Jurnal Keberlanjutan (Journal of Sustainability)
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767 research outputs found
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Characteristics of Open Coal Mine Wastewater Conditions in Tanah Bumbu District, South Kalimantan, Indonesia
This research aims to determine the condition of waste in terms of the quality of the elements Fe, Mn, pH and TSS, and to determine the tendency of this waste in the settling pond of coal mines in Tanah Bumbu Regency, South Kalimantan. The research results show that at the settling pond location of the open coal mine the concentration of Fe quality is between (0.023 – 6.50) mg/lt and Mn (0.02-2.14) mg/lt, and the TSS quality is 76 mg/lt to 801 mg/lt and the pH is between 6.40 to 8.10. Trends in Fe waste Most of the results are still below environmental quality standards, only in July 2022 the quality will increase to 6.5 mg/lt. Meanwhile, Mn waste for a year is still below the government's standard environmental quality standards, but the highest quality is in September 2024 reaching 3.35 mg/lt, this quality is still below environmental quality standards. The trend in pH quality in general is still normal, only in February 2024 the quality exceeds environmental quality standards, increasing to 8.10 mg/lt. Finally, for TSS quality, the trend is from January to August 2024 to decrease, then in September it increases significantly to 801 mg/lt and then gradually decreases until December 2024 to 182 mg/lt.
Keywords : Environmental quality standards, Coal mine wastewater, trends quality
The Role of Trust in Mediating the Influence of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty in the Money Changer Industry Badung Regency
Currently, competition in the business world feels increasingly fierce, this can also be felt in Indonesia. Likewise, the conditions that occur in foreign currency exchange service businesses or what are usually called Money Changers. In Bali, especially in the Badung area, the level of business competition is increasing along with the increasing number of companies operating in similar fields. According to data from the Foreign Exchange Traders Association (APVA), the number of money changers in Badung Regency has reached 117 companies. phenomenon that occurs in the money changer industry in Badung Regency, which still does not have a company license, which causes the money changer to sell prices at foreign exchange rates that do not comply with the policies of KUPVA BB (Non-Bank Foreign Currency Exchange Business Activities) such as giving commissions to customers, thereby making The customer feels disadvantaged because the amount exchanged does not match the amount received. This research aims to analyze the influence of the role of trust in mediating the influence of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. The population of this research is all tourists visiting Badung Regency. The sample used was 120 foreign tourists in Badung Regency. The data collection method uses a survey method and the research instrument uses a questionnaire. The analysis technique used to answer the hypothesis is inferential analysis using Partial Least Square (PLS). The research results found that service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. Service quality has a positive and significant effect on trust. 
The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Acceptance of Going Concern Audit Opinion and Audit Quality on Abnormal Returns
This research aims to examine the influence of CSR disclosure, acceptance of going concern audit opinion and audit quality on market reactions as measured by abnormal returns. The information content in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure, receipt of going concern audit opinion and audit quality are signals from the company that are predicted to cause a market reaction. The sample was obtained using a purposive sampling method and 20 mining sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010-2013 were selected. The analytical method used in this research is multiple regression analysis. The results of hypothesis testing show that CSR disclosure, acceptance of going concern audit opinion, audit quality, company size and asset growth rate simultaneously influence abnormal returns. Meanwhile, partial CSR disclosure, acceptance of going concern audit opinion and audit quality do not affect abnormal returns. This implies that financial information is still a reference for investors in making investment decisions. They do not pay much attention to CSR disclosure information, going concern audit opinion and audit quality as a tool for predicting the future. This also shows that the characteristics of investors in the Indonesian capital market are more long-term oriented
How Do Publicly Listed Companies Report on Sustainability? A Mapping of the Standard/Framework Used By Industrial Firms in the Philippines
The study aims to determine what kind of submission industrial firms do and the standard/framework industrial companies use to comply with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 4, series of 2019. A reporting template that serves as a guide to Publicly-Listed Companies to disclose economic, environmental, and social effects in compliance with globally accepted standards. The study considered the seventy-two (72) subsectors of publicly listed industrial companies. The annual report and sustainability report in 2020 were gathered from the Philippine Stock Exchange and company websites. The analysis was conducted by listing the companies and finding out if the company disclosed or did not disclose their sustainability report and presented through trends, frequencies, characteristics, and categories. The study revealed that the most common format and framework used was the SEC Sustainability Reporting Template. As for the disclosures, the majority of the companies disclosed their scope and boundaries, materiality assessment, and UN Sustainable Development Goals, while the majority of the companies did not disclose their external assurance and sustainability governance and management system. The sustainability reporting of publicly listed industrial companies in the Philippines is still developing and is fairly new as reporting sustainability reports has only been mandatory for publicly listed companies in 2019
Building Business Strategies Through Entrepreneurship Competence And Product Innovation To Improve Performance
The purpose of the study was to determine and empirically test the relationship between entrepreneurial competence and product innovation on performance through business strategies for PKK women, Banjarsari District, Surakarta City, Central Java, Indonesia. The sample consists of 100 PKK women who have a business or side business of batik patchwork, taken using a purposive random sampling technique. The data were analyzed concerning the Validity and Reliability test, Linearity, t-test, F-test, Coefficient of Determination, Path analysis and Correlation. The results of the test partially that product innovation and entrepreneurial competence and business strategy have a positive and significant effect on performance. Entrepreneurial competence and product innovation have a positive and significant effect on business strategy partly. The variables of entrepreneurial competence, product innovation and business strategy were able to contribute to improving performance by 78.22%, and the rest is explained by other variables such as entrepreneurial orientations, environment, competitive advantage and others. From the path analysis, it was found that business strategy could better mediate the effect of entrepreneurial competence and product innovation on performance. To improve performance through business strategies it is more effective if by increasing product innovation, after that entrepreneurial competence
Design and Implementation of Solar-Powered Submersible Water Pump for Irrigation System in Subak Munduk Babakan Sangeh, Bali
This paper presents a comprehensive study on the design, implementation, and performance evaluation of a Solar-Powered Submersible Water Pump (SPSWP) system tailored for agricultural irrigation in Subak Munduk Babakan, Sangeh, Bali. With a focus on sustainable agriculture and water resource management, the system addresses the challenges of water scarcity during the dry season in the absence of natural irrigation sources. The SPSWP system, consisting of solar panels with a pump controller, a submersible pump, and a water tank, harnesses solar energy to power the pump, eliminating the need for extensive infrastructure. The research encompasses site survey and mapping, analysis and design, installation, benefits beyond irrigation, and technical measurements. The implementation shows promising results in overcoming water scarcity issues. The system's advantages include minimal maintenance, cost savings, and enhanced reliability.
Additionally, the SPSWP system serves as an educational site for renewable energy study and awareness. Performance metrics are measured and discussed, including solar irradiance, voltage, current, solar panel temperature, and water discharge. The results indicate fluctuating solar energy availability, with voltage and current aligning with solar panel specifications. The system demonstrates a water discharge rate of 0.56 liters/second, showcasing promising outcomes in addressing water scarcity challenges for agricultural irrigation. Further research and monitoring are required to assess the long-term performance and sustainability of the system
Risk Management as a Moderator of the Influence of Good Corporate Governance on Corporate Sustainability in Village Credit Institutions
Village Credit Institutions (hereinafter referred to as LPD) in Bali were established based on Bali Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2002 and have been amended several times. The existence of LPD is needed to ensure the realization of the welfare of the traditional village community. LPD must continue to strive so that its sustainability is maintained properly. A number of LPDs in Bali have developed well and their benefits are felt by the village community, but there are also LPDs in a number of villages that have not been able to develop well, and some are even not operating. Based on these conditions, this study was conducted to analyze a number of factors that can affect the sustainability of LPDs in Bali. This study focuses on those that are most likely to affect the sustainability of LPDs, This study focuses on good corporate governance and credit risk management in LPDs in Gianyar Regency. Good corporate governance includes six dimensions: participation, responsibility, independence, fairness, accountability, and transparency. Corporate sustainability is assessed through economic, social, and environmental performance. The research sampled 84 healthy LPDs registered with the Village Credit Institution Empowerment Institution (LPLPD) using purposive sampling. The LPD chairpersons served as respondents, and data analysis was conducted using the structural equation modeling (SEM) method based on partial least squares (PLS)
Perceptions of Generation Z Communities in Bandung City Towards Interest in Using Fintech Lending
This research aims to provide insights to online lending service providers, the government, and financial institutions to improve financial literacy and customize services according to Generation Z's needs and expectations. The focus is on exploring the factors influencing Generation Z's decision to utilize Fintech Lending, such as perceived ease of use, usefulness, and trust. This study uses a descriptive quantitative method to reveal Generation Z's tendency to respond to these digital financial products. It was found that factors such as intention to use, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and trust significantly influence their interest in using Fintech Lending. The conclusions of this study provide insights for Fintech Lending service providers, government, and financial institutions to improve services and financial literacy that align with Generation Z's expectations and needs. This research uses a descriptive quantitative method with a sample of generation Z respondents in Bandung. The variables studied include intention to use, perceived convenience, usefulness, and trust in online loans. The results showed that these variables significantly influence Generation Z's interest in using online loans. The findings provide valuable insights for financial service providers to customize their products and services to be more appealing to generation Z.
ESG Implementation in Modern Business Oriented Towards Sustainable Management
This research aims to understand how ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) implementation strategies can be optimized to improve the company's financial performance and long-term value. In addition, this research identifies the main obstacles that companies face in adopting and integrating ESG principles into their business strategies, especially in the current context of globalization and market complexity. This research also analyzes the influence of ESG implementation on a company's reputation and image in the eyes of stakeholders, including investors, consumers and the wider community. The research results show that effective ESG implementation can reduce operational risks, increase efficiency, and attract sustainable investment, ultimately strengthening a company's competitiveness. However, challenges such as measurement difficulties, implementation costs, and pressure from stakeholders remain obstacles that must be overcome. Successful ESG integration can create long-term, sustainable value for a company and its stakeholders
Uc Esport Instagram Management
Marketing using the internet or electronic media has experienced a significant increase. The development of this technology is increasingly mushrooming because the internet makes it easier to search for information and communicate quickly and remotely. One of them is carrying out promotional activities on social media. The activity promoted on social media is UC Esports. UC Esport is one of the SMEs popular with many people because it plays MOBA games such as Mobile Legends, Valorant, PUBG, etc. UC Esport faces problems because fewer players are visiting UC Esport's Instagram to buy products and events. Therefore, researchers want to examine how UC Esport manages its Instagram account using social media theory and find out what UC Esport needs to improve in its Instagram account. This researcher used a quasi-qualitative research method. Data was collected using interview and documentation methods. The data is processed using the results of interviews, which are then transcribed, and all data is presented systematically. Then, the data will be validated using three triangulation data sources, which were collected from 3 sources in this research: managers, UC Esport followers, and UC Esport UKM leaders. After validation, researchers will conduct a reliability test. The reliability test used dependency and triangulation with experts to provide further information about this research. This research shows that UC Esport can manage an Instagram account, as evidenced by the many followers, merchandise purchases, and people participating in UC Esport activities