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    246604 research outputs found

    The role of stress hyperglycemia and hyperlactatemia in non-diabetic patients with myocardial infarction treated with percutaneous coronary intervention

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    Background: Stress hyperglycemia and lactates have been used separately as markers of a severe clinical condition and poor outcomes in patients with myocardial infarction (MI). However, the interplay between glucose and lactate metabolism in patients with MI have not been sufficiently studied. The aim in the present study was to examine the relationship of glycemia on admission (AG) and lactate levels and their impact on the outcome in non-diabetic MI patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Methods: A total of 405 consecutive, non-diabetic, MI patients were enrolled in this retrospective, observational, single-center study. Clinical characteristic including glucose and lactate levels on admission and at 30-day mortality were assessed. Results: Patients with stress hyperglycemia (AG ≥ 7.8 mmol/L, n = 103) had higher GRACE score (median [interquartile range]: 143.4 (115.4–178.9) vs. 129.4 (105.7–154.5), p = 0.002) than normoglycemic patients (AG level < 7.8 mmol/L, n = 302). A positive correlation of AG with lactate level (R = 0.520, p < 0.001) was observed. The coexistence of both hyperglycemia and hyperlactatemia (lactate level ≥ 2.0 mmol/L) was associated with lower survival rate in the Kaplan-Meier estimates (p < 0.001). In multivariable analysis both hyperglycemia and hyperlactatemia were related to a higher risk of death at 30-day follow-up (hazard ratio [HR] 3.21, 95%, confidence interval [CI] 1.04–9.93; p = 0.043 and HR 7.08; 95% CI 1.44-34.93; p = 0.016, respectively) Conclusions: There is a relationship between hyperglycemia and hyperlactatemia in non-diabetic MI patients treated with PCI. The coexistence of both hyperglycemia and hyperlactatemia is associated with lower survival rate and are independent predictors of 30-day mortality in MI patients and these markers should be evaluated simultaneously

    Voltaire and two culinary journeys around the world in French and in Polish

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    The author examines the culinary traditions of different countries (including cannibalism and vegetarianism) presented in two philosophical tales by Voltaire : "Candide ou l’Optimisme", 1759, and "La Princesse de Babylone", 1768. She also analyses the role they play in each story and its style. Subsequently she investigates how this culinary discourse was rendered into Polish in the 18th century, in "Kandyd Wszędybylski czyli Najlepszość"´, 1780, translated by Jacek Idzi Przybylski, and "Królewna Babilońska albo miłość na doświadczeniu", 1779, anonymous translation. The author describes and comments on lexical and cultural choices of those first translators. She also tries to find out which French-Polish dictionaries the translators could have consulted.L’auteure passe en revue les moeurs culinaires de différents pays du monde (le cannibalisme et le végétarisme inclus) présentées dans deux contes philosophiques de Voltaire : "Candide ou l’Optimisme", 1759, et "La Princesse de Babylone", 1768. Elle analyse aussi leurs fonctions dans le récit et leur style. Ensuite elle observe comment ces motifs culinaires ont été rendus en polonais au XVIIIe siècle dans "Kandyd Wszędybylski czyli Najlepszość", 1780, traduit par Jacek Idzi Przybylski, et "Królewna Babilońska albo Miłość na doświadczeniu", 1779, traduction anonyme. Elle décrit et commente les choix lexicaux et culturels de ces premiers traducteurs. Elle cherche aussi à savoir quels sont les dictionnaires franco-polonais auxquels ils auraient eu recours

    Reporting breaches of EU Law in the context of information management in an organization

