Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Online Journals (Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam)
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    812 research outputs found

    Bermain yang bermakna: apakah konsep merdeka bermain pada fase pondasi sudah merdeka?

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    Abstrak Konsep bermain bermakna yang terdapat pada kurikulum merdeka untuk fase pondasi menjadi konsep yang berupaya mewujudkan bermain yang bermakna bagi anak. Dalam implementasinya tercatat 42,8% satuan PAUD di Indonesia telah menerapkan merdeka bermain. Akan tetapi konsep merdeka bermain nyatanya belum sepenuhnya dimaknai dalam implementasinya. Penelitian ini berupaya mengkaji lebih dalam terkait implementasi makna ‘merdeka’ pada konsep merdeka bermain dalam pembelajaran di satuan pendidikan. Pada penelitian ini, konsep merdeka bermain ditelaah menggunakan teori bermain kontemporer. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif eksploratif dengan teknik pengambilan data observasi partisipatif yang dilakukan peneliti pada kegiatan workshop implementasi kurikulum merdeka Kab. Bandung, teknik wawancara tidak terstruktur pada 8 guru PAUD, dan teknik liblary research. Dari penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan peneliti berargumen bahwa makna ‘merdeka’ dalam merdeka bermain belum sepenuhnya terwujud dikarenakan berbagai masalah dilapangan yang berimbas pada kurang optimalnya implementasi konsep merdeka bermain. Padahal seharusnya merdeka bermain bisa memberikan pengalaman bermain bermakna bagi anak yang bertujuan untuk memberikan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan serta meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran, yang akan berdampak pada proses stimulasi perkembangan anak. Kata Kunci: Merdeka Bermain, Bermain Bermakna, Kurikulum Merdek

    Gamified Learning: Evaluating the Impact of Duolingo on Language Retention and Academic Performance in Secondary School Students

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    The study investigates the relationship between Duolingo usage language learning retention, and academic achievements among high school students. Duolingo, it is known for its user-friendly interface and gamified learning approach, has acquired popularity in the field of language instruction. The major goal of this study is to determine if Duolingo usage improves academic achievement and language retention in secondary school students. This study lasted four months and involved 40 students from SMA Istiqamah Muhammadiyah Samarinda. The collection of data includes Duolingo achievement assessments and questionnaires indicated to assess patterns of Duolingo usage, language retention, and app satisfaction. Statistical analysis, specifically the Pearson correlation coefficient, was employed to assess the level and course of the correlation between Duolingo use and language learning results. The findings indicate a significant positive correlation between the use of Duolingo and the retention of language learning, as well as an improvement in academic achievements. The results suggest that integrating Duolingo into the language learning curriculum is beneficial for students, enhancing both their engagement and learning outcomes. Furthermore, the study highlights the need for further research to explore the specific mechanisms through which Duolingo impacts language learning and to expand the findings to larger and more diverse student populations. This research contributes valuable insights for educators and policymakers seeking to incorporate digital learning tools into language education and underscores the potential of Duolingo as an effective supplementary resource for language learning in secondary schools

    Examining Technology Integration in Micro Teaching: Unique Insights from Pre-Service Teachers at Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda Using the Harris, Grandgenett, and Hofer Framework

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    The objective of the study was to know the categories of Harris J., Grandgenett, N., and Hofer M toward preservice teachers in Micro Teaching Course at Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University. This study was conducted at fifth semester of English Education Department, University of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda. This study focused on technology integration of pre service teachers that implemented in micro teaching course. Design of this study was qualitative study. There were 24 pre-service teachers in this study determined by purposive sampling. The instrument used was interview guide by Harris J., Grandgenett, N., and Hofer M. There were 5 pre-service teachers who were willing to be the interviewees. Then, the researcher collected the data by simulated recall interview and video as the source of data. The result of the study showed pre service teachers were good enough in implementing technology integration in their micro teaching course. There were four categories seemed in this study. They were about curriculum goals, instructional strategy, technology selection, and fit. Researchers conclude that all the categories were fit together in a harmony although some of preservice teachers still using low technology in their practic


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    Perkembangan ketrampilan guru di zaman digital abad ke-21 menjadi kunci peningkatan kualitas pendidikan. Perubahan dalam teknologi telah mengubah metode pembelajaran, yang memaksa guru untuk memperbaharui keahlian mereka. Tujuannya untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan melalui profesionalisme guru. Guru harus mengerti dan menggunakan perangkat digital untuk mendukung proses belajar yang lebih efektif dan menarik. Ini melibatkan pelatihan berkelanjutan dalam penggunaan teknologi edukatif. Kolaborasi antar guru dan pembelajaran kontinu sangatlah diperlukan. Program perkembangan profesional yang menitikberatkan pada taktik pengajaran yang inovatif dan meningkatkan kompetensi teknologi akan membantu guru dalam menghadapi tantangan zaman digital. Dukungan sistemik dari pemerintah dan institusi pendidikan sangatlah krusial. Kebijakan yang mendukung pelatihan guru, akses terhadap sumber daya pendidikan digital, dan penilaian kinerja yang mempertimbangkan aspek profesionalisme akan mendukung terbentuknya lingkungan yang mendukung dan menunjang perkembangan ketrampilan guru di zaman digital. Kata kunci: Kompetensi Pendidik, Era Digital, Peningkatan Mutu, Profesionalisme &nbsp


