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    141014 research outputs found

    Development of a Thermal Management System for Electrified Aircraft

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    This paper describes the development and optimization of a conceptual thermal management system for electrified aircraft. Here, a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) vehicle is analyzed with the following electrically sourced heat loads considered: motors, generators, rectifiers, and inverters. The vehicle will employ liquid-cooling techniques in order to acquire, transport, and reject waste heat from the vehicle. The purpose of this paper is to threefold: 1) Present a potential modeling framework for system level thermal management system simulation, 2) Analyze typical system characteristics, and 3) Perform optimization on a system developed for a specific vehicle to minimize weight gain, power utilization, and drag. Additionally, the paper will study the design process, specifically investigating the differences between steady state and transient sizing, comparing simulation techniques with a lower fidelity option and quantifying expected error

    Assimilating GCOM-W1 AMSR2 and TRMM TMI Radiance Data in GEOS Analysis and Reanalysis

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    The Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) observed the Earth in lower latitudes between 1997 - 2015. Its conical-scan radiometer has nine channels and measured microwave radiances between 10 and 89 GHz. These data provide information on atmospheric temperature, humidity, clouds, precipitation, as well as sea surface temperature. Radiance data from other microwave radiometers such as Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) and Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder (SSMIS) onboard various Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites are assimilated in clear-sky conditions in the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) and its version 2 (MERRA-2) data sets at the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The GMAO's Hybrid 4D-EnVar-based Atmospheric Data Assimilation System (ADAS) is enhanced with an all-sky microwave radiance data assimilation capability in the real-time GEOS-Forward Processing (FP) system. Currently, the FP system assimilates Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) microwave imager (GMI) radiance data utilizing this all-sky capability, and is being extended to use more all-sky data from other microwave radiometers. In this presentation, we will focus on impacts of all-sky TMI radiance data on GEOS analyses of atmospheric moisture, precipitation and other fields, and discuss their applications for future GEOS reanalyses

    NASA ETR Quiet Zone Probe Study

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    The NASA Langley Research Centers Experimental Test Range is an indoor anechoic compact range far field test facility used to conduct antenna and electromagnetic radiation measurements. The Experimental Test Range was designed to simulate far field illumination in the facility test volume over a broad band of frequencies by collimating the RF energy from the 26 ft by 26 ft parabolic reflector. The quality of the antenna and radiation measurements are dependent on the uniformity of the far field plane wave generated by the compact range reflector. While this facility is going through several upgrades, this report describes an assessment of the far field plane wave conducted after resurfacing the primary reflector to improve performance and extend the range of frequencies for which this facility can operate. This assessment addresses far field uniformity probe data measured in the test volume across the facility operational frequency bands

    2019 MIT Lincoln Laboratory Annual Report

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    Aircraft Analysis Using the Layered and Extensible Aircraft Performance System (LEAPS)

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    The Layered and Extensible Aircraft Performance System (LEAPS) is a new air- craft analysis tool being developed by members of the Aeronautics Systems Analysis Branch (ASAB) and the Vehicle Analysis Branch (VAB) at NASA Langley Research Center. LEAPS will enable the analysis of advanced aircraft concepts and architec- tures that include electric and hybrid-electric propulsion systems. The development of LEAPS is motivated by the analysis gaps found in traditional aircraft analysis tools such as the Flight Optimization System (FLOPS). FLOPS has been the tool of choice of the ASAB for over 30 years and has proven to be a reliable analysis tool for conventional aircraft. However, FLOPS is not suitable to analyze the cur- rent unconventional vehicles that are of interest to industry, government agencies, and academia. In contrast, LEAPS is being developed with a flexible architecture that leverages new analysis methodologies that will enable the analysis of unconven- tional aircraft. This paper presents the first complete working version of LEAPS by showing the analysi at include fuel-based and hybrid-electric conceptual aircraft

    Battery Health Quantification for TDRS Spacecraft by Using Signature Discriminability Measurement

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    The NASA/GSFC Space Network Project Office (SN) currently operates a constellation of ten geosynchronous TDRS spacecraft launched over the past 30 years. The SN project collects up to 16.5 Gigabytes of telemetry every month. Generally, the spacecraft health and functionality are obtained by the use of real-time telemetry data for the multiple spacecraft subsystems, which are transmitted to the main ground station at the White Sands Complex in Las Cruces, NM. Recently, the SN has instituted a program of Big Data to analyze the large amounts of data using a variety of tools including Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, development of training sets, and a variety of mathematical modeling tools. The goal is to improve spacecraft management and obtain a more accurate prediction of the spacecraft end of life. The combination of these efforts with those of the Aerospace Corporation, which has a contract with the SN to produce yearly reliability estimates for the TDRS fleet, will be performed. This paper presents a new concept called telemetry quality quantification (TQQ) and discusses the progress that has been made in battery performance estimation for the second-generation TDRS spacecraft using a signature discriminability measures (SDM) algorithm combined with the Aerospace Corp. battery life estimation models. This activity is important because many of the TDRS fleet of spacecraft have exceeded their on-orbit design lifetime and, therefore, NASA must carefully manage the spacecraft to continue operations while avoiding an end-of-mission scenario that leaves a non-functioning spacecraft in geosynchronous orbit