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    Transpozycja Dyrektywy Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2019/1937 z dnia 23 października 2019 r. w sprawie ochrony osób zgłaszających naruszenia prawa Unii (sygnalistów) do polskiego prawa oznacza dla polskich organizacji konieczność rewizji funkcjonujących systemów zarządzania, w szczególności systemów zarządzania informacją, i uwzględnienia w nich warunków dla bezpiecznego, anonimowego przekazywania informacji ujawniających naruszenia prawa Unii. Celem artykułu jest próba ukazania teoretycznych i praktycznych aspektów wdrażania w polskich organizacjach systemów sygnalizowania naruszeń prawa. W artykule zastosowano metodę analizy i krytyki piśmiennictwa. Opracowania przedmiotu identyfikowano techniką desk research, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wyszukiwarki Google Scholar, wybranych baz bibliograficznych (m.in. BazHum, BazEkon) oraz systemów informacyjnych (m.in. EUR-Lex, Internetowy System Aktów Prawnych, ISAP). Wybrane dokumenty poddano następnie analizie jakościowej. Choć Dyrektywa nie została jeszcze wdrożona do polskiego porządku prawnego, wskazane w niej podmioty publiczne i prywatne powinny zawczasu przygotować się do realizacji nałożonego na nich przez ustawodawcę unijnego obowiązku stworzenia kanałów zgłaszania naruszeń przez sygnalistów. Z uwagi na konieczność ochrony interesów samych zgłaszających, ale też ładu organizacyjnego i płynności przepływów informacyjnych w organizacjach objętych unormowaniami Dyrektywy, jest to zadanie złożone i wymagające starannego zaplanowania. W artykule podsumowano główne kroki, jakie zobowiązane podmioty powinny podjąć w celu terminowego uruchomienia wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego systemu zgłaszania naruszeń. Rozważania ograniczono do problematyki zarządzania, szczególnie zarządzania informacją, pozostającego bezpośrednio w polu badań prowadzonych przez autorki artykułu. Zrezygnowano z szerszego kontekstu, np. natury prawnej, etycznej omawianego zagadnienia. System sygnalizowania naruszeń otrzymuje status integralnego komponentu kultury organizacji i wpisujących się w nią kultur komunikacji i informacji. Artykuł jest zatem omówieniem realnych zadań stawianych przed organizacjami sektora prywatnego i publicznego. Dostępne opracowania sporadycznie odnoszą się do zagadnień zjawiska "sygnalizacji" (whistleblowingu) z perspektywy zarządzania informacją oraz doskonalenia kultury organizacyjnej i komunikacyjnej.The transposition of Directive (EU ) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons reporting breaches of Union law (whistleblowers) into Polish law entails the necessity for Polish organizations to revise their existing management systems, particularly information management systems, and incorporate conditions for the safe, anonymous reporting of information disclosing breaches of Union law. The aim of the article is to attempt to present the theoretical and practical aspects of implementing systems for reporting breaches of the law in Polish organizations. The article utilized the method of analysis and critique of literature. Subject studies were identified using the Desk Research technique, with a particular emphasis on the Google Scholar search engine, selected bibliographic databases (including BazHum, BazEkon), and information systems (such as EU R-Lex, Internetowy System Aktów Prawnych, ISA P). Selected documents were then subjected to qualitative analysis. Although the Directive has not yet been implemented into Polish law, the public and private entities indicated therein should prepare in advance for the implementation of the obligation imposed on them by the EU legislator to create channels for reporting violations by whistleblowers. Due to the need to protect the interests of the whistleblowers themselves, as well as the organizational order and smooth flow of information in organizations covered by the Directive’s regulations, this is a complex task that requires careful planning. The article summarizes the main steps that obligated entities should take to ensure the timely launch of an internal and external reporting system for violations. The considerations were limited to the issue of management, especially information management, directly within the scope of research conducted by the authors of the article. They abstained from a broader context, such as the legal or ethical nature of the discussed issue. The whistleblowing system acquires the status of an integral component of organizational culture, aligning with the cultures of communication and information within it. The article thus discusses the real tasks facing organizations in both the private and public sectors

    As identidades regionais e papéis do Estado na retórica populista : os casos do Brasil e da Polônia

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    The focus of this study is directed to the way national-conservative decisionmakers envision their own neighborhood and its core cooperation platforms. Through a comparative analysis of the political rhetoric on their respective regions and the ties connecting Poland and Brazil with it, the article seeks to answer the following research questions: How do Brazilian and Polish ruling elites envision the regional belonging of the state? How do they depict major regional integration initiatives of which Brazil and Poland are members and how can regional identities affect those discursive articulations?Este estudo examina a maneira como os formuladores nacional-conservadores de política externa conceitualizam sua própria vizinhança e as principais plataformas de cooperação regional. Por meio de uma análise comparativa da retórica política sobre suas respetivas regiões e os laços que ligam a Polônia e o Brasil a elas, o artigo procura responder às seguintes perguntas de pesquisa: Como é que as elites políticas conservadoras brasileiras e polonesas imaginam o pertencimento regional do Estado? Como elas retratam as principais iniciativas de integração regional das quais o Brasil e a Polônia são membros e como as identidades regionais podem afetar essas articulações discursivas


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