University of Valencia

Repositori d'Objectes Digitals per a l'Ensenyament la Recerca i la Cultura
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    68661 research outputs found

    Americanisme i espanyolitat als quatre vents. Sobre la participació socialista del discurs americanista durant la segona república

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    Entorn del vol de l'hidroavió Cuatro VIentos el juny del 1933, la dimensió americanista dels discursos sobre Espanya va trobar una via d'expressió i expansió social. El propòsit d'aquest article és analitzar la informació oferta al respecte per la premsa socialista. Amb aquest estudi es pretén, per un costat, assenyalar la necessitat d'omplir el buit historiogràfic existent al voltant de la participació socialista en els discursos americanistes, un destacat camp de discussió sobre la identitat nacional espanyola. Per un altre costat, el text intenta mostrar com la informació socialista sobre aqeull succés serví per a desplegar un discurs que assumia l'existència d'una comunitat hispanoamericana articulada a partir d'una idea d'espanyolitat que semblava basar-se de manera important en la llengua castellana

    Peri-operative Hemi-diaphragmatic Variations After Brachial Plexus Block Above the Clavicle: A Prospective Observational Study of the Contralateral Side

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    Peri-operative hemi-diaphragmatic variations after brachial plexus block above the clavicle: a prospective observational study of the contralateral sid

    La música nacionalista valenciana a través de los escritos de Eduardo López-Chavarri

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    En este artículo se pretende reflejar las reflexiones teóricas del compositor y musicólogo valenciano Eduardo López-Chavarri Marco (1871-1970) sobre la música nacionalista y su evolución en Valencia. Para ello se utiliza una selección de sus escritos, publicados en libros, revistas especializadas y prensa diaria. Para contextualizar la aportación valenciana también se incluyen textos sobre el concepto de música nacionalista y, especialmente, sobre su desarrollo en España.4 - Educació de Qualita

    The Nuclear 35S rDNA World in Plant Systematics and Evolution: A Primer of Cautions and Common Misconceptions in Cytogenetic Studies

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    The ubiquitous presence of rRNA genes in nuclear, plastid, and mitochondrial genomes has provided an opportunity to use genomic markers to infer patterns of molecular and organismic evolution as well as to assess systematic issues throughout the tree of life. The number, size, location, and activity of the 35S rDNA cistrons in plant karyotypes have been used as conventional cytogenetic landmarks. Their scrutiny has been useful to infer patterns of chromosomal evolution and the data have been used as a proxy for assessing species discrimination, population differentiation and evolutionary relationships. The correct interpretation of rDNA markers in plant taxonomy and evolution is not free of drawbacks given the complexities derived from the lability of the genetic architecture, the diverse patterns of molecular change, and the fate and evolutionary dynamics of the rDNA units in hybrids and polyploid species. In addition, the terminology used by independent authors is somewhat vague, which often complicates comparisons. To date, no efforts have been reported addressing the potential problems and limitations involved in generating, utilizing, and interpreting the data from the 35S rDNA in cytogenetics. This review discusses the main technical and conceptual limitations of these rDNA markers obtained by cytological and karyological experimental work, in order to clarify biological and evolutionary inferences postulated in a systematic and phylogenetic context. Also, we provide clarification for some ambiguity and misconceptions in terminology usually found in published work that may help to improve the usage of the 35S ribosomal world in plant evolution.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivit

    Effect of salinity, pressure and temperature on the solubility of smithsonite (ZnCO3) and Zn complexation in crustal and upper mantle hydrothermal fluids

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    Modelling the reservoirs and fluxes of Zn in Earth's crust and mantle requires data on the solubility of its mineral hosts and ores in coexisting fluids, as well as on the complexation of Zn in these fluids as a function of fluid composition, pressure, and temperature. However, due to experimental challenges, the availability of such data is limited to pressures below 1 GPa, which are only representative of upper crust conditions. Here, we report the effects of salinity (0-4.5 m total Cl), pressure (0.5-6 GPa) and temperature (25-400 ◦C) on the solubility of smithsonite (ZnCO3) and speciation of Zn in aqueous fluids. Solubilities at mineral-fluid equilibria and Zn speciation in the coexisting aqueous fluids were determined in situ at high pressure-temperature (PT) conditions by synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) using resistively heated diamond anvil cells (RH-DAC). The solubility of smithsonite increases with salinity, pressure, and temperature. In agreement with previous studies, conducted at lower pressures (below 1 GPa), we observed a gradual transition from octahedral hydrated [Zn(H2O)6]2+ to tetrahedral hydrated and chlorinated [Zn(H2O)4-nCln]2-n (n = 1-4) complexes with increasing salinity and temperature. Our results suggest that these tetrahedral complexes remain stable under the conditions relevant to cold slab dehydration. This change of coordination further enhances the solubility of smithsonite in Cl-rich fluids and provides a likely mechanism for the efficient uptake of Zn by slab-derived fluids

