Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

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    15948 research outputs found


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    Supervisor: 岡田 将吾先端科学技術研究科修士(情報科学


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    Supervisor: 内平 直志先端科学技術研究科修士(知識科学


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    Supervisor: 松見 紀佳先端科学技術研究科修士(マテリアルサイエンス

    Structural Analysis and Thermoelectric Properties of Nanostructured SnSe2

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    Supervisor: 前之園 信也先端科学技術研究科修士(マテリアルサイエンス

    Earthquake Evacuation Behavior of Foreigners in Osaka Station Based on VR Technology

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    Supervisor: LAM Chi Yung先端科学技術研究科修士(知識科学


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    Supervisor: 小矢野 幹夫先端科学技術研究科修士(マテリアルサイエンス

    ボランティアで行うスポーツ指導者間の組織学習 手法の提案 ──ジュニアサッカーチームを対象にした試行評価──

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    Supervisor: 内平 直志先端科学技術研究科修士(知識科学

    An Information-Spectrum Approach to Distributed Hypothesis Testing for General Sources

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    This paper investigates Distributed Hypothesis testing (DHT), in which a source X is encoded given that side information Y is available at the decoder only. Based on the received coded data, the receiver aims to decide on the two hypotheses H0 or H1 related to the joint distribution of X and Y. While most existing contributions in the literature on DHT consider i.i.d. assumptions, this paper assumes more generic, noni. i.d., non-stationary, and non-ergodic sources models. It relies on information-spectrum tools to provide general formulas on the achievable Type-II error exponent under a constraint on the Type-I error. The achievability proof is based on a quantize-andbinning scheme. It is shown that with the quantize-and-binning approach, the error exponent boils down to a trade-off between a binning error and a decision error, as already observed for the i.i.d. sources. The last part of the paper provides error exponents for particular source models, e.g., Gaussian, stationary, and ergodic models.2024 International Zurich Seminar on Information and Communication, March 6–8, 2024, Zurich, Switzerlan


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    Supervisor: 長谷川 忍先端科学技術研究科修士(情報科学


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    Supervisor: KIM,Eunyoung先端科学技術研究科博


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