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Correlated Color Temperature/CCT from artificial lighting in casual dining area at cafés is used to guide visitors visual perception through the interior atmosphere and dish display when served. Its visual impact triggers a non-visual response in the form of the visitors perception to rise appetite. This research aims to see the strength of causal relationship between perception of the dish display and the appetite for dining. A descriptive approach is used through questionnaire to examine the magnitude of this relationship using simple linear regression. The results show that the clarity of the dish display impact strongly on visitors perception on dish display (R Square 87.81%). Then, perception on dish display gives strong impact on appetite (R Square 87%). This research concludes that neutral CCT preferences give higher impact on dining appetite since the perception on the dish display has previously evaluated positiv
Exploring national parks and the Big Nine: A Literature review approach
The ‘Big Five’ are considered to be the Lion, Leopard, Rhino, Buffalo and Elephant which have become synonymous with Africa’s safaris in the national parks. Guided by the Butler’s TALC model, this paper aims to compare national parks development focusing on the ‘Big Nine’ in Kenya and Tanzania. Specifically, this paper explores national parks conservation and management in relation to the ‘Big Nine’. The method used is the Systematic Literature Review (SLR), whereby 16 journal articles were found to be relevant for the study were analyzed. The finding shows that for the future generations, the ‘Big Five’ requires protection and conservation in the national parks, other wild animals like Zebras and Warthogs included. The outcome of this paper advocates for other diverse wild animals in Kenya and Tanzania that could fascinate tourists be included in the “Big Five” to have either the ‘Big Seven’ or ‘Big Nine’. Future studies may opt for quantitative and qualitative approaches as mixed methods to further explore national parks and wild animals in Kenya and Tanzania as well as other African countries in the post-colonial era
Organizational Commitment and Work Environment Towards the Performance of PNS Based on Values with Cultural: The Role of OCB
This study investigates the effect of organizational commitment and work environment on the performance of civil servants based on BerAKHLAK values at the BKD Office of South Sulawesi Province. The sampling technique used a sample of genus where all populations, as many as 127 respondents, were sampled, with data analysis using SEM-PLS. The results showed that organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on the performance of civil servants based on values, but the work environment has no significant effect. Organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), but the work environment has no significant effect. OCB has a positive and significant effect on the performance of civil servants based on values. Organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on the performance of civil servants based on values through OCB. However, the work environment has no significant effect on the performance of civil servants based on values through OCB
In the era of globalization, advances in science and developments in information technology encourage the world’s economic growth. New forms and methods of economic activities, such as e-commerce, are born. As a technology-based industry, e-commerce is assessed by its intangible assets. The sustainability of this sector is proven by its research and development activities. In recent years, China has become the country that dominates the world’s e-commerce market. Now, e-commerce is one of the industries highlighted by investors in the trading world. This research aims to analyze the effect of intangible assets and research and developments on Chinese e-commerce firm value. The samples used in this study were 17 Chinese e-commerce companies listed on the 3 largest United States Stock Exchanges, namely NASDAQ, NYSE and NYSE American during the 2014- 2019 period. Data collection uses secondary data derived from each annual report. The analysis was conducted using multiple regression supported by SPSS version 22. This study showed that intangible assets and research and development positively affected firm value. The result indicates that both intangible assets and research and development have a positive effect on firm value
The turnover of Syifa Medika General Hospital is increasing every year since 2019 to 2021. To solve this problem, the researcher would like to give insight for the company to be more concerned of the sense of belonging (organizational identification) in employees because when an employee already have a high level of organizational identification, they will be much more careful in taking decisions and work genuinely for the company which will increase the work performance in order to make a success for the company. Therefore, this study will examine the factors that influence organizational identification (normally called as sense of belonging). The population of this research will consist of individuals who work in Syifa Medika General Hospital, and the sample of this research is 187 respondents. To collect the research data, the researcher will spread 187 questionnaires by online survey using google form. to all of the departments’ employees that have met the requirements for filling the questionnaire. This research was conducted using SmartPLS which resulted in the calculation that Internal Communication Satisfaction, Organizational Culture and Benefits had an effect on Organizational Identification in Syifa Medika General Hospital
Introduction of Basic Geometry Shapes for Children Aged 5-6 Years Through Fashion Ready to Wear
Learning for children aged 5-6 years requires concrete media so that learning can be conveyed well and students can understand learning easily. Based on the results of observations found problems in learning math geometry, namely the lack of media that supports learning geometry in the material so that students mastery of the material is still not optimal. Therefore, the focus of this research is to create design innovations by applying printing and knitting techniques as visual and sensory media on ready-to-wear clothing products for children aged 5-6 years to prevent delays in knowledge of geometric shapes before entering further education. This research was conducted using the creation theory method of “three stage design process”. The design is also meant to promote children’s fashion as part of a trend that is now rare to find. In addition, this design will produce a product that is different from other clothing products, this research produces a design concept and modification of geometric motifs applied to printing and knitting techniques using fabric materials applied to basic products of ready-made children’s clothing that has aesthetic and modern values
Influence of Brand Image, Perceived Price, and Word-of-Mouth on Purchase Intention of Lunio Design Products
