Rumah Jurnal Unisnu Jepara (Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara)
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417 research outputs found
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Pengaruh Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Daerah, Teknologi Informasi dan Kualitas Aparatur Terhadap Kualitas Laporan Keuangan
The aim of the research is to analyze the influence of the application of regional financial accounting standards, the use of information technology and the quality of regional government apparatus on the quality of regional financial reports in the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) of Jepara Regency. The population is 46 OPD financial managers. The research results show that the application of regional financial accounting standards has a significant positive effect on the quality of regional financial reports, as shown by the value of tcount (2.006) > ttable (1.65630) and sig. 0.016 < 0.05; The use of information technology has a significant positive effect on the quality of regional financial reports, as shown by the value of tcount (2.567) > ttable (1.65630) and sig. 0.009 < 0.05; and the quality of regional government apparatus has a significant positive effect on the quality of regional financial reports as shown by the value of tcount (2.434) > ttable (1.65630) and sig. 0.015 < 0.05
Analisis Leader Member Exchange, Keseimbangan Kehidupan Kerja, Dan Komitmen Organisasional terhadap Intention Turnover
Research aim of this research is to analyze the influence the variables Leader Member Exchange, Work-Life Balance, and Organizational Commitment to Turnover Intentions employees on PT Pijar Sukma Jepara. Kinds of this research is quantitative. The population was 60 employees, with sampling all population (saturated sample technique). The data analysis used Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and Hypothesis Test. The results shows that Leader Member Exchange has a negative effect to Turnover Intention with t-value -5.177 > t-table -1.672 and significant value 0.000 < 0.05. Work Life Balance has a negative effect to Turnover Intention with t-value -1.912 > t table -1.672 and significant value 0.025 < 0.05. Organizational Commitment has a negative effect to Turnover Intention with t-value of -2.513 > t table 1.67203 and significant value 0.015 < 0.05. Simultaneously F-table is 26.282 > 2.76 and significant value 0,000 < 0.05. So it can be concluded that Leader Member Exchange (X1), Work Life Balance (X2), and Organizational Commitment (X3) simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on the Turnover Intention Variable
The Acceptance Technology of E-Vehicles in Medan City
Objective: his study investigates the acceptance of electric vehicle (EV) technology in Medan City, focusing on aspects that encourage public adoption. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model and the Lazy User (LUM) are utilized to understand these dynamics. Research Design & Methods: A survey was conducted with 411 respondents from several sub-districts in Medan City. The questionnaire included demographic information, driving habits, expectations of electric cars, intention to buy, and Likert scale items related to UTAUT constructs. Data analysis was performed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the PLS method. Findings: Effort expectancy and facilitating conditions significantly influence behavioral intention and use behavior, while Performance Expectancy and Social Influence show inconsistent effects. The LUM is supported, demonstrating that Effort Expectancy influences the preference for least effort behavior. The study highlights the critical role of ease of use and supportive infrastructure in promoting EV adoption. Implications & Recommendations: To enhance EV adoption, it is crucial to focus on improving user experience, developing robust infrastructure, and ensuring consistent performance. Policymakers and stakeholders should implement multifaceted strategies, including significant investments in infrastructure, user education initiatives, and performance assurance, to create a favorable environment for the transition to electric vehicles. Contribution & Value Added: This research contributes to the understanding of EV adoption dynamics by applying the UTAUT model and LUM in a developing country context. It emphasizes the importance of ease of use and facilitating conditions, providing valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders aiming to promote sustainable transportation solutions in urban settings
Pemberdayaan UMKM ditengah arus globalisasi dan tingginya persaingan membuat UMKM harus mampu mengadaptasi tantangan global. Seperti, inovasi produk, baik berupa barang dan jasa. Pelatihan UMKM yang diberikan kepada pelaku usaha merupakan hal yang penting agar dapat bersaing secara sehat dan berkembang pesat di wilayah Jepara. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti memilih metode Optimasi k- nearest neighbor menggunakan algoritma genetic (K-Nn+Ga) karena dapat mengatasi masalah klasifikasi dengan baik. Tujuan dari peneliti ini adalah menerapkan algoritma K-Nn+Ga untuk mendpatkan nilai k yang optimal sehingga dapat memberikan prediksi yang lebih akurat. Data yang doleh pada tools Rapid Minner dengan 6 atribut yaitu nama, jenis usaha, status usaha, bidang usaha, dan dilakukan pengujian model menggunakan k- fold cross validation serta confusion matrix untuk evaluasi dan validasi hasil akurasi sebesar 85,19%. 
