Window of Health (WOH) : Jurnal Kesehatan
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    247 research outputs found

    Airborne Benzene Concentrations Increase Trans, Trans-Muconic Acid (tt-MA) Levels and Liver Function in Workers in The Manufacturing Industry

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    The use of benzene as a solvent in the manufacturing industry can be dangerous because it is volatile, toxic, and carcinogenic. Exposure to benzene occurs through inhalation of the chemical in the air, which can enter the human body through the respiratory system. The levels of trans, trans-Muconic Acid (tt-MA), which is used to metabolize benzene, can be affected by the amount of exposure to the chemical. This study aims to determine the differences in exposure to benzene in the air by measuring the tt-MA indicators and liver function of workers in the manufacturing industry. This research uses an observational and cross-sectional approach, with a population of 158 employees from both administration and production units. The sample size for the study is 16 respondents, selected using the consecutive sampling technique. The research instrument uses a questionnaire and examines urine samples using the in-house method. Blood samples are examined using IFCC 37 C. The data is processed using the independent-sample t-test and Pearson correlation. The results show that the level of benzene in the air is below the threshold of 0.5 ppm. However, there is a significant difference in the results of tt-MA and SGOT (p<0.05), while the levels of SGPT (p>0.05) show no significant differences. In conclusion, there are differences in the tt-MA and SGOT exposure levels between workers in the production and toxicity units, while SGPT does not show significant differences. It is recommended that the industry maximizes the use of local exhaust ventilation and prohibits smoking

    Chronic Energy Deficiency Associated with Body Mass Index of Adolescent Girls

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    Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) is a nutritional issue that poses a threat to adolescents in Indonesia, particularly to adolescent girls. According to the 2018 Basic Health Survey (Riskesdas), the proportion of CED among adolescent girls in Indonesia was 36.3%. This study aimed to identify the factors associated with CED among adolescent girls in the catchment area of Poka-Rumah Tiga, Ambon City. The study was conducted in August 2022 and used a cross-sectional approach with total sampling. The respondents were students aged 15-19 years from three high schools/equivalents in the catchment area of Poka-Rumah Tiga Health Center (SMKN 5 Ambon, SMAN 3 Ambon, and MA Al-Mabrur), with a total of 441 respondents. CED was determined based on the mid-upper arm circumference size being less than 23.5 cm. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with CED in adolescent girls. Of the 441 adolescent girls who participated in this study, 45.80% were found to have CED. The odds of CED were lower in adolescent girls with normal BMI (18.5-22.9 kg/m2) (OR=0.09; 95%CI: 0.05-0.15; p<0.001) and overweight (≥23 kg/m2) (OR=0.01; 95%CI: 0.00-0.07; p<0.001) compared to those who were underweight (BMI<18.5 kg/m2). This study highlights the importance of conducting nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions for adolescent girls. This includes raising the awareness and knowledge of adolescent girls, family members, and school teachers regarding the importance of balanced nutrition to reduce CED

    Religiosity-Based on Nurse Performance Model in Ibnu Sina Hospital

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    Nurse performance is very important for the success of hospital services to provide patient satisfaction in obtaining maximum nursing care services. Nurse competency in the context of spiritual care is parallel to the nursing process, namely conducting assessments, formulating nursing diagnoses, preparing nursing plans and interventions, and evaluating the patient's spiritual needs. This research aimed to analyze the performance of nurses based on aspects of belief (Religious belief), ritualistic/worship (Religious practice), experience (Religious feeling), knowledge (Religious knowledge), and consequences/application (Religious effect) at Ibnu Sina Hospital Makassar. The research location will be carried out in the inpatient room at Ibnu Sina Hospital Makassar, the sample used is 110. The sampling technique used was proportional random sampling. Ibnu Sina Hospital is one of the hospitals whose service process is always based on Islamic values, so it is important to study the relationship between the concept of Islamic values ​​and the aspect of religiosity. Ibnu Sina Hospital is a hospital whose service process is always based on Islamic values, so it is important to study the relationship between the concept of Islamic values ​​in the aspect of religiosity and the performance achievements of nurses in serving their patients. Based on the research results, it is known that the religious effect dimension is the dimension that contributes most to the preparation of a religiosity-based nurse performance model

