Helmholtz Center for Information Security
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3404 research outputs found
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Secure Messaging with Strong Compromise Resilience, Temporal Privacy, and Immediate Decryption
Recent years have seen many advances in designing secure messaging protocols, aiming at provably strong security properties in theory or high efficiency for real-world practical deployment. However, important trade-off areas of the design space inbetween these elements have not yet been explored.
In this work we design the first provably secure protocol
that at the same time achieves (i) strong resilience against fine-grained compromise, (ii) temporal privacy, and (iii) immediate decryption with constant-size overhead, notably, in the post-quantum (PQ) setting. Besides these main design goals, we introduce a novel definition of offline deniability suitable for our setting, and prove that our protocol meets it, notably when combined with a PQ offline deniable initial key exchange
Revisiting Android App Categorization
Numerous tools rely on automatic categorization of Android apps as part of their methodology. However, incorrect categorization can lead to inaccurate outcomes, such as a malware detector wrongly flagging a benign app as malicious. One such example is the SlideIT Free Keyboard app, which has over 500 000 downloads on Google Play. Despite being a "Keyboard" app, it is often wrongly categorized alongside "Language" apps due to the app’s description focusing heavily on language support, resulting in incorrect analysis outcomes, including mislabeling it as a potential malware when it is actually a benign app. Hence, there is a need to improve the categorization of Android apps to benefit all the tools relying on it.
In this paper, we present a comprehensive evaluation of existing Android app categorization approaches using our new ground- truth dataset. Our evaluation demonstrates the notable superiority of approaches that utilize app descriptions over those solely relying on data extracted from the APK file, while also leaving space for potential improvement in the former category. Thus, we propose two innovative approaches that effectively outperform the performance of existing methods in both description-based and APK-based methodologies. Finally, by employing our novel description-based approach, we have successfully demonstrated that adopting a higher-performing categorization method can significantly benefit tools reliant on app categorization, leading to an improvement in their overall performance. This highlights the significance of developing advanced and efficient app categorization methodologies for improved results in software engineering tasks
SecurityNet: Assessing Machine Learning Vulnerabilities on Public Models
While advanced machine learning (ML) models are deployed in numerous real-world applications, previous works demonstrate these models have security and privacy vulnerabilities. Various empirical research has been done in this field. However, most of the experiments are performed on target ML models trained by the security researchers themselves. Due to the high computational resource requirement for training advanced models with complex architectures, researchers generally choose to train a few target models using relatively simple architectures on typical experiment datasets. We argue that to understand ML models' vulnerabilities comprehensively, experiments should be performed on a large set of models trained with various purposes (not just the purpose of evaluating ML attacks and defenses). To this end, we propose using publicly available models with weights from the Internet (public models) for evaluating attacks and defenses on ML models. We establish a database, namely SecurityNet, containing 910 annotated image classification models. We then analyze the effectiveness of several representative attacks/defenses, including model stealing attacks, membership inference attacks, and backdoor detection on these public models. Our evaluation empirically shows the performance of these attacks/defenses can vary significantly on public models compared to self-trained models. We share SecurityNet with the research community. and advocate researchers to perform experiments on public models to better demonstrate their proposed methods' effectiveness in the future
Efficient and Generic Microarchitectural Hash-Function Recovery
Modern CPUs use a variety of undocumented microarchitectural hash functions to efficiently distribute data within microarchitectural structures such as caches. A well-known function is the cache slice function that distributes cache lines to the slices of the last-level cache. Knowing these functions improves microarchitectural attacks, such as Prime+Probe or Rowhammer, drastically. However, while several such linear functions have been reverse-engineered, there is no generic or automated approach for reverse-engineering non-linear functions, which have become common with modern CPUs.
