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22418 research outputs found
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Heat sealing and convertibility of coated paper materials in vertical form fill and seal machine
Challenges regarding the heat sealing and convertibility of coated papers in vertical form, fill, and seal (VFFS) machines were investigated. This research focused on enhancing the use of coated papers in VFFS packaging machines by identifying the optimal sealing parameters to ensure package tightness, evaluating friction-related issues to improve runnability, and developing a novel forming shoulder design to optimise material formability and minimise oil and grease properties damage during the conversion process.
To understand the performance of various coated papers in VFFS machine, PE-coated and dispersion-coated papers were tested and compared with conventional thermoplastic films. The seal properties and integrity were examined using seal strength and leak tightness measurements. Additionally, the frictional properties of the coated papers were investigated on different surfaces to identify the appropriate surface for paper runnability. The seal structure and surface characteristics of the converted packages were analysed using SEM and 3D profilometry. Finally, oil and grease measurements were performed to evaluate the impact of wrinkles on converted pouches.
The results indicated that achieving an airtight seal with coated papers requires precise control of the sealing process parameters, with serrated seal bars significantly improving the seal integrity by creating localised shear stress that enhances polymer chain entanglement. Frictional analysis revealed that the coefficient of friction was a critical factor affecting the runnability of the material in VFFS machines. The Teflon-coated forming tube and pattern-rolled 5WL stainless-steel surfaces effectively reduced friction and improved material flow over the novel forming shoulder. The new shoulder design features an optimised bending curve and other geometrical parameters that successfully minimise wrinkles and tears on the coated paper packages after the conversion process.
Through precise control of sealing parameters and advancements in tooling design, this study offers the ability to use sustainable materials in VFFS packaging. The proposed modifications to VFFS processes enhance the practicality of adopting environmentally friendly packaging solutions in the food industry and other fields
Novel liquid–liquid extraction and ion exchange processes for hydrometallurgical recovery of lithium, nickel and cobalt from lithium-ion battery waste leachate
Hydrometallurgy is a promising technology for recovering valuable key components such as Li, Ni and Co from spent lithium-ion batteries. In this thesis, flowsheets of alternative processing routes were developed to yield high-purity products with high recovery yields. Two hydrometallurgical separation processes were studied: i) the direct extraction of Li from lithium-ion battery waste leachate (LIBWL) and ii) the recovery and purification of a Li+Ni+Co mixture using continuous ion exchange.
Batch equilibrium experiments and McCabe–Thiele analyses were carried out to develop a new solvent extraction process to directly recover Li from LIBWL. The employed extraction system, TBP/FeCl3 in kerosene with AlCl3 as a supplementary chloride source, selectively extracted 87.7% of Li in a single extraction stage. The novel processing route yielded 99.1% pure Li-stripping liquor with a Li concentration of 13.95 g L-1. The direct extraction of Li guarantees high recovery yields and is a viable alternative for the recovery of Li from LIBWL.
The chelating resin Lewatit® MDS TP 260 with aminomethylphosphonic functional group selectively removed the impurities Al, Cu, Fe and Mn from LIBWL. Single-column experiments were carried out to design a continuous multicolumn ion exchange process. The continuously operated laboratory-scale SMB-type configuration processed 1.64 L (L h)-1 of leachate to yield 34.04 g (L h)-1 of pure Li+Ni+Co raffinate. Very high recovery yields of 100%, 99.2% and 96.9% for Li, Ni and Co were achieved and demonstrated superior performance over conventional state-of-the-art single-column ion exchange, solvent extraction and precipitation processes.
Overall, the developed flowsheets allow for the processing of high-purity products and guarantee high recovery yields in lithium-ion battery (LIB) recycling. Future research could further explore novel alternative processing routes through clever choice of the chemical extraction system and the separation process configuration to overcome the conventional selectivity order and maintain high recovery yields in difficult hydrometallurgical separations
Digital transformation of media organizations : developing value propositions and organizational capabilities
Digitalization is profoundly disrupting both the consumption and production patterns in the media industry. Although digitalization presents new opportunities for value creation, it also requires media organizations to continuously adapt their value propositions and related capabilities to navigate the evolving landscape. This dissertation aims to deepen the understanding of the dynamics of the digital transformation of media organizations with a particular focus on both the customer interface and the intraorganizational context. Specifically, the dissertation explores how incumbent media firms are developing their value propositions and organizational capabilities.