    Sectores productivos y dinámica socioeconómica. Una aproximación a la situación y cambios recientes en áreas rurales valencianas

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    Los geógrafos ruralistas hemos dedicado mucha atención a las políticas y programas de desarrollo rural durante los últimos años. Sin embargo, no han proliferado análisis en profundidad sobre algunos de los elementos clave para el desarrollo rural, como es el mundo de la empresa y el emprendedurismo en estas áreas rurales. Este artículo forma parte de un proyecto de trabajo más amplio centrado en el tejido empresarial y sus vínculos con el territorio rural. Aquí se aborda el análisis de los sectores productivos presentes en las áreas rurales desfavorecidas e intermedias de la Comunidad Valenciana, atendiendo a la importancia de éstos y a su dinámica reciente. A partir básicamente de entrevistas a agentes de desarrollo local, los diferentes sectores o actividades se analizan en función de su carácter principalmente innovador, emergente, estancado o en declive. During the last years rural geographers have paid a high attention to rural development policies and programmes. However, there are not deep analysis available on some of the key elements for rural development, such as that of private businesses and entrepreneurship in rural areas. This paper is part of a wide research project that study the entrepreneurial system and its links with the rural territory. In this paper we make an analysis of the productive sectors and activities that exist in the lagging and intermediate rural areas of the region of Valencia, looking at their importance and recent changes. On the basis mainly of deep interviews to local development agents, different sectors or activities are analysed in relation to their innovative, emergent, lagging or stagnating profile

    Reassigning the Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions of Methylammonium Lead Bromide Perovskite

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    The high-pressure crystal structure evolution of CH3NH3PbBr3 (MAPbBr3) perovskite has been investigated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and synchrotron-based powder X-ray diffraction. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction reveals that the crystal structure of MAPbBr3 undergoes two phase transitions following the spacegroup sequence: Pm3̅m → Im3̅→ Pmn21, unveiling the occurrence of a nonpolar/polartransition (Im3̅ → Pmn21). The transitions take place at around 0.8 and 1.8 GPa, respectively. This result contradicts the previously reported phase transition sequence: Pm3̅m → Im3̅→Pnma. In this work, the crystal structures of each of the three phases are determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, which is later supported by Rietveld refinement of powder X-ray diffraction patterns. The pressure dependence of the crystal lattice parameters and unit-cell volumes are determined from the two aforementioned techniques, as well as the bulk moduli for each phase. The bandgap behavior of MAPbBr3 has been studied up to around 4 GPa, by means of single-crystal optical absorption experiments. The evolution of the bandgap has been well explained using the pressure dependence of the Pb−Br bond distance and Pb−Br−Pb angles as determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiments

    De cruce Domini y De non uelle mentiri: dos opúsculos inéditos basados en sermones tardoantiguos (estudio y edición crítica)

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    This paper provides the study and critical edition of two anonymous texts, preserved by seven manuscripts (9th‐17th c.) transmitting the Sententiae of Taio Caesaraugustanus. The work entitled De non uelle mentiri is a brief summary from Augustinus Hipponensis' sermo 133. De cruce Domini can be considered as a cento based on a passage from the Epistula de substantia of Potamius Olisiponensis (4th c.) and the biblical episode of the 'good thief' (Luc. 23. 39‐43), probably based on the Latin translation of a Chrysostomus' homily carried out by Anianus Cenedensis (5th c.).--- El presente trabajo ofrece el estudio y la edición crítica de dos textos anónimos, conservados en siete manuscritos (s. IX‐XVII) transmisores de las Sententiae de Tajón de Zaragoza. El fragmento titulado De non uelle mentiri es un breve resumen del sermón 133 de Agustín de Hipona. De cruce Domini constituye un centón formado por un fragmento de la Epistula de substantia de Potamio de Lisboa (s. IV) y la narración del episodio bíblico del buen ladrón (Luc. 23, 39‐43), basada probablemente en la traducción latina de Aniano de Ceneda (s. V) de una homilía crisostomiana.--- Cet article offre l'étude et l'édition critique de deux textes anonymes, conservés dans sept manuscrits (siècles IX‐XVII) qui transmettent les Sententiae de Taion de Saragosse. Le fragment intitulé De non uelle mentiri est un bref résumé du Sermon 133 d'Augustin d'Hippone. De cruce Domini constitue un centon formé par un fragment d'Epistula de substancia de Potame de Lisbonne (IVe siècle) et par le récit de l'épisode biblique du bon larron (Luc. 23, 39‐43), probablement fondé sur la traduction latine d'Anianus de Cénède (Ve siècle) d'une homélie chrysostomienne

