Publikationer från Stockholms universitet
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Site-specific reactions of softwood kraft lignin for biobased vitrimers and reactive colloidal particles
Lignin, a natural polyphenolic compound of wood, holds promise as a green alternative to fossil resources given the current environmental concerns. However, its complex structure and limited usability have impeded widespread use of lignin in biobased materials. This thesis is focused on employing a series of chemistries and techniques that facilitate lignin utilization in a variety of applications ranging from bulk materials to colloidal particles. Lignin-based vitrimers, developed by a one pot, catalyst-free click addition of poly(ethylene glycol) divinyl ether to softwood kraft lignin and formation of dynamic acetal exchange network showed excellent performance as recoverable adhesives, reaching lab shear strengths of 2.6 MPa and 6.0 MPa for wood and aluminum substrates, respectively. Stabilized lignin nanoparticles synthesized by hydrothermal crosslinking of hydroxymethylated lignin nanoparticles showed an excellent colloidal stability in organic solvents such as ethanol, acetone, dimethylformamide, and tetrahydrofuran, and aqueous media (3 < pH < 12). These stabilized lignin nanoparticles were subjected to direct surface modification in colloidal state to develop aminated pH-responsive particles. Stabilized lignin nanoparticles, preserving redox activity, showed a capacity in reducing silver ions, forming hybrid lignin-silver nanoparticles for applications such as hydrogen peroxide colloidal sensors. Interaction of silver ions and stabilized lignin nanoparticles contributed to the emergence of discrete patterns of silver in lignin nanoparticle embedded hydrogels. The location and distance of the discrete patterns can be modified by altering the particle size and concentration. Furthermore, redox activity of stabilized lignin nanoparticles, hydroxymethylated lignin nanoparticles and unmodified lignin nanoparticles with different particle sizes (90 nm, 150 nm, 640 nm) were studied in charge storage applications in organic poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) electrodes. Non-modified lignin nanoparticles with the diameter of 150 nm showed the best performance overall, with specific capacities of the electrode reaching 42.5 mAh/g at a current density of 1 A/g. These particles were also demonstrated in a Zinc-lignin battery prototype. To further explore and broaden the horizon of lignin applications, propargylated lignin nanoparticles demonstrated light-induced “click” reactions initiated thermally or by Cu (I) or energy-efficient light emitting diodes with 405 nm wavelength. These nanoparticles were further employed to demonstrate the light-triggered reactions with betulin azide in Pickering emulsions, showcasing the versatility of colloidal chemistry of lignin and opportunities for new applications
Towards transformation in finance: seeds for naturepositivefutures
Efforts to close the global financing gap for nature are visible through the increase in green bonds, impact investment funds and grants for nature-based solutions but have fallen short of the $200bn per year global target stipulated in the Global Biodiversity Framework. On the other hand, caution is needed when implementing finance for nature initiatives, as poorly designed solutions can exacerbate inequalities or even lead to further nature degradation. This exploratory study goes beyond what is conventionally seen as “finance for nature” and explores novel approaches and alternative ways to fund nature. Using a select number of these “seeds”, the study unpacks the theory of change underpinning the seeds and their conceptualisation of nature values as it relates to the Nature Futures Framework. The study showed that there is an overrepresentation of market-based mechanisms and that these are generally leaning towards the nature for society as a core value perspective. More experimentation is needed with regards to non-market-based mechanisms, different ownership and governance structures, and incorporating perspectives which see nature’s value for nature’s sake or as part of culture
Willing, But Able?: Exploring The Potential Of Critical Futures To Foster Positive Urban Futures Articulation And Motivate Action. A Participatory Approach On Human-Environment Interactions In University City, Mexico.