In this paper, we introduce a novel generic approach for automatically reverse-engineering a wide range of microarchitectural hash functions. Our approach combines techniques initially used for logic-gate minimization and from computer algebra to infer the hash functions based on input-output pairs observed via side channels. With our framework, we infer 3 previously-unknown non-linear hash functions on both AMD and Intel CPUs, including the new Alder Lake hybrid-CPU architecture. We verify our approach by reproducing known hash functions and evaluating side-channel attacks that rely on these functions, resulting in success rates above 97.65%. We stress the need to design such functions with both performance and security in mind and discuss alternative designs that can be used in future CPUs
AndroLibZoo: A Reliable Dataset of Libraries Based on Software Dependency Analysis
Android app developers extensively employ code reuse, integrating many third-party libraries into their apps. While such integration is practical for developers, it can be challenging for static analyzers to achieve scalability and precision when libraries account for a large part of the code. As a direct consequence, it is common practice in the literature to consider developer code only during static analysis --with the assumption that the sought issues are in developer code rather than the libraries. However, analysts need to distinguish between library and developer code. Currently, many static analyses rely on white lists of libraries. However, these white lists are unreliable, inaccurate, and largely non-comprehensive.
In this paper, we propose a new approach to address the lack of comprehensive and automated solutions for the production of accurate and ``always up to date" sets of libraries. First, we demonstrate the continued need for a white list of libraries. Second, we propose an automated approach to produce an accurate and up-to-date set of third-party libraries in the form of a dataset called AndroLibZoo. Our dataset, which we make available to the community, contains to date 34 813 libraries and is meant to evolve
The Great Request Robbery: An Empirical Study of Client-side Request Hijacking Vulnerabilities on the Web
Request forgery attacks are among the oldest threats to Web applications, traditionally caused by server-side confused deputy vulnerabilities. However, recent advancements in client-side technologies have introduced more subtle variants of request forgery, where attackers exploit input validation flaws in client-side programs to hijack outgoing requests. We have little-to-no information about these client-side variants, their prevalence, impact, and countermeasures, and in this paper we undertake one of the first evaluations of the state of client-side request hijacking on the Web platform.
Starting with a comprehensive review of browser API capabilities and Web specifications, we systematize request hijacking vulnerabilities and the resulting attacks, identifying 10 distinct vulnerability variants, including seven new ones. Then, we use our systematization to design and implement Sheriff, a static-dynamic tool that detects vulnerable data flows from attacker-controllable inputs to request-sending instructions. We instantiate Sheriff on the top of the Tranco top 10K sites, performing, to our knowledge, the first investigation into the prevalence of request hijacking flaws in the wild. Our study uncovers that request hijacking vulnerabilities are ubiquitous, affecting 9.6% of the top 10K sites. We demonstrate the impact of these vulnerabilities by constructing 67 proof-of-concept exploits across 49 sites, making it possible to mount arbitrary code execution, information leakage, open redirections and CSRF also against popular websites like Microsoft Azure, Starz, Reddit, and Indeed. Finally, we review and evaluate the adoption and efficacy of existing countermeasures against client-side request hijacking attacks, including browser-based solutions like CSP, COOP and COEP, and input validation
Multi-Stage Group Key Distribution and PAKEs: Securing Zoom Groups against Malicious Servers without New Security Elements
Video conferencing apps like Zoom have hundreds of millions of daily users, making them a high-value target for surveillance and subversion. While such apps claim to achieve some forms of end-to-end encryption, they usually assume an incorruptible server that is able to identify and authenticate all the parties in a meeting. Concretely this means that, e.g., even when using the “end-to-end encrypted” setting, malicious Zoom servers could eavesdrop or impersonate in arbitrary groups.
In this work, we show how security against malicious servers can be improved by changing the way in which such protocols use passwords (known as passcodes in Zoom) and integrating
a password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocol.
