Illinois State University

ISU ReD: Research and eData
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    16933 research outputs found

    Evaluating an Intervention to Lower Health Literacy Demand of Graduate Student Clinician Summary Cover Letters to Patients

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    The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association encourages university programs to cultivate skills related to client health literacy among students. One means of doing so is to train students to write in a way that places lower health literacy demands on clients and their families. This study tested the effectiveness of a health literacy module for improving students’ skills in writing client letters to accompany diagnostic reports. Students in two sections of an advanced graduate seminar in Speech Pathology course were assigned to write cover letters to be sent to a hypothetical client at the UCF Communication Disorders Clinic. Reading grade level calculators of the pretest indicated students wrote at a college level, and the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool (PEMAT) revealed that students performed worst on literacy elements which are not regularly associated with letter writing, but which can dramatically assist with readability and comprehension: breaking information into chunks, using informative headers, and using visual cues like bullet points, bolding, and font size. Fewer than half of students regularly used plain language and active voice. After completing the module, grade level of student writing had lowered to high school, but no statistically significant differences were found in use of specific literacy elements

    Effectiveness of an Informational Video for Establishing Students\u27 Basic Knowledge of Post-Stroke Aphasia

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in knowledge of post-stroke aphasia among students who watched an informational video (Kennedy et al., 2012a) created for this study compared to students who read an informational text (National Aphasia Association, n.d.). Participants included 136 undergraduate and graduate students who completed a pre-test, watched an informational video or read an informational text, completed a post-test, and then completed a maintenance test approximately four weeks later. Results of a one-way mixed ANOVA showed a statistically significant main effect of time, no statistically significant main effect of group, and no statistically significant time-by-group interaction. Both groups demonstrated a substantial increase in knowledge of post-stroke aphasia from pre-test to post-test. These results suggest that the informational video and the informational text may be effective methods to teach students basic information about post-stroke aphasia

    A Comprehensive Study of Library-Led Textbook Affordability Initiatives in the United States

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    This study presents findings from a survey and interviews investigating library-led textbook affordability initiatives in the United States. The results document diverse considerations and divergences in workflows, challenges librarians face in establishing and maintaining textbook affordability programs, and the intersection of these initiatives with library and institutional strategies. Findings suggest that these programs have grown in number and scale over the past few years, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, and are sustained—even without permanent, designated funding—due to consistently positive perceptions about their impact on student success, just-in-time delivery, and alignment with library and institutional goals

    Parent Child Communication About Money: A Memorable Messages Study

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    My thesis research focuses on the types of parent-child discussions revolving around money and the impact that these discussions could have on their financial wellbeing. I am hoping to learn more about how participants perceive the messages they received from their parents, and I will be analyzing how that perception correlates with their financial literacy. This image represents the lasting impact of the messages that parents discuss with their child, even after the transition to adult life. One might look in their wallet, or more broadly examine their overall financial state, and recall a time when they were positively or negatively impacted by an earlier conversation with their parents. To extend this representation, the phenomenon might occur if one is looking to purchase a new car. They may recall their mother’s helpful advice about debt, which could influence their financial wellbeing as an adult during this process.

    Colors of Nature

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    My research dives into all the colors and hues that make up the natural world. This research project was inspired by artist David Hockney\u27s work, and my personal interest in color theory. I researched many images of valleys, mountains, flower types, cloud types, and different terrains. I wanted to train my eye to see the undertones rather than the straight up colors in an image. Then I found photo references of landscape on royalty-free sites. I took certain parts from each image and collaged them together to create a brand-new imagined landscape. Using realism and focusing on the hues and tones of the images, I digitally painted this colorful landscape.

    Another Milestone Achieved

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    With due thanks to the Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance for their unending support, Spora is offering once again another highly respected platform for collaborative research in mathematics, biology, and related fields. Spora\u27s role in disseminating work especially accessible to students makes it a unique platform to expand the body of knowledge in mathematical biology. Spora welcomes submissions related to Ph.D. dissertations, master\u27s theses, and undergraduate research projects as well as original research

    Bearing the Unseen: Resilience in the Shadows of Endometriosis

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    This image captures the unseen struggle of women with endometriosis. My research brings into focus the daily reality of chronic pain management such as: over the counter and prescription medications, the necessity of a heat pad, the presence of water and tea, and the TENS machine that offers brief moments of relief. Through my research, I have conducted ethnographic interviews with women who share the ways they navigate life with endometriosis. This bedside scene, laden with the visible markers of pain, reflects the intimate routines and self-care strategies that often go unrecognized. My work seeks to amplify these experiences, revealing the resilience and adaptations that women with endometriosis embody in their journey toward relief. Among several images I created, this image was chosen by women with endometriosis in an online support group to represent their experience.

    Collaborative Counseling: Using Course-Embedded Experiences to Train Skills and Foster Confidence

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    Practicing speech-language pathologists and graduate students identify a need for counseling training but feel unprepared to implement counseling in everyday practice. Within speech-language pathology, there is a dearth of evidence about best teaching practices for counseling. The current investigation examines the collaborative counseling program, which involves hands-on training with authentic clients with communication disorders. Thirty-six students across two cohorts participated in this study. Students composed individual reflections after each collaborative counseling session. Each cohort also participated in oral debriefings after each session. Reflections and debriefing transcripts were analyzed qualitatively through open and axial coding via micro and macro analyses. Micro analysis of individual reflections resulted in six overarching domains, 12 themes and numerous subthemes. Macro analysis of group and individual reflections resulted in three overarching themes: the learner’s state of being, client’s state of being, and skill development. Students gained confidence and efficacy in the ability to implement counseling and motivational interviewing techniques in authentic counseling interactions. They learned the value of exploring client values, perspectives, and how to capture this through notes that scaffold their ability to implement person-centered techniques. They also learned numerous counseling techniques and skills that they strengthened through repeated practice opportunities and feedback

    Midcentury Opera for Children

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    A collection of Maconchy essays focused on the biographical aspects of this unjustly overlooked Anglo-Irish composer\u27s life and music, framing her within the context of her distinctly unique era

    Of Mice and Mutations

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    Mice have been a model organism in biological studies for hundreds of years from behavioral studies to vaccine research. My research uses North American deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) in their natural environment to investigate how genetic mutation frequencies change in populations of varying sizes. To analyze mutation frequencies, we capture deer mice on different islands in British Columbia’s Gulf Islands. The islands we sample from are of different sizes, which serves as a proxy for population size. We trap the mice at night using Sherman live-traps. Once a mouse is found in a trap, we scruff it and then take a small tissue sample from its ear before letting it go back into the night. This image shows how the mouse is scruffed before an ear tissue sample is taken.


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