South Carolina State Library

South Carolina State Documents Depository
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    73027 research outputs found

    State of South Carolina Governor's Proclamation: Child Support Awareness Month

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    Governor Henry McMaster proclaims August 2024 as Child Support Awareness Month

    Be Battery Smart : a Household Safety Guide for Lithium-ion Batteries

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    This guide is designed to provide household safety tips as well as recycling options for lithium-ion batteries

    Fines and Fees Report for FY2023‐2024

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    Fines and fees reports are submitted in accordance with the Appropriations Act. It states in order to promote accountability and transparency, each state agency must provide and release to the public via the agency's website, a report of all aggregate amounts of fines and fees that were charged and collected by that state agency in the prior fiscal year. The report shall include, but not be limited to: (1) the code section, regulation, or proviso that authorized the fines and fees to be charged, collected, or received; (2) the amount of the fine or fee; (3) the amount received by source; (4) the purpose for which the funds were expended by the agency; (5) the amount of funds transferred to the general fund, if applicable, and the authority by which the transfer took place; and (6) the amount of funds transferred to another entity, if applicable, and the authority by which the transfer took place, as well as the name of the entity to which the funds were transferred. Additionally, the report must be delivered to the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee by September first. Funds appropriated to and/or authorized for use by each state agency shall be used to accomplish this directive

    Fines and Fees Report

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    This is the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation's report for fine and fee revenue to the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee

    Critical Home Repair Program

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    The Critical Home Repair Program is designed to assist low-income (80% and below Area Median Income as determined by household size and county of residence) homeowners in making needed Critical Repairs to their primary residence to address critical life, health and safety issues. All awards are subject to the HTF legislation, all applicable state and federal regulations, and all other applicable SC Housing requirements

    Market Bulletin

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    The South Carolina Department of Agriculture publishes the bi-monthly Market Bulletin newsletter. The Market Bulletin began in 1913 and was originally an insert in The State newspaper. Later it was added to other papers, and about 12 years later began as a stand-alone publication. The Market Bulletin has information about the agency, agriculture-related news, and free advertising available to farmers and consumers

    South Carolina Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Newsletter, September 27, 2024

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    The South Carolina Department of Agriculture publishes the weekly South Carolina Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Newsletter with prices on sales by first receivers on Thursdays’ Terminal Market to 9:30 am on offerings of available supplies in wholesale lots

    South Carolina Tobacco Education Program Information

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    This document shares information about the South Carolina Tobacco Education Program and information on underage tobacco use facts and tobacco laws

    South Carolina Emergency Operations Plan

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    Any emergency in South Carolina could adversely affect the multi-billion dollar agricultural, livestock, poultry, plant, commercial fishery, and crop industries in the state. The purpose of this annex is to coordinate plans, policies, actions, and resources of state and local governments to minimize impacts of emergencies on agribusiness and the economy ; coordinate resources and actions needed to protect agriculture and animal health and safety, and protect public health and safety related to agriculture, animals, and food/feed supply chains

    South Carolina Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Newsletter, June 28, 2024

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    The South Carolina Department of Agriculture publishes the weekly South Carolina Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Newsletter with prices on sales by first receivers on Thursdays’ Terminal Market to 9:30 am on offerings of available supplies in wholesale lots


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