e-Publikasi Ilmiah Unwahas (Universitas Wahid Hasyim)
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Penerapan Algoritma Naive Bayes pada Analisis Sentimen Ulasan Aplikasi Whoosh – Kereta Cepat Di Google Play Store
Sentiment analysis of user reviews on mobile app distribution platforms is a complex and crucial issue, especially with the rapid growth of the number of users and the volume of reviews. This research focuses on the application of Naive Bayes Algorithm to analyze the sentiment of user reviews of WHOOSH app on Google Play Store. Naive Bayes algorithm was chosen due to its efficiency and easy implementation. Using a dataset of 500 cleaned and labeled reviews (positive or negative), the model was trained and achieved 81.25% accuracy. The high precision for the positive class (90%) demonstrates the model's ability to correctly identify positive reviews. Although the recall of the positive class is high (94%), the recall of the negative class still needs to be improved (64%). Overall, the Naive Bayes model is effective for classifying sentiment in WHOOSH user reviews, but needs to improve the accuracy and recall of negative classes
Clustering Status Gizi Balita menggunakan Metode K-Means pada Posyandu Desa Mekar Wangi
The health of children under five is very important in the development of a country. Toddler nutrition is a key aspect in ensuring the healthy growth and development of children. This study aims to analyze the clustering of nutritional status of toddlers in Mekar Wangi village using the K-Means algorithm. Clustering analysis is a data mining analysis method that is influenced by the clustering algorithm method. The nutritional status of toddlers at the posyandu in Mekar Wangi Village is grouped based on certain metrics, such as body weight and height, using the K-Means Clustering technique. Data contains a lot of attribute information. Once the data is collected and analyzed, pre-processing is performed to remove invalid and empty data. The results of the clustering analysis show that some groups of toddlers have normal nutritional status, while other groups have less or more nutritional problems. The optimal Davies Bouldin Index (DBI) performance evaluation value was found using the RapidMiner tool with K2 and the value of 0.164 which is close to 0 indicates that the evaluated cluster produced a good cluster. With a better understanding of the nutritional patterns of toddlers in Mekar Wangi Village, Posyandu officers can developing a more efficient program to improve the nutritional quality of children in Mekar Wangi Village. Posyandu officers can assist in decision making to develop more targeted recommendations and interventions to improve the nutritional status of toddlers in Mekar Wangi village
Penelitia ini bertujuan untuk mengetaui apakah Likuiditas Dan Kebijakan Deviden Berpengaru Teradap Struktur Modal Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yanng Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Pengumpulan data menggunakan data sekunder yanng diperoleh dari data hasil laporan keuangan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Populasinya adalah seluruh perusahaan manufaktur yanng terdaftar selama tiga tahun terakhir dari tahun 2017-2019 di bursa efek Indonesia. sedaangkan sampelnya yaitu adalah laporan keuangan likuidtas,kebijakan deviden daan stuktur modal yanng memenuhi krikteria pada tiga tahun terakhir dari 2017-2019 Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yanng Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Hasil data tersebut telah diuji asumsi klasik berupa uji normalitas daan asusmi heterokedastisitasnya. Metode analisis data menggunakan teknik regresi linear berganda.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis yanng diajukan diterima karena menunjukkan hasil uji hipotesis yanng signifikan iniii berarti bahwa Likuiditas daan Kebijakan Deviden berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap stuktur modal.Kata Kunci : Likuidtas, Kebijakan Deviden , Stuktur Modal.
Pengaruh Akses Modal, Kualitas SDM dan Peran Keluarga Terhadap Perkembangan Usaha Pedagang Perempuan di Pasar Tradisional
In developing countries, women is strongly related with poor and marginalized people. Generally, small business women are independent business and related with family business. This study focused on women business, particulary traditional market traders as informal business. The development of this business will increase the family welfare. Considering the importance of the development effort of traditional market women, the purpose of writing this article is to investigate and analyze the effect of access to capital, quality of human resources, and the role of the family on the development of women’s enterprises in the traditional market that have a unique role as well as important influence to the family welfare.
