92067 research outputs found
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Lesiones cutáneas relacionadas con la dependencia: lesiones por presión y lesiones por fricción y la relación con el uso de cambios posturales y sujeciones físicas
Introducción: Las lesiones son frecuentes en personas mayores y, con una población cada vez más envejecida, un aumento del uso de sujeciones físicas y una elevada prevalencia de lesiones por dependencia junto con la baja investigación sobre el uso de cambios posturales hacen necesario un aumento de investigación en este campo. Objetivos: Evaluar la relación entre el uso de sujeciones físicas, los cambios posturales, y el uso de superficies de apoyo en la prevención de lesiones por dependencia en personas mayores. Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo transversal que ha sido realizado en cuatro centros sociosanitarios de la provincia de Castellón. Para las variables cuantitativas comparadas con variables cualitativas se utilizó el test para muestras no paramétricas y la regresión logística. Para las variables cualitativas se realizaron comparaciones mediante tablas de frecuencia, el test chi cuadrado, incidencias, tablas de contingencia, Odds Ratio (OR) y la Razón de Prevalencia (RP). Resultados: Algunos resultados relevantes son que los cambios posturales y el uso de superficies especiales para el manejo de la presión actúan como factor de riesgo, la lesión más frecuente es en sacro y no se observa un mayor uso de sujeciones en las personas con mayor dependencia ni tampoco en aquellas con mayor deterioro cognitivo. Discusión/conclusiones: Se han obtenido resultados novedosos debido a que se han estudiado relaciones entre variables que no se habían investigado con anterioridad. Observamos a través de los resultados obtenidos que existe relación entre el uso de cambios posturales y sujeciones físicas y la aparición de lesiones por dependencia.Introduction: Injuries are frequent in elderly and, with an ever-older population, an increase in physical restraints use and high prevalence of dependence-related skin lesions along with the low investigation on repositioning made necessary an increase in research in this area. Objectives: To examine the relationship between the use of physical restraints, repositioning and dependence-related skin lesions in institutionalized elderly. Methodology: Observational descriptive cross-sectional study made in four nursing homes in the province of Castellón. For quantitative variables compared with qualitative variables, the non-parametric test U Mann-Whitney and the logistic regression were used. For the qualitative variables, comparisons were made using frequency tables, the chi-square test, prevalence, contingency tables, the Odds Ratio (OR) and the Prevalence Ratio (PR). Results: Some relevant results are that the most frequent injury is in the sacrum, more injuries are observed in repositioning group and the most used type of physical restraints is bed rails. A greater use of physical restraints is not observed in people with greater dependence or in those with greater cognitive impairment. Discussion/conclusions: Novel results have been obtained because relationships have been studied between variables that had not been researched before. Through this thesis a step is taken towards the relationship between repositioning, physical restraints and dependence-related skin lesions.Programa de Doctorat en Ciències de la Infermeri
Unraveling the mechanism of CH3CH2OH dehydrogenation on m-ZrO2(111) surface, Au13 cluster, and Au13 cluster/m-ZrO2(111) surface: A DFT and microkinetic modeling study
The dehydrogenation of CH3CH2OH to produce CH3CHO and H2 is crucial for generating valuable chemicals. This study uses density functional theory (DFT) and microkinetic modeling to elucidate the reaction pathways on the m-ZrO2 (111) surface, Au13 cluster, and Au13 cluster/m-ZrO2(111) surface. Dehydrogenation on both the m-ZrO2(111) surface and Au13 cluster occurs via two key steps. The first step involves the cleavage of the O[sbnd]H bond in CH3CH2OH, forming a CH3CH2O moiety and an O[sbnd]H bond with the lattice oxygen on m-ZrO2 (1 1 1) surface or with a low-coordination Au atom in the Au13 cluster, respectively; while the formation of H2 takes place in the second step; however, the results microkinetic modeling render low values for the corresponding rate constants for this reaction path. Although the Au13cluster/m-ZrO2(1 1 1) surface introduces an additional step, where the H atom migrates from the m-ZrO2 (1 1 1) surface to the Au13 cluster, we shown that the relative energy of the three transition states is similar, the activation barriers are lower, and the rate constants are favorable for the dehydrogenation of CH3CH2OH. These results demonstrate the potential of the Au13 cluster supported on m-ZrO2(1 1 1) for efficient and selective CH3CHO and H2 production, providing valuable insights for advanced catalytic system design.L.H.M. acknowledges supporting Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazil (CAPES) from grants PROEX process number 88887.500150/2020-00 and PRINT process number 88887.836086/2023-00. Acknowledges the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC/ MCTI, Brazil) for providing HPC resources of the SDumont supercomputer, which have contributed to the research results reported within this work (URL: http://sdumont.lncc.br). A.L.C. acknowledges the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazil (CAPES): Finance Code 001 and from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de São Paulo - Brazil (FAPESP): number 2019/12501-0. J.A. acknowledges Universitat Jaume I (project UJI-B2022–56), Generalitat Valenciana (Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital – project CIAICO/2021/122, and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España (project PID2022–141089NB-I00) for financially supporting this research
Computing parameter planes of iterative root-finding methods with several free critical points
In this paper we present an algorithm to obtain the parameter planes of families of root-finding
methods with several free critical points. The parameter planes show the joint behaviour of all
critical points. This algorithm avoids the inconsistencies arising from the relationship between
the different critical points as well as the indeterminacy caused by the square roots involved
in their computation.