The dissertation is based on three qualitative case studies conducted in two Finnish news media firms. The data include semi-structured interviews with firm representatives and customers, as well as rich secondary data. The findings reveal key transformation drivers, provider and customer sense-making practices, and implications for value element reshaping within the value proposition development. The dissertation outlines four major phases in this development process, detailing what types of changes occur and how, with a particular focus on organizational and product-level activities and their interrelationships. The findings also suggest that organizations can build capabilities for value proposition development along four dimensions of a core capability. Furthermore, the existing capabilities, structures, and practices can simultaneously facilitate or inhibit this development. In the case of developing a distinctive sub-brand, the research shows that the main brand can contribute to capability development by providing resources, revising the product, advocating for transformation, and passing on values, but the existing capabilities, systems, and values can also impede the formation of new capabilities, constrain operations, and limit the style of the sub-brand. Overall, this dissertation highlights the phenomenon of path dependency not only within organizations but also among their customers, providing a deeper understanding of the ongoing challenge of balancing existing and new elements in value proposition development.
The findings contribute to media management research by deepening the understanding of a value proposition as both a strategic and an operational tool and ultimately linking organizational capabilities to value proposition development in a digital transformation
Effect of impaired power quality on alkaline water electrolyzer performance and controllability
Transition from our current fossil fuel-focused energy system to a one based mainly on renewable energy generation will introduce new challenges, the two main ones being the intermittent nature of renewables and the fact that not all sectors of society can be easily electrified. One technology provides a clear path to overcome these challenges, and that is water electrolyzers, which in combination with renewable energy generation can be used to produce green hydrogen. Water electrolyzers operate by splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen by using an electrical DC current. Green hydrogen can be used to bridge the gap between the renewable energy sector and sectors such as the steel, chemical, and heavy transportation industries. Additionally, hydrogen or other chemical compounds based on it can be employed to store excess electricity in a chemical form, which can then be utilized as an intermittent energy storage. Currently, only 0.1% of the hydrogen is produced using water electrolysis; the majority of the production is carried out applying steam reforming, which produces large amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere. Thus, a large increase in electrolyzer deployments is needed to meet the growing demand for green hydrogen.
As water electrolyzers are scaled up, the power supply to the electrolyzer becomes more complicated. The AC current from the electricity grid has to be rectified to DC, which is currently done mainly by using thyristor bridge rectifiers. These rectifiers cause high-frequency ripple (≥ 300 Hz) in the electrolyzer supply current. In addition to the ripple coming from the rectifiers, renewable energy sources can cause lower-frequency ripples (< 1 Hz) in the supply current, leading to dynamic operation. Thus, studying the dynamic operation of the electrolyzer is of major interest.
This doctoral dissertation sheds light on the effects of rectifier-induced dynamic operation on the controllability and performance of alkaline water electrolyzers. The measurements conducted in the study show a clear increase in power usage when the electrolyzer supply current has ripple. The losses increase as a function of ripple amplitude; up to a 5.5% higher power usage is observed at the 100% ripple amplitude. Ripple frequency is found to counteract the losses, and it is shown that increasing the frequency from 10 to 1000 Hz can reduce the losses by up to 33%. Based on the results, modern rectifier topologies should be considered that would provide lower ripple amplitudes and a higher frequency, which in combination should significantly reduce the ripple-induced losses. Lastly, the dissertation investigates the linearization of electrolyzer behavior as the frequency of the dynamic operation is increased. Frequency limits at which an alkaline electrolyzer cell can be modeled as a linear impedance component are defined for two different electrode sets
A technical review of existing off grid solutions with different scales in Finland
This bachelor's thesis discusses a hypothetical photovoltaic off-grid power generation system for a 49-square-meter summer house in a remote area outside Lappeenranta, Finland, which is only used for the summer months of June and July. Assuming that it is too far away from the transmission point and the cost of grid connection is high, off-grid power generation has become an option. The article discusses the types and background of each component in the system and the selection of some components. And it was finally determined that the battery capacity required when the average daily load is 3.94kWh, the number of autonomy days is 4 days, is 1207.13Ah, the photovoltaic module power is 1.44kW, and the inverter power is 5.12kW. Corresponding cost and economic benefits issues are also discussed
Suomi tarvitsee yhä enemmän huippuosaajia: Kohti uudistuvaa tutkijakoulutusta
Keskeinen osa kansainvälisen kilpailukyvyn parantamista on tavoite nostaa tutkimus- ja kehityspanostukset (T&K) neljään prosenttiin bruttokansantuotteesta vuoteen 2030 mennessä. Rahoitustason nousu edellyttää T&K-työtä tekevän henkilöstön merkittävää lisäystarvetta. Arvion mukaan vuosittainen lisätarve olisi lähes 9000 henkilöä, joista noin 2000 olisi tohtorikoulutettua.
Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö on osoittanut yliopistoille yhteensä 255 miljoonaa euroa tohtorikoulutuksen uusien käytänteiden pilotointiin vuosina 2024–2027. Lisärahoitus suunnataan 1000 väitöskirjatutkijalle, jotka otetaan yliopistoihin määräaikaisiin kolmen vuoden työsuhteisiin suorittamaan tohtorintutkintoa. Suomi tarvitsee lisää tutkijakoulutuksen saanutta työvoimaa. Uuden tohtoripilotin avulla kansainvälinen kilpailukykymme ja edellytykset kehittää tutkittuun tietoon pohjautuvia innovaatioita paranevat. Tavoitteena on lisätä tohtoreiden määrää Suomessa, kehittää tohtorikoulutusta ja parantaa tohtoreiden työllistymistä.
Tässä raportissa analysoidaan, kuinka LUT-yliopisto on menestynyt kansallisessa kilpailussa. Painopiste rahoituksessa on suunnattu kansallisen strategia mukaisesti tekniikan, lääketieteen, koulutuksen, sosiaalitieteiden sekä luonnon- ja ympäristötieteiden tärkeille aloille. LUT:n aktiivisuus ja selkeä strategia ovat tuottaneet tulosta. LUT on päässyt mukaan tärkeisiin kansallisiin tutkimusverkostoihin ja on parhaiten menestyneiden yliopistojen joukossa saamallaan 44 tohtorikoulutuspaikalla. LUT on mukana peräti seitsemässä ohjelmassa viidestätoista.
Aikaisempien kokemusteni pohjalta tarkastellaan, kuinka tutkijakoulutus tulisi toteuttaa, jotta esitettyihin tavoitteisiin päästään. Parin viime vuosikymmenen aikana tieteen tekeminen on uudistunut. Perinteisen teoreettisen ja kokeellisen tutkimuksen rinnalle on tullut tietotekniikan ja matemaattisten menetelmien kehityksen tuloksena laskennalliset tieteet, jotka mahdollistavat uusia tapoja tehdä tutkimusta. Myös kysymyksiin, kuinka tutkijanuralle hakeudutaan, kuinka väitöskirjan aihe valitaan, kuinka ohjataan väitöskirjan tekijää, miten tehdään uravalinta sekä miten kansainvälisyys tuodaan kampukselle, annetaan vastaus yli 30 vuoden tutkijakoulutuksen kokemuksella.Publishers versio
Dropshipping business model advantages and disadvantages
Digitalisaation myötä on syntynyt liiketoimintamalli dropshippaus, jonka kautta yrittämisestä on tullut matalan kynnyksen mahdollisuus. Dropshippausta tutkitaan liiketoiminnan kontekstista Suomessa, jossa strategia, vastuullisuus sekä alan hyödyt ja haitat ovat tutkimuksen keskeisiä käsitteitä. Dropshippausta yleisesti on tutkittu liiketoimintamallina hyvin vähän. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on kasvattaa tietoa liiketoimintamallista.
