz Bączkowski i Jewgienij Messner. Umożliwi to ukazanie źródeł współcześnie prowadzonej przez Federację Rosyjską walki informacyjnej. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące cywilizacji turańskiej, która zgodnie z opisem zawartym w dziele Feliksa Konecznego w zbliżonej formie występuje współcześnie w Federacji Rosyjskiej. W dalszych rozważaniach dokonano również charakterystyki siły rosyjskiej, pokazując, że Rosja w rzeczywistości jest daleka od wartości europejskich. Sposób myślenia, kultura strategiczna oraz sposób prowadzenia polityki przez Rosję są bliższe cywilizacji azjatyckiej. Wskazano, że walka informacyjna jest elementarną formą prowadzenia walki oraz podstawą budowania potęgi państwa rosyjskiego. Osobne miejsce autorzy poświęcili wojnie buntowniczej według koncepcji Jewgienija Messnera, w której granica między regularnym wojskiem a społeczeństwem jest zatarta. Autorzy doszli do wniosku, że kluczem do osiągnięcia sukcesu w wojnie buntowniczej są skutecznie realizowane działania informacyjne

    Evaluating the environmental effects of open dumps and waste farming: A case study: Effects of Open Dumping

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    Dhapa, the landfill situated in Kolkata, is a very active site for municipal dumping. A humongous amount of municipal solid waste is added in this dump daily and the nearby farmlands produce a significant yield for the local population. The current study seeks to examine the environmental associated with leachate migration due to open dumping of unsorted solid waste in Dhapa, Kolkata, India. Also, the second goal of the study is to assess the risk to public health associated with the consumption of agricultural products possibly contaminated with heavy metals through soil and groundwater. The seasonal soil and groundwater sample, and samples of products grown near the landfill were collected around the periphery of Dhapa. The presence of heavy metals in the samples was determined using classical methods in a specialized laboratory. The soil and groundwater results compared to FAO/WHO, and BIS/WHO was found that toxic metal Cd, Cr, Zn, Pb & Hg were present in high concentrations. For the vegetables grown at the site fields, multiple samples were collected as multiple different vegetables are grown around the year, it was found that mainly Cd, Cr, Zn, Pb and Hg exceeding Indian permissible standards of consumptions many fold. Finally by the use of multiple indices like Average Daily Dose (ADD) & Chronic Daily Intake (CDI) along with Hazard Quotient (HQ) it was found that carcinogenic risk, on human health, was highest in the ground water and vegetables. The current study fills the gap associated with the scientific substantiation of actively developing environmental hazards at the regional level

    Diabetes mellitus and its skin manifestations - dermatology for diabetologists

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    Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) one of the most common chronic disease in Europe, can affect every part of the body including the skin. Metabolic changes during the progress of diabetes mellitus , influence the occurence of various dermatoses such as Acanthosis nigricans, Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum, bullosis diabeticorum, eruptive xanthomatosis and diabetic dermopathy.  On the other hand, there are allergic skin reactions as a consequence of insulin infusion, diabetic pills treatment and using diabetic devices like insulin pumps and glucose monitors that can improve patiens glycemic control and their quality of life.    Aim of the study: The aim of our study is to present skin manifestations associated with diabetes mellitus patients. The importance of early detection skin changes and its significance are also analysed.    Material and methods: We searched electronic databases, using keywords such as „Diabetes Mellitus” , „ Skin dermatoses assosiated with diabetes mellitus „ and „Acanthosis Nigricans”    Conclusions: Human skin is a reflection of the processes that take place in the body. The characteristc dermatoses that appear on it, can be a clue for the doctor and help him in the diagnostic process and proper control of diabetes. Technological progress has led to the develompent of specialized devices to control the glycemia of patients, however, this is often associated with the deterioration in the well-being of patients and the benefits of treatment ,by reverse allergic skin reactions to contact with the equipment

    Bouveret's Syndrome: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Therapeutic Strategies - A Comprehensive Educational Approach for Healthcare Professionals

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    Bouveret's syndrome, a rare complication of gallstone disease, poses a significant diagnostic and therapeutic challenge, particularly in elderly individuals with multiple comorbidities. The mortality rate ranges from 12-30%, emphasizing the importance of prompt and accurate diagnosis. Nonspecific symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, contribute to delayed diagnosis. Healthcare professionals, especially those involved in gastroenterology and surgery, require comprehensive education on Bouveret's syndrome. Training should emphasize the diverse diagnostic modalities, including the use of imaging techniques such as X-rays, ultrasound, and MRI. Awareness of the syndrome's rarity and collaboration among specialists from various fields are crucial for effective management. Additionally, educational programs should underscore the need for individualized treatment plans, considering patient parameters such as age, comorbidities, and the inflammatory state of surrounding tissues. While endoscopic procedures exhibit lower success rates, they are often preferred due to the high risk associated with open surgical procedures in elderly patients. Continuous medical education should also highlight the potential link between diabetes and Bouveret's syndrome, emphasizing the importance of recognizing risk factors and ensuring timely medical intervention. In conclusion, enhancing the knowledge base of healthcare professionals through targeted education is essential for improving the diagnosis and management of Bouveret's syndrome, ultimately contributing to better patient outcomes