We analyse the suitability of this algorithm by drawing the parameter planes of different
Newton-like methods with two and three critical points. We also present some results of
the expressions of the Newton-like operators and their derivatives in terms of palindromic
polynomials, and we show how to obtain the expression of the critical points of a Newton-like
method with real coefficients.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume
The 2024 phononic crystals roadmap
Over the past 3 decades, phononic crystals experienced revolutionary development for
understanding and utilizing mechanical waves by exploring interaction between mechanical
waves and structures. With the significant advances in manufacture technologies from nanoscale
to macroscale, phononic crystals attract researchers from diverse disciplines to study abundant
directions such as bandgaps, dispersion engineering, novel modes, reconfigurable control,
efficient design algorithms and so on. The aim of this roadmap is to present the current state of
the art, an overview of properties, functions and applications of phononic crystals, opinions on
the challenges and opportunities. The various perspectives cover wide topics on basic property,
homogenization, machine learning assisted design, topological, non-Hermitian, nonreciprocal,
nanoscale, chiral, nonlocal, active, spatiotemporal, hyperuniform properties of phononic
crystals, and applications in underwater acoustics, seismic wave protection, vibration and noise
control, thermal transport, sensing, acoustic tweezers, written by over 40 renown experts. It is
also intended to guide researchers, funding agencies and industry in identifying new prospects
for phononic crystals in the upcoming years
Generalized Hilbert operators acting on weighted spaces of holomorphic functions with sup-norms
The behaviour of the generalized Hilbert operator associated with a positive finite Borel measure μ on [0, 1) is investigated when it acts on weighted Banach spaces of holomorphic functions on the unit disc defined by sup-norms and on Korenblum type growth Banach spaces. It is studied when the operator is well defined, bounded and compact. To this aim, we study when it can be represented as an integral operator. We observe important differences with the behaviour of the Cesàro-type operator acting on these spaces, getting that boundedness and compactness are equivalent concepts for some standard weights. For the space of bounded holomorphic functions on the disc and for the Wiener algebra, we get also this equivalence, which is characterized in turn by the summability of the moments of the measure μ. In the latter case, it is also equivalent to nuclearity. Nuclearity of the generalized Hilbert operator acting on related spaces, such as the classical Hardy space, is also analyzed.The research of J. Bonet and E. Jordá was partially supported by the project PID2020-119457GB-100 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume I
The role of design in extended producer responsibility. Ecomodulation of Spanish industry
El incremento de los residuos textiles y de calzado producido por la moda rápida representa un desafío ambiental sin precedentes. Este artículo explora la Responsabilidad Ampliada del Productor (RAP) como una solución clave, enmarcada en los planes de acción de Economía Circular (EC) del Pacto Verde europeo.
Se analiza el papel del diseño en la RAP mediante la revisión de literatura, estudios de caso de sistemas pioneros como el SCRAP francés, y el estado evolutivo de la EC en España a través de entrevistas a las partes interesadas. Los principales hallazgos de la investigación dibujan el modo de implantación de la ecomodulación, el ecodiseño colectivo y las infaestructuras para la EC del sector en España. El trabajo concluye con una propuesta de sistema de incentivos a los productores por ecodiseño del producto y nuevas líneas de investigación en la ecomodulación del textil y el calzado a implementar durante los próximos años.The increase in textile and footwear waste produced by fast fashion represents an unprecedented environmental challenge. This article explores Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) as a key solution, framed within the Circular Economy (CE) action plans of the European Green Deal. The role of design in EPR has been analyzed through literature review, case studies of pioneering systems such as the French eco organization, and the evolution of CE in Spain through interviews to stakeholders. The main findings of the research outline the implementation of ecomodulation, collective eco-design and actual development of infrastructures for CE in the Spanish sector. This paper concludes with a proposal for a system of incentives for product eco-design to producers and new lines of research in the ecomodulation of textiles and footwear to be implemented in the coming years
Applying Dialectical Behavior Therapy as aTransdiagnostic Treatment in a Case of BorderlinePersonality Disorder and Eating Disorder
This article presents a case study of a 31‐year‐old woman with a dual diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and
Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS). Paula received a 12‐month Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) outpatient
treatment. DBT is considered a transdiagnostic treatment approach to address emotion dysregulation, which shifts the therapy
focus traditionally placed only on behavioral change toward including also validation and acceptance and dialectical strategies.
