Publikasi Universitas Mercu Buana
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Films and videos are works of art that cannot be separated from music as an atmosphere builder to affect the emotions of the audience. So that many of the existing films and videos are built from music as the backing. However, aren't there any films or videos made without using music? By using a qualitative description method the author aims to collect data about films and videos that do not use music. The final results of this study found that there were several films and videos that were produced without using music. Like feature-length films, there is the films Turah. Short films or videos such as Top Soccer Shootout Ever With Scott Sterling (Original), Five Truths: Jerzy Grotowski, and Five Truths: Peter Brook
Perancangan Sistem Pengeram Telur Ayam Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler
Seiring dengan pertambahan tahun bertambah juga populasi manusia, tidak terkecuali di Indonesia. Peningkatan populasi menyebabkan pertambahan permintaan pangan, seperti daging ayam. Salah satu solusi adalah dengan meningkatkan kuantitas penetasan telur ayam. Mayoritas peternak masih menggunakan inkubator konvensional. Kekurangan inkubator konvensional adalah tingkat kuantitas penetasan telur ayam yang rendah serta perlu dilakukan pemantauan secara teratur karena untuk menghasilkan kuantitas penetasan telur ayam yang tinggi dibutuhkan suhu 37-39oC dan kelembaban 50%-65% [1]. Dengan mengacu pada permasalahan tersebut memunculkan konsep untuk membuat Inkubator otomatis atau sistem pengeram telur ayam otomatis. Inkubator ini menggunakan perangkat Arduino Uno R3 yang dapat mengontrol perangkat lain seperti sensor DHT22 untuk mengukur suhu serta kelembaban udara, heater untuk pemanas ruang inkubator, humidifier untuk meningkatkan kelembaban udara, sensor PIR untuk menyalakan lampu dan motor AC untuk membalik telur. Dengan menggunakan metode blackbox, regresi linier dan forecasting error diperoleh nilai rata-rata kesalahan pengukuran untuk pengukuran suhu sebesar 0,38% dan nilai MSE sebesar 0,04, dengan rata-rata persentase kesalahan pengukuran pada pengukuran suhu sebelum kalibrasi sebesar 0,89% dan nilai MSE sebesar 0,13. Rata-rata nilai kesalahan pengukuran kelembaban udara sebesar 1,2% dan nilai MSE sebesar 0,95 dengan rata-rata kesalahan pada pengukuran kelembaban udara sebelum kalibrasi sebesar 2,8% dan nilai MSE sebesar 3,2. Perancangan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kuantitas penetasan telur ayam
Kajian Penerapan GMP dan WISE Guna Peningkatan Higienitas Produk dan Produktivitas Pada UKM Amplang Samarinda
Hygiene and product safety were the main issue that need to be assured by food industries, including amplang industries in Samarinda. Furthermore, workers safety was also important for improving small industries’ productivity. This paper aimed to evaluate application of Good Manufacturing Practise (GMP) and Work Improvements in Small Medium Entreprise (WISE) in two small industries that produce amplang. GMP is a system that ensures products are consistently produced and controlled according to set quality standards. (i.e., BPOM standard). WISE is a programme to assist micro, small and medium-sized enterprises improve working conditions and productivity using simple, effective and affordable techniques. The GMP study showed that SME Y had GMP value higher than SME X (i68% and 55%). These two SMEs have used clean water to produce amplang and store raw materials, end products and hazardous materials properly. The drawbacks of these two SMEs are the need to improve recording and documentation as well as make SOPs for product withdrawals from the market. UKM X needs to make SOPs for the cleanliness of the production area and improve product labels. The results of the WISE study of these two SMEs have not provided appropriate PPE for workers and have not promoted occupational health. Procedure for mitigating fire hazard had not developed although fire was one of the risk factors in these two SMEs. Evacuation path had not been provided and even, SME X had not provided the fire extinguishers. Furthermore, ergonomic work station obliged to design especially for workers who sit cross-legged, designing cross-legged chair with back rest
Design of network monitoring system based on LibreNMS using Line Notify, Telegram, and Email notification
Institut Teknologi Telkom Jakarta (IT Telkom Jakarta) is an educational institution that supports student activities and provides internet capabilities to implement online learning systems. As the number of students increases with every year, so does the use of the internet and intranet networks and the experienced network problems. A network administrator is a person who is responsible for managing a computer network. Network administrators usually face network problems in monitoring network devices. This is because the process and operation are done manually. This means network administrators need direct access to the location to monitor all resources. Therefore, a network device monitoring system is needed to manage network devices centrally. This research focuses on the problem of monitoring network devices using open-source tools and software. Based on the implementation results, free network monitoring software such as LibreNMS can track and monitor all devices in all conditions and notify the active device condition in case of network failure such as up, down, reboot to the administrator via Line Notify, Telegram, and Email. With this network monitoring system, IT Telkom Jakarta is expected to be able to implement an integrated and well-monitored internet network system. Besides, the results of this study also produce real-time data on bandwidth usage, logging problems, and resource availability. This can significantly improve network availability and security
Pengaruh Media Pembalajaran Daring Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa-Siswi SMA Cenderawasih 1 Jakarta