    Controlling Model For Risk Factors Of Stunting Incident

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    ABSTRACT Stunting is the condition where the children have stunted growth and development refers to weight/age (TB/U). In 2015-2017, there were 19,4%, 18,9% and 21,3% cases in West Sumatra. Pasaman district had the highest percentage of stunting from 19 Cities in West Sumatera, which is 21,1%, 25,7%, and 25% cases. The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factor control model for stunting in toddlers in the Pasaman district. This study was an observational analytic study with an unmatched case-control design. The subject of this study was the 35 families who had children 12-59 months with stunting cases and another 35 group control in Pasaman district. Data were collected by using a questionnaire to measure stunting risk factors. Data was analyzed by using univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis with regression and backward methods. The result of the study showed that “father education level” as a stunting risk factor had a P value=0,048 and “family income” with P value = 0,015, while history of birth weight had a P value of 0,08. The final result (sixth step) showed that the baby's birth weight variable had the odds ratio eβ=31,578 when analyzed simultaneously with another variable (parenting and father’s education level). Conclusion: baby birth weight variable simultaneously with parenting and the father’s educational level affected the incident of stunting in toddlers (eβ=31,578). It is necessary to increase family empowerment to control the cases of stunting related to the nutrition of pregnant mothers by improved child care, parenting in feeding, and increased family income. &nbsp

    Formulation of Body Odor Bacteria Inhibiting Deodorant Spray from Ethyl Acetate Extract of Klika Kesambi

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    Acne is one of the skin damages caused by acne-causing bacteria. Flavonoids, saponins, and tannins in taro tubers can potentially have activity against acne-causing bacteria. This study aims to determine the formulation of extract transparent solid soap preparation that meets the characteristics and assess the activity of soap preparation as anti-acne against acne-causing bacteria. Taro tubers were extracted by maceration method. The extract was formulated as transparent solid soap preparations with variations in extract concentration, namely F0 0%, F1 2%, F2 4%, and F3 8%. The soap was evaluated for characteristics including organoleptic test, pH, moisture content, free fatty acids and alkali, mineral oil test, and foam stability test.  Antibacterial activity testing of transparent soap extracts was carried out against acne-causing bacteria. The extraction results obtained an extract yield of 10.86%, the three extract formulas have transparent solid soap characteristics that meet the requirements. Soap preparation formula 1 has an inhibition zone of 21.66 ± 0.31 mm against P. acnes bacteria, 19.11±0.53 mm against S. epidermidis, 21.74±0.34 mm against S. aureus. Soap preparation formula 2 has an inhibition zone of 18.53±0.26 mm against P. acnes bacteria, 18.71±0.49 mm against S. epidermidis, 20.16±0.34 mm against S.aureus and soap preparation formula 3 has an inhibition zone of 19.03±0.68 mm against P. acnes bacteria, 19.93±0.86 mm against S. epidermidis, 22.75±0.59 mm against S.aureus. In conclusion, formula 2 with 2% extract concentration has the best soap characteristics and has the most optimal inhibition zone

    Epidemiological Determinants and Trend Analysis of Dengue Fever Disease

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    Bandung City is an endemic area for dengue fever, with 4,424 cases and 14 deaths. This research aims to analyze the epidemiological determinants and see the trend analysis to forecast dengue hemorrhagic fever cases.  This research used a case-control design. The case population was those who suffered from dengue hemorrhagic fever, while the control population was those who did not suffer from dengue hemorrhagic fever. A sample of 510 respondents was taken. Sampling using a purposive sampling technique. Epidemiological determinants were analyzed using the chi-square test and logistic regression, while disease trends used exponential smooth analysis. The related results were education (p=0.036), presence of mosquito larvae (p=0.000), container material (p=0.002), water container (p=0.025), mosquito wire (p=0.010), presence of solid waste (p=0.002), mosquito repellent plants (p=0.041), mobility (p=0.004). The most dominant epidemiological determinant was the presence of mosquito larvae (OR=3.2). The incidence trend of dengue fever is increasing over the next 5 years. The research concluded that the epidemiological determinants of dengue fever were education, the presence of mosquito larvae, container materials, water collection objects, mosquito wires, the presence of solid waste, and mosquito repellent plants. The presence of mosquito larvae was the dominant factor. There is an increase in dengue fever cases over the next 5 years. It is recommended to increase the larva-free rate by optimizing Jumantik cadres and conducting epidemiological surveillance

    Kelas Edukasi Menyusui Ibu Hamil (KEMIH): Its Correlation to The Improvement of Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Breast Milk Production of Post-Partum Mothers

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    There have been many educational programs or media used to introduce exclusive breastfeeding. However, the reality in the field shows that many people, especially mothers, still do not understand exclusive breastfeeding. Moreover, many mothers who have been educated continue to give formula milk because of misunderstandings, such as myths. For this reason, strengthening mothers’ self-efficacy needs to be carried out since it is one of the determining factors for the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Therefore, it is highly necessary to have a maternal assistance program that starts during pregnancy to strengthen the mother’s self-efficacy and continues to guide the mother after giving birth in exclusive breastfeeding. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of Kelas Edukasi Menyusui Ibu Hamil (KEMIH) (English: The Breastfeeding Education Class for Pregnant Women) to increase knowledge, self-efficacy, and breast milk production of post-partum mothers. In this study, the researchers applied a quasi-experimental design. In addition, the employed approach was two groups with control. The number of samples was 61 respondents who met the pre-defined criteria (29 respondents in the intervention group and 31 respondents in the control group). The instruments in this study were modules, self-efficacy questionnaires, and electric breast pumps. The results showed that there were significant differences in the three variables, in which the obtained p-values were 0.000 (< 0.05) for the increase in knowledge, 0.012 (< 0.05) for the increase in mother’s self-efficacy, and 0.000 (< 0.05) for the increase in breast milk production. This indicates that the KEMIH program is effective for increasing the knowledge, self-efficacy, and breast milk production of mothers. In addition to education programs, mothers need to have strong support from their families and health workers for the success of the breastfeeding proces

