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Keabsahan Permohonan Pailit dan PKPU oleh Pekerja sebagai Alternatif Penyelesaian Kegagalan Pembayaran Upah
The increase in bankruptcy and The Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations (PKPU) cases in Indonesia occurs due to the failure to pay by the company, such as non-payment of debts to creditors or non-payment of workers' rights due to the company's declining financial situation. In addition, the increase in bankruptcy and The Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations cases is also supported by the requirements for filing bankruptcy applications which are very easy to fulfill. In the event that the debtor is a company, the applications for bankruptcy declaration can also be filed by workers because workers can be referred to as preferred creditors because wages and rights that have not been received by workers are debts that take precedence in payment. However, in relation to the failure to make payments by employers for wages or workers' rights, the applications for bankruptcy declaration by workers should be used as an ultimum remedium(the last resort), namely as a last resort for resolving the problem because if there is an industrial relations dispute between workers and company related to non-payment of wages or workers' rights, the state has provided legal remedies through the mechanism of Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement (PPHI). Based on this, the purpose of this paper is to find out whether the failure or inability of the company to make payments of wages or workers' rights can be resolved through the bankruptcy or The Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations instrument whereas as we know that rights disputes in labor disputes should be resolved through the Industrial Relations Dispute Resolution mechanism as stipulated in Law Number 2 of 2004 concerning Industrial Relations Dispute Resolution
Pertanggungjawaban Hukum atas Praktik Jual Beli Unit Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa (Rusunawa)
The state is responsible for protecting the entire Indonesian nation in the organization of housing or a decent place to live. Nowadays, many people find it difficult or even unable to fulfill the needs of a livable residence due to their low income. This problem is then accommodated by Article 15 paragraph (1) of Law No. 20/2011 which stipulates that the government is responsible for the construction of public flats. One of the public flats in Indonesia is Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa (Rusunawa), which is a flat with rental status and built using State Budget (APBN) and / or Regional Budget (APBD) funds with its main function as housing. Basically, the ownership of the Rusunawa unit is based on the Building Ownership Certificate (SKBG), which is a proof of ownership of a flat unit on state or regional property in the form of land or waqf land by way of rent. This means that the owner of the Rusunawa unit doesn’t have property rights, but only has the right to rent for a certain period of time in accordance with the agreement. Thus, Rusunawa should not be traded carelessly, but the fact is that Rusunawa is often traded by certain individuals and even this practice is also supported by policy makers. The purpose of writing in this study is to determine the legal validity of the practice of buying and selling Rusunawa and what legal liability can be carried out against the practice of buying and selling Rusunawa
Abstract—Pharmacy students have assignment demands such as journal writing, reports, presentations, and practical work. Facing these numerous assignments can lead to academic burnout. Academic burnout is a state where an individual experiences emotional exhaustion caused by factors such as high task demands, feelings of incompetence in fulfilling student obligations, and a decline in performance. The main cause of this is the tendency of students to delay or engage in academic procrastination when facing task burdens. This study aims to examine the relationship between academic procrastination and academic burnout among students. The sample for this research consisted of 151 students from the Faculty of Pharmacy at Surabaya University. The research employed a quantitative survey method, collecting data through the modified Maslach Burnout Inventory scale by Schaufeli and the Academic Procrastination Scale (APS) proposed by McCloskey. The sampling technique used in this study was accidental sampling. The results of this research indicate a significant relationship between academic procrastination and academic burnout among students (sig 0.000 < 0.05). With a positive correlation, higher levels of academic procrastination are associated with higher levels of academic burnout. Furthermore, there was also a significant association found between self-efficacy and academic burnout, with a value of 0.048 < 0.05.