    Implementation of Multidomain Unified Forward Operators (UFO) Within the Joint Effort for Data Assimilation Integration (JEDI): Ocean Applications

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    The Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) is a collaborative development led by the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA) in conjunction with NASA, NOAA and the Department of Defense (NAVY and Air Force). The (Sea-Ice Ocean and Coupled Assimilation) SOCA as one of the JCSDA projects, focuses on the application of JEDI to marine data assimilation. One of the goals of SOCA is to make use of surface-sensitive radiances to constrain sea-ice and upper ocean fields (e.g., salinity, temperature, sea-ice fraction, sea-ice temperature, etc.). The first elements toward an ocean/atmosphere coupled data assimilation capability within JEDI, with a focus on supporting and developing the assimilation of radiance observations sensitive to the ocean and atmosphere has been implemented. The direct radiance assimilation of surface sensitive microwave radiances focusing on Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Imager (GMI) for the SST Constraint and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) for the Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) has been the main focus. Also, in UFO the capability to calculate the cool skin layer depth and skin temperature has been implemented similar to the GEOS-5. It has been tested with GMI sea surface temperature retrievals. This is important because Satellite and in-situ observations of the Sea-Surface Temperature (SST) show high variability, including a diurnal cycle and very thin, cool skin layer in contact with the atmosphere, and Incorporating a realistic skin SST is essential for atmosphere-ocean coupled data assimilation

    Small Lunar Base Camp and in Situ Resource Utilization Oxygen Production Facility Power System Comparison

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    This report examines the power requirements for operating an in situ resource utilization (ISRU) oxygen production system on the lunar surface and a small six-person base camp. The baseline ISRU system produced 1.63 kg/h for a total day and night production rate of 1,154 kg. It was estimated that this plant would require 25.83 kW of power to operate. The base camp power includes auxiliary equipment as well as a communications system. The required power estimate for the base camp was 28.05 kW. This estimation was used to size a power system and determine its mass for meeting these requirements. Three types of power systems were considered: a solar photovoltaic (PV) array system using batteries for energy storage, a PV array system using a regenerative fuel cell (RFC) for energy storage, and a modular 10-kW electrical output power Kilopower reactor system. Three separate cases were examined: a stand-alone ISRU oxygen production system, a base camp, and a combined ISRU oxygen production system and base camp. For the PV array-based system, the RFC energy storage method had a mass advantage over a battery- based energy storage system. For higher power nighttime power operation for all three cases, the RFC systems specific energy was just over 830 Wh/kg. For the lower power nighttime keep-alive level used as part of the Case 1 analysis, the specific energy for the RFC was 456 Wh/kg. Both of these levels are significantly above the specific energy of 200 Wh/kg for the battery. Because of this higher specific energy, the RFC-based system provided significant mass advantages over the battery-based energy storage system. The baseline reactor system utilized shielding and separation distance to meet the desired maximum radiation dose level of 5 rem/yr for personnel operating within the vicinity of the power loads, base camp, and oxygen production facility. There are methods that could potentially be utilized to reduce the shielding requirements and separation distance. Implementing these would reduce the overall system mass for the reactor. Also, optimizing the reactor output to a specific mission would provide benefits in mass at the expense of modularity. The results of the power system comparison between a solar PV array-based system and a Kilopower reactor-based system has shown that for missions required to operate throughout the lunar night at power levels comparable to those used during the day, the reactor-based system provides a significant mass advantage. However, for applications that can meet their mission requirements while only having to operate during the daytime with minimal power required to survive the nighttime, the PV array-based system provides a mass advantage

    Design and Performance of an Open-Source Star Tracker Algorithm on Commercial Off-the-Shelf Cameras and Computers

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    Recent frustration in finding low size, weight, power (SWaP), cost, and lead time star trackers has driven an internal research and development effort at Johnson Space Center (JSC) in partnership with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) to develop and demonstrate a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) camera and COTS computer-based star tracker system. A set of open-source algorithms has been developed and their function demonstrated on multiple low-cost COTS single board computers (SBCs) across a variety of operating systems and COTS cameras. The goal of this effort is to release the software and setup guide to the community in order to reduce spacecraft development costs while increasing their capability (perhaps most of interest to low-cost missions like CubeSats). This material will show the high level architecture of the system, detail the algo-rithm, various tested configurations, and results. Forward work and applications will also be discussed


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