In a global urban context marked by increasingly unsustainable conditions, the capacity to imagine a fundamentally different future is crucial to avoid being trapped in a precarious present. The cognitive potential of critically challenging and reimagining current degraded conditions is only partly examined in the existing literature. Therefore, a question arises as to whether this process could somehow influence an individual’s understanding of environmental circumstances and the motivations for acting upon them. This study focuses on University City (Mexico) as a case study. It aimed to investigate the potential of critical futures studies (CFS), applied to human-environment interactions in public spaces, to help articulate positive futures and motivate taking action. The question: What should the future look and feel like?, let participants reframe prevailing negative narratives and envision human-environment interactions in an urban public space characterized by diversity, multifunctionality, livability, and democracy. Key findings from a series of participatory workshops revealed divergent responses to the critical futures approach in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation, the inherent desire toward taking action, either increased or was maintained at high pre-existing levels, tentatively explained by the catalytic role of the emotional contrast between current and envisioned experiences. This study also observed narrative shifts regarding intrinsic motivation toward more collective, affective, and change-oriented reasons. Conversely, extrinsic motivation, as the disposition to act based on anticipated outcomes, remained limited after the workshops, which is hypothesized to be an outcome of perceived barriers, such as institutional hierarchies, and participants' unfamiliarity with potential courses of action. Overall, this study explores and discusses the potential of CFS methods for motivating action toward positive change and underscores the importance of contextualizing motivational factors within present realities and actionable knowledge. Leveraging these insights in participatory settings can sustain motivation, furthering progress toward a desirable and sustainable future
Sverigefinska ord som inte förekommer i standardfinska : Beskrivning av sverigefinska ord samt attityder förknippade med dessa
Uutta ruotsinsuomalaista sanastoa kehittyy pääasiassa kahdella tavalla. Eniten uutta sanastoa syntyy epävirallisissa keskustelutilanteissa, mutta sanastoa luodaan myös tietoisesti, kun Kielenja kansanperinteen tutkimuslaitos antaa suosituksia esimerkiksi Ruotsin viranomaisten nimienkääntämisestä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisia suomen yleiskielestä poikkeavia suomen sanoja Ruotsissa käytetään, ketkä niitä käyttävät sekä millaisia asenteitatällaisen sanaston käyttöön liittyy. Ruotsinsuomalaiselle vähemmistölle on tärkeää, että heidän kieltään tutkitaan, sillä siten voidaan kartuttaa tietoa vähemmistöstä, saada heidän käyttämästään kielestä tutkimukseen perustuvaa tietoa ja vahvistaa heidän ruotsinsuomalaista identiteettiään. Tutkimuksen empiirisenä aineistona on toisaalta Ruotsin radion suomenkielisen toimituksenvuosina 2016–2023 järjestämissä Vuoden ruotsinsuomalainen sana -äänestyksissä ehdotetut sanat ja toisaalta ruotsinsuomalaisten sanojen käyttöä ja sanoihin liittyviä asenteita kartoittava verkkokysely. Olen lajitellut äänestyksissä ehdotetut sanat lainasanatyypin, sanaluokan jaaihepiirin mukaan. Kyselytutkimuksessa olen analysoinut sekä määrällisen tiedon että vastauksia täydentävät vapaamuotoiset perustelut. Vuoden ruotsinsuomalainen sana -äänestysten aineistosta tehty tutkimus osoittaa, että suurin osa aineistossa esiintyvistä ruotsinsuomen sanoista on niin kutsuttuja erityislainoja eli ruotsistasuomen kieliasuun mukautettuja lainasanoja. Sanojen aihepiirit kuvastavat etupäässä kielenkäyttäjien arkeen liittyviä teemoja. Ruotsissa asuvien suomen puhujien keskuudessa toteutettu kyselytutkimus osoittaa, että ruotsinsuomen sanoja käytetään eniten puheessa mutta melko paljon myös vapaamuotoisessa kirjoituksessa. Nuoremmat ikäryhmät käyttävät tämäntyyppisiä sanoja vanhempia ikäryhmiä enemmän ja myös suhtautuvat niiden käyttöön myönteisemmin.Nya sverigefinska ord skapas i huvudsak på två olika sätt. De flesta av de nya orden bildas iinformella diskussionssituationer, men ord och termer skapas också medvetet när Institutet förspråk och folkminnen ger rekommendationer om till exempel översättning av svenska myndigheters namn till finska. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på vilken typ av finska ordsom inte ingår i standardfinska som används i Sverige, vilka som använder dessa ord samt vilka attityder som förknippas med användningen av sådana ord. För den sverigefinska minoriteten är det viktigt att deras språk studeras. På så sätt kan man öka kunskapen om minoriteten, få fram forskningsbaserad information om det språk minoriteten använder samt stärka dess sverigefinska identitet. Det empiriska materialet i undersökningen utgörs dels av de föreslagna orden i omröstningarna Årets sverigefinska ord som Sveriges Radios finskspråkiga redaktion har arrangerat under åren 2016–2023, och dels av en webbenkät som kartlägger användningen av sverigefinska ord samt attityder förknippade med användningen av dessa. Jag har kategoriserat de i omröstningarna föreslagna orden efter typ av lånord, ordklass och ämnesområde. I enkätundersökningen har jag analyserat både kvantitativa uppgifter och de fritt formulerade motiveringarna som kompletterar svaren. Undersökningen av de sverigefinska orden som förekommer i omröstningarna Årets sverigefinska ord visar att de flesta orden är så kallade främmande ord, det vill säga lånord från svenska till finska som är anpassade till finskans ortografi. Ordens ämnesområden speglar främst språkbrukarnas vardag. Enkätundersökningen bland talare av finska i Sverige visar att sverigefinska ord används mest i tal men relativt mycket även i informella texter. Yngre åldersgrupper använder denna typ av ord mer än äldre åldersgrupper och förhåller sig också mer positiva till användningen av dem.Sweden Finnish vocabulary is developed mainly in two ways. Most of the new vocabulary is created in situations of informal communication, but vocabulary is also consciously created when Language Advisors of Finnish at the Institute for Language and Folklore make recommendations on, for example, translation of names of Swedish authorities into Finnish. The purpose of this study is to examine what types of Finnish words deviating from the Finnish standard language that are used in Sweden, who uses them, and what kind of attitudes are involved in the use of such vocabulary. For the Sweden Finnish minority, it is important that their language is studied, as this will contribute to a wider knowledge of the minority, further research-based knowledge about the language they use, and strengthen their Sweden Finnish identity. The empirical material used for the study is, on the one hand, the words proposed in the Sweden Finnish Word of the Year votes organised by the Swedish Radio in 2016 to 2023, and, on the other hand, an on-line survey on the use of Sweden Finnish words and attitudes related to these. I have analysed the words proposed in the votes by type of loan word, word class and subject matter. For the survey, I have analysed both the quantitative data and the respondents’ arguments supporting their answers. The study of the words proposed in the Sweden Finnish Word of the Year votes indicates that most of the words are so-called special loans, i.e. loan words adapted to the Finnish language structure. The topics of the words mainly reflect the everyday life of language users. A survey among Finnish speakers living in Sweden shows that Sweden Finnish words are used mostly in speech but quite often also in informal writing. Younger speakers use these types of words more than older speakers and also show more positive attitudes towards the use of these words
Inclusion, moderation, and the Sweden Democrats : A qualitative study of the SD’s radical right-wing populist rhetoric before and after government inclusion
The inclusion-moderation thesis argues that, as radical parties become included in coalition governments, their positions and rhetoric will moderate as a consequence of compromising with, and adapting to the parties they are governing with. With lacking empirical evidence, however, the effects of inclusion on radical parties are still not clear. The Sweden Democrats (SD), a Swedish radical right-wing populist party, became the country’s second largest party after the election of 2022 and received considerable influence through the “Tidö-agreement” with the new coalition government. They are thus a recent example of a radical right populist party gaining influence in Europe. This paper examines the rhetoric of the SD’s party leader, Jimmie Åkesson, before and after the election of 2022 through qualitative content analysis. The findings indicate that no moderation has taken place in their radical right populist rhetoric after inclusion. Furthermore, the nativist aspect of their rhetoric seems to have become far more pronounced, and increasingly influences other aspects of their rhetoric as well
Den kontroversiella gungan : Förskolans hinder och möjligheter för barns motoriska utveckling
This bachelor's thesis aims to find out what seven working preschool teachers in Sweden experience as obstacles and opportunities in preschool activities for children's motor development today. Our thesis discusses the importance of integrating motor development skills and physical activity into preschool activities from working preschool teachers and also from upper management. The study’s goal is to identify obstacles and opportunities promoting children's motor development in preschools and understanding these challenges and possibilities from the teacher’s perspective. From our interviews with the preschool teachers, we have selected the most important and central responses and analyzed them using our chosen theory which is Frame Factor Theory. Our study resulted in a conversation about the learning environment, staff shortage and curriculum stress. Finally, we discuss the results in relation to our previous research. In summary, our study highlights how physical and organizational frameworks in preschool affect children's opportunity for motor development today