Keywords: academic procrastination, academic burnout, pharmacy faculty students, self-efficacy
Abstrak—Mahasiswa Farmasi memiliki tuntutan penugasan berupa pembuatan jurnal, laporan, presentasi, serta praktikum. Dalam menghadapi banyaknya penugasan tersebut dapat menimbulkan academic burnout. Academic burnout adalah keadaan seseorang yang mengalami rasa lelah secara emosional diakibatkan oleh faktor tuntutan tugas yang banyak, perasaan tidak kompeten dalam menjalankan kewajiban sebagai mahasiswa, hingga pada merosotnya prestasi. Penyebabnya adalahnya dalam menghadapi beban tugas tersebut mahasiswa kerap melakukan penundaan atau prokrastinasi akademik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara prokrastinasi akademik dan academic burnout pada Mahasiswa. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 151 Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Surabaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan metode kuantitatif survei dengan pengumpulan data melalui skala Maslach Burnout Inventory yang telah dimodifikasi oleh Schaufeli dan skala Academic Procrastination Scale (APS) yang dikemukakan McCloskey. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan insidental sampling. Hasil pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara prokrastinasi akademik dan academic burnout pada Mahasiswa (sig 0,000 < 0,05). Dengan memperoleh korelasi positif maka semakin tinggi prokrastinasi akademik maka akan semakin tinggi pula academic burnout, selain itu juga ditemukan asosiasi antara keyakinan akan kemampuan diri dan academic burnout sebesar 0,048 < 0,05.
Kata kunci: prokrastinasi akademik, academic burnout, mahasiswa fakultas farmasi, keyakinan akan kemampuan dir
In this digital era, technology and information have become an integral part of Indonesian life. This opens up new opportunities for businesses, including culinary businesses, to carry out effective and efficient promotional strategies. One example is Pitek Ndeso Catering in Tuban, which utilizes Instagram social media to reach consumers widely. Pitek Ndeso uses various Instagram features such as feeds, stories, and highlights to promote its products. However, the Instagram feed design used by Pitek Ndeso is not yet able to support Pitek Ndeso's brand promotion activities online. The purpose of this research is to design digital promotional media in the form of Instagram feeds and stories to increase brand awareness of Pitek Ndeso Catering. The research method used is qualitative using the Marketing 5.0 approach. in the design process, it is carried out through three stages of visualization, namely, sketching, editing, and final design. The results of this research are in the form of 12 Instagram feed designs, 5 Instagram stories and insight data after implementing a content design strategy. The content used in the design includes product content, interesting facts, minigames, and filler content.
Copyright © 2024 by Authors, Published by Jurnal Bisnis Terapan. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons. Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licens
Pemindahan Depo Pertamina Plumpang: Antara Politik atau Hukum?
Legal issues in Indonesia are often dominated by political considerations, frequently sidelining fundamental legal principles. Decisions made by law enforcement authorities in Indonesia are often politically motivated, resulting in populist policies. One such case involves the relocation of the Depo Pertamina Plumpang in North Jakarta, impacting the residents of Tanah Merah. Although various legal instruments have been provided to the residents of Tanah Merah, they fundamentally lack legitimate ownership of the land. This study examines the legal and political aspects of the Depo Pertamina Plumpang relocation. The research employs a normative legal method, incorporating statutory and conceptual approaches, with primary legal sources and materials.
The findings reveal that the legal politics underlying the relocation of the Depo Pertamina Plumpang serve to grant legitimacy for the residents of Tanah Merah to establish residential buildings. However, this has led to populist policies that conflict with the legality of land and property ownership. Specifically, the Temporary Area Building Permits (IMB Kawasan Sementara) issued by the government are legally invalid and cannot constitute a basis for land ownership. As land ownership is authenticated through land title certificates, the actions taken result in the residents of Tanah Merah occupying hazardous areas within the buffer zone, further exacerbating the risks associated with these settlements.
Keywords: Politik Hukum, penegakan hukum, Depo Pertamina Plumpang
Corporate Governance Mechanism and Capital Structure Decision: Evidence from Indonesia
Purpose: Decisions related to the capital structure are crucial for companies because the proportion of funding from debt and equity determines the company's value and is directly related to shareholders' welfare. This study aims to examine how corporate governance affects the capital structure.
