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FarFar - Repository of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade
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    2347 research outputs found

    Changes of antioxidant enzymes and adiponectin receptors gene expressions levels in subcutaneous adipose tissue adipocytes following intragastric balloon therapy for obesity

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    Гојазност је мултифакторска болест која представља ризик по здравље. Један од видова терапије гојазности је уградња интрагастричног балона. Адипозно ткиво (АТ) није само орган за складиштење триглицерида, већ активно производи и екскретује адипокине, те се сматра да би терапија гојазности могла да индукује одређене промене у њему.Obesity is a multifactorial disease that represents a health risk. One type of therapeutic approach is the insertion of an intragastric balloon. Adipose tissue (AT) is not only an energy storage, it actively produces adipokines. It is considered that the right therapeutic approach, resulting in weight loss, could induce changes in its function

    Anti-inflammatory effect of Teucrium montanum L. extract – study on animal model of rheumatoid arthritis

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    Биљне врсте рода Teucrium су богате фенолним једињењима са снажном биолошком активношћу и често се користе у народној медицини. Најпопуларнија врста овог рода у Европи је Т. montanum L. (трава ива) која поседује анти-инфламаторна, антиоксидативна и антимикробна својства.Species of the genus Teucrium are rich in phenolic compounds with biological activity and often used in folk medicine. The most popular species of this genus in Europe is T. montanum L., which possesses antiinflammatory, antioxidative and antimicrobial effect

    Predicting of positive and negative effects of sulforaphane in prostatic and pancreatic cancer patients by toxicogenomic data analysis

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    Карцином простате је други најчешће дијагностикован тип карцинома код мушкараца, док се карцином панкреаса најчешће открива у касним стадијумима болести. Оба карцинома прати висока стопа морталитета. Литературни подаци указују да бројне фитохемикалије, попут сулфорaфана, показују антитуморско дејство, али да безбедност његове примене још није испитана.Prostate cancer is а second most diagnosed cancer in men, while pancreatic cancer is discovered late. Both cancers have high mortality rates. Literature discoveres various fitochemicals, like sulforaphane, to have anti-tumor effects, however their safety is not yet determined

    Film-forming solutions for percutaneous delivery of ketoprofen: formulation, physico-chemical and in vitro biopharmaceutical characterization

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    Филм-формирајући раствори (ФФР) су течни системи који се након наношења прилагођавају површинском рељефу кожe и, по испаравању растварача, формирају танак флексибилни филм који представља полимерни матрикс из кога се ослобађа лековита супстанца.Film-forming solutions (FFS) are liquid systems that adapt to the surface relief of the skin after application and, after evaporation of the solvent, form a thin flexible film that represents a polymer matrix from which the medicinal substance is released

    Social adolescent stress causes increased general anxiety in male rats and reduced social anxiety in both male and female rats

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    Пандемија корона вирусa и изолација током овог периода су допринеле повећању преваленце анксиозних и депресивних поремећаја у адолесценцији, која представља посебно осетљив период за социјални стрес.The COVID19 pandemic and isolation during this period have contributed to an increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depressive disorders during adolescence, which is a particularly vulnerable period for social stress

    Cost-effectiveness of velmanase alfa vs. bone marrow transplantation or no causal therapy in patients with mild to moderate alpha-mannosidosis

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    Alpha-mannosidosis is an inherited rare disorder of mannose-containing oligosaccharides metabolism that is currently treated by enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), bone marrow transplantation (BMT), or supportive therapy (ST). However, the relative cost-effectiveness of these treatment options is yet unknown. Our study aimed to compare the cost-effectiveness of the treatment options for mild to moderate alpha-mannosidosis. The study is based on a modeling approach using a Discrete-Event Simulation model to generate and simulate the course of the disease under the influence of each of the treatment options: ERT, BMT, and ST. The model had a lifetime horizon and was made from the perspective of the Serbian Health Insurance Fund. Currently, available causal therapy of mild to moderate alpha-mannosidosis with velmanase alpha enzyme replacement is not cost-effective compared with supportive therapy (ICER = 941,587,152 RSD) or bone marrow transplantation (ICER = −398,412,755 RSD). Bone marrow transplantation can be cost-effective compared to supportive therapy (ICER = 6,032,689 RSD), but only if the willingness-to-pay threshold is increased to 9 gross domestic products (GDP) per capita per QALY gained. According to the current threshold, velmanase-alfa is not cost-effective compared to BMT or ST. To make alfa-mannosidosis therapy widely accessible to patients, criteria for assessing the cost-effectiveness of orphan drugs must include not only the absolute value of ICER but other aspects like equity weightings of QALYs, risk-sharing, reimbursement of severe forms of a disease only, or availability of dedicated funding