Waste in the Rajungan Industry, Bulu Village, Jepara Regency cannot be
managed properly because this industry does not yet have SPAL and IPAL.
Liquid waste resulting from industrial processing is channeled directly into
the sea, causing marine pollution. The planning objective of this final
assignment is to determine the design of the SPAL and IPAL as well as the
RAB needed in the planned SPAL and IPAL construction work in the Bulu
Village crab industry. The results of this technical research show that the
average amount of waste water produced during the processing process per day
is 0.51 m3/day or 507.5 liters/day or 0.02 m3/hour. The appropriate processing
system to be applied in the crab industry is using an anaerobic filter system
with five processing units, namely oil and fat separation tank, equalization
tank, initial settling tank, anaerobic filter and final settling tank. Based on the
calculation of the total planning costs for SPAL and IPAL KUB. The Blessing
of Samudra Rajungan Jepara in Bulu Village is IDR. 56,500,000.Limbah di Industri Rajungan Desa Bulu Kabupaten Jepara belum bisa
dikelola dengan baik dikarenakan industri ini belum memiliki SPAL
dan IPAL. Limbah cair hasil pengolahan industri ini dialirkan langsung
ke laut yang menjadikan pencemaran laut. Tujuan perencanaan dari
Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui desain SPAL dan IPAL serta
RAB yang dibutuhkan dalam pekerjaan pembangunan SPAL dan IPAL
yang direncanakan di industri rajungan Desa Bulu. Hasil penelitian
pada teknis ini menunjukkan bahwa jumlah air limbah yang dihasilkan
pada saat proses pengolahan perhari rata-rata ialah 0,51 m3/hari atau
507,5 liter/hari atau 0,02 m3/jam. Sistem pengolahan yang sesuai untuk
diterapkan pada industri rajungan yaitu menggunakan sistem
anaerobic filter dengan lima unit pengolahan yaitu bak pemisah
minyak dan lemak, bak ekualisasi, bak pengendapan awal, anaerobic
filter dan bak pengendapan akhir. Berdasarkan perhitungan total biaya
perencanaan SPAL dan IPAL KUB. Berkah Samudra Rajungan Jepara
di Desa Bulu sebesar Rp. 56.500.000
The Company Value Considered from Economic Value Added (EVA), Market Value Added (MVA) and Company Size: Study on the Food and Beverage Sub-Sector Manufacturing Companies
This study aims to examine the effects of Economic Value Added (EVA), Market Value Added (MVA), and company size towards the company value on the food and beverage sub-sector manufacturing companies, listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2018-2021 period. It is the descriptive research using the quantitative approach. The research population involved the food and beverage sub- sector manufacturing companies, listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2018-2021 period. Then, the sampling technique used purposive sampling, and the number of research samples was 44 companies. The used data were the secondary data which were obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), and the data analysis was multiple linear regression analysis by using Eviews 10. The research results showed that (1) Economic Value Added had no significant effect on the company Value. (2) Market Value Added had a significant positive effect on the company Value. (3) Company Size had a significant negative effect on the company Value
Didalam industri rental mobil, manajemen armada menjadi aspek kendaraan untuk mencapai operasional memenuhituntutan pelanggan yang semakin kompleks. Adanya optimasi manajemen armada dengan tujuan meningkatkan efesiensi operasional dalam bisnis rental mobil, metode penelitian tindakan digunakan untuk merancang dan menerapkan strategi optimasi pada sebuah perusahaan rental mobil berpengalaman. studi ini memberikan konstribusi kepada pemahaman praktis tentang pentignya manajement armada yang efektif dalam bisnis rental mobil. Implikasi praktis dari strategi optimasi yang disusulkan dibahas, memberikan panduan bagi perusahaan rental mobil untuk meningkatkan daya saing mereka dalam menghadapi dinamika pasar yang cepat berubah.membuat aplikasi rental mobil menggunakan pemograman php dan Mysql dan Bootstrap dan CSS ini memudahkan perusahaan dalam mengakses manajemen rental mobil di era digital 4.0. menggunakan Power BI
Kata Kunci : Rental Mobil,Manejemen,Php dan Mysql, Power BIDidalam industri rental mobil, manajemen armada menjadi aspek kendaraan untuk mencapai operasional memenuhituntutan pelanggan yang semakin kompleks. Adanya optimasi manajemen armada dengan tujuan meningkatkan efesiensi operasional dalam bisnis rental mobil, metode penelitian tindakan digunakan untuk merancang dan menerapkan strategi optimasi pada sebuah perusahaan rental mobil berpengalaman. studi ini memberikan konstribusi kepada pemahaman praktis tentang pentignya manajement armada yang efektif dalam bisnis rental mobil. Implikasi praktis dari strategi optimasi yang disusulkan dibahas, memberikan panduan bagi perusahaan rental mobil untuk meningkatkan daya saing mereka dalam menghadapi dinamika pasar yang cepat berubah.membuat aplikasi rental mobil menggunakan pemograman php dan Mysql dan Bootstrap dan CSS ini memudahkan perusahaan dalam mengakses manajemen rental mobil di era digital 4.0. menggunakan Power BI
Kata Kunci : Rental Mobil,Manajemen,Php dan Mysql, Power B
The Influence of Destination Image, Attraction, and Tourist Satisfaction on Revisit Intention : Study of Kali Bening Tourists, Jepara, Indonesia
This research aims to determine the influence of Destination Image, Attraction, Tourist Satisfaction on Revisit Intention. This type of research is quantitative research and uses primary data obtained from questionnaires, and secondary data obtained from the Jepara Tourism and Culture Office as well as data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The sample for this research was 100 tourists who had visited the Kali Bening Tourism in Tanjung Village in 2021. The analysis used multiple linear regression analysis which was processed using SPSS version 25. The research results showed that partially the Destination Image variable had no effect, while the Attraction and Tourist Satisfaction variables had an effect on Revisit Intention at the Kali Bening Tourism Destination, Tanjung Jepara Village. Meanwhile, simultaneously, the Influence of Destination Image, Attraction, and Tourist Satisfaction on Revisit Intention at the Kali Bening Tourist Destination, Tanjung Village, Jepara Regency, Indonesia
Media sosial telah menjadi alat utama untuk interaksi antar pengguna dan penyebaran informasi. Dampaknya mencakup persaingan untuk mendapatkan perhatian di platform seperti Instagram, yang mengakibatkan masalah seperti penipuan akun, pencurian data pribadi, dan perdagangan akun hasil retas. Salah satu jenis kejahatan yang umum terjadi adalah spear phishing, di mana penjahat menciptakan halaman palsu yang menyerupai platform asli untuk menipu pengguna. Digital forensik menjadi kunci dalam menemukan bukti digital terkait kejahatan ini. Penelitian ini fokus pada analisis digital forensik terkait tindak spear phishing dengan menggunakan metode OSCAR, yang mencakup tahapan Obtain information, Strategize, Collect evidence, Analyze, dan Report. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi laman phishing dengan domain pelaku phishing. Metode OSCAR memberikan panduan sistematis untuk menyelidiki dan melaporkan tindakan kejahatan phishing ini dengan menggunakan pendekatan forensik yang efektif
Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Keuangan Pondok Pesantren Putri Al-Muqoddasah Kudus Berbasis Responsive Web Design Menggunakan Notifikasi Whatsapp
Al-Muqoddasah Islamic Boarding School is one of the Islamic educational institutions in Kudus. Financial management that still uses a manual system by recording in books or paper documents, which results in a buildup of documents that cause difficulty in finding data on students who will make payments, financial reports that are less accurate both in terms of data collection and total nominal. Lack of trust from parents towards the pesantren because of the lack of transparent management of pesantren finances. Observing the existing obstacles, the author makes an Information System for Financial Management of the Al- Muqoddasah Kudus Islamic Boarding School Based on Responsive Web Design Using Whatsapp Notifications so that it can make it easier for administrators to carry out financial management both from payment of pesantren fees, income and expenditure of funds and can minimize data redundancy and provide information to student guardians using payment delinquency reminder messages. Waterfall system development method. Information system design used Unified Modeling Language (UML) which is expected to produce a new system design that is better and can solve the problems that exist in the boarding school.
Keywords: Information System, Boarding School, Financial Management, Responsive Web Desig