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79 research outputs found
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7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications-2024: Abstract Book
This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications (RAMSA 2024), held on 29 February- 02 March 2024, by the Department of Mathematics, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India. RAMSA 2024 aims to assemble esteemed mathematicians, scientists, engineers, researchers from industry, and scholars, facilitating a platform for the exchange of ideas and discussions on recent advancements across various areas of mathematics. RAMSA-2024 provides an opportunity to delve into research findings and breakthroughs in mathematics, sciences, and engineering. This conference serves as a forum to address practical challenges encountered in different application domains and explore potential solutions.
Conference Title: 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its ApplicationsConference Acronym: RAMSA-2024Conference Date: 29 Feb-02 March 2024Conference Venue: Hybrid Mode (JIIT Noida & Online)Conference Organizer: Department of Mathematics, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, Indi
Abstracts of the International Conference on Separation and Purification Technologies 2023, IIT Patna
This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the International Conference on Separation and Purification Technologies 2023 (ICSPT 2023), held on 7-8 December 2023 by the Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India. ICSPT 2023 aimed to highlight recent scientific developments in the area of separation and purification techniques and to bring together researchers working in these areas. The primary focus of the conference was on technology developments applicable in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Agrochemical Industry, and Food Industry.
Conference Title: International Conference on Separation and Purification Technologies 2023Conference Acronym: ICSPT 2023Conference Date: 7-8 December 2023Conference Venue: IIT Patna, IndiaConference Organizer: Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Indi
Abstracts of the First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 2023
This book presents extended abstracts of the selected contributions to the First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICAECE'2023), held on 15-16 May 2023 by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi, Tebessa-Algeria. ICAECE'2023 was delivered in-person and virtually and was open for researchers, engineers, academics, and industrial professionals from around the world interested in new trends and advances in current topics of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Conference Title: First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 2023Conference Acronym: ICAECE'2023Conference Date: 15-16 May 2023Conference Venue: University of Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi, Tebessa-AlgeriaConference Organizer: Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi, Tebessa-Algeri
Abstracts of the International Conference on Business, Accounting and Finance 2023: Embracing New Business Paradigm Shifts
This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the second International Academic Conference 2023, held on 25-26 February 2023 by the International University of Malaya-Wales (IUMW), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. IAC 2023 is the coming together of researchers and industry. It’s a place to gather and share groundbreaking ideas, discoveries, and experiences on a variety of thought leadership topics covered under this year’s conference theme, “Embracing New Business Paradigm Shifts".
Conference Title: International Academic Conference 2023Conference Acronym: IAC 2023Conference Theme: Embracing New Business Paradigm ShiftsConference Date: 25-26 February 2023Conference Venue: IUMW, MalaysiaConference Organizer: International University of Malaya-Wales, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysi
7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications-2024: Abstract Book
This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications (RAMSA 2024), held on 29 February- 02 March 2024, by the Department of Mathematics, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India. RAMSA 2024 aims to assemble esteemed mathematicians, scientists, engineers, researchers from industry, and scholars, facilitating a platform for the exchange of ideas and discussions on recent advancements across various areas of mathematics. RAMSA-2024 provides an opportunity to delve into research findings and breakthroughs in mathematics, sciences, and engineering. This conference serves as a forum to address practical challenges encountered in different application domains and explore potential solutions.
Conference Title: 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its ApplicationsConference Acronym: RAMSA-2024Conference Date: 29 Feb-02 March 2024Conference Venue: Hybrid Mode (JIIT Noida & Online)Conference Organizer: Department of Mathematics, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, Indi
Proceedings of the 8th International Visual Methods Conference
This proceeding contains articles presented at the 8th International Visual Methods Conference (IVMC8) organized by Sapienza University of Rome - Saperi&Co. and Melting Pro, Rome, Italy on 29th-31st May 2023. Visual methods use a variety of visual tools (images, maps, drawings, graphic novels, photos, films, videos, etc.) to communicate complex concepts. These tools are generated through participatory activities, research and planning activities or even through using already existing visual materials in an original way. The topic of this 8th edition of IVMC was Transition: Preparing for the Next Generation. In the evolving scenario visual methods play an important role, embracing much more than the simple communication of results.