    Childhood obesity - risk factors and prevention strategies

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    Introduction and purpose: Obesity is one of the most serious health challenges in modern society. Over the last 40 years, the number of obese school-age children has increased tenfold. This not only has significant consequences for physical health, but also affects psychosocial aspects and the quality of life of the young generation. The aim of this study is to conduct a comprehensive review of the literature on obesity among children and adolescents, focused on identifying the main risk factors and analyzing effective forms of prevention. Materials and methods: A review of the literature available in the "PubMed" database and books was conducted. The search was performed by using the following keywords: "childhood obesity", "childhood obesity risk factors", “childhood obesity prevention” State of knowledge: The risk factors for obesity in children and adolescents include genetic factors, endocrine diseases, improper diet, low physical activity, low socioeconomic status, stress, psychological factors, short sleep time, medications, hypothalamic obesity and H. pylori. As part of the prevention of obesity in children and adolescents, it is recommended to develop appropriate habits in children and adolescents. The influence of parents on health behaviors in children is important. Top-down activities such as health campaigns and legal regulations also have a significant impact. Summary: Due to research conducted over the years, awareness of obesity risk factors has increased. To effectively prevent this disease, an integrated approach is necessary, taking into account both education and changes in the social environment. Implementing these strategies requires cooperation at local, regional, national and international levels

    Review of available therapies for the treatment of pediatric COVID-19-associated polyarticular inflammatory syndrome

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    Recently, there have been an increasing number of reports from around the world describing children and adolescents with multisystemic inflammatory conditions associated with COVID-19. The clinical features of these pediatric cases are both similar to and different from other well-described inflammatory syndromes, including Kawasaki disease. Symptoms appear to develop after infection, rather than in the acute phase of COVID-19. Regarding the clinical spectrum, much remains unknown. The new disease entity challenges specialists around the world in developing universal management protocols. In the fight for the health and lives of patients, treatment according to standard protocols for Kawasaki disease has been used. However, further clinical trials are required to prove the effectiveness and safety of these treatments. There are reports of successful therapy using intravenous immunoglobulin preparations and steroid therapy. Biologic, antiviral, antibiotic, antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapies are also used. The described pediatric disease can be associated with hemodynamic failure, so treatment should take place in a hospital setting, under the watchful eye of a multidisciplinary team

    The etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation and differential diagnosis in Lower Back Pain with comparison of possible methods of treatment

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    Introduction and purpose Non-specific and specific lower back pain syndrome is one of the leading causes of musculoskeletal disability and affects more than half of the population worldwide. The aim of this paper is to confront the problem of lumbar pain, possible diagnostic options, conservative and surgical opportunities with long term satisfactory rate.  State of knowledge The paper reviews literature on lower back pain syndrome, sciatica, radiculopathy and lumbar disc herniation in regards to detection of the problem, classifying it and possible methods of resolvement. The WHO defines lower back pain as one of the leading causes of musculoskeletal dysfunction and it focuses on reducing the occurrence by programs like WHO Rehabilitation 2030 Initiative, UN Decade of Healthy Ageing and others. The paper also focuses on non surgical options of treatment.   Material and method A review of the literature available in the “PubMed” and Google Schoolar was conducted. We focused on differential diagnosis depending on clinical presentation and possible treatment methods depending on symptoms, pathogenesis of the disorder and available procedures. Summary Our review managed to present the current state of development, possible differential diagnosis, prevalence of neural compressions, sciatica and radiculopathy in different diagnostic options. By receiving multiple studies we confront varied opinions of specialists regarding the approach to lower back pain syndrome and favorable forms of care. Additionally we came to the conclusion that the difference of patients' long term satisfactory rate in regards to nonoperative and operative treatment is not significant, and flattens over the years

    Cervical cancer - is there anything to worry about? Research on knowledge and awareness of cervical cancer among Poles

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    Cervical cancer poses a global health challenge, being one of the most common cancers of the reproductive organs and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The disease, resulting from infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV), tends to develop in advanced stages, significantly complicating effective treatment. Despite advancements in medicine, diagnostics, and therapy, cervical cancer remains a serious public health threat. Periodic surveillance through screening has significantly reduced the incidence of cervical cancer; however, in Poland, there is a notable gap between potentially available preventive measures and their actual utilization by the population. It has been observed that only around 20% of Polish women participate in screening programs, contributing to Poland having one of the highest rates of incidence and mortality from this type of cancer in Europe. This leads to the conclusion that cervical cancer constitutes an unresolved oncological and epidemiological problem in Poland. In the context of these challenges, a crucial aspect is understanding the level of public knowledge about cervical cancer, its risk factors, and available preventive measures. This study focuses on evaluating the societal knowledge regarding the risk factors of cervical cancer, identifying existing gaps, and suggesting potential areas for educational interventions


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