689 research outputs found
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Physical Properties of Silver Fir (Abies alba L.) Wood Cladding Modified by Traditional Japanese Charring Method
Silver fir (Abies alba L.) wood samples were charred on one surface using an enhanced version of the traditional Japanese Yakisugi method. The 15 charred boards obtained from five charring chimneys were divided into three different zones and investigated for their physical properties. The density profile, water absorption after 24 h of water submersion, and Brinell hardness were analyzed. In general, the temperature-time regime, which causes inside surface carbonization, was more evident at the bottom than at the top of the chimney. The density profile of the specimens revealed that the surface charring treatment decreased the surface density of the wood significantly. A gradient was visible from 383 kg/m2 at the bottom to 424 kg/m2 at the top. Water absorption measurements showed that a thicker carbonized layer could take up more water as a result of increased porosity. While 3,684 g/m2 were absorbed at the bottom, the top accounted for only 2,533 g/m2. Furthermore, with increasing thickness of the charred layer, the hardness gradually decreased. The average of the charred specimens reached only 3.2% of the hardness of the uncharred back side of the specimens.O
Is regulatory protection of the territory empirically detectable? Analysis of temperature and vegetation trends in the northern area of Bogota with remote sensing.
Este trabajo presenta un análisis de las tendencias de desarrollo urbano del sector norte de Bogotá, en un área de 6930 hectáreas que incluye el Plan de Ordenamiento Zonal del Norte (POZN) y parte de la reserva natural Thomas Van der Hammen (RTVH). El plan propuesto por la Alcaldía mediante el Decreto 088 de 2017 intenta dar coherencia a un desarrollo urbano que ha ocurrido de facto y con importantes consecuencias ecológicas y sociales mientras que la RTVH intenta proteger las características ecológicas de este sector entre los cerros y el rio Bogotá. El método consistió en analizar series de tiempo de temperatura de la superficie y de vegetación mediante técnicas de teledetección e indicadores radiométricos para identificar los cambios estructurales que ha experimentado el sector en términos de sus componentes biofísicos. Los resultados del análisis ponen en evidencia que el proceso de urbanización instalado en el sector norte de Bogotá es el determinante de las tendencias del espacio biofísico observadas, más allá de las figuras de protección legal que existen que incluyen el POZN y la RTVH. En el caso de la RTVH, el marco de protección no ha sido efectivo para preservar las características ecológicas que justificaron su creación. La inclusión de evidencia empírica como la mostrada en este trabajo en la planificación del desarrollo urbano es clave para avanzar en la protección activa del medio ambiente, más allá del discurso normativo.This article analyzes the trends in urban development in an area of 6930 hectares in the northern sector of Bogotá that includes the Northern Zonal Management Plan (POZN, in Spanish) and part of the Thomas Van der Hammen Nature Reserve (RTVH, in Spanish). The plan established by the Mayor's Office through Decree 088 of 2017 seeks to manage an urban development trend that has occurred de facto, with important ecological and social consequences, while the RTVH intends to protect the ecological characteristics of this sector located between the hills and the Bogotá River. The method consisted of analyzing time series of surface temperature and vegetation using remote sensing techniques and radiometric indicators to identify the structural changes experienced by the sector in terms of its biophysical components. The results of the analysis show that the urbanization process taking place in the northern sector of Bogotá is the driver of the observed trends in the biophysical space beyond the legal protection instruments currently in force, including POZN and RTVH. In the case of RTVH, the protection framework has been insufficient to preserve the ecological characteristics that led to its creation. The inclusion of empirical evidence in urban development planning, such as that shown in this work, is key to advancing the active protection of the environment beyond the regulatory discourse.O
Evaluation of the Selectivity and Efficiency of Synthetic Sex Pheromones of Leaf-Rollers from Different Manufacturers