To formally prove that our approach achieves its goals, we
formalize a class of cryptographic protocols suitable for this setting, and define a basic security notion for them, in which group security can be achieved assuming the server is trusted to correctly authorize the group members. We prove that Zoom indeed meets this notion. We then propose a stronger security notion that can provide security against malicious servers, and propose a transformation that can achieve this notion. We show how we can apply our transformation to Zoom to provably achieve stronger security against malicious servers, notably without introducing new security elements
Sweep-UC: Swapping Coins Privately
Fair exchange (also referred to as atomic swap) is a fundamental operation in any cryptocurrency that allows users to atomically exchange coins.
While a large body of work has been devoted to this problem, most solutions lack on-chain privacy. Thus, coins retain a public transaction history which is known to degrade the fungibility of a currency. This has led to a flourishing line of related research on fair exchange with privacy guarantees. Existing protocols either rely on heavy scripting (which also degrades fungibility and leads to high transaction fees), do not support atomic swaps across a wide range of currencies, or come with incomplete security proofs.
To overcome these limitations, we introduce Sweep-UC (Read as Sweep Ur Coins.), the first fair exchange protocol that simultaneously is efficient, minimizes scripting, and is compatible with a wide range of currencies (more than the state of the art). We build Sweep-UC from modular sub-protocols and give a rigorous security analysis in the UC framework. Many of our tools and security definitions can be used in standalone fashion and may serve as useful components for future constructions of fair exchange
CacheWarp: Software-based Fault Injection using Selective State Reset
AMD SEV is a trusted-execution environment (TEE), providing confidentiality and integrity for virtual machines (VMs). With AMD SEV, it is possible to securely run VMs on an untrusted hypervisor. While previous attacks demonstrated architectural shortcomings of earlier SEV versions, AMD claims that SEV-SNP prevents all attacks on the integrity.
In this paper, we introduce CacheWarp, a new software-based fault attack on AMD SEV-ES and SEV-SNP, exploiting the possibility to architecturally revert modified cache lines of guest VMs to their previous (stale) state. Unlike previous attacks on the integrity, CacheWarp is not mitigated on the newest SEV-SNP implementation, and it does not rely on specifics of the guest VM. CacheWarp only has to interrupt the VM at an attacker-chosen point to invalidate modified cache lines without them being written back to memory. Consequently, the VM continues with architecturally stale data. In 3 case studies, we demonstrate an attack on RSA in the Intel IPP crypto library, recovering the entire private key, logging into an OpenSSH server without authentication, and escalating privileges to root via the sudo binary. While we implement a software-based mitigation proof-of-concept, we argue that mitigations are difficult, as the root cause is in the hardware
Measuring the Effects of Stack Overflow Code Snippet Evolution on Open-Source Software Security
This paper assesses the effects of Stack Overflow code snippet evolution on the security of open-source projects. Users on Stack Overflow actively revise posted code snippets, sometimes addressing bugs and vulnerabilities. Accordingly, developers that reuse code from Stack Overflow should treat it like any other evolving code dependency and be vigilant about updates. It is unclear whether developers are doing so, to what extent outdated code snippets from Stack Overflow are present in GitHub projects, and whether developers miss security-relevant updates to reused snippets. To shed light on those questions, we devised a method to 1) detect outdated code snippets versions from 1.5M Stack Overflow snippets in 11,479 popular GitHub projects and 2) detect security-relevant updates to those Stack Overflow code snippets not reflected in those GitHub projects. Our results show that developers do not update dependent code snippets when those evolved on Stack Overflow. We found that 2,405 code snippet versions reused in 2,109 GitHub projects were outdated, with 43 projects missing fixes to bugs and vulnerabilities on Stack Overflow. Those 43 projects containing outdated, insecure snippets were forked on average 1,085 times (max. 16,121), indicating that our results are likely a lower bound for affected code bases. An important insight from our work is that treating Stack Overflow code as purely static code impedes holistic solutions to the problem of copying insecure code from Stack Overflow. Instead, our results suggest that developers need tools that continuously monitor Stack Overflow for security warnings and code fixes to reused code snippets and not only warn during copy-pasting