Method: Board size, board independence, ownership concentration, audit reputation, management ownership, and institutional ownership are the independent variables considered in this study. In contrast, control variables were defined as firm size, liquidity, profitability, and growth. In order to determine how corporate governance affects capital structure in a sample of 395 non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, this study employs multiple linear regression analysis.
Result: The capital structure is significantly impacted negatively by board size, ownership concentration, firm size, profitability, and growth while positively impacted by independent commissioners, auditor reputation, managerial ownership, and institutional ownership. Liquidity has no impact on the capital structure
Investigating Organizational Determinants of Job Satisfaction: Mediating Role of Motivation
Purpose: The objective of this research is to examine the influence of Organizational Climate and Perceived Organizational Support on Job Satisfaction, with Motivation acting as a mediating variable among Digital Agency Workers in Indonesia.
Method: The study involved disseminating questionnaires to 76 employees across three digital agency firms located in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area, Indonesia, utilizing the convenience sampling method. The analysis of the collected data was performed through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using the Smart PLS 4 software.
Result: The study's findings indicate that Organizational Climate and Perceived Organizational Support exert a direct influence on Job Satisfaction and on Motivation. Moreover, it was discovered that Motivation serves as a mediating factor in the relationship between Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction, as well as between Perceived Organizational Support and Job Satisfaction. The author stresses the need for future research to focus on various external factors when analyzing job satisfaction. This includes factors such as personality traits, economic conditions, and challenges specific to certain industries
This research is intended to identify how the organizational readiness in facing the era of disruption can enhanced, using certain strategies such as resilience- based strategies. Today's organizations are required to be resilient in facing disruption. This disruption gives birth to various risks that must be faced by businesses. Organizations are expanding their perspectives that were once only around operations and finance, now involving human resources. Therefore, it is important for organizations to understand the disruption that affect the organization and their readiness to face these risks. This research uses instruments developed by Deloitte (2023) focusing on measuring the readiness gap trends; ranging from readiness gap in a skill-based approach to readiness gap in leadership in a disrupted world. The sample of this research involving business owners and managers in Indonesia. The results show that majority of the respondents have a significant level of readiness in facing the era of disruption especially in terms of anticipating societal and environmental risk in daily business operation
Abstract—This study aims to determine the effect of Brand Equity, Service Quality on Purchase Decisions of Starbucks Coffee in Surabaya. The method used is quantitative, while the tool used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis on brand equity and Service Quality, there is a significant and positive influence on the purchasing decision of Starbucks Coffee in Surabaya because the better the brand equity and Service Quality given, the higher the interest in purchasing decisions is made.
Keywords: brand equity, service quality, purchase decision
Abstrak—Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Ekuitas Merek, Service Quality Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Starbucks Coffee Di Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif sedangkan alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linier berganda terhadap ekuitas merek dan Service Quality terdapat pengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap keputusan pembelian Starbucks Coffee di Surabaya dikarenakan dengan semakin baik ekuitas merek dan Service Quality yang diberikan maka semakin tinggi minat keputusan pembelian yang dilakukan.
Kata kunci: ekuitas merek, service quality, keputusan pembelia
Publication of Vok@sindo Journal Articles is a systematic activity starting from sending articles according to the Vok@sindo journal template until the article is published on OJS. This study aims to design a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Publication of Vok@sindo Journal Articles BPJ unit at the Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Brawijaya in the form of infographics. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method with data collection techniques carried out by interview, observation and documentation. The result of this Final Project is the need for SOP in the form of infographics to make it more attractive and can be used for standing banners and as information media, it is necessary to design Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Publication of Vok@sindo Journal Articles in the form of infographics. This is the essence of your SOP. Here you describe what needs to be done, the order of the tasks, and methodology your employees need to follow. You can list the different steps and if the process is more complex, include sub-steps to describe all activities in detail.Also, include supplementary diagrams, images, or illustrations when appropriate. Imagery can sometimes be a more effective way of explaining how to get things done.
Copyright © 2024 by Authors, Published by Jurnal Bisnis Terapan. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons. Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licens