The creative industry is an important factor in creative economic activities. This research aims to analyze the influence of brand image, price perception, and word-of-mouth on purchase intentions for Lunio products. This study uses a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to respondents to test the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The independent variables used in this research are brand image, price perception, and word-of-mouth, while the dependent variable is purchase intention. The research population is potential client candidates aged 15–16 years, in high school grades 10–12, and attending private high schools in Surabaya. Lunio sampling used a purposive sampling technique with a total sample of 100 people. This study uses the multiple linear regression analysis method. The results show that brand image is an important variable that significantly influences the intention to buy Lunio Design products. The price perception variable also influences purchase intention, though its significance level is lower compared to the other two variables. Word-of-mouth has the strongest impact on purchase intention. In conclusion, these findings underscore the importance of brand image, price perception, and word-of-mouth in shaping consumer purchase intentions
Pengaruh Work Life Balance Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Pada Karyawan Outsourcing PT. X
This study aims to determine and measure the effect of work life balance on job satisfaction of outsourced employees at PT. X. This research uses quantitative methods. The subjects of this research were 143 employees. Data collection uses a job satisfaction scale and a work life balance scale. Analysis of this research data used exponential non-linear regression analysis, and the calculated F value was 7.055, which was greater than the F table, namely 3.91. So there is an influence between the work life balance variable (X) on the job satisfaction variable (Y). It is known that the R value, namely 0.218, is in the low category, but shows a positive correlation between the criterion (Y) and the predictor (X). From the calculation results, it is known that the R square value is 0.048, which means that work life balance has an influence of 4.8% on the job satisfaction of PT outsourcing employees. X. This value means that work life balance (X) can affect 4.8% in job satisfaction (Y) while 95.2% is influenced by other factors or variables that are not examined in this study
Perancangan Brand Activation Melalui Instagram untuk Ready To Go
In 2020, the world was shaken by the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition to maintaining health, the public was encouraged to continue exercising to avoid the transmission of Covid-19. One of the popular sports during the pandemic was cycling, not only because it is enjoyable but also because it can be done outdoors. The cycling trend gave rise to many cycling jersey brands to meet the high demand. One of them is Ready To Go. Therefore, in order to compete with other brands, a social media presence was created to introduce the Ready To Go brand to potential consumers. The purpose of this research is to determine the response of potential consumers on Instagram towards the Ready To Go brand. The research utilizes a quantitative method through a questionnaire distributed to 56 respondents, as well as a qualitative method involving interviews with 3 expert users, 3 extreme users, online observations of similar competitors, and a review of relevant literature and supporting journals. The findings of the study conclude that the use of Instagram as a social media platform to spread awareness to potential consumers is appropriate. Additionally, the variety of content created is appealing and aligns with current trends.Pada 2020 yang lalu seluruh dunia di gemparkan dengan sebuah wabah Covid-19. Selain untuk menjaga kesehatan, masyarakat dihimbau untuk terus berolahraga guna terhindar dari penularan Covid-19. Salah satu olahraga yang sangat populer pada saat Covid-19 adalah bersepeda, selain karna menyenangkan olahraga ini juga dipilih karena dapat dilakukan diluar rumah. Trend bersepeda akhirnya memunculkan banyak brand jersey sepeda, guna memenuhi demand trend yang melambung tinggi. Salah satunya adalah Ready To Go, oleh karena itu agar bisa bersaing dengan brand lainnya maka dibuatlah sosial media untuk memperkenalkan brand Ready To Go kepada calon konsumen. Tujuan dari dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui respon dari calon konsumen di Instagram rehadap brand Ready To Go. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif berupa kuisioner terhadap 56 responden dan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap 3 expert user, 3 extreme user dan observasi secara online kepada competitor sejenis serta studi literatur terhdahulu dan jurnal yang mendukung penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian disimpulkan penggunaan social media Instagram untuk menyebarkan awareness kepada calon konsumen sudah tepat, selain itu ragam konten yang dibuat sudah cukup menarik dan sesuai trend.
Penerapan cognitive behavior therapy untuk mengatasi gangguan cemas menyeluruh
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is generalized and persistent anxiety that is not limited to certain situations. Individuals who experience GAD will certainly have obstacles in their daily activities. The purpose of this study is to determine the success of the application of CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) to individuals who experiencing GAD. The research method in this study was quantitative approach with single case pre test-post test design. Participant was a woman who experienced GAD. Data were collected using observation, interview, and psychological test. Measurement of GAD using GAD-7. The intervention in this study using CBT with mind over mood technique. The intervention was given for 5 meetings. There was a decrease score on the subject, before being given CBT the GAD-7 score was 14 (moderate) and after being given CBT the subject's GAD-7 score dropped to 2 (normal). The results of this study indicate that CBT is able to overcome the generalized anxiety disorder experienced.Gangguan cemas menyeluruh adalah kecemasan secara menyeluruh dan menetap serta tidak berbatas pada situasi tertentu saja. Individu yang mengalami gangguan cemas menyeluruh tentunya akan memiliki hambatan dalam beraktivitas sehari–hari. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keberhasilan penerapan CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) pada individu yang mengalami gangguan cemas menyeluruh. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain eksperimen single case pre test–post test. Subjek penelitian ini adalah seorang perempuan yang mengalami gangguan cemas menyeluruh. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara, dan alat tes psikologi. Pengukuran gangguan cemas menyeluruh menggunakan GAD-7. Intervensi pada penelitian ini adalah CBT dengan teknik mind over mood. Intervensi diberikan sebanyak 5 kali pertemuan. Terdapat penurunan skor GAD-7 pada subjek setelah dilakukan CBT. Sebelum diberikan CBT skor GAD-7 sebesar 14 (sedang) dan setelah diberikan CBT skor GAD-7 subjek turun menjadi 2 (normal). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa CBT mampu untuk mengatasi gangguan cemas menyeluruh yang dialami