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794682 research outputs found
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Analysis of Antioxidant Characteristics and Related Gene ExpressionProfiles of Rice Drought-Tolerance Lines Derived from Embryo-Soakingwith Alternanthera philoxeroides DNA Solution
International audienceDrought is one of major abiotic stress limiting rice stable production. In thestudy, four rice cultivars, IAPAR9 (upland rice cultivar), H8 and H10 (drought-tolerance variant lines derived from 6527 embryo-soaked with Alternantheraphiloxeroides DNA solution) and 6527 (ordinary rice cultivar), were used tostudy the antioxidant characteristics of drought-resistant varieties by superoxidedismutase (SOD) activity, peroxidase (POD) activity, malondialdehyde (MDA)content and their related gene expression profiles. The results showed that theSOD activity, POD activity and MDA content were increased significantly underdrought stress, while decreased in the yield and its related traits such as seedsetting ratio, 1000-grain weight and grain number per panicle. The SOD andPOD activities in drought-tolerant rice (H8, H10 and IAPAR9) were significantlyhigher than those in drought-sensitive 6527. Less MDA content was producedin drought-tolerant rice (H8, H10 and IAPAR9) than sensitive 6527. The yieldof H8 was significantly higher than that of other cultivars, and the seed settingratio and 1000-grain weight from those with drought-tolerant were significantlyhigher than that of sensitive 6527. After drought stress, there were 11 genesrelated to antioxidant progress whose expression profiles changed significantlybetween H8 and 6527. These results suggested that drought tolerant cultivarsmaybe subdue harms from the peroxidation by inducing the express of relatedgenes of antioxidant process, further increasing the SOD activity and PODactivity. Thus, their enhancement of drought resistance could maintain thenormal growth and development under drought stress and achieve maximumphotosynthate storag
Les figures des explorateurs : savoirs, pratiques et représentations des grands aventuriers au défi de la nouveauté
J. Hardwig, Dépendance épistémique (traduction)
John Hardwig, “Epistemic Dependence”, The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 82, No. 7 (Juillet 1985), 3335-349Je crois toutes sortes de choses dont je ne possède aucune preuve. Bien que je puisse imaginer ce que je devrais faire pour obtenir les preuves qui appuieraient chacune de mes croyances, je ne me crois pas capable de le faire pour toutes mes croyances. Je crois trop, trop de preuves sont requises (la plupart d'entre elles accessibles seulement après une longue formation spécialisée), l'intellect est trop petit et la vie, trop courte. Que dire, en tant qu'épistémologues, à propos de toutes ces croyances
Scientific pluralism
Entrée “Scientific pluralism” (avec David Ludwig), article invité pour la Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, en préparatio
(En préparation) Les représentations du vieillissement auprès de la société chinoise : discours dans l’application Wechat, Études de Linguistique et d’Analyse des Discours (ELAD – SILDA), 2024
Effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on marine and freshwater microalgae – A review
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“Revoked just now!” Users’ Behaviors Toward Fitness-Data Sharing with Third-Party Applications
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Chapter 4- Taste and trigeminal perception; from detection to integration
International audienceTaste is crucial for the sensory evaluation of food. This sense allows the detection of essential nutrients and toxic compounds. Human beings are able to discriminate five primary different taste qualities, sweet, umami (the taste of amino acids), bitter, salty, and sour. Tasting compounds are remarkably diverse chemically. They activate specialized detectors expressed in the oral cavity. In this chapter, we review the main tasting molecules known to generate these five tastes and trigeminal compounds. This chapter describes also the current knowledge on the physiology of taste, the integration of taste perception, and how taste-taste interaction occurs at the brain level