Educational institutions in fostering gender equality in Early Childhood Education : A critical discourse analysis of educational materials
Detta är en kvalitativ kritisk diskursanalytisk granskning av textbaserade jämställdhetsmaterial som är skapade för att stödja pedagoger inom förskola i deras jämställdhetsarbete. Genom att tillämpa feministisk poststrukturalism som teoretiskt ramverk fokuserar studien på att dekonstruera och analysera de underliggande maktstrukturer och normer som är inbäddade i jämställdhetsmaterialet för att svara på frågeställningarna: Vilka didaktiska strategier och metoder lyfts fram och blir dominerande i stödmaterial för jämställdhetsarbete i förskolan? Vilka teoretiska perspektiv och kunskaper om jämställdhet uttrycks i dessa strategier och metoder?. Det feministiska perspektivet hjälper till att belysa hur språk och diskurser i dessa material kan förstärka eller utmana traditionella könsroller och föreställningar om genus. Studien visar att litterära jämställdhetsmaterial ofta innehåller både explicita och implicita budskap om kön och makt. I den här studien lyfts vikten av att pedagoger är normmedvetna och reflekterande kring hur de påverkar barns förståelse av kön och jämställdhet, för att lyckas arbeta mot binära könsparadigm. Den feministiska poststrukturalismens lins erbjuder viktiga insikter och verktyg för förskollärare att integrera normkritik och jämställdhetsperspektiv i sin dagliga undervisning. Detta kan hjälpa dem att utmana traditionella könsnormer och skapa en förskolemiljö som främjar respekt för mänskliga rättigheter och demokratiska värderingar redan från tidig ålder
Numerical modelling of controllable vortex dynamics in superconducting electronic components
Performance and energy consumption of large-scale computing infrastructures could be improved significantly by adoption of superconducting electronics. Rapid single flux quantum (RSFQ) circuits with logic based on the vortex state in Type II superconductors were first demonstrated several decades ago and as of now, research focusing on developing modern superconducting electronic components operating on the level of a single Abrikosov vortex is ongoing, where RSFQ serves as a convenient reference point. The main focus of this project was one crucial aspect for such components, namely reliable manipulation of vortex dynamics under transport current. A set of realistic and relevant micron scale geometries of superconducting thin films with a circular vortex trap were simulated by obtaining numerical solutions of time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations in two spatial dimensions. Within the scope of this work, successful manipulation of vortex dynamics means being able to perform each of the following actions on-demand: introduce one vortex into the device, pin it to the trap, remove it from the device. Current and time-dependent behaviour of vortices in different device geometries was studied and an important role of seemingly small changes in geometric parameters was established. Certain geometric configurations were discovered to be inherently more favourable for deterministic control of vortex dynamics, while others were identified as inherently unfavourable. Practically conceivable methods to separate between the two were introduced. Repeated sequences of "write" (trapping a vortex) and "erase" (removing a vortex) operations with square waves of transport current tailored to a particular device geometry were simulated as a demonstration of successful vortex manipulation. Findings of this thesis are expected to improve the success rate of physically conducted experiments within the area of superconducting vortex-based electronics
AI: The key to upskill and reskill within organizations? : A qualitative study on how AI is used for skills development in organizations
Det finns ett stort intresse i samhället kring AI och dess användningsområden, men hur ser det ut i organisationer idag och vilka initiativ tas för att kompetensutveckla personalen med hjälp av AI? Det är just vad denna studie ska försöka besvara. Dataunderlaget för studien baseras på semi-strukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med tio personer som framförallt arbetar inom HR, men även inom försäljning och affärsutveckling, fördelat över olika branscher. Analysen av det tematiserade underlaget visar på resultatet att integrering och användning av AI-verktyg för kompetensutveckling är ytterst varierande i de organisationer vi har varit i kontakt med, och att nyttjandet av AI-verktygen i stort inte är medvetet och planerat gällande kompetensutveckling. There is considerable societal interest in AI and its applications; however, the current state within organizations and the initiatives undertaken to develop staff competencies using AI remain unclear. This study seeks to address these questions. The data for this study is derived from semi-structured qualitative interviews with ten individuals primarily working in HR, as well as in sales and business development, across various industries. The analysis of the thematic data reveals that the integration and utilization of AI tools for competency development vary significantly among the organizations surveyed. Moreover, the use of AI tools for competency development is largely unintentional and unplanned.