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Struktur Biaya dan Efisiensi Usaha Perikanan Tangkap di Kota Bengkulu: Kasus pada Alat Tangkap Gillnet
This study is aimed at analyzing the cost structure,and the efficiency level ofcatching fishery industry in the city of Bengkulu. Research was conducted in Pulau Baai in the subdistrict at Kampung Melayu,Bengkulu City where was determined purposively. Samples were selected by stratified random sampling. The 60 samples were divided into two strata based on their fishing vessel size, i.e., 1-5 GT and ≥ 6 GT. Full costing approach was used to analyse cost structure of catching fishesy businesses while R/C ratio was applied to determine the level of business efficiency. The estimation found that a variable cost amounted to 83.22 % of total cost, While fixed cost consisted of 16.78 %. Efficiency fishery business level way 1.24 which means that by spending 1 rupiah fisherman will benefit by Rp. 1.24, this means the fishery business was efficient because R/C ratio was hingher than 1. In term of revenue distribution, there is “bagi hasil” pattern between the owner and fishing vessel crews, i.e., with ratio of 50: 50.
Analisis Pembangkit Listrik Hibrid Untuk Kawasan Universitas Teuku Umar Meulaboh
Which more lower deficit of fossil energy for generated power plant, in order to need to do wind power generation plant analysis based on renewable energy which is wind turbine horizontal type. This study is analyzing a power system with electric power load for Teuku Umar University by using a hybrid power generation system which HOMER between wind turbines and diesel generators. Wind resources are used is measured by BMKG Meulaboh Station, which is 6 m/s. The results of the simulation is given by the value of the Net Present Cost (NPC) and the lowest, in the amount of /kWh for the value of Renewable Factor (RF) was 40% and for the value of Renewable Factor (RF), the largest at 58%, the value of the Net Present Cost (NPC) amounted to /kWh. Keywords: Wind Turbine, Homer, Power Plants, Net Present Cost (NPC), Renewable Factor (RF
Permentan No. 67/ Permentan / SM.050 / 12/2016 states that the women farmer group is part of the farmer institution. The development of farmers aimed to(a) strengthening farmer groups and become independent farmer institutions; (b) increasing the ability of members in agribusiness development, and (c) increasing the ability of farmers' groups to carry out their functions. Sukowiryo Village is one of the villages in Jelbuk Subdistrict, Jember District that hasn’t been introduced yet to the initiation of women farmer groups as a forum for the cooperation of its members. This study aimed to analyze how the perceptions of the initiation of women farmer groups in Sukowiryo Village, Jelbuk Sub-District, Jember District. This study was used as a quantitative approach with purposive sampling method and used PLS analysis. The results showed that the relative advantages, observability, and compatibility have a direct influence on the initiation of the formation of female farmer groups, this is due to respondents have good perceptions, that the initiation of the women farmer groups that reflected in the planning and the types of activities that are considered to be beneficial later easy to observe and very much by the needs of the community
Meat is a strategic commodity. West Aceh district has considerable potential for the development of cattle and buffalo farms, this is not independent of the support of local resources owned. The purpose of this research is to analyze the economic model of meat commodity in supporting self-sufficiency of meat in West Aceh. Data used in this research is secondary data year 2000-2016 (time series data). Analysis of the economic model of beef is done by the approach of econometric model, which is formulated in the form of simultaneous equations. Model estimation using two stage least squares (2SLS) method. The results show that the demand for meat in West Aceh is influenced by the price of beef, the price of beef, the price of chicken meat, the population and the income per capita. Beef production in West Aceh is influenced by the price of chicken meat, the price of beef, the price of buffalo meat, the population of cattle, the dummy of meat self-sufficiency and artificial insemination. The production of buffalo meat in West Aceh is influenced by the price of chicken meat, the price of beef, the price of the buffalo meat, the meat self-sufficiency dummy, the demand for meat, buffalo population and buffalo meat production in the previous year
In the period of 2006 - 2015, the production of rice, corn and soybean increased but the government still had to import because the national requirement is still bigger than production, the effort to increase the production is done by UPSUS Pajale. This research was conducted to determine the effect of planting area and production of rice, corn and soybean to provincial PDRB of Indonesia. The results showed that the harvested area of paddy, corn and soybean crops had a strong influence on production at the beginning of the 2015 UPSUS Pajale program but the effect was decreased in 2016. The harvested area of paddy, corn and soybean is not strong in influencing the provincial PDRB in Indonesia, where by simultaneous test and partial test in 2016 the area of harvest of paddy, corn and soybean does not show significant influence to provincial PRDB. Production of paddy, corn and soybeans is also not strong in influencing the PDRB of provinces in Indonesia, where with the simultaneous test in 2016 rice, corn and soybean production show a significant influence on provincial PDRB but with partial test only rice production showing significant influence to PDRB. Rice shows more influence to provincial PDRB compared to corn and soybean. Research suggests that to encourage production of vital harvesting factors is important, but more importantly increase productivity from existing land areas, and improve farming support infrastructur