    Family-Based Pregnancy Risk Detection With Family-Centered Maternity Care

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    The ability of pregnant women to detect early high-risk pregnancies is still below average which is one of the causes of complications that can endanger the well-being of the mother and fetus. Family involvement and other social sources of support in the perinatal period are associated with the detection and reduction of pregnancy risk factors. Approach to families in early dedetermination of pregnancy risk can be done with Family Center Maternity Care (FCMC). FCMC is care designed to meet the informational, social, emotional, comfort, and support needs of normal pregnant women during pregnancy and childbirth. The purpose of this study was to determine the determinants of early detection factors for pregnant women with family-based risk with FCMC. This type of research is quantitative and non-experimental with an analytical observational design through a cross-sectional approach.  The population in this study was all pregnant women who experienced risk factors in the Kedungwuni I, Kedungwuni II, Bojong Health Center Area as many as 103 pregnant women. The sampling technique used is the Total Population. The results of this study show that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship of knowledge with the implementation of early detection. Pregnant women who have good knowledge have a likelihood of carrying out early detection of pregnancy risk well by 3,193 times higher than respondents with less knowledge (OR=3,193; CI 95%=1.123-9.078; p=0.029). It is hoped that health workers, especially midwives, can involve their families, especially for early detection of the risk of pregnant women so that pregnant women get optimal health services

    The Combination of Acupressure and Cupping Therapy for Hypertension Patients' Blood Pressure

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    Hypertension that is not controlled and occurs in the long term will affect all body organ systems resulting in various complications that can cause death. To prevent complications in hypertension, it is necessary to control hypertension, one of which is by complementary therapy in the form of acupressure and cupping. This study aims to determine differences in blood pressure in patients with hypertension after acupressure therapy combined with cupping therapy with wet cupping therapy. The type of research is Quasy Experiment with pre-post test with a control group design. The study was conducted at the Asy-Syaafi Holistic Center with a sample of 34 hypertension patients where 14 respondents were in the intervention group and 14 respondents in the control group. The data analyst used the Independent T-test. The results found that there was no difference in systolic blood pressure (p-value 0.800) and diastolic (p-value 0.274) between the intervention group and the control group, but there was a significant difference in systolic blood pressure (p-value 0.000) and diastolic (p-value 0.002) in the intervention group. before and after cupping acupressure therapy and there was a difference in systolic (p value 0.000) and diastolic (p value 0.000) blood pressure in the control group before and after wet cupping therapy. it can be concluded that there is no difference in blood pressure between the group given acupressure combination cupping therapy and the group given wet cupping therapy alone

    The Influence of Fitness Level on Al Qur’an Memorization Ability among UMY UNIRES Students

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    One of the activity programs that students at UMY University Residence (UNIRES) must complete within the first year is memorizing Al-Qur'an juz 30. Physical fitness has been linked to good memorization abilities and improving overall cognitive function. More evidence is needed to see how fitness level influences the ability to memorize Al-Qur'an, especially among students. This research aimed to determine the effect of providing an aerobic fitness program on the ability of UNIRES students to memorize Al-Qur'an. The quasi-experimental pre-post test research method without a control group involving 29 participants was conducted; it consisted of 15 male and 14 female residents of UNIRES, who were taken using convenience sampling. The intervention was an aerobic exercise fitness program guided by an instructor, which is carried out every two days for 30 minutes for 14 days and can be followed independently via the YouTube link provided. The fitness test is carried out using the 6-minute walk test method, given before and after students are given aerobic treatment and determined by measuring VO2 max. Participants were asked to memorize Al-Qur'an Surah An Nisaa verse 23 and measured the duration of memorization. This verse was chosen because of the trickiness and complexity level of the words; there are several similar words/sentences repeated (words ending in تُكُمْ) in the verse. The average VO2 max before and after intervention was 40.97 ± 9.87 and 42.68 ± 5.00, while memorization ability was 2,496.21 ± 1,654.53 seconds and 1,162.62 ± 726.33 seconds. There was no significant difference in VO2max before and after training with p 0.508, greater than 0.05. Conclusion: No significant correlation exists between memorization time and VO2max, either before or after training. The interventions need to be extended to get more optimal results, and the number of participants needs to be increased, besides the involvement of a control group


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