    Calidad de servicio percibida por gerentes, empleados y clientes de hoteles y restaurantes

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la calidad de servicio de hoteles y restaurantes en dos segmentos de mercado diferentes, las organizaciones de sol y playa y las de ciudad, teniendo en cuenta distintas perspectivas relevantes (gerentes, emplea-dos y usuarios). En concreto, se evalúa el grado de ajuste entre los gerentes y empleados de organizaciones turísticas y los usuarios de las mismas, en cuanto a la calidad del servicio ofrecido, y la posible sobrevaloración o infravaloración en tales estimaciones. La muestra estaba formada por 835 clientes, 78 gerentes y 227 empleados de 38 hoteles y 40 restaurantes de la Comuni­dad Valenciana, nos ha permitido hallar diferencias en la calidad de servicio percibida por gerentes, empleados y usuarios. Hemos encontrado que los gerentes y empleados tienen, en general, una visión muy semejante de la calidad de servicio que ofrecen y muy diferente de la que señalan los usuarios. En este sentido, los gerentes y empleados tienen, salvo en hoteles de sol y playa, una visión más positiva de la calidad de servicio que los clientes que atienden. Así pues, los responsables de los establecimientos turísticos han de ser conscientes de estos desajustes, y tratar de controlarlos y corregirlos para una adecuada comprensión de las opiniones del cliente y una mejora de ]a calidad de servicio por evitación de 'malentendidos'. Palabras clave: calidad de servicio, percepciones, desajustes

    La dimensión territorial en la programación comunitaria y el nuevo marco de políticas públicas: desarrollo rural territorial, reforma de la PAC y nuevo LEADER

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    What we¿ve been calling as territorial development perspective is a rather recent phenomenon in the context of the European Union, just two decades. In essence this perspective has focused on the local approach to development processes in rural areas, guided mainly of instruments such as LEADER. The need to integrate the territorial dimension of development processes comes not only from the overall success of these instruments, but also by the belief that they can be a key factor in the economic and social cohesion within the EU. Recent advances, such as the Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion, the approval of the Territorial Agenda 2020 and what will be the policy of cohesion for the period 2014-2020, show the willingness of the authorities to deepen the territorial dimension of sectoral policies and to advance in the necessary greater coordination of policies maintaining territorial criteria. On the other hand, the reform of the CAP which is discussed in these months, which will result in the design of the instruments to be applied during the period 2014-2020, is also a great opportunity to consolidate this territorial approach in rural areas. This article examines, first, the public framework policy in terms of the territorial dimension in the context of the European Union, deepening on the meaning of the recent advances in this field. Second, we analyze the main elements that are leading, to date, the reform of the CAP and to what extent this reform includes a component as important as the territorial perspective for the development of rural areas. The findings point to the continuity and even deepening in the productivist and environmentalist orientation of the CAP. Third, we analyze what is going to be the territorial rural development policy in the strict sense, ie the continuation of the LEADER approach. In this regard we emphasize that the drop in the next programming period 2014-2020 of the structure by the four axis of the 2007-2013 period, and its replacement by a more simple, and apparently more flexible and powerful structure, will (always depending on the final budget allocations) deepen and consolidate LEADER as the main instrument for implementing local development strategies in rural areas. In this context, in the coming years they would be open possibilities for cooperation between rural and urban areas, in both cases under the focus of publicprivate partnerships and implementing local development strategies. These possibilities of territorial cooperation require vision by the regional stakeholders and a high capacity for commitment towards the implementation of these effective ways of cooperation and regional development


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