Ilomata International Journal of Tax and Accounting
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204 research outputs found
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Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in Supporting Financial Performance of Indonesian Islamic Banking Post Merger
PT BSI (PT Bank Sharia Indonesia) is one of the largest Islamic banks in Indonesia which is the result of the merger of three state-owned Islamic banks, including PT BNI Sharia, PT Bank Mandiri Sharia, and PT Bank BRI Sharia. This study aims to analyze the role of Good Corporate Governance in supporting the performance of Islamic Banking after the merger into BSI by analyzing the value of ROA and ROE before and after the merger, and reviewing the role of GCG in supporting financial performance as measured by the CGPI rating obtained from the company's annual report. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach in analyzing differences in ROA and ROE before and after the merger, and analyzing the role of GCG in supporting this financial performance. The results of the analysis on GCG indicators show that there is no difference before and after the merger. Meanwhile, financial performance shows an increase compared to before the merger, which is indicated by the value of ROA and ROE in 2020 to 2022. This study gives insight in developing knowledge related to the financial performance after merger, and focusing on the sharia bank industry
Impact of Internal and External Factors of a Company Facing the Return of the Company with a Compas100 Indeks Noted on the Indonesia Shipping Borse
The coal industry is a pillar of the Indonesian economy as the main energy source and an important contributor to the country's foreign exchange. Coal companies in the Kompas100 Index show significant stock performance measurements, giving rise to the need to understand the factors that contribute to variations in stock returns, both in terms of internal and external factors. This research aims to analyze the influence of internal factors (Current Ratio, Net Profit Margin, Debt to Equity Ratio) and external factors (inflation, interest rates, currency exchange rates) on stock returns of coal companies listed on the Kompas100 Index on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research method uses a quantitative approach, purposive sampling is used to select samples based on the availability of complete financial data and relevant historical stock price data. The analysis shows that in this study, the Current Ratio (CR) has a significant positive influence on Stock Returns, while the Net Profit Margin (NPM) also has a significant positive influence. On the other hand, the Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) has a significant positive influence. Externally, inflation has a significant negative impact on Stock Returns, while interest rates also have a significant negative impact, but the exchange rate does not affect Stock Returns. Overall, internal factors influence Stock Returns, and external factors also influence Stock Returns. Additionally, the combination of internal and external factors collectively affects Stock Returns with significant interaction complexity
The Effect of the Implementation of Environmental Accounting on Profitability in Mining Sector Companies Listed on the Efek Indonesia Exchange
Mining sector companies have an important role for the country, because the contribution given is very significant and affects economic growth in Indonesia. This mining sector company has an impact on the continuous use of natural resources, even though the available natural resources are very limited to meet human needs and take a long time to renew. Based on the development of profitability of mining sector companies in Indonesia for four years, from 2019-2022 there was a decrease in profitability in 2019-2020. This decrease was caused by several factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, contract delays and cancellations, the company's awareness of environmental activities decreased resulting in a decrease in company awareness of social and environmental which included environmental costs, environmental disclosure, and environmental performance. The reason of this observe is to prove the impact of the implementation of green environmental costs, environmental disclosure, and environmental performance on profitability in mining sector companies listed on the company's Indonesia Stock Exchange as well as the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The approach used is a quantitative technique using secondary statistics in the shape of reports and annual reports on mining area corporations indexed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) the duration ofc2019-2022 as many as 32 samples. The data analysis techniques used are descriptive statistical tests and multiple linear regression tests. The outcomes of this observe prove that partly environmental costs have a negative and significant impact on profitability, environmental disclosure has no impact on profitability, environmental performance has a positive have an effect on profitability. Simultaneously, environmental expenses, environmental disclosure, and environmental overall performance concurrently or collectively have an significant impact on profitability
Foreign Direct Investment In Indonesia: Economic Growth IKN
IKN is expected to become a sustainable city that will drive the country's economy in Indonesia in the future. This research analyses the correlation amidst foreign direct investment, inflation, and environmental degradation with economic growth in IKN. Therefore, this study aims to examine all variables that affect the economic growth of IKN. Thus, this study provides implications for regulators and policymakers on how to optimize IKN's economic growth in a sustainable manner. This analysis utilizes time series data collected from 38 provinces in Indonesia from 2018 to 2022. Secondary data obtained from the websites of the World Bank, BPS, and OECD is utilized in this study. Data testing uses a data panel regression analysis model with Eviews 10 software. The results of this study indicate that Foreign Direct Investment and inflation have a significant positive effect on economic development. Conversely, the environmental degradation has a significant negative impact on economic growth. The findings of this study confirm that economic growth can be enhanced through increasing FDI inflows, maintaining a stable inflation rate, and environmental degradation at a certain level, which can stimulate economic growth. Therefore, all variables in this study contribute to economic growth
Risk-Return Analysis of Select Tax Saving Mutual Funds
