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    656979 research outputs found

    Analysis of Antioxidant Characteristics and Related Gene ExpressionProfiles of Rice Drought-Tolerance Lines Derived from Embryo-Soakingwith Alternanthera philoxeroides DNA Solution

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    International audienceDrought is one of major abiotic stress limiting rice stable production. In thestudy, four rice cultivars, IAPAR9 (upland rice cultivar), H8 and H10 (drought-tolerance variant lines derived from 6527 embryo-soaked with Alternantheraphiloxeroides DNA solution) and 6527 (ordinary rice cultivar), were used tostudy the antioxidant characteristics of drought-resistant varieties by superoxidedismutase (SOD) activity, peroxidase (POD) activity, malondialdehyde (MDA)content and their related gene expression profiles. The results showed that theSOD activity, POD activity and MDA content were increased significantly underdrought stress, while decreased in the yield and its related traits such as seedsetting ratio, 1000-grain weight and grain number per panicle. The SOD andPOD activities in drought-tolerant rice (H8, H10 and IAPAR9) were significantlyhigher than those in drought-sensitive 6527. Less MDA content was producedin drought-tolerant rice (H8, H10 and IAPAR9) than sensitive 6527. The yieldof H8 was significantly higher than that of other cultivars, and the seed settingratio and 1000-grain weight from those with drought-tolerant were significantlyhigher than that of sensitive 6527. After drought stress, there were 11 genesrelated to antioxidant progress whose expression profiles changed significantlybetween H8 and 6527. These results suggested that drought tolerant cultivarsmaybe subdue harms from the peroxidation by inducing the express of relatedgenes of antioxidant process, further increasing the SOD activity and PODactivity. Thus, their enhancement of drought resistance could maintain thenormal growth and development under drought stress and achieve maximumphotosynthate storag

    Principes et actions de formation en langues secondes en contextes migratoire et pandémique

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    Radio and X-ray Diagnostics of Electron Beams in Solar Flares

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    La scola judeorum, maison d’étude ou maison de prière ?

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    International audienceParmi les biens saisis lors de l’expulsion des Juifs décidée par Philippe le Bel en 1306, les documents du Trésor des chartes mentionnent, outre les maisons individuelles, des bâtiments qualifiés de scola. Nous serions tentés de traduire ce terme par « école ». Si pour les villes provençales, ces appellations semblent se référer à des lieux d'enseignement, il n’en est peut-être pas de même pour les villes de France du nord, comme un exemple issu d'Orléans semble l'indiquer (JJ 44, f. 23-24, n° 37 : « l’escole petite des Juys »). Pour comprendre ce que ces scole pouvaient être à l'époque médiévale (aux XIIe et XIIe siècles), il faudra d'abord évoquer les informations fournies par la littérature rabbinique sur l’organisation de l’enseignement dans le monde juif, avant de nous interroger sur l’existence de lieux spécifiques pour transmettre les savoirs et les textes, au Moyen Âge

    Sermon Dolbeau 27 [introduction, traduction et annotation ; notes complémentaires]

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    L’unité comme bien (Ser. Dolbeau 27, 5) [note complémentaire]

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    Hal-Diderot is based in France
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