Tämä tutkielma on toteutettu kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena, jonka keskiössä on dropshippaus-liiketoimintamalli. Tutkimukseen on haastateltu Suomessa kolmea dropshippaus-liiketoiminnan harjoittajaa, jossa puolistrukturoitua haastattelua hyödynnettiin. Empirian tulokset analysoitiin sisällönanalyysia hyödyntämällä. Johtopäätökset osoittivat, että kestävän kasvun edistäminen on yleisesti haastavaa, mutta mahdollista. Vastuullisuus pakkausmateriaaleissa esimerkiksi koettiin vielä liian kalliiksi toiminnan kannattavuuden kannalta. Luottamus toimittajaan on liiketoiminnan keskiössä, eikä kontrollikäyntejä ole aina mahdollisia toteuttaa. Liiketoimintamalli vaatii tarkan strategian ja useita tuotetestejä, jos dropshippaaja haluaa saada toimintansa kannattavaksi. Kilpailun kovuuden vuoksi erityisesti dropshippauksessa tulee osata markkinoida tuote oikein. Lisäksi liiketoimintamallin tietoisuutta tulisi levittää Suomessa yleisesti, jotta esimerkiksi kirjanpitäjät olisivat mahdollisimman valveutuneita alasta.Because of digitization, the business model of dropshipping has emerged, through which starting a business has become a low-threshold possibility. Dropshipping is studied in the context of business in Finland, where strategy, responsibility, and the advantages and disadvantages of the industry are the central concepts of the research. Dropshipping, in general, has been studied little as a business model. The purpose of this thesis is to increase knowledge about the business model.
This thesis is done as a qualitative case study centered on the dropshipping business model. Three business practitioners in Finland have been interviewed for the study, where a semi-structured interview was used. The empirical results were analyzed using content analysis. The conclusions showed that promoting sustainable growth is challenging, but possible. Responsibility for example packaging materials was still perceived as too expensive in terms of the profitability of the operation. Trust in the supplier is at the center of the business, and inspection visits are not always possible. The business model requires a precise strategy if the dropshipper wants to get a marketplace in the middle of the competition. Due to the fierce competition, especially in dropshipping, you must know how to market the product correctly. In addition, awareness of the business model should be spread in Finland in general, so that, for instance accountants are as aware as possible of the field
Adopting Tele-migration in Developing Asian Market: Exploring Drivers in the Face of Change
The Industrial Revolution and globalization have brought about major changes in all industries, which have a direct impact on corporate success. Tele-migration is an emerging strategy that allows individuals to work remotely from foreign countries to gain several advantages while also favorably impacting the corporate environment. This study offers a unique exploration of the tele-migration phenomenon by utilizing diffusion of innovation theory as a theoretical framework. This research looks at the internal and external factors that drive individuals in the developing Asian market to use tele-migration. The internal factors that encourage the adoption of tele-migration include mainly freedom and flexibility, cultural immersion, financial incentives, and skills development, while the external factors comprise limited job prospects, government favorable policies, technological advancements, and skill-based compensation. Moreover, tele-migration is changing the performance of individuals in terms of their routine, work performance, and quality, resulting in increased productivity and improved skills. This study has practical implications such as adopting tailored tactics like tele-migration to address the industrial revolution and globalization opportunities and changes, moreover, individuals and start-ups can overcome geographical constraints and tap into the potential of expanding Asian markets by exploiting the benefits of tele-migration.Post-print / Final draf
Developing reporting to support the procurement process in wholesale business
Tutkimuksessa kehitetään Power BI-raportointi tukemaan ostoprosessia tukkuliikkeessä. Tutkimus toteutettiin konstruktiivisena tapaustutkimuksena maahantuontia harjoittavaan tukkuliikkeeseen. Kohdeyrityksen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä ei pysty tarjoamaan parhaita välineitä ostoprosessille ja nykyisessä prosessissa on tämän vuoksi paljon toisteista työtä, joten raportointi tulee rakentaa ulkoiseen palveluun. Raportointiin haetaan tiedot toiminnanohjausjärjestelmästä, joista luodaan tietoa tutkimuksen aikana kehitetyllä ohjelmakoodilla.
Tutkimuksessa selvitetään ostoprosessin merkityksellisimpiä tekijöitä ja luodaan malli, jonka perusteella voidaan optimoida usean tuotteen yhteistilauksia merikonteissa. Tutkimuksen aikana huomattiin, että ostoprosessille merkityksellisimpiä tekijöitä ovat tuotteiden nykyinen varastosaldo ja tuotteiden tuleva kysyntä. Tuotteiden kysynnän ennustamiseksi tutkimuksessa testattiin erilaisia ennustemalleja, joista valinta päätyi eksponentiaaliseen tasoitukseen, joka huomioi kysynnän trendin.
