141390 research outputs found
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Thoracic Pressure Does Not Impact CSF Pressure via Compartment Compliance
Space acquired neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS) remains a difficult risk to characterize due to the complex multi-factorial etiology related to physiological responses to the spaceflight environment. Fluid shift and the resultant change on the Cardiovascular (CV) and cerebral spinal fluid systems (CSF) in the absence of gravity continue to be considered a contributing factor to the progression of SANS. In this study, we utilize a computational model of the CSF and CV interface to establish the sensitivity that intracranial pressure, and subsequently the optic nerve sheath pressure, exhibits due to variations in thoracic pressure, assuming the cranial perfusion pressure, i.e. mean arterial pressure (MAP) to central venous pressure (CVP), is known. Methods: The GRC Cross cutting computational modeling project created as model of the CSF and CV interaction within the cranial vault by extending the work of Stevens et al. [1] by modifying the representative anatomy to include a separate venous sinus, jugular veins, secondary veins and extra jugular pathways [2-3] to more adequately represent the vascular drainage pathways from the cranial vault (Figure 1). Assuming the MAP, CVP and thoracic pressure are known, we initiated this enhanced computational model assuming a supine positon and utilized a linear ramp to vary the thoracic pressure from the assumed supine state to the target pressure corresponding to set MAP and CVP values. The model generates the time based CSF pressure values (Figure2). Results and Conclusions: Following this analysis, CSF pressure shows significant independence from thoracic pressure changes (16 mmHg in thoracic pressure produces < 1mmHg change in CSF pressure), being mostly dependent on perfusion pressure. Similarly fluid redistribution is not predicted to be impacted over a level of 1mL. We note that this simulation represents an acute changes (order of 10's of minutes) and does not represent the long term effects
MoonBEAM: A Beyond Earth-orbit Gamma-ray Burst Detector for Multi-Messenger Astronomy
MoonBEAM is a SmallSat concept of deploying gamma-ray detectors in cislunar space to increase gamma-ray burst detections and improve localization precision with the timing triangulation technique. Such an instrument would probe the extreme processes involved in the cosmic collision of compact objects and facilitate multi-messenger time-domain astronomy to explore the end of explore the end of stellar life cycles and black hole formation
Novel Application of NASA's GEOS-CF CO Forecasting System to ACT-America Airborne Campaign
No abstract availabl
The Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope
The Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) instrument on the Spitzer Space Telescope covered the 5 to 38 micron wavelength range at low and medium spectral resolutions. The instrument was very popular during Spitzers 5.7 year-long cold mission. Every year it attracted the most proposals, and garnered more observing hours, of any of the science instruments. This success was the culmination of a very long development period, where the instrument design changed radically. When the instrument was first selected by NASA in 1984 it was very complicated. As part of the overall reduction of the size of the SIRTF Observatory following its recovery from the missions cancellation in 1991 the IRS became smaller and much, much simpler. The only aspect of the instrument that increased from the original design was the pixel count of the detectors. The new, lean, IRS based on eight axioms: (1) SIRTF is a cost-driven mission; (2) Only Boeing Si:As and Si:Sb 128x128 BIB arrays shall be used; (3) The IRS has all Aluminum housing and optics; (4) Simple optics consisting of surfaces of revolution, flat gratings, and bolt-and-go tolerances; (5) No moving parts; (6) Redundancy only for credible single-point failures; (7) Strive for an observing efficiency of 80%; (8) The IRS shall be capable of internal health assessment. This led to a simple, robust, but still extremely powerful final instrument composed of four distinct modules. Many of the features developed for the IRS were subsequently employed in other spacecraft and SOFIA science instrumentation. This presentation will cover the developmental history of the IRS instrument, its final design and performance, and will especially highlight the sage decisions that Jim Houck made along the way that led to its highly successful career on the Spitzer Space Telescope
Assimilating All-Sky Microwave Radiance Data to Improve NASA GEOS Forecasts and Analysis
The NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) has been pursuing efforts to utilize all-sky (clear+cloudy+precipitating) MW radiance data and has developed a system to assimilate all-sky GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) radiance data in the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) during the last PMM funding period. The system provides additional constraints on the analysis process near the storm regions and adjusts the geophysical parameters such as precipitation, cloud, moisture, surface pressure, and wind by combining information from GMI radiance measurements and model forecasts in an optimal manner. The system proved that assimilating the GMI all-sky radiance data improve the GEOS atmospheric analyses and forecasts. This all-sky data framework has been included in the GEOS Forward Processing (FP) system since July 11, 2018 and assimilates all-sky GMI data in real-time for GEOS global analysis and forecast production at the GMAO. We are currently extending this all-sky GMI radiance data assimilation system to assimilate more all-sky MW radiance data from other sensors such as the Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS), the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS), the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS), Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2), and the Sounder for Atmospheric Profiling of Humidity in the Intertropics by Radiometery (SAPHIR) onboard the GPM constellation spacecrafts. Preliminary results from this extended all-sky system show increased benefit from cloud- and precipitation-affected MW radiances with much larger spatial and temporal coverages compared to the all-sky system assimilating GMI alone and improved GEOS forecast skills especially for lower tropospheric humidity fields
Measurements of Few-Mode Fiber Photonic Lanterns in Emulated Atmospheric Conditions for a Low Earth Orbit Space to Ground Optical Communication Receiver Application
Photonic lanterns are being evaluated as a component of a scalable photon counting real-time optical ground receiver for space-to-ground photon-starved communication applications. The function of the lantern as a component of a receiver is to efficiently couple and deliver light from the atmospherically distorted focal spot formed behind a telescope to multiple small-core fiber-coupled single-element super-conducting nanowire detectors. This architecture solution is being compared to a multimode fiber coupled to a multi-element detector array. This paper presents a set of measurements that begins this comparison. This first set of measurements are a comparison of the throughput coupling loss at emulated atmospheric conditions for the case of a 60 cm diameter telescope receiving light from a low earth orbit satellite. The atmospheric conditions are numerically simulated at a range of turbulence levels using a beam propagation method and are physically emulated with a spatial light modulator. The results show that for the same number of output legs as the single-mode fiber lantern, the few mode fiber lantern increases the power throughput up to 3.92 dB at the worst emulated atmospheric conditions tested of D/r0=8.6. Furthermore, the coupling loss of the few mode fiber lantern approaches the capability of a 30 micron graded index multimode fiber chosen for coupling to a 16 element detector array
Isotopes of H, N, and O in H Chondrite Xenoliths
Brecciated H chrondites host a variety of xenoliths, including unshocked, phyllosilate-rich carbonaceous chondrites (CCs) [1-2]. The brecciated H chondrite Zag (H3-6) is one of two chondrites to host macroscopic (1 - 5mm), xenolithic crystals of halite (NaCl) with aqueous fluid inclusions and organics [3-4]. A ~1cm CC xenolith in Zag (Zag clast) also encloses halite in its matrix, linking the halite and the xenolith to the same parent object. The Zag clast has mineralogy similar to CI chondrites, but it has a unique bulk oxygen isotopic composition among all meteorites (17O = 1.49 0.04 , 18O = 22.38 0.17 ) and is therefore derived from a uniquely sampled parent object [5-6]. Organics have high bulk D and 15N values with isotopic "hotspots" similar to organics in CR chondrites and Bells (C2-ung.) [6-7]. Bulk 15N is also similar to CRs and Bells [7]. We provide further isotopic characterization of the Zag clast to constrain the formation temperature and origin of its primary and secondary components
Status of Outer Planet Global Reference Atmospheric Model (GRAM) Upgrades
The inability to test planetary spacecraft in the flight environment prior to a mission requires engineers to rely on ground-based testing and models of the vehicle and expected environments. One of the most widely used engineering models of the atmosphere is the Global Reference Atmospheric Model (GRAM) developed and maintained by the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). The NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) has provided funding support to upgrade the GRAMs