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1832 research outputs found
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The Influence Of Social Media Marketing And Brand Awareness On Purchasing Interest And Its Implications On Brand Loyalty (Study: Madame Gie By Gisella Anastasia)
The purpose of this research was to determine and analyze the influence of social media marketing and brand awareness on purchasing interest and its implications for brand loyalty (Study: Madame Gie By Gisella Anastasia). This research discusses the dimensions contained in each variable which are then studied to determine the influence between the research variables and the object. The method used in this research is quantitative with a questionnaire survey via Google Form to 100 respondents using a random sampling method, then processed using Smart PLS. The results obtained from the hypothesis test (T test) are that social media marketing has a positive and significant relationship with purchase interest with a calculated t of 2.180 ≥ t table 1.984. Social media marketing does not have a positive and significant relationship with brand loyalty with a t count of 0.954 < t table 1.984. Brand awareness has a positive and significant relationship with purchase interest with a t count of 6.025≥ t table 1.984. Brand awareness does not have a positive and significant relationship with brand loyalty. Brand awareness has a significant effect on brand loyalty with a calculated t of 5.952≥ t table 1.98.4 Purchase interest has a positive and significant relationship with brand loyalty, the coefficient of determination in this study is 72%. The implications of this research can provide understanding for business actors to continue to pay attention to and build good social media marketing and brand awareness, especially Madame Gie
Preloved Luxury Bag Business Plan Through Social Media "Nalux Boutique"
The use of preloved luxury bags is in great demand among some consumers. Preloved's sales industry on social media is currently growing very rapidly. Nalux Boutique was founded in 2020 by starting to market through Instagram and it turns out that people's enthusiasm is very high. Nalux Boutique has an innovation to provide rentals for some of the luxury bags sold. The business strategy carried out by Nalux Boutique starts from analyzing STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning) and analyzing the marketing mix strategy, as well as a SWOT analysis of the Nalux Boutique business. And pay attention to the risks that may occur during the course of running this business. The results of the strategy analysis found that this business focused on selling through online (Instagram social media) and based on the business feasibility analysis, it was stated that Nalux Boutique is feasible to run even though the Profitability Index is relatively small because the initial capital uses personal capital without using other loans and the profits are used to buy luxury bag stocks. The result of the payback period calculation is that the return of capital will occur in the 2nd year
Performance Assessment of the Internal Data Monitoring Information System (E-Simdatin) at the Directorate General of Regional Development
The e-Simdatin application is an important instrument in accelerating access to information, simplifying the data collection process, facilitating analysis and decision making related to regional development. This research aims to describe, analyze and determine the Performance Assessment at the Directorate General of Regional Development through the Internal Data Monitoring Information System (e-Simdatin) including supporting and inhibiting factors as well as efforts in implementing activities. The research method used was descriptive qualitative research using 9 informants determined by purposive sampling. The theory used in this research uses Mahsun's (2016) theory which consists of 6 dimensions and 10 indicators. Data collection uses interviews, observation, documentation and triangulation techniques. Based on data analysis and discussion regarding the Performance Assessment of the Internal Data Monitoring Information System (e-Simdatin) at the Directorate General of Regional Development, it is in accordance with the process, output, benefits, input, impact indicators. The results (outcomes) are good at 94.14, the results of the Budget Implementation Performance Indicator (IKPA) value by the Ministry of Finance and the Review Result Notes (CHR) of the Performance Report from the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Home Affairs, achieving predetermined targets and increasing budget realization and performance. However, it still needs to be improved due to a shortage of Human Resources (HR) to support the implementation of the e-Simdatin application. Inhibiting factors are changes to indicator targets that are not immediately changed, input at the end of the deadline, low competence, lack of PIC concern, and no satisfaction rating available on the e-Simdatin application. Supporting factors are the availability of SOPs, guidebooks, IT equipment, and leadership support. Efforts that should be made include changing targets on time, clarity in inputting output, socializing the use of the e-Simdatin application, fostering a sense of empathy for PIC, and adding features related to assessing user satisfaction of the e-Simdatin application
Arabic Phonology (A Generative Analysis)
