UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri) Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: E-Journal Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi
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777 research outputs found
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Da'wah Transformation Through Malay Literature: : A Case Study of the Use of Hikayat and Poetry by Sheikh Abdul Qodir al-Mandily
This study explores the use of hikayat and rhymes by Sheikh Abdul Qodir al-Mandily in his da'wah, focusing on how this method utilizes local cultural elements to effectively convey Islamic teachings to the Malay community. Sheikh Abdul Qodir al-Mandily, a Malay scholar, used this traditional literary form to align religious messages with the culture known and accepted by his audience, thus making it easier to understand and accept the teachings of Islam.The results of the study show that the use of sagas and rhymes not only makes the message of da'wah more relevant and easy to understand but also strengthens the emotional connection between the community and religious teachings. Hikayat, with its narrative of stories full of moral values, and rhyme, with its traditional poetic structure, serves as an effective medium in conveying Islamic teachings in a way that can be accepted and internalized by the audience.This approach has proven to remain relevant in the context of contemporary da'wah, despite the development of technology and modern media. This culture-based method offers a valuable model for future preachers in adapting to their local cultural context. This study recommends further exploration of the application of culture-based da'wah methods in other cultural contexts and in-depth studies of the long-term impact of the use of these methods on social and religious change
Upaya Meningkatkan Kreativitas dan Keterampilan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di SLB Ganda Daya Ananda
Anak berkebutuhan khusus diartikan sebagai anak yang memerlukan pendidikan layanan khusus sehingga bisa mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki secara sempurna. Dalam pendidikan, kata luar biasa adalah mereka yang mempunyai kekurangan dan penyimpangan yang tidak dimiliki orang normal. Dalam segi minat dan bakat anak berkebutuhan khusus sama seperti anak normal pada umumnya, mereka mempunyai minat dan kemampuan pada sesuatu seperti melukis, mewarnai, menjahit, membuat aksesoris. Potensi anak seperti minat, bakat, kreativitas dan ketrampilan harus dikembangkan secara optimal.
Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui bagaiamana cara meningkatkan kreativitas dan keterampilan anak berkebutuhan khusus di SLB-G Daya Ananda. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil yang didapat setelah melakukan observasi dan wawancara maka disimpulkan bahwa cara meningkatkan kreativitas dan keterampilan anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus di SLB-G Daya Ananda adalah dengan cara mengajarkan mereka membuat keterampilan-keterampilan yang sebelumnya belum mereka ketahui, dalam segi kreativitas sendiri mereka diarahkan sesuai dengan bakat dan minat yang mereka miliki. Nantinya, hasil dari karya yang telah mereka buat akan di letakkan di galeri agar nanti dibeli oleh donatur-donatur yang datang, selain itu juga akan dipromosikan oleh guru-guru serta akan dijual di dalam acara-acara expo.
Children with disabilities are defined as children who need special education services so that they can develop their potential perfectly. In education, extraordinary words are those who have shortcomings and deviations that are not possessed by normal people. In terms of interests and talents of children with special needs just like normal children in general, they have an interest and ability in something like painting, coloring, sewing, making accessories. Children's potentials such as interests, talents, creativity and skills must be developed optimally.
The purpose of this study was to find out how to improve the creativity and skills of children with special needs in SLB-G Daya Ananda. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method, with data collection techniques using the method of observation and interviews. Based on the results obtained after observing and interviewing it was concluded that the way to improve the creativity and skills of children with special needs in SLB-G Daya Ananda is by teaching them to make skills that they had not previously known, in terms of their own creativity they were directed in accordance with the talents and interests they have. Later, the results of the work that they have made will be put in the gallery so that later it will be bought by donors who come, but it will also be promoted by teachers and will be sold at expo events
Developing River-based Tourism in Indonