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    331 research outputs found

    Masalah Kecelaruan Tingkah Laku: Ponteng Sekolah

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    Ponteng sekolah merupakan salah satu masalah disiplin yang semakin ketara. Terdapat pelbagai faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan pelajar-pelajar terlibat dengan gejala ponteng sekolah dimana ianya berpunca daripada guru, sikap pelajar, rakan sebaya dan juga ibu bapa dimana mereka banyak mempengaruhi pelajar-pelajar terlibat dengan gejala ponteng sekolah. Masalah ini perlulah diatasi dengan segera bagi mengelakkan daripada timbulnya pelbagai gejala buruk yang lain rentetan daripada perilaku ponteng. Objektif kajian ini iaitu untuk mengenal pasti apakah punca-punca yang menyebabkan pelajar mengambil tindakan untuk tidak hadir ke sekolah atau dipanggil ponteng, untuk mengenal pasti kekerapan pelajar yang terlibat dalam gejala ponteng sekolah, mengetahui dengan lebih terperinci cara-cara untuk mengatasi gejala ponteng sekolah yang semakin berleluasa di kalangan pelajar sekolah, dan mendedahkan kesan dan akibat yang akan diterima akibat daripada gelaja ponteng sekolah. Dapatan kajian dari hasil temu bual, faktor ibu bapa ialah faktor yang utama sekali dalam mengawal anak – anak mereka. Termasuk guru juga, sebagai pembimbing pelajar – pelajar di sekolah dalam membantu berkaitan tentang pelajaran mahupun masalah keluarga yang dihadapi oleh pelajar tersebut.   Behavioral Disorders Issues: Truant Abstract: School neglect is one of the more important disciplinary issues. There are a number of factors that cause students to experience school dropout symptoms which are caused by teachers, students, peers, and even parents which greatly influence the students involved with school dropout symptoms. This problem needs to be resolved immediately to prevent the emergence of many other adverse symptoms from stray behavior. The objectives of this study were to identify the causes of students' failure to attend school or to be called a skeptic, to identify the frequency of students involved in school dropout symptoms, to know in more detail ways to overcome school dropout symptoms is becoming more prevalent among schoolchildren, and exposes the repercussions and consequences that will come from school drop-offs. According to the findings from the interview, parental factors are the most important factor in controlling their children. Includes teachers as mentors of students in the school to help with the education or family issues faced by the student. Keyword: Behavioral Disorders, Truant Issues, Student

    Pengukuran Kinerja Menggunakan Konsep Balanced Scorecard

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    Dalam rangka mencapai peningkatan pemasaran dan pendapatan di PT BCV, perusahaan harus melakukan perbaikan dengan melakukan pengukuran kinerja. Model CIPP digunakan untuk menyelesaikan studi ini dengan studi Input dalam bentuk pernyataan perusahaan, strategi perusahaan dan target dan realisasi masing-masing KPI. Penentuan KPI penulis menggunakan metode wawancara kepada setiap kepala bidang dan manager bertugas menentukan KPI yang akan dilakukan pembobotan dengan menggunakan konsep pendukung keputusan yaitu AHP. Perhitungan kinerja KPI dilakukan dengan membandingkan target dan realisasi. Dari 32 strategi yang berikan setiap kepala bidang, hanya 15 yang dipilih oleh manager sebagai KPI. Hasil pembobotan setiap perspektif yaitu pada perspektif pelanggan sebesar 0,5476, perspektif Pembelajaran & Pertumbuhan sebesar 0,2559, perspektif Proses Bisnis Internal sebesar 0,1448 dan perspektif keuangan sebesar 0,0517. Hasil perhitungan skor KPI secara keseluruhan sebesar 0,0517 dan dalam lalu lintas masuk ke dalam katagori warna merah yang berarti kinerja perusahaan TV kabel berada diposisi yang sangat rendah. Saran yang diberikan untuk dilakukan evaluasi yaitu Perspektif Pelanggan dan Perspektif Proses Bisnis Internal.   Performance Measurement Using Balanced Scorecard Concept Abstract: In order to achieve increased marketing and revenue in PT BCV, the company must make improvements by measuring the performance. The CIPP model is used to complete this study with Input study in the form of company statement, corporate strategy and target and realization of each KPI. Determination of KPI authors use the interview method to each head of the field and manager in charge of determining the KPI which will be weighted by using the decision support concept that is Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP). KPI performance calculation is done by comparing the targets and realization. Of the 32 strategies that give each head of the field, only 15 are selected by the manager as KPI. The weighting result of each perspective is on the customer perspective of 0.5476, Learning & Growth of 0.2559, Internal Business Process of 0.1448 and financial of 0.0517. The calculation results of overall KPI score of 0.5017 in the traffic light into the category of red color which means the performance of cable TV companies are positioned very low. Suggestions given for evaluation are Customer Perspective and Internal Business Process Perspective. Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, Key Performance Indicator, Analitycal Hierarchy Process