Pendidikan adalah suatu hal yang penting di masyarakat. Demi menjadi bangsa yang memiliki kecerdasan yang baik tentu harus mengikuti aturan kementrian pendidikan dan harus di dukung juga oleh aturan yang sistematis dari pemerintah itu sendiri.Pada saat sekarang, dunia sedang digemparkan dengan adanya Covid-19. Virus ini sendiri baru ditemukan pertama di Cina, menurut media South China Morning Post kasus awal Covid-19 tersebut terdeteksi pada 17 November 2019 dan setiap harinya mengalami peningkata
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan dan dimediasi oleh Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB). Sample dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 40 karyawan di CV. Prima Motor. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode survey, dengan instrument penelitian adalah kuesioner. Metode analisis data menggunakan Partial Least Square. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa Kepuasan Kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap OCB, Komitmen Organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap OCB, Kepuasan Kerja berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan, Koitmen Organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan, OCB berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan, OCB tidak memediasi Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan, dan OCB tidak memediasi Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan
The industrial world is increasingly modern with the existence of the virtual metaverse world. This can be seen from the existence of the MSIB program on metaverse implemented by CIAS with the "Metaverse 3D World Creation + Commercialization" program and using Roblox as a medium in visualizing the metaverse. One of the objects of this research is Metayoliverse, one of the program's metaverse projects. The method used in this design is a qualitative method with a Metayoliverse case study approach, observation and SWOT analysis. The methodology in this study began with observing data from Metayoliverse and then proceeding with data analysis using SWOT. In this study, we will analyze the opportunities that can be used on Roblox to promote MSMEs. The results of this study will later show that Roblox has the opportunity to become a medium for promoting MSMEs
The Impact of Pro-Environment Belief and Personal Norm toward the Beauty Purchase Behavior
Objectives: The increasing use of eco-friendly beauty products in Indonesia attracts many researchers to understand buying behavior. Therefore, this study examines the effect of altruistic values, hedonic values, pro-environmental beliefs, personal norms, and independent decision-making on consumer buying behavior of eco-friendly beauty products.Methodology: This research is quantitative with an online survey of consumers purchasing green cosmetics products in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia. The determination of the number of samples is ten times the number of indicators with a purposive sampling technique. The research questionnaire was developed by several prior researchers who had been tested for validity and reliability. Structural equation modeling uses structural equation modeling-partial lease squares with SmartPLS software version 4 to test the research hypothesis.Finding: The results of the study show that altruistic values and hedonic values have a positive effect on pro-environmental beliefs. Furthermore, pro-environmental beliefs have a positive effect on personal norms. Finally, personal norms and independent judgment-making positively affect consumers' purchase behavior of green beauty products in Greater Jakarta.Conclusion: Green beauty purchase behavior in Greater Jakarta is influenced by personal norms and independent judgment-making which are also influenced by altruistic values, hedonic values, and pro-environmental beliefs. In the context of green beauty products, awareness that arises from within oneself can form a better level of consistency in buying green beauty product behavior. The findings from this study serve as a basis for managers and the Indonesian government to implement better eco-friendly strategies to motivate consumers to buy green products, especially cosmetics
The Employee Performance Evaluation by using the Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach
Objectives: This study is aimed to develop a multi-criteria decision-making model for evaluating employee performance and provide organizations with a guideline on how to quantify employee performance.Methodology: A hybrid approach of AHP and WSM was used in the development of the employee performance model. The AHP approach was employed to obtain the weight of each criterion. The obtained weight value is then used to calculate the performance score.Finding: Based on the literature review and interviews, nine criteria were used, namely the achievement of work targets, job knowledge, initiative, work discipline, responsibility, teamwork, integrity, communication, and cleanliness. Based on weight calculations, it was found that achievement of the work target has the highest importance weight, followed by job knowledge, initiative, work discipline, responsibility, teamwork, integrity, communication, and cleanliness.Conclusion: This study developed a multi-criteria decision-making model and a scoring guideline for evaluating employee performance. According to the results of the performance score, the assessed employee would fall into five categories i.e. unacceptable performance, performance is slightly under the minimum expectation, performance meets the standard and expectation, performance exceeds the standard and expectation, and extraordinary performance. The model can be used to help managers to make decisions regarding compensation which is to be given to employees by linking the employee performance category with compensation criteria