Key words: capital access, Human resource quality, family, business development, women entreprise
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Konsumen pada Produk Fashion melalui E-commerce (Studi pada Mahasiswa Pengguna Shopee Fakultas Ekonomi Unwahas
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Konsumen pada Produk Fashion melalui E-commerce (Studi pada Mahasiswa Pengguna Shopee Fakultas Ekonomi Unwaha
This research aims to describe the CIPP evaluation model at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. The research uses a type of library research with a content analysis method to explore data that has been collected through the Google Scholar database and books in online libraries related to the topic being studied. The research results show that the CIPP evaluation model is carried out comprehensively to understand the activities of a particular program, starting from the emergence of the idea to the results obtained from the program created. The basic concept of the CIPP model is to evaluate several components including context, input, process and product. The CIPP model has several objectives including context evaluation to serve planning decisions, input evaluation, structuring decisions, process evaluation, to serve implementing decisions, product evaluation, to serve recycling decisions. Compared to other evaluation models, the CIPP model has several advantages, namely being more comprehensive, having a holistic approach, having the potential to move in the area of formative and summative evaluation, being able to provide a good basis for making decisions and policies as well as preparing further programs. However, apart from these advantages, of course there are also disadvantages. The shortcomings of the CIPP evaluation model are that it is too concerned with where the process should be rather than the reality in the field, tends to focus on rational management, application in the field of classroom learning has a low level of implementation
Program Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL) Oleh Badan Pertanahan Nasional Di Surabaya
Pelaksanaan pendaftaran tanah tiap daerah merupakan tanggung jawab pemerintah yang menjelaskan salah satunya kegunaan sertifikat tanah, yaitu untuk memberikan kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum kepada pemegang hak atas suatu bidang tanah, satuan rumah susun dan hakhak lain yang terdaftar agar dengan mudah dapat membuktikan dirinya sebagai pemegang hak yang bersangkutan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis Program Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL) oleh Kantor Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kota Surabaya dan manfaat yang terjadi. Metode yang hendak digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Hambatan dalam pelaksanaannya seperti belum tercapainya tujuan dalam pencapaian target Sertifikat Hak Atas Tanah (SHAT), karena banyak pemohon yang belum terdaftar, kurangnya fasilitas untuk pelaksanaan pendaftaran dan kurangnya komunikasi antara kantor BPN dan masyarakat yang kurang paham mengenai adanya program PTSL. Untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut, yaitu dengan mengaktivasikan NIK yang tidak valid agar dapat mengajuakan pemberkasan untuk pendaftaran program PTSL, mengoptimalkan proses pemberkasan dari pihak Desa agar pengentrian oleh staf kantor BPN bisa segera dilakukan dan cepat selesai
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi campuran 2,5-dimethylfuran- minyak kelapa pembakaran droplet terhadap evolusi nyala api, tinggi nyala api dan emisi hydrocarbon. Minyak nabati dan turunannya serta penambahan bioaditif 2,5-dimethylfuran sangat dibutuhkan untuk dilakukan penelitian sebagai pengganti bahan bakar fosil. Bahan bakar menggunakan variasi campuran 2,5-dimethylfuran-minyak kelapa. Dilakukan penelitian secara eksperimental dengan menempatkan sebuah tetesan campuran 2,5-dimethylfuran- minyak kelapa pada thermocouple type K dengan diameter tetesan 0.3 mm. Hasil penelitian menemukan campuran 2,5-dimethylfuran 15%-minyak kelapa bahwa bahan bakar mudah menguap disebabkan nilai viskositas 2,5-dimethylfuran lebih rendah daripada minyak kelapa. Sehingga molekul bahan bakar bergerak sangat leluasa menghasilkan proses nukleasi pada droplet menjadi lebih singkat. Adanya senyawa 2,5-dimethylfuran yang menghasilkan ikatan baru itu berpotensi meningkatkan panjang karbon rantai minyak kelapa. Dampaknya jarak antar molekul bahan bakar menjadi lebih kecil, sehingga kemungkinan untuk efektif tabrakan sangat besar. Fenomena ini dapat meningkatkan reaktivitas molekul bahan bakar sehingga mudah terbakar dan laju pembakaran difusi meningkat menghasilkan nyala api bulat, tinggi nyala api rendah dan emisi hydrocarbon menurun dan lebih stabil dibandingkan dengan campuran 2,5-dimethylfuran lainnya
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui coefisien drag dan lift dengan variasi kecepatan dan benda uji prototype sepeda motor. Dalam mendesain sebuah kendaraan sangat penting untuk memperhatikan sisi aerodinamika. Seiring berjalanya waktu, besarnya hambatan angin yang tercipta juga disesuaikan dengan jenis sebuah kendaraan yang dirancang. Dalan dunia desain dan produksi kendaraan saat ini terutama sepeda motor, pengujian coefisien hambatan menjadi salah satu hal penting yang harus dilakukan oleh industri. Penelitian ini menggunakan open circuit wind tunnel dimana prototype yang diuji sepeda motor scooter, trail, dan sport ditempatkankan dibagian test section dengan dialiri variasi kecepatan 10 m/s, 12.5 m/s, dan 15 m/s. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan coefisien drag dan lift dengan kecepatan 15m/s pada sepeda motor scooter dengan nilai 0.534 dan 0,586, sport 0.174 dan 0.485, dan trail 0.349 dan 0.449. Nilai coefisien drag dan lift yang tertinggi terjadi pada prototype scooter
Plastics is one of chemical invention that make our life easier. The broaden usage of plastics is caused by plastic‘s preeminence. However, the preeminence of platics has made it as the biggest source of pollutant. Plastics create so much pollution and landfill crisis that various attempts have been made to solve these problems. One of these attempts is to create a biodegradable plastic from glycerol in Sequencing Batch Bioreactor. This research objectives are to develop the sequenching batch bioreactor for PHA production from glycerol and to optimize the process condition toward the PHA productivity. Research on the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates through the glycerol fermentation in a sequencing batch bioreactor is investigated both experimentally and modelling. The research sequences are conducted in several steps: design and fabrication of sequencing batch bioreactor, polyhydroxyalkanoates productivity test and optimization of the process parameters. The productivity test showed that the addition of methanol in the pretreatment process of PHA recovery has enhance the yield of the PHA extracted from the biomass. The highest PHA recovery was achieved from pretreament duration of 2 hours submerging in methanol solution. The optimization process showed that the most influencing variables was the nitrogen concentration and the highest PHA recovery was achieved from process conducted with nitrogen concentration of 4 mg/L, Phosporous concentration of 2 mg/L, oxygen concentration of 5 mg/L and the aerobic-anaerobic ratio of 1: