Social Science Journal for Advanced Research
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    159 research outputs found

    Area, Output and Productivity of Pulses in India

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    India’s produce of cereal has been growing year by year and its one of the top manufacturers of different crops like rice, wheat, pulses, sugarcane and cotton. In 2019 India’s pulses production is 23.15 million tonnes which contribute about 24 percent of world pulses output. In the present paper area, output and productivity of pulses in India are investigated. The study is descriptive in nature and used secondary data from different government publications. The paper concludes that the increase in output is much higher than the area of pulses, whereas total pulses production is always affected by the size of holding

    An Assessment of Pertinent Social Circumstances on Childhood Cancer

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    Progress in treating young cancer has increased the survival rate of the disease in recent years. Their accomplishment has brought the survivors a new challenge: to cope with their ordeal's physical, psychological and social ramifications that may limit their social integration and growth. If a child is affected by cancer, people face a double vulnerability: they are young and they are unwell, exacerbated by the existence of a society that equates cancer with death and promotes its classification as a tabuous subject. The overarching purpose of the study is to look at social-health relationships and the need to integrate both points of view to foster the social development of survivors of paediatric cancer after therapy. A list of societal contexts, including families, schools, peer groups and associations, will be presented in this respect. The connections of the participants are transformed by overcoming oncological conditions in different circumstances, which lead to changes in their subjective well-being and the social pathways

    Surrogacy Ethical and Legal Implication in India

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    Surrogacy is a contract in which a woman is paid to carry a child for a different pair. In India, where commercial surrogacy is legal, a substantial number of infertile couples travel there. Despite the fact that this arrangement appears to benefit all parties concerned, there are some delicate issues that must be addressed by carefully written laws in order to preserve the surrogate mothers and intended parents' rights. An agreement to carry a pregnancy for the intended parents is known as a surrogacy agreement. Traditional and gestational surrogacy is the two main types of surrogacy. In gestational surrogacy, pregnancy is achieved through the transfer of an embryo created through in vitro fertilization, resulting in a child who is genetically unrelated to the surrogate

    Financial Inclusion: Ratio Analysis and Stability of the Company

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    The purpose of this paper is to apply the framework of ratio analysis to the study of Tata Steel Limited's financial inclusion. The fundamental purpose of the article is to assess and appraise the inclusion of Tata Steel during the research period. To estimate the business' efficiency, the analyst attempts to measure the firm’s solvency, liquidity, profitability, and other indicators using a rational and normal approach. The data take from 5 financial year annual reports of Tata Steel Limited from 2016-17 to 2019-20. To analyze the profitability statement were Simple Percentage Analysis and Ratios are used in the present study. Profitability of Tata Steel (stand-alone) is at the appreciable level. Even then, if it takes some steps by generating internal sources the profitability position will be increased more than the present level

    Haryana's Honour Killings: A Social and Legal Point of View

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    Life is unpredictably unpredictable. Nobody knows what will happen in the next minute of their lives. In this circumstance, every human being has the right and desire to conduct their lives according to their own desires. No one should be forced to live a life solely for the benefit and reputation of others. Honour killing is defined as the assassination of a person, whether male or female, who refuses to accept the family's arranged marriage or decides to move her or his marital life according to her or his wishes solely because it jeopardizes the family's honour. The family's supreme authority looks after the family's name but neglects to consider the love and affection shared among family members. I have discussed honour killing in India in my research work. This sort of murder occurs as a result of particular triggers, which are also examined in relation to the role of the law in honour killing. No one can be released free if they break the law, and in this case, it is a felony that violates various regulations designed to safeguard citizens. This crime is similar to many others, but it is distinct enough to be differentiated in the report. When the husband is of low social standing, it lowers the position and caste of the female family, prompting the male family members to murder the girl. But they forget that the girl is their kid and that while rank may be attained, a girl's life can never be replaced, and that caste is less valuable than the girl's life and love spent with them

    Students' Use of e-Learning Platforms

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    The subject of this study was students' adoption of e-learning platforms in Uganda and Nigeria. The study's goal was to look at the elements that influence students' adoption of e-learning platforms. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) were used to create a questionnaire (T-O-E). In Uganda and Nigeria, data was obtained from 204 university students. When compared to Makerere University students, Kaduna State University students exhibit a higher level of e-Learning adoption. The actual use of e-learning was highly linked with perceived behavioural control and change agents. At the University of Nigeria, Technology development and behavioural intention to utilise systems have a substantial positive relationship with the actual use of e-learning at a Ugandan institution. Both planned behaviour theory and technology-organization-environment theory components are significant predictors of e-Learning adoption in the two universities, with 32.5 percent and 14.4 percent, respectively, according to multiple regression analyses. As a result, colleges should establish a technology environment that encourages students to use e-learning

    Role of CSR for Sports Infrastructure Development

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    Indian athletes have won numerous medals for the country at international sporting events such as the Olympic, Commonwealth, and Asian Games, and they continue to make tremendous growth in the field of sports. CSR has piqued the interest of many businesses, and as a result, several research studies are being conducted in both academia and industry. CSR has the potential to give a powerful impetus for the fastest possible growth of sports in society. Without a doubt, the only way to make development is for every Indian citizen to work together to make India a superpower in the sphere of games and sports. Apart from the government, businesses, and individuals should all make efforts in terms of "Complimentary Self-Responsibility" to set down the actual development on the ground rather than in papers or reports. The paper represents one of the possible solutions for sports infrastructure development, which is based on supporting a sensible improvement of the city's metropolitan sports infrastructure and increased grant sport support, which allows for greater adaptability of offered services as well as a higher type of viability in terms of future budget expense cost flexibility

    Sports Event Management Benefits & Issue

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    The Asian Game, which was hosted in New Delhi in the 1950s, was the catalyst for the formation of sporting event administration in India. It was created with the goal of comprehending the rapid rise in sports event management in the Indian economy via constant and proper monitoring of sports and event management. This study investigates and presents a brief summary of some popular sports events in India, as well as how they are arranged. With reference to organisations whose core service is related to sports, sport management comprises any combination of principles related to planning, organising, directing, budgeting, advertising, leading, and evaluating (DeSensi, Kelley, Blanton, and Beitel, 2003). The most significant benefit of sports event management is the ability to plan, organise, and advertise the sporting event. Various sporting events, such as the Olympics Games and other similar events, have been emphasised, as well as a brief overview of the Indian Premier League (IPL) and the Pro Kabaddi League (PKL) and their growth prospects

    Assessment of Social Forestry Natural Resources and Policy

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    Pressure on the land and natural resources have increased as a result of population growth over the previous few decades. Securing food, fuel, and fodder; improving the environment and reducing pollution; and protecting agriculture from unfavourable climate change are all goals of social forestry. The term "community forests" is also used to describe social forestry. In the 1950s, social forestry was being used on a modest scale in India (BRD, 1985). Social forestry in the country is the largest and most innovative participatory forestry experiment and the largest intervention design to increase the productivity and usage of communal land

    Position of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna in Uttarakhand

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    The problem with India's development destination is that although a specific section of the population now has access to banking services, another section still remains disadvantaged. Even basic financial services are still not available to the low income group. In spite of the fact that the banking business is expanding both vertically and horizontally, hence this scheme was started so that everyone can get the benefit. Branch penetration in rural areas is still not commensurate with the growing demand for financial services. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is a Government of India financial inclusion program aimed at increasing affordable access for Indian citizens (minors) to financial services such as bank accounts, credit, remittances, insurance and pension. The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, unveiled the scheme in his first Independence Day speech on 15 August 2014, launched this financial inclusion initiative on 28 August 2014


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