    Aplikasi Kahoot Sebagai Alat Pengujian Terhadap Pencapaian Murid dalam Mata Pelajaran Sejarah

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti kesan penggunaan aplikasi Kahoot dalam mengukur pencapaian murid bagi mata pelajaran Sejarah Tingkatan 1. Objektif kajian ini adalah membangunkan alat pengujian pencapaian menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot untuk mata pelajaran Sejarah; dan mengenal pasti perbezaan penggunaan aplikasi Kahoot dan ujian bertulis dalam mengukur pencapaian murid. Reka bentuk kajian ini adalah berbentuk kuantitatif terhadap 30 orang peserta yang terdiri daripada murid Tingkatan 1 di sebuah sekolah di Melaka. Kajian mengapliksikan kaedah tinjauan dengan menggunakan soal selidik dan eksperimen menggunakan set ujian untuk melihat kesan pencapaian murid terhadap mata pelajaran Sejarah dengan menggunakan dua alat pengujian yang berbeza. Hasil kajian mendapati alat pengujian menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot memberikan hasil dapatan yang positif oleh murid dan pencapaian bagi murid yang menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot adalah lebih tinggi berbanding menggunakan alat pengujian konvensional.   Application of Kahoot as a Testing Tool to Student Achievement in History Subjects Abstract: This study aimed to identify the impact of using the Kahoot application in measuring student achievement for Level 1 history subjects. The objectives of this study were to develop achievement testing tools using the Kahoot application for History subjects; and identify differences in use of the Kahoot application and written tests in measuring student achievement. The design of this study was quantitatively based on 30 participants from Form 1 students at a school in Malacca. The study applied survey methods using questionnaires and experiments using test sets to see the impact of student achievement on History subjects using two different testing tools. The results showed that testing tools using the Kahoot app gave students positive results and the achievement for students using the Kahoot app was higher than using conventional testing tools. Keywords: Testing Tools, Kahoot Applications, Achievements, History

    A Step-by Step Process in Designing Personalized Reading Content for Slow Learner Children

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    Teaching slow learner children in reading is a challenging process. It requires personalization touch which can deliver suitable reading materials to meet diverse slow learner existing knowledge, needs and preferences. However, despite the various implementation of the personalization in a wide range of areas, the implementation of existing teaching and learning in primary schools in Malaysia does not support personalization. With an intention to cater to slow learner reading difficulties, this research offers a step-by-step process of designing personalization of reading content for slow learner children. In conclusion, developing personalized reading content for the slow learner children is one way of attaining the need for the slow learner children in reading. By offering personalization of reading for the slow learner children, perhaps it would be something interesting tool to be explored by a slow learner to break a code of reading successfully

    Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Retribusi Pada Menara Telekomunikasi

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    Tekomunikasi adalah salah satu faktor penting dan strategis dalam mendukung dan meningkatkan daya saing ekonomi suatu negara. Telekomunikasi juga berperan dalam peningkatan pendidikan dan peningkatan hubungan antar negara. Pembangunan menara telekomunikasi diperlukan untuk memperhatikan estetika lingkungan, tata ruang dan wilayah serta orang-orang keselamatan dan keamanan yang berada di sekitar menara telekomunikasi. Peran pemerintah kota untuk mengatur penyelenggaraan perizinan, khususnya terkait dengan perizinan menara telekomunikasi sangat penting agar pendirian menara telekomunikasi tidak sembarangan dan merugikan banyak pihak. Dengan terjadinya masalah-masalah ini, kita membutuhkan aplikasi yang dapat membantu pemerintah kota dalam mengelola pemantauan dan retribusi data oleh menara telekomunikasi.   Information System for Information Levy Monitoring On Telecommunication Towers Abstract: Telecommunications is one of the important and strategic factor in supporting and enhancing the competitiveness of a nation's economy. Telecommunications also play a role in the improvement of education and improvement of relations between nations. Telecommunications tower construction is required to pay attention to the aesthetics of the environment, spatial and regions as well as safety and security people residing around the telecommunications tower. The role of the city government to regulate the operation of licensing, particularly related to the licensing of telecommunications tower is very important for the erection of the tower telekominikasi not arbitrary and detrimental to many parties. With the occurrence of these problems, we need an application that can help the city government in managing data monitoring and levies by the telecommunications tower. Keywords: License, Telecommunication Tower, Client-Server

    Penerapan Algoritma Knuth-Morris-Pratt pada Fungsi Pencarian Dokumen untuk Sistem Informasi Administrasi Sekolah Berbasis Website

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    Algoritma Knuth-Morris-Pratt merupakan algoritma pencarian yang akan mencocokkan pattern atau susunan kata yang akan dicari dari kiri ke kanan pada awal teks dan kemudian menggeser susunan kata sampai susunan kata tersebut berada di ujung teks. Algoritma KMP memiliki keunggulan pencarian kecocokan pada file yang berukuran besar. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan yaitu metode Rapid Application Development. Metode RAD ini adalah strategi siklus hidup yang ditujukan untuk menyediakan pengembangan yang jauh lebih cepat dan mendapatkan hasil dengan kualitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan hasil yang dicapai melalui siklus tradisional. Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Administrasi Sekolah ini diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang timbul dari proses pengendalian dokumen secara konvensional agar lebih mudah dan tepat.   Applying of Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm to the Document Search Function for Website-Based School Administration Information Systems Abstract:  Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm is a search algorithm that will match the pattern or arrangement of words to be searched from left to right at the beginning of the text and then shift the order of words until the word order is at the end of the text. The KMP algorithm has the advantage of matching matches on large files. The system development method used is the Rapid Application Development method. RAD method is a life cycle strategy aimed at providing development that is much faster and gets results with better quality compared to results achieved through traditional cycles. Application of School Administration Information System is expected to be able to overcome problems arising from conventional document control processes to make it easier and more precise. Keywords:  Document Search, Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Rapid Application Development

    Penggunaan Sistem Persekitaran Pembelajaran Maya Frog di Sekolah-Sekolah Malaysia: Pengalaman dan Prospek Masa Depan

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    Penggunaan sistem Virtual Learning Environment Frog (VLE Frog) merupakan satu sistem pembelajaran maya yang giat digunakan di hampir 100.000 buah sekolah di seluruh negara. Sistem ini merupakan satu platform pembelajaran maya yang boleh diguna pakai oleh semua murid, guru dan warga sekolah pada bila-bila masa dan di mana sahaja untuk mengakses laman pendidikan. Namun, penggunaannya masih berada di tahap yang kurang memberangsangkan dan tidak di ambil berat oleh guru di sekolah. Justeru kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti fungsi dan peranan sistem VLE Frog di sekolah. Kajian ini merupakan kajian gabungan kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan melibatkan 367 orang sebagai sampel kajian. Kajian perpustakaan, instrumen soal selidik dan pemerhatian telah dijalankan bagi mendapatkan data kajian ini. Hasil dapatan kajian ini diharap dapat menjadi salah satu daripada kayu ukur terhadap kesediaan guru sekolah rendah dalam menggunakan teknologi dalam pendidikan khususnya melalui sistem VLE Frog.   Use of Frog Virtual Learning Environment System in Malaysian Schools: Future Experiences and Prospects Abstract: The use of the Virtual Learning Environment Frog (VLE Frog) system is a powerful virtual learning system used in nearly 100,000 schools across the country. The system is a virtual learning platform that can be used by all students, teachers and schoolmates anytime and anywhere to access educational sites. However, its use is still at a disadvantage and has not been taken seriously by teachers in schools. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the function and role of the VLE Frog system in schools. This study was a quantitative and qualitative study involving 367 people as a sample. Library surveys, questionnaires and observations were conducted to obtain data from this study. The findings of this study are expected to be one of the benchmarks for primary school teachers' readiness to use technology in education especially through the VLE Frog system. Keywords: VLE Frog, Primary School, Teacher

    Review the Success of the Mobile Government from the Government Perspective

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    The researchers agreed on the potential of the mobile government as a new channel of communication between the government and citizens if the mobile government eliminates the traditional organizational structure of government, thus changing the way information is exchanged between them, and provide government services in a transparent manner at anytime and anywhere. For the education sector, mobile education initiatives must be successful in educational institutions must choose the appropriate technology in proportion to its infrastructure to conserve resources and reduce the stress of change. Therefore, this research seeks to present the most important factors of success explored by researchers in their studies, using different research methods in different countries, and trying to classify these factors from the perspective of the government and citizens. The methodology used in this research is to review the literature on the success of mobile government from a government perspective, in order to determine the success factors adopted by each study, and then categorize the success factors according to the degree of their impact on the successful implementation of the mobile government. The final stage is a model proposal for mobile government success

    Solving Rich Vehicle Routing Problem Using Three Steps Heuristic

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    Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) relates to the problem of providing optimum service with a fleet of vehicles to customers. It is a combinatorial optimization problem. The objective is usually to maximize the profit of the operation. However, for public transportation owned and operated by government, accessibility takes priority over profitability. Accessibility usually reduces profit, while increasing profit tends to reduce accessibility. In this research, we look at how accessibility can be increased without penalizing the profitability. This requires the determination of routes with minimum fuel consumption, maximum number of ports of call and maximum load factor satisfying a number of pre-determined constraints: hard and soft constraints. To solve this problem, we propose a heuristic algorithm. The results from this experiment show that the algorithm proposed has better performance compared to the partitioning set

    Pelajar Introvert di Sekolah

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    Jenis personaliti remaja dapat dibincangkan melalui penampilan bentuk perlakuan sama ada cenderung kepada ekstrovert, introvert ataupun ambivert. Kajian ini mengkaji tentang pelajar introvert. Teori personaliti yang mempunyai kaitan dengan kajian ini adalah Teori Tiga Faktor (TTF) dan Teori Psikososial. Salah satu aspek perbezaan individu yang ketara antara seseorang pelajar dengan pelajar lain ialah aspek personaliti. Pelajar yang mempunyai personaliti introvert ialah individu yang yang pendiam, pasif, terlampau banyak berfikir dan kurang bertindak serta tindak tanduknya kurang mahu mengambil risiko. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan pelbagai faktor yang membawa kepada seseorang pelajar tersebut menjadi introvert iaitu faktor keluarga, persekitaran kelas, sejarah lampau dan sifat semula jadi. Personaliti introvert dalam diri pelajar ini memberi kesan kepada mereka dari aspek akademik, kokurikulum dan sosial. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat beberapa pendekatan yang boleh dilakukan untuk membantu pelajar introvert ini misalnya melalui peranan pihak sekolah. Cadangan yang lain yang dikemukakan oleh responden ialah penggunaan alat bantu mengajar yang menarik serta sesuai dengan pembelajaran abad ke-21. Introvert Students in a School Abstract: The type of personality of adolescents can be discussed through the appearance of a form of treatment that either tends to be an extrovert, an introvert or an ambiver. This study examines introvert students. The theory of personality associated with this study is the Three Factors Theory (TTF) and the Psychosocial Theory. One aspect of the individual differences that is significant between one student and another is the personality aspect. Students with introverted personalities are individuals who are quiet, passive, over-thinking and under-performing and whose behaviors are less likely to take risks. The findings also show the various factors that lead a student to become an introvert - family factors, classroom environment, past history and nature. The introverted personality in these students affects them academically, co-curriculum and social. However, there are several approaches that can be taken to help these introverted students, for example through the role of the school. Another suggestion made by the respondents was the use of attractive teaching aids and 21st Century learning. Keywords: Introvert, Personality, Student


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