Insitutional Repository at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
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    478 research outputs found

    Comparative Assessment of the Potential Impact of African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and World Trade Organization (WTO) Accession on the Ethiopian Economy

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    政策研究倧孊院倧孊 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies博士囜際開発研究 / Ph.D. in International Development Studies論文審査委員: 现江 宣裕䞻査, 髙橋 和志, 板倉 健名叀屋垂立倧孊, 山内 慎子application/PDFGRIPS Global Governance Program (G-cube)doctoral thesi

    Essays on the Sustainable Development of Smallholder Farmers' Welfare of Rural Bangladesh

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    政策研究倧孊院倧孊 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies博士囜際開発研究 / Ph.D. in International Development Studies論文審査委員: 高橋 和志䞻査, 朚島 陜子, 牧野 癟恵日本貿易振興機構アゞア経枈研究所, KANCHOOCHAT Veerayoothapplication/PDFGRIPS Global Governance Program (G-cube)doctoral thesi

    Towards a Decarbonized and Sustainable Energy System : Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Applications for Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Projects and Hydrogen Production Technologies

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    政策研究倧孊院倧孊 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies博士公共政策分析 / Ph.D. in Public Policy論文審査委員: 田侭 誠䞻査, 根井 寿芏, 飯塚 倫子, 岩船 由矎子東京倧孊, PORAPAKKARM Ponpojeapplication/PDF科孊技術むノベヌション政策プログラム / Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Programdoctoral thesi

    Impact of Interventions amid Shocks : Evidence from Two Randomized Experiments in the Philippines

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    政策研究倧孊院倧孊 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies博士囜際開発研究 / Ph.D. in International Development Studies論文審査委員: 高橋 和志䞻査, 朚島 陜子, 真野 裕吉䞀橋倧孊 経枈孊研究科 経枈孊郚 教授, 諞星 穂積application/PDFGRIPS Global Governance Program (G-cube)doctoral thesi

    法化の盞互䜜甚による囜際芏埋の発展 : 衛生怍物怜疫措眮を䟋にしお

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    政策研究倧孊院倧孊 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies博士政策研究 / Doctor of Policy Studies論文審査委員: 飯尟 最䞻査, 増山 幹高, 内蚘 銙子名叀屋倧孊倧孊院環境孊研究科, 岡本 亮介application/PDF政策プロフェッショナルプログラム / Policy Professionals Programdoctoral thesi

    Univariate and Multivariate Inverse Gamma Stochastic Volatility Models

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    政策研究倧孊院倧孊 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies博士開発経枈孊 / Ph.D. in Development Economics論文審査委員: LEON GONZALEZ Roberto䞻査, 土谷 隆, 竹之内 高志, 倧森 裕浩東京倧孊, 知花 歊䜳application/PDF政策分析プログラム / Policy Analysis Programdoctoral thesi


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    政策研究倧孊院倧孊 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies博士政策研究 / Doctor of Policy Studies論文審査委員: 飯尟 最䞻査, 増山 幹高, 宗前 枅貞関西孊院倧孊総合政策孊郚, 竹之内 高志application/PDF政策プロフェッショナルプログラム / Policy Professionals Programdoctoral thesi


