Periodica Polytechnica (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
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    19870 research outputs found

    Age-friendly Transport: Traffic Safety for All

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    The elderly make up an increasing percentage of the European population and, with it, of the Hungarian population. Modern society is built around mobility. These two factors together lead to an increasing proportion of elderly drivers on the roads. Given the high proportion of people with chronic neurological conditions (stroke, Parkinson's disease, dementia), particular care should be taken to regularly check their fitness to drive. At present, there is no standardized, well-established protocol for the objective assessment of fitness to drive in the case of these diseases. Our paper discusses this matter

    Innovációkkal a minőségi könyvtári tevékenységért – interjú Szekeresné Sennyey Máriával

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    Sustainability pillars in the strategic plans of European Union national libraries

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    This study aims to investigate the integration of sustainability principles into the strategic plans of national libraries within the European Union (EU-27). Content analysis was conducted on 22 strategic plans of national libraries to identify chapters, sections, or objectives explicitly mentioning sustainability, as well as keywords related to the four pillars of sustainability: environmental, economic, social and cultural. The analysis revealed varying degrees of emphasis on sustainability across the national libraries. The findings provide valuable guidance for national libraries seeking to strengthen their commitment to sustainable development and align their operations with global sustainability goals.This study aims to investigate the integration of sustainability principles into the strategic plans of national libraries within the European Union (EU-27). Content analysis was conducted on 22 strategic plans of national libraries to identify chapters, sections, or objectives explicitly mentioning sustainability, as well as keywords related to the four pillars of sustainability: environmental, economic, social and cultural. The analysis revealed varying degrees of emphasis on sustainability across the national libraries. The findings provide valuable guidance for national libraries seeking to strengthen their commitment to sustainable development and align their operations with global sustainability goals

    Vörös és barna: adalékok az európai diktatúrák könyvtárainak történetéhez (Szovjetunió, Német Birodalom, Magyar Népköztársaság) – recenzió

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    Könyvismertető Sonnevend, Péter (2024) Vörös és barna: adalékok az európai diktatúrák könyvtárainak történetéhez (Szovjetunió, Német Birodalom, Magyar Népköztársaság), Kovács, Katalin, Rácz, Ágnes (szerk.), Budapest, Gondolat Kiadó, ISBN: 978 963 556 529 0Könyvismertető Sonnevend, Péter (2024) Vörös és barna: adalékok az európai diktatúrák könyvtárainak történetéhez (Szovjetunió, Német Birodalom, Magyar Népköztársaság), Kovács, Katalin, Rácz, Ágnes (szerk.), Budapest, Gondolat Kiadó, ISBN: 978 963 556 529

    Investigation of 3D Printed Underwater Thruster Propellers Using CFD and Structural Simulations

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    Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) and Autonomous or Remotely Operated Underwater vehicles (AUV, ROV) are developing and spreading rapidly in various industries. A common feature of these vehicles is that they are propelled by small plastic (or metal) propellers in most cases. Additive manufacturing can offer an excellent opportunity for rapid prototyping and the development of new models. This paper aims to investigate the fundamental aspects to be considered in the geometric design and manufacturing of small (diameter less than 100 mm) PLA (Polylactic acid) propellers 3D-printed using Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) technology. In-service deformation of 3D-printed PLA ducted propellers with average geometry was investigated to determine the effect on the thrust and torque on the blades. For this purpose, one-directional FSI (Fluid Solid Interaction) simulations were performed using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and structural simulations. The propeller CAD geometries were generated using an in-house MATLAB script. The variable parameters of each version are the thickness, skew, and rake of the propeller blades. For the structural simulations, it was considered that the material properties of PLA parts printed with FFF technology depend on the print orientation. The results of the simulations show that except for extreme geometries (e.g., thin blades, skew, or rake more than 10°), the deformation of small PLA ducted propellers is not significant. CFD studies of the deformed geometries have shown that the resulting deformation has no significant effect on the thrust and torque of the propeller and thruster

    The Effect of GSI and mi on the Stability of 3D Twin Tunnel in Limestone

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    The Generalised Hoek-Brown (GHB) failure criterion is one of the most used criteria to study the behaviour of the rocks; affected parameters of the Hoek-Brown equation are Geological Strength Index (GSI), intact rock constant (mi), and Disturbance factor (D). GSI is one of the rock classification systems used to evaluate jointed rocks. In light of this equation, this paper studies the stability of unsupported twin tunnels in a weak rock by changing the mentioned parameters (GSI, mi) to find the relation between the stability and these parameters under different distances between the centres of the tunnels (L). The tunnels have a circular cross-section with a diameter (B), and they have been modelled in three dimensions using Rocscience software package (RS3). The results showed that the stability of the tunnels, which was represented by the strength reduction factor (SRF), increased as a result of increasing L/B or GSI in the studied range; for mi , the modelling results showed that the SRF value increased while mi value was increased

    Abusive Supervision as a Trigger for Resentment: Do Envy and Psychological Contract Violation Matter?

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    This study examines the direct and indirect effects of abusive supervision on resentment, psychological contract violation, and envy and investigates the importance and performance of the three antecedent variables on resentment. The research is quantitative, explanatory, and cross-sectional. The sample was non-probabilistic and comprised employees of the Mexican export manufacturing industry. A PLS structural equation model and an importance-performance map were used. It was identified that abusive supervision generates envy and psychological contract violation and indirectly leads to resentment through these variables. The importance-performance map showed that envy is the variable that most leads to resentment, and given its effect on performance, opportunities for improvement were identified

    Megjelent a Pálos olvasókönyv

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    Teljes lapszám 2024/2

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    Periodica Polytechnica (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) is based in Hungary
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