Conference Title: 8th International Visual Methods ConferenceConference Acronyms: IVMC8Conference Theme: Transition: Preparing for the Next GenerationConference Date: 29th-31st May 2023Conference Location: Rome, ItalyConference Organizers: Sapienza University of Rome - Saperi&Co. and Melting Pro, Rome, Ital
Abstracts of the 9th PKU Graduates Student Forum on Ageing and Health
This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the 9th PKU Graduates Student Forum on Ageing and Health (PKUGSFA 2024), held on 3-4 July 2024, by the Institute of Ageing Studies, Peking University, China. The forum provided a platform for young scholars to present their research on topics such as the development of health services for older adults, social security systems, community-based health interventions, ageing-friendly environments, and geron-technology.
Conference Title: 9th PKU Graduates Student Forum on Ageing and HealthConference Acronym: PKUGSFA 2024Conference Date: 3-4 July 2024Conference Venue: Beijing, ChinaConference Organizer: Institute of Ageing Studies, Peking University, Chin
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Social Impact of AI for Africa 2022
This workshop proceedings contain articles on the various research ideas of the International Workshop on Social Impact of AI for Africa 2022 (SIAIA-22). This Workshop served as a critical juncture in the academic exploration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the African context. As an auxiliary event of the thirty-sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-22), the workshop was positioned at the forefront of ongoing international scholarly discourse on the social implications and equitable deployment of AI technologies in Africa. SIAIA-22 was Organized by the AAAI Diversity and Inclusion Program, United States on 26 February 2022.
Workshop Title: International Workshop on Social Impact of AI for Africa 2022Workshop Acronym: SIAIA-22Workshop Date: 16 February 2022Workshop Location: OnlineWorkshop Organizers: AAAI Diversity and Inclusion Program, United State
The very word ‘administration’ may be defined as the system of management of affairs of a state by the government machinery, whether that holds the de-facto or the de-jure power to govern over it. In the contemporary terms of modern history its meaning is more akin to a set of duly enacted ‘law or statutes’ and its execution by some ‘officials’ or by ‘public institutions’ upon which the power, authorities and responsibilities have been vested. Different factors of administration analysed through this study in historical perspective are: the authority to legislate, the subject matter of legislation, the extent of administration limiting or expanding the rights naturally enjoyed by the inhabitants. Not all of those legislations made during British Raj were drafted to serve commercial or revenue interest of the Colonial Government but quite a majority were made to brought orders in the system of management of the natural resources. The demand of timber for laying the rail-roads which claimed to be responsible for reduction of aged timbers was a sine-qua-non for bringing the society out of the darkness of history and may not be denigrated as manifestation of the vested interest of the Colonial Government for exploitation of its resources. South Odisha which comprises the undivided Gañjam and Koraput districts was then under the administrative control of the Madras Presidency. The policy of systematic forest conservation began very slowly in the region. Form 1850 onwards, some forest officers were employed under the Collector of Gañjam to exploit the forests for sleepers and firewood. In 1861 a ‘forest tax’ was introduced and forests were begun to work under the ‘permit system’. Many forests were leased out to sleeper contractors who worked in an arbitrary manner. In 1879 the Conservator of Forests of Madras Presidency inspected the forests and classified them into four categories. After the passing of the Madras Forest Act 1882, it was implemented in the areas of south Odisha. As a conservation measure some areas were declared as reserved forest where the access of people to graze, cultivate or to fell trees was curtailed but their interests like collection of minor forest produces or the basic means of livelihood were often protected. Most of the unreserved forests were free from such encumbrances. Gradually the British became aware of the dangers associated with over exploitations of the forests, designed conservation measures. First of such measures was made in 1901 for ‘fire protection’ and the effort was later systematised in the form of ‘Working Plans’. After the creation of separate province of Odisha on the 1st day of April 1936 four divisions namely, Russellkonda, Chatrapur, Paralakhemundi and Balliguda were formed. Similarly, the forests of Koraput district which were once owned by the Maharaja of Jeypore were brought under the ambits of the MFA, 1882. After independence, the Orissa Preservation of Private Forests Act, 1947 was extended to many of the ex-zamindari estates. Although the MFA was ultimately repealed by the Orissa Forest Act, 1972 it is witnessed to have borrowed most of the fundamental features of the MFA
Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Language Teaching and Learning
This conference proceedings contains articles on the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners presented at the 5th Conference on Language Teaching and Learning (LTAL-2023). LTAL2023 was organized by the Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, Vietnam on May 7, 2023.
Conference Title: 5th Conference on Language Teaching and LearningConference Acronym: LTAL-2023Conference Date: 7 May 2023Conference Location: VietnamConference Organizers: Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, Vietnam.
Related Proceedings: Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Language Teaching and Learnin