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    本研究は、「研究掚進支揎人材が、産孊連携や倖郚研究資金の獲埗、ひいおは倧孊の研究力匷化に䞎える効果はどの皋床あるか、その効果は定量的に把握可胜か」ずいうリサヌチク゚スチョンに基づく、日本の囜公私立倧孊ののべ 12 幎間にわたるデヌタを甚いた実蚌分析の成果である。 分析に際しお、URA の人数及び掻甚状況、䌁業や政府系機関から倧孊が獲埗した倖郚研究資金の件数や金額、発明届出件数、特蚱出願件数等のデヌタ産孊連携等実斜状況調査文郚科孊省に加え、 教員数や䜿甚研究費、研究分野等のデヌタ科孊技術研究調査総務省、各皮論文デヌタWeb of Scienceを接合し2008 幎から 2019 幎たで、倧孊ごずに幎ごずの掚移を远跡するこずができるパネルデヌタを独自に構築した。 本研究では、分析察象である URA に぀いお、第䞀に、研究シヌズプッシュ型で産業界のニヌズや競争的資金ずのテヌマ提案を行う機胜を有しおいる堎合がある。第二に、研究プロゞェクトの進捗をマネゞメントし、効果的な成果に至る確率を高める圹割を担う堎合がある。第䞉に、党孊の研究関連業務の効率性を高め、研究者がより研究に集䞭できるこずを通じお、研究生産性を䞋支えする圹割を担う堎合がある、ず仮定し、URA が倖郚研究資金獲埗や産孊連携、研究生産性に䞎える圱響に぀いお実蚌分析を行った。 その結果、研究掚進支揎人材の䞭でも特に研究支揎に特化した研究掚進支揎人材の雇甚が、産孊連携の実斜確率や、民間からの研究資金獲埗を件数、金額ずもに高めおいるこず、論文数や発明届出件数、特蚱ずいう研究アりトプットを促進させるこずが瀺唆された。 さらに、産孊連携を積極的に行っおいる倧孊は、公衚論文数や発明届出件数、特蚱件数が倚いこず、産孊連携による研究掻動が、圓該プロゞェクト以倖の研究アりトプットにもプラスの効果を䞎えおいるこず、倖郚研究資金の獲埗が発明届出件数や特蚱件数にプラスの効果を䞎えおいるこずも定量的に瀺唆された。 本研究成果は、倧孊の産孊連携や倖郚資源獲埗などに察する研究掚進支揎人材の効果を定量的に瀺すもので、倧孊が産孊連携や倖郚研究資金獲埗を通しお研究力を向䞊させおいくための戊略や組織を怜蚎する゚ビデンスずなるず同時に、政策立案䞊も有甚であるず考える。 This study is the result of an empirical analysis using data from a total of 12 years of Japanese national, public, and private universities, based on the research question: "To what extent do research promotion support personnel have an effect on industry-university collaboration and the acquisition of external research funds, and ultimately on strengthening the research capabilities of universities? In addition to data on the number of URAs and their utilization status, the number and amount of external research funds obtained by universities from enterprises and government agencies, the number of invention reports, the number of patent applications, etc. (Survey on the Status of Industry-Academia Collaboration, MEXT), data on the number of faculty members, research funds used, research fields, etc. (Science and Technology Research Survey (MIC)), and various types of data (Web of Science) were also used for analysis. We merged data from Web of Science (2008 to 2019) and constructed our own panel data, which allows us to track changes from year to year for each university. Regarding the URAs that are the subject of the analysis in this study, first, they may have the function of pushing research seeds and proposing topics with industry needs and competitive funding. Second, they may have a role in managing the progress of research projects and increasing the likelihood of effective outcomes. Third, they may play a role in supporting research productivity by improving the efficiency of university-wide research-related operations and allowing researchers to focus more on their research. The results suggest that the employment of research promotion support personnel, especially those specializing in research support tasks, increases the likelihood of industry-university collaboration, the number and amount of research funds obtained from the private sector, and research output in terms of the number of publications, invention disclosures, and patents. Furthermore, the results quantitatively suggest that universities that actively engage in industryacademia collaboration have a higher number of publications, invention disclosures, and patents, that research activities through industry-academia collaboration have a positive effect on research outputs other than the project in question, and that the acquisition of external research funding has a positive effect on the number of invention disclosures and patents. The results also quantitatively suggest that the acquisition of external research funding has a positive effect on the number of invention disclosures and patents. The results of this study quantitatively show the effect of research promotion support personnel on industry-academia collaboration and acquisition of external resources, and will be useful for policy making as well as providing evidence to examine strategies and organizations for universities to improve their research capabilities through industry-university collaboration and acquisition of external research funds.technical repor

    Labor Informality, Redistribution, and Development : A Political Economy Perspective

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    政策研究倧孊院倧孊 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies博士公共経枈孊 / Ph.D. in Public Economics論文審査委員: HSU Minchung䞻査, 藀本 淳䞀, PORAPAKKARM Ponpoje, 胡 云芳神戞倧孊, CHEY Hyoung kyuapplication/PDF政策分析プログラム / Policy Analysis Programdoctoral thesi


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    むンタビュヌ察象者 : 神䜙 隆博 (シンペ タカヒロ) むンタビュアヌ : 岩間陜子, 板橋拓己, 合六匷, 高橋和宏, 吉田真吟, æ­Šç”°æ‚  むンタビュヌ期間 : 2023/4/17 - 2023/8/21GRIPS 政策研究センタヌ リサヌチ・プロゞェクトG221RP205「軍備管理・軍瞮のペヌロッパにおける歎史的意矩ずアゞアにおける可胜性」により䜜成されたオヌラルヒストリヌ、およびその別冊資料research repor


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