Usean tuotteen tilauksen optimoimiseksi päädyttiin malliin, jossa tarkastellaan tuotteiden tilausmäärää suhteessa ennusteeseen. Tällä tavalla onnistutaan laskemaan tuotteen kuukausittainen riitto. Hypoteettisesti tuotteiden riiton harmonisoinnilla päästään tulevaisuudessa tilanteeseen, jossa palvelutaso kasvaa ja varastotasot laskevat.The research aims to develop Power BI reporting to support the procurement process in a wholesale business. The study was conducted as a design science approach case study in a wholesale company engaged in importation. The target company's ERP system cannot provide optimal tools for the procurement process, resulting in a significant amount of repetitive work in the current process. Therefore, reporting needs to be built into an external service. Data for reporting is retrieved from the ERP system, and information is generated using the programming code developed during the study.
The research explores the most significant factors in the procurement process and creates a model to optimize joint orders of multiple products in shipping containers. During the study, it was noted that the most relevant factors for the procurement process are the current inventory levels of products and the anticipated demand for products. Various forecasting models were tested in the study to predict product demand. The selected demand forecasting model was the trend adjusted exponential smoothing.
To optimize orders for multiple products, a model was adopted that examines the order quantity of products in relation to the forecast. This approach allows for the calculation of the product's monthly sufficiency. Hypothetically, by harmonizing the sufficiency of products, future scenarios could lead to an increase in service levels and a decrease in inventory levels
Core competencies and the dimensions of compatibility in mergers and acquisitions
Yrityskaupat ovat erittäin yleisiä mutta silti suuri osa yrityskaupoista epäonnistuu, kun onnistumisen mittarina on kaupan tuottama nettohyöty ostavalle yritykselle pitkällä aikavälillä. Yritysten yhteensopivuuden analysointi ja ymmärtäminen on ratkaisevaa yrityskauppojen onnistumisen kannalta. Työn tavoite on tutkia yritysten yhteensopivuuden erilaisia ulottuvuuksia yrityskaupoissa, kauppojen motiiveja, sekä tutkia yrityksen ydinkyvykkyyksien määrittelyä ja niiden merkitystä yrityskaupan kannalta. Työ on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena yrityskauppoja ja ydinkyvykkyyksiä käsittelevästä tutkimuksesta.
Yrityskaupoille löydettiin monipuolisia motiiveja. Yrityskauppojen pääasiallinen ajuri on kasvun sekä synergiaetujen tavoittelu. Yrityskauppojen mahdollistama nopea kasvu on varsinkin hitaasti kasvavilla toimialoilla yleinen motiivi kaupalle. Motiiveja ovat myös toiminnan laajentaminen sekä erilaiset taloudelliset syyt. Yrityksen kyvykkyydet, resurssit ja teknologia ovat myös merkittävä syy yrityskauppoihin, etenkin nopeasti kehittyvien teknologioiden aloilla.
Yritysten yhteensopivuuden kannalta olennaista on erilaisten synergiaetujen realisoituminen kaupan jälkeen. Yritykset ovat ydinkyvykkyyksiltään yhteensopivia, jos ostettavan yrityksen kyvykkyydet joko vahvistavat tai laajentavat yrityksen ydinkyvykkyyksiä. Yhteensopivuutta voidaan tarkastella myös taloudellisen, operationaalisen, sekä organisaatioiden ja yrityskulttuurien yhteensopivuuden kautta. Organisaatioiden ja kulttuurien yhteensopivuus on tärkeää myös ydinkyvykkyysnäkökulman kannalta sillä ydinkyvykkyydet ovat organisaatioon uppoutuneita ja täysimääräinen hyödyntäminen vaatii suotuisaa yrityskulttuuria.
Tutkimuksessa selviää, että lisää tutkimusta kaivataan varsinkin ydinkyvykkyysnäkökulmasta yrityskaupoissa, sillä siitä voisi löytyä lisävalaistusta siihen, miksi niin moni yrityskauppa epäonnistuu, ja löytää mahdollisuuksia tuloksellisempaan yrityskauppaan