The aim of the research is to determine and analyze the form of transcription of Arabic phenotes, description and naming of Arabic language segments, description of Arabic language segments according to different characteristics and Arabic phonological processes. Data was taken using Arabic phonology with a review of generative analysis as a theoretical framework. Generative analysis is used to process the birth structure which can produce phonetic images. From the analysis results obtained it is concluded that 1) if the smoothed and loudened sounds meet then one of them is reversed. Example (if al) of the word (fa'ala). Apart from that, the sound of the letter j (waw) is sharpened, while the letter (ta') is softened j, 2) the transfer of air flow from the mouth to the nose or vice versa. The nature of sound is divided into two, namely the first exhalation of air through the mouth when speaking and is generally found in Arabic such as dal and la'. Both of them come out through the nose like the letters ? min and nun. The letters m ba turn into ? (mim) or the sound that passes from the mouth (ba') changes to the nasal sound (miim) as the combination of nin and lam in the example, 3) Shifting sound makhraj. There are various forms of assimilation from the original makhraj to other makhraj, many of which are found replacing the letter ^ with characteristics typical of modern Arabic dialects, such as when Egyptians pronounce (4->j±kU ) changed to (4j). and 4) Change in the nature of the sound from loud to soft. This assimilation is often found in idgham which consists of idgham mutamasilain, Idgham mutajanisasin, and Tdgham mutaqaribai
The role of shoope's live streaming feature as digital marketing for online shop
Digital marketing also makes it easier for business people to monitor and provide all the needs and desires of potential consumers, and on the other hand potential consumers can search for and obtain product information just by browsing cyberspace, thus making the search process easier (Dedi, Rahmi, & Shandy, 2018). Of course, this existence cannot be avoided due to the rapid development of technology, especially in this era. Shopee LIVE is a feature that allows you to create live streaming sessions and promote shops & products directly to buyers. In the context of the research explained previously, the researcher focused his research on the role of the Shopee Live Streaming Feature as Digital Marketing for the Kalukalu.Id Online Shop, the role of the live streaming feature in Shopee E-Commerce as a form of new adaptation of marketing communications during the pandemic for the brand) . As a medium for disseminating information and education, distribution media and media that influences audiences by segmenting permanent and potential consumers of The aim of this research is how to process information from to consumers, the selection of features in live streaming chosen by, and the role of live features in maintaining the flow of communication on Instagram social media as a medium for buying and selling transactions
Analysis of the influence of trust, risk perception On online purchase decisions (study on shopee consumers in Durikulon village)
Along with the development of e-commerce in Indonesia, customers are increasingly favored by shopping online to fulfill their needs. This study aims to understand the effect of trust, perceived risk on online purchasing decisions on shopee consumers in Durikulon village. This type of research is quantitative with random sampling technique. Data collection was obtained from 80 respondents with a questionnaire consisting of questions with a Likert scale. The data analysis method used to determine the effect of trust (X1) and risk perception (X2) on purchasing decisions is multiple linear regression and coefficient of determination, while to find out there is whether or not the influence is partially or individually significant, namely the t test and simultaneously together, namely the F test. The results of multiple linear regression obtained are Y = 0.898 + 0.667X1 + 0.316X2, the most dominant variable is Trust (X1) with a beta of 0.898. The results of the calculation of the partial confidence t test (X1) obtained a tcount value of 6,000 > ttable 1,991. So Ho rejected Ha accepted. Risk perception variable (X2) obtained tcount value of 5.189 > ttable 1.91. So Ho rejected Ha accepted. F test results can be obtained Fcount 60,044 > Ftable 3,12 which indicates that Ho is rejected Ha is accepted. Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that overall the independent variables have a significant value in a positive direction. The trust variable has the most dominant value compared to the risk perception variable. The trust and risk perception variables also have a significant influence either partially or simultaneously on the dependent variable. namely the purchase decision
Understanding the Role of Organizational Culture in Knowledge Management in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Organizational culture has a significant impact on how knowledge is organized, shared and utilized in the MSME environment. This research aims to explore the role of organizational culture in the context of knowledge management in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The research results show that organizational culture plays a central role in the effectiveness of knowledge management at the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) level. A culture that supports collaboration, innovation, and learning creates an environment that supports the exchange of ideas, integration of individual knowledge, and social interaction among MSME team members. Leaders who understand and support the organization's culture are key to stimulating successful knowledge management practices. By wisely utilizing organizational culture, MSMEs can improve operational efficiency, stimulate innovation, and compete effectively in dynamic markets, which in turn increases the competitiveness and sustainability of their businesses