    Optimization of ORAC assay combined with in vivo tape stripping for the assessment of antioxidant efficacy of cosmetic formulations

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    Repeated sun-exposure is one of the main sources of oxidative stress in the skin, which is responsible for the majority of age-associated skin conditions. ..

    What is the Current Clinical Impact of the CYP2CTG Haplotype?

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    We read with great interest the paper by Zubiaur et al.1 on the analysis of a genotype–phenotype relationship of the CYP2C:TG haplotype. This study, including 225 patients receiving one of 6 different drugs and liver pieces from 135 children (median age 7 years), is in contrast to 2 studies by Bråten et al. using in vivo data from 875 escitalopram-treated2 and 840 sertraline-treated3 Norwegian patients, respectively, in which significantly increased rate (+20 to 25%) of CYP2C19-dependent metabolism of these drugs was found for the CYP2C:TGhaplotype

    A text mining study on the utility of physiologically based pharmacokinetic/biopharmaceutics modeling (PBPK/PBBM) in formulation development

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    Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling is an evolving tool that has a profound impact on drug discovery and formulation development processes. A major advantage of PBPK models is that they have the ability to mechanistically explain how drug properties, product quality attributes and physiological factors influence the in vivo drug performance. To better specify the application field of these models and highlight the link between in vitro dissolution and drug’s in vivo behavior, a novel term, physiologically based biopharmaceutics modeling (PBBM), was recently introduced. The versatility of application of these models is perceived through the growth in the number of scientific publications that include the use of PBPK/PBBM (Krstevska et al, 2022). In the present study, the use of PBPK/PBBM across the publications from the past decade was analyzed, with the focus on the application of these models in pharmaceutical/formulation development.14th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology, 28th - 30th September, Ohrid, N. Macedonia, 202

    Oxidative stress status assessment of rats' brains injury following subacute exposure to K-oximes

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    Oxidative stress status and morphological injuries in the brain of Wistar rats induced by repeated application of selected acetylcholinesterase reactivators - asoxime, obidoxime, K027, K048, K074, and K075 were evaluated. Each oxime in a dose of 0.1 of LD50/kg im was given 2x/week for 4 weeks. Markers of lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde, MDA), and protein oxidation (advanced oxidation protein products, AOPP), as well as the activity of antioxidant enzymes (catalase, CAT, superoxide dismutase, SOD, glutathione reductase, GR, and glutathione peroxidase, GPx), were estimated in the brain tissue homogenates on day 35 of the study. Brain alterations were carefully quantified by semiquantitative grading scales - brain damage score (BDS). Oxidative stress parameters, MDA and AOPP were significantly highest in the asoxime-, obidoxime- and K075-treated groups (p < 0.001). The activity of SOD and CAT was significantly elevated in the obidoxime-, K048-, and K075-treated groups (p < 0.001). Besides, GR was markedly decreased in the obidoxime- and K074-treated groups (p < 0.01), while treatment with K048, K074 and K075 induced extremely high elevation in GPx levels (p < 0.001). In the same groups of rats, brain alterations associated with polymorphonuclear cell infiltrate were significantly more severe than those observed in animals receiving only asoxime or K027 (p < 0.001). The presented results confirmed that treatment with different oximes significantly improved the oxidative status and attenuated signs of inflammation in rats' brains. Presented results, together with our previously published data can help to predict likely adverse systemic toxic effects, and target organ systems, which are crucial for establishing risk categories, as well as in dose selection of K-oximes as drug candidates


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    FarFar - Repository of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade is based in Serbia
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