The Indian stock market has been in existence since 1875 bestowing lesser range of instruments from companies to invest their money through general public. Since then, the awareness of investment has gained momentum amongst the general public and investors have become curious and intuitive to park their funds in some instrument to attain or gain profit or handsome returns from companies and the market. With the advent of Unit Trust of India (UTI) being formed during 1964 by a special legislature to function under the regulatory and administrative control of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) , it brought an innovative financial thought to the mechanism of investment by investors. Mutual Fund industry boosted the investors’ confidence that upheld capital appreciation, protection, tax burden and promoted financial stability. The researcher attempted to analyse the risk and returns of select tax savings scheme of mutual funds and point out the best tax saving mutual fund amidst the 11 selected funds using parameters like standard deviation, beta, sharpe ratio and treynor ratios for a period of 90 months from 2016 to 2023 taking Net Asset Values published by AMFI and the closing values of Bombay Stock Exchange Standard & Poor (BSE S & P) Sensex and also by using MS Excel for computing all the parameters manually rather than the already published data by many other sources. It was examined that Quant Tax Direct Plan (Growth Option) has good indicators to prove its performance. The research findings can aide investors’ decision with numerous benefits ranging from savings, returns, gains and risk management
Good Corporate Governance, Profitability and Institutional Ownership on Corporate Financial Performance Moderated by Dividend Policy
The decline in financial performance in a company is often caused due to a weak corporate governance system. Therefore, this research aimed to assess the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance, Profitability and Institutional Ownership on Corporate Financial Performance with Dividend Policy as a Moderating Variable. This research was conducted over a 4-year period, namely 2019-2022. The research population consists of State-Owned Public Enterprise companies that are listed on the IDX during the period of 2019-2022. A sample of State-Owned Enterprises companies listed on the IDX that satisfy all the criteria for this research is selected using purposive sampling. The data analysis method used uses a panel data regression model to test the effect of each variable on the company's financial performance. The research findings show that, while profitability does influence the financial performance of a company, the presence of an audit committee, an independent board of commissioners, or institutional ownership does not have a significant impact. In addition, when adjusted for dividend policy, the influence of the audit committee, profitability, and institutional ownership on the financial performance of the company is not significant. Conversely, the dividend policy adhered to by the independent board of commissioners impacts the financial performance of the company. The implication of this study for State-Owned Enterprises can utilize this research to be wiser in choosing corporate governance policies that are in accordance with the company so that there is no decline in the company's financial performance
The Effectiveness of Learning Accounting Information System with MonsoonSIM
Several accounting education institutions have adopted an experiential learning model through business game simulation to enhance students' ability in understanding course material and increase their competence. MonsoonSIM is a platform that provides business simulations packaged in the form of web-based games that offer students the experience of running a business virtually. This research examines the effectiveness of using MonsoonSIM in increasing student competency in the Accounting Information Systems (AIS) course from the perspective of TAM and UTAUT theory. This study is quantitative research with a survey approach. The sample for this research was 102 students who used MonsoonSIM as a learning medium for the AIS course. This study confirms that Perceived Ease of Use, Facilitating Condition, and Social Influence regarding the use of MonsoonSIM have a positive significant influence on Students’ AIS competence. Then, the higher student’s competence in AIS, the better Students’ Learning Outcome. However, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Enjoyment of MonsoonSIM do not affect significantly on Students’ AIS Competence. This study support of the use of business game simulation in accounting education institutions to enhance the better understanding of AIS
The Impact of Forensic Skills on Fraud Detection in Federal Government Agencies in Nigeria
Fraud in Nigerian federal government agencies is a persistent issue. This study explores the impact of forensic skills on fraud detection within these agencies, building upon the established connection between forensic accounting and its effectiveness in uncovering fraudulent activity. To achieve this, we investigated the impact of forensic and audit skills on fraud detection in the federal government agencies in Nigeria, identifying its implications on government resources. The focus was on all the federal government ministries and agencies in Abuja (the Federal Capital Territory). With the stratified random sampling, a sample size of 100 was selected. The non-experimental research approach was adopted in the collection and analysis of data with the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Regression analysis used to interpret the data. The results of the findings indicated that no significant relationship exists between forensic skills and fraud detection (where the p-value of 0.507 > 0.05 significant level), and the existence of a significant relationship between audit skills and fraud detection in federal government agencies (with a p-value of 0.000 < 0.05 level of significance). This study recommends increased investment in personnel with forensic and audit skills as a course of action to strengthen fraud detection efforts and improve financial accountability in federal government agencies in Nigeria
The Impact of Financial Literacy and Digital Awareness on Investment Intentions
Investment intention is one important thing in life. This study investigates the impact of financial literacy and digital awareness on investment intentions. Questionnaires was given to potential and active small medium micro enterprises owners collected via an online survey. The questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics and hypotheses was tested using multiple linear regression The results reveal a positive and significant correlation (0.018) between the two independent variables and investment intentions. The results highlight the importance of financial and digital education in enhancing individuals' propensity to invest, suggesting that improved literacy in these areas can foster greater investment activity. These insights are particularly valuable for policymakers and practitioners looking to bolster investment participation through educational initiatives, underscoring the need to integrate financial and digital literacy into public learning frameworks
The Impact of Corporate Governance in Indonesia's Biggest Banks on Accounting Conservatism Through Audit Quality
Banks are typically linked with conservative accounting practises due to the handling of big assets. This study investigates how company governance impacts accounting conservatism by focusing on audit quality. The analysis involves the independent variable corporate governance, the intervening variable audit quality, and the dependent variable accounting conservatism. This study focused on the 10 largest banks in Indonesia that were listed on the Indonesian stock exchange from 2015 to 2020. Using purposive sampling, 9 banks were selected for the study. Data collection was conducted using secondary data, the statistical method used was path analysis. This study's findings suggest that corporate governance has a negative impact on audit quality and accounting conservatism. Corporate governance negatively affects audit quality and through audit quality affects accounting conservatism