DBT addresses eating symptomatology as a dysfunctional form of emotional regulation and has shown promising results
regarding its efficacy for the treatment of BPD and EDNOS comorbidity. Given the growing evidence, a standard DBT treatment
plan was developed for this case. Specifically, pretreatment and phase 1 of the DBT program are described. During pretreatment
and phase 1, individual therapy aims to improve and maintain client's motivation to change and engage in treatment, as well as
to establish and prioritize treatment goals. As for group therapy, the main goal of the skills training in DBT is to enhance
individual's capability by increasing skillful behavior (mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal
effectiveness skills). Paula received 24 weekly skills training sessions over a year. The results after a 12‐month standard DBT
treatment showed that Paula no longer met criteria for BPD, she had a significant decrease in difficulties in emotional
regulation and impulsiveness and in EDNOS symptomatology. This case study may enhance learning about how to apply a
transdiagnostic treatment to address BPD and EDNOS together in clinical practice
Dynamic Viscosity and Specific Heat Capacity of Near Eutectic Gallium–Indium–Tin Alloy
The study presents experimental data of the viscosity and specific heat capacity of the near eutectic gallium–indium–tin alloy. Viscosity data cover the temperature range from the alloy’s melting point of 283.85 K (10.70 °C) to about 370.47 K (97.32 °C). Two independent teams using a capillarity viscosimeter and an oscillating cup viscosimeter obtained almost identical values. Below 373 K (100 °C) the data follow the Arrhenius correlation. Specific heat capacity data result from differential scanning calorimetry measurements and reach from 236 K (− 37 °C) to 340 K (67 °C). The Neumann–Kopp rule gives neither the solid nor the liquid state a satisfactory representation of the data. Approximation functions represent these two regions separately in an excellent manner. The study discusses several issues related to the thermophysical properties, namely melting and crystallisation, and a possible liquid-to-liquid crossover
Potentially polluting wrecks: an environmental marine challenge
Este artículo aborda la creciente preocupación por los miles de pecios potencial
mente contaminantes (PPC), es decir, los buques hundidos que contienen grandes
cantidades de combustible o cargas peligrosas que podrían polucionar el medio
marino. El estudio resalta la complejidad jurídica del problema de los PPC, que
involucra una variedad de condiciones, como la titularidad del pecio, su localiza
ción en aguas de jurisdicción estatal, su condición de tumba marina, o su valor
como patrimonio cultural. Estos factores determinan las normas aplicables, que
abarcan el Derecho internacional público y privado, el Derecho del mar, el Derecho
de los conflictos armados y el Derecho ambiental, pero la falta de una regulación
coherente y completa limita la respuesta efectiva frente a la amenaza de los PPC. El
artículo se centra especialmente en los buques de guerra hundidos, que constituyen
una parte significativa de los PPC, ya que muchos de estos contienen materiales
contaminantes. Se aborda cómo las normas internacionales y las leyes nacionales
se aplican de manera fragmentaria e incompleta, especialmente cuando se trata de
buques de guerra o de aquellos que se consideran tumbas marinas o patrimonio
cultural subacuático. El artículo concluye que es urgente desarrollar una legislación
internacional y nacional más coherente para la gestión de los PPC. Esto incluye la
obligación de los Estados de recuperar, retirar o neutralizar los pecios peligrosos,
con especial atención a aquellos que sean buques de guerra o tengan un valor his
tórico o cultural. Además, se destaca la necesidad de coordinar esfuerzos entre los
diferentes actores internacionales para abordar este problema de manera efectiva.This article addresses the growing concern about thousands of potentially
polluting wrecks (PWW), i. e. sunken vessels containing large quantities of fuel
or hazardous cargo that could release pollutants into the marine environment.
The study highlights the legal complexity of the PWW problem, which involves
a variety of conditions, such as the ownership of the wreck, its location in wa
ters under state jurisdiction, its status as a marine grave, or its value as cultural
heritage. These factors determine the applicable rules, which encompass public
and private international law, the law of the sea, the law of armed conflict, and
environmental law, but the lack of coherent and comprehensive regulation limits
the effective response to the PWW threat. The article particularly focuses on
sunken warships, which constitute a significant part of PWWs, as many of them
contain polluting materials. It addresses how international rules and national
laws are applied in a fragmented and incomplete manner, especially when deal
ing with warships or those that are considered marine graves or underwater cul
tural heritage. The article concludes that there is an urgent need to develop more
coherent international and national legislation for the management of PPCs.
This includes the obligation of States to recover, remove or neutralise dangerous
wrecks, with particular attention to those that are warships or have historical or
cultural value. Furthermore, it highlights the need to coordinate efforts between
different international actors in order to effectively address this problem