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    The main purpose of this study is for described reading and writing skill analysis by using demonstrate method. This research was doing by using qualitative descriptive analysis; this research also used flow model analysis proposed by Miles & Huberman, then validation test by using triangulation technique. Subject in this research was using purpose sampling is teacher who was teaching in class II A, students class II A and the students who couldn’t reading and writing well in SD Negeri 002 Sungai Pinang. The result of the research that; reading and writing skill of students’ class II A SD Negeri 002 Sungai Pinang good enough, but actually there are some students who was getting problems in basic of writing and reading. The problems in reading are: Reading too slowly, out of order and unclear intonations, the students having troubles when read consonant, the students couldn’t spell well, and letters or words are exchanged. The problems in writing are : the students write disorder letters, the letters are imperfect, the consistence of letters size, sometimes it could be big and small, there is no space, the letters position isn’t in line, the way of using pencils and wrong position for writing. The solution to handling this kind of problems are: doing private course for students who were getting problems in reading and writing, the teachers giving extra time to guide the students who were getting problem in reading and writing skills, teacher and parents are working together for monitoring the students improvement.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan analisis kemampuan membaca dan menulis menggunakan metode demontrasi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif, data dianalisis melalui model Miles dan Huberman, kemudian diuji keabsahan data melalui triangulasi teknik. Subjek pada penelitian diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling yaitu guru kelas II A, siswa kelas II A, dan siswa yang belum lancar membaca dan menulis di SD Negeri 002 Sungai Pinang. Hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa kemampuan membaca dan menulis masih ada siswa yang kesulitan dalam membaca dan menulis permulaan. Kesulitan yang muncul pada siswa tersebut adalah lambat dalam membaca, intonasi suara tidak teratur dan tidak jelas, siswa kesulitan membaca huruf konsonan, siswa masih belum bisa mengeja dan huruf sering tertukar. Kesulitan siswa dalam menulis sebagai berikut; bentuk huruf tidak rapi atau kurang jelas, huruf sering tertukar tulisan tidak sempurna, ukuran huruf tidak konsisten kadang besar kadang kecil dan tidak ada spasi, posisi huruf dalam garis tidak konsisten, cara memegang pensil dan posisi menulis masih salah. Upaya yang perlu dilakukan oleh guru untuk mengatasi kesulitan siswa dalam membaca dan menulis antara lain; mengadakan les khusus bagi siswa yang mengalami kesulitan membaca menulis, guru kelas menyempatkan waktu untuk membimbing siswa yang berkesulitan dalam membaca dan menulis, guru perlu berkerjasama dengan orang tua dalam memantau perkembangan siswa

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of the SQ3R Method in Enhancing Students' Reading Proficiency

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    Background: Reading proficiency plays a pivotal role in language acquisition, influencing comprehension levels. However, while the SQ3R method has been identified as a tool for enhancing reading skills, its practical application and effectiveness in high school English settings are insufficiently studied, revealing a significant research gap. Methodology: This research employs a mixed-methods approach utilizing the Quan-qual model to address this gap comprehensively. Quantitative methods entail a true experimental design involving control and experimental groups, with 54 class X students purposively sampled. Additionally, qualitative data were collected through interviews with four representative students. Findings: The findings reveal the effectiveness of the SQ3R method in improving reading achievement, supported by significant score enhancements in reading tests. Interviews with students also indicate positive attitudes toward SQ3R, boosting their motivation for reading. These results emphasize SQ3R's potential to elevate high school students' reading skills and enhance engagement in English language learning. Conclusion: This study underscores the effectiveness of the SQ3R method in enhancing reading achievement among high school students. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, it reveals substantial score enhancements in reading tests and positive student perceptions, indicating increased motivation for reading. These findings highlight SQ3R's potential to elevate reading proficiency and engagement in English language learning, offering valuable insights for educators and curriculum development. Originality: The research identifies a gap in the exploration of the SQ3R method's application in high school English language learning, particularly regarding its effectiveness and students' perceptions. Further investigation is necessary to delve into qualitative aspects and involve diverse samples for a comprehensive understanding of English language learning in high school contexts

    Quantitative Analysis within Language Studies: An Analytical Views Based on the Bibliometrics Method

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    Abstract Background: While qualitative research methods have provided insights into linguistic structures and processes, the recent decades have witnessed a growing emphasis on quantitative approaches. Methodology: This study utilizes a bibliometric analysis based on the PRISMA guidelines to explore research trends in “Quantitative Analysis within Language Studies” from 2014 to 2024 by analyzing the metadata of 53,575 journal articles retrieved from a reputable database, i.e., Dimensions. Findings: The findings show that (1) there was a steady rise in publications throughout the period; (2) the total citations increased by over 113,000, representing a nearly 100-fold growth (1,141 citations in 2014 compared to 41,203 citations in 2024); (3) according to the ANZSRC 2020 classification, the field of Language, Communication and Culture has the highest number of publications (53,575), followed by Linguistics (32,121) and Language Studies (18,272); (4) there was the top 10 journals from 2014 to 2024; (5) there was a detail into the publication productivity and citation impact of 20 leading researchers; and (6) it has been extracted 1,028 terms concerning the examined query that classified into eight clusters. Conclusion: By integrating the insights gleaned from publication trends, citation analysis, leading authors, journal distribution, map-based visualizations, and cluster analysis of terms, this study provides a comprehensive and detailed picture of research trends within the search query. Originality: While current several research in quantitative language studies tends to delve into specific subfields, offering piecemeal understandings of the overall landscape, this study takes a distinct approach. By examining 53,575 articles content and metadata, this study aims to provide a more comprehensive perspective compare to previous fragmented insights

    Gamified Learning Unleashed: Mastering British Accents with Nearpod

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    Finding out if gamification affects students' Listening comprehension at the early university level is the goal of this study. With a quantitative research design, this study employs a quasi-experimental method. In total, 34 students were chosen by the researcher to participate in the experiment. Three meetings were used for pre- and post-tests by the researchers while gathering data. In experiment classes, the average pre-test and post-test scores are 0,62 and 4,67. From the statistical test, discovered Asymp.Sig (2-tailed)= 0,000 < 0,05 so Ha accepted and Ho rejected mean that there is the difference of result of studies before and after using nearpod gamification for listening to British accent. Researcher can therefore conclude that the listening students at Mulawarman English Education are significantly impacted by the use of Nearpod gamification in the learning proces

    The Use of Short Clip Movie on Reading Comprehension at Higher Education

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    Reading is a fundamental skill that requires deliberate study and mastery in order to acquire knowledge and collect information. Conversely, videos provide an enjoyable method for both language acquisition and entertainment. The goal of this study is to investigate if watching short clip movies can enhance the reading comprehension of higher education students, who often have challenges in learning to read. The research approach employed in this study is correlation. The researcher collects data from second semester students at the English Language Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur. The study used a convenience sample approach to gather data. The allocation of this research is done in a convenience sampling among students belonging to a specific class. The researcher will employ a questionnaire and a test to gather data regarding the experience of watching a brief movie clip with English subtitles. The test will specifically focus on measuring reading comprehension abilities. The study findings indicate a very low correlation and a positive correlation between students' reading comprehension and using of short clip movie


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    Dalam menghadapi tantangan meningkatnya kualitas pembelajaran, peran inovasi teknologi digital menjadi semakin penting dalam memperbaiki proses pendidikan, termasuk di tingkat sekolah dasar. Latar belakang kegiatan ini adalah kesadaran akan perlunya meningkatkan kompetensi pendidik di sekolah dasar agar dapat mengikuti perkembangan teknologi dan memanfaatkannya secara efektif dalam pembelajaran. Tujuan utamanya adalah menyosialisasikan peran inovasi teknologi digital dalam meningkatkan kompetensi pendidik di tingkat sekolah dasar, dengan harapan bahwa hal ini akan menghasilkan perbaikan signifikan dalam kualitas pembelajaran di tingkat dasar. Metode pelaksanaan melibatkan penyelenggaraan pelatihan dan sosialisasi yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman mendalam kepada pendidik di sekolah dasar tentang cara mengintegrasikan teknologi digital dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Hasil yang diharapkan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya wawasan, pengetahuan dan keterampilan para guru sekolah dasar dalam memanfaatkan teknologi digital untuk mendukung pembelajaran, serta peningkatan efektivitas dan efisiensi proses pembelajaran di institusi pendidikan dasar terkait. Dengan memperkenalkan dan mendorong penggunaan inovasi teknologi digital, pendidik di sekolah dasar dapat memperluas kemampuan mereka dalam menciptakan pengalaman pembelajaran yang lebih menarik, berdaya guna, dan berdampak positif bagi siswa di tingkat dasar. Kelangsungan kegiatan ini adalah adanya dukungan yang kuat dari pihak institusi pendidikan, pengembangan kurikulum yang memperhitungkan teknologi digital, serta pelatihan berkelanjutan bagi para pendidik di tingkat sekolah dasar


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    Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Online Journals (Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam) is based in Indonesia
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