Management of Darul Kutub prayer room in improving religious jurisprudence understanding for students at Anwarul Huda Islamic boarding school in Malang
Mosque or musholla is a place of worship for Muslims. In modern times, prayer rooms and mosques are increasingly multiplying and easier to find, resulting in many places where mosques and prayer rooms are renovated to look magnificent and beautiful. Handling this is not a problem if the splendor is also accompanied by many activities in it so that development and activities run well, including one of them at Musholla Darul Kutub. The research method used is qualitative type. The results obtained include: 1) Musholah Management: there are 4 Planning, organizing, mobilizing and supervising. Where in the management is carried out gradually so that the purpose of Musholla for students, especially in the field of religious fiqh is well achieved: 2) The efforts of the Darul Kutub Musholla Management in increasing the understanding of Religious Fiqh, there are several good activities carried out by the musholla management and also cooperation with the head of the pesantren. These activities include: the existence of a library at Musholla Darul Kutub with all kinds of various religious books including contemporary fiqh, the existence of batsul masail activities carried out by the musholla management in collaboration with mutakhorijin students and alumni ustadz related to religious fiqh, and the existence of daily routine religious activities including congregational prayers, and reciting the yellow book from all aspects of the field including fiqh
Performance of regional women's empowerment and child protection services in serving victims of sexual violence in North Sulawesi province
This research was motivated by the less than optimal performance of the Regional Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service at the Regional Technical Implementation Unit for Women and Child Protection (UPTD PPA) in serving victims of sexual violence in North Sulawesi province. This research aims to determine and analyze the performance carried out by the Regional Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service at the Regional Technical Implementation Unit for Women and Child Protection (UPTD PPA). This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis method using data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research indicate that the performance of the Regional Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service at the Regional Technical Implementation Unit for Women and Child Protection (UPTD PPA) in serving victims of sexual violence in North Sulawesi province has not been fully implemented optimally, such as productivity is still less than optimal, resource support is good that human resources and financial resources as well as existing facilities and infrastructure are inadequate, then the Responsibility indicator has not yet provided the services that society needs as seen from the fulfillment of victims' rights through services from organizations that have not been obtained comprehensively, then the accountability indicator is also lacking. maximum according to the research results, the activities carried out by the agency have not reached the target, then the responsiveness indicator is quite good by building an online reporting application, and finally the service quality indicator is still not optimal, as can be seen from not all victims' rights being fulfilled comprehensively
The effect of applying the snowball throwing method on learning outcomes of Islamic religious education UMI literature faculty student
The research problem is how the learning process of PAI before and after using the snowball throwing method for students of the Faculty of Letters of UMI and whether the snowball throwing method is effective and communicative. One of the alternative, effective and communicative learning methods is the Snowball Throwing method. The research problem, how is the PAI learning process before and after using the snowball throwing method for students of the Faculty of Letters UMI and whether the snowball throwing learning method can improve the PAI learning outcomes of students of the Faculty of Letters UMI. The purpose of the study was to describe the learning process of Islamic Education before and after using the snowball throwing method and to describe the effectiveness of the snowball throwing learning method in improving the learning outcomes of Islamic Education for students of the Faculty of Letters of UMI. This research is a class action research with research subjects of UMI Faculty of Letters students. Data collection techniques through tests, observations, interviews and documentation. Data were processed with descriptive analysis. The results showed that Islamic Religious Education learning, generally lecturers use the lecture method which tends to produce less effective and boring learning activities, while the application of the snowball throwing method in Islamic Religious Education learning is very effective, because it encourages active students and emphasizes all students to be ready and focused on receiving material and answering questions from the questions given, emphasizes teamwork and has implications for the value of student final results indicated by changes in knowledge, understanding, speaking skills, awakened cooperation between students during the teaching and learning process