In 2019 (May-September), the efficiency of pheromone lures for Grapholita funebrana Treitschke, 1835 and Pandemis heparana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) from two manufacturers (Propher, Pherobank) were compared. Monitoring was performed in three study areas in South Moravia (Czech Republic): Kyjov (faunistic square 6968), Brno-Soběšice (6765) and Brno-Starý Lískovec (6865). A total of 14 pheromone traps, from both companies, were suspended. Both target species were found in the traps, with Grapholita funebrana present in all study areas (a total of 5107 adults) and Pandemis heparana was found in Kyjov (64 adults). Furthermore, 2061 individuals of non-target species from the Autostichidae, Noctuidae, Tortricidae and Yponomeutidae families were captured. And 7 non-target species were captured using the pheromone for G. funebrana, most numerously Grapholita molesta (Busck, 1916), Cnephasia stephensiana (Doubleday, 1849) and Argyresthia trifasciata Staudinger, 1871; while, only two non-target species were identified using the pheromone for P. heparana, Noctua fimbriata (Schreber, 1759) and Yponomeuta malinellus Zeller, 1838. Compared to Propher pheromones, Pherobank pheromones were more attractive for target species and less attractive for non-target species.O
Diversity and distribution of the spiders (arachnida: araneae) from Kailashahar: first record of nine species from Tripura, India
Spiders are one of the most diverse and numerically abundant arthropods. They have a wide distribution and inhabit different types of habitats. Their occurrence and distribution function as a bio-indicator of that area and their presence is influenced greatly by the corresponding habitat and vegetation types. In this study the spider fauna was surveyed from November 2019 to October 2020 in three locations of Kailashahar, Tripura, India. A total of thirty-two species belonging to thirteen families and eighteen genera were identified. Among them nine species are reported for the first time in Tripura, India - Neogeo nocticolor, Tetragnatha mandibulata, Tetragnatha javana, Enoplognatha sp., Oxytate sp., Carrhotus viduus, Thalassius albocinctus, Scytodes fusca and Mimetus sp. The highest numerically abundant spider recorded is Oxyopes scalaris and the least abundant species is Opadometa fastigata in the study area. The present study thoroughly investigated the unexplored spider species distributed over the study area and highlights the richness of spider diversity while calling for greater conservation of forest areas. Further rigorous works are necessary to discover more new spider species from this unexplored state of northeast India.O
The educator's role in the autonomy journey for adult students with mental disorders
The vision of people with mental disorders has a historical and social nature. In the last decades, important steps have been taken toward guaranteeing dignity for these vulnerable people across the globe. This paper focuses on educators that deal with students with mental disorders in Young and Adult Education. The study is aimed to clarify a commitment to the social inclusion of people with mental disorders, which was allowed thanks to the critical education. The link between communication and education is analyzed in the paper, showing the potential of language to consolidate effective educational practices. Furthermore, the relationship between mental health, critical education, and empowerment of students is explored in this paper. Finally, examples of Brazilian initiatives that contribute to the development in this field are included here.Published Versio
Development of Douglas fir merchantable stem volume model in the conditions of the Czech Republic
A precise merchantable stem volume model of Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] is missing in the Czech Republic. The aim of this study was to fit a new model through the reparametrization of volume equations (used in the Czech Republic or in other countries). We tested four volume equations (two from the Czech Republic, one from France and one from British Columbia) in the form of a nonlinear least squares model (NLS), weighted least squares model (WLS), and nonlinear mixed effects model (NLME). In all the tested models, the diameter at breast height of a tree and the total height of a tree were used as independent variables. Models were fitted on a dataset of 185 felled sample trees from eleven research areas with ages between 19–113 years. We have found that the model according to Omule et al. (1987) fits the merchantable stem volume as the best in the version of WLS model. Median value of the relative error of the final model was only –0.53%, which is less than the errors of models which are still used in the Czech Republic today.O
Characterization of randomly oriented strand boards manufactured from juvenile wood of underutilized wood species
The wood-based panel industry in Europe, which is dominated by the use of Norway spruce, will face new challenges due to environmental changes and the bark-beetle calamity, which started a new era of forestry. To explore the possibility of replacing spruce with other wood species, juvenile wood of nine underutilized wood species (Scots pine, European larch, poplar, willow, alder, birch, European beech, English oak and hornbeam) were used to make randomly oriented strand boards (OSBs). Single-layer OSBs were produced with 3% pMDI resin and 0.5% wax. Standard physical and mechanical properties were measured. The bending strength (MOR) values showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the values for, on the one hand, spruce (34.6 MPa) and, on the other, larch (25.9 MPa), poplar (25.2 MPa), willow (27.8 MPa), alder (34.3 MPa) or birch (27.1 MPa). A similar trend was found for the boards modulus of elasticity (MOE). The highest MOE values of 5,185 MPa and 4,472 MPa were found for spruce and alder, respectively. There was no significant difference between spruce and other wood species in internal bond strength. Boards made from high-density wood species showed better physical performance, whereas those made from low-density wood species (except pine) gave better mechanical properties. Strand-generalized characteristics, such as the slenderness ratio and specific surface, were analyzed for all investigated physical and mechanical properties. European larch, poplar, willow, and alder are potential wood species for manufacturing OSBs in future without mixing species, as they can replace spruce in the wood-based panel industry.OA-hybri
Tests in the course Open source tools for text processing
V rámci projektu Innovative Open Source Courses for Computer Science Curriculum je řešen kurz zabývající se zpracováním textů pomocí počítače. V pilotním běhu v rámci aktivit projektu byly aplikovány vybrané kapitoly kurzu a v závěru výuky byl realizován stručný test, jehož cílem bylo zjistit impakt dané výuky i možnosti konstrukce podobných testů rozšířené na kompletní obsah kurzu.It is being solved within the project Innovative Open Source Courses for Computer Science Curriculum computer-based word processing course. In the pilot run as part of the project activities, selected chapters of the course were applied and at the end of the lesson a short test was implemented, the aim of which was to determine the impact of the given lesson and the possibility of constructing similar tests extended to the complete content of the course.Published Versio
Youths perceptions of agroforestry in Uganda: motivations and willingness to participate in highland agroforestry tree planting and landscape protection
This study investigates public (youths) willingness to participate in highland agroforestry tree planting initiatives and perceptions of agroforestry in Uganda. Through a questionnaire survey (N= 1138), data were collected on respondents' willingness to engage in agroforestry activities, motivations for participation, preferred methods of participation, and perceptions of agroforestry effectiveness. Results indicate a strong overall willingness among respondents to participate in highland agroforestry tree planting, with 89.3% expressing willingness. Primary motivations for participation include environmental conservation, water regulation, and soil conservation. Younger respondents and those with higher education levels demonstrated a greater willingness to participate, suggesting that demographic factors influence attitudes towards agroforestry. Planting tree strips emerged as the preferred method of participation, followed by planting indigenous tree species and practising sustainable agriculture methods. While respondents generally rated agroforestry effectiveness moderately, they perceived land and forest degradation in Uganda as significant issues. These findings underscore the potential for expanding agroforestry practices in Uganda's highlands and highlight the importance of targeted outreach and education to engage diverse demographic groups in environmental conservation efforts and support for Eco-Tourism. Future research should focus on optimizing agroforestry interventions to address perceived barriers and enhance their effectiveness in mitigating land and forest degradation, and possible impact on Eco-Tourism in the region.Published Versio
Optimization of the Plate Heat Exchanger Used for Milk Precooling
The article deals with the adjustment of the flow rate of milk and water by a plate heat exchanger, which is used for precooling milk. First, measurements of the parameters of the device in the stable were carried out. Subsequently, the plate heat exchanger was measured in the laboratory. Water at 35 oC was used instead of milk. Different flow ratios of cooling water and cooled water (instead of milk) were set. From the measured values, changes in the temperature of cooled water were calculated depending on its flow rate at a constant ratio of cooling water and cooled water. It was found that in the measured range, there are flow values at which temperature change is maximal. This dependence applies to all selected cooling water and cooled water flow ratios: (0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2.). The results show that with the same amount of cooling water, it is possible to achieve greater cooling of milk by 0.7 to 1.6 oC, or to achieve a reduction in water consumption. The device on the farm was modified to allow the flow of milk and cooling water to be changed. The optimal values found were set, and verification measurements were performed. The saving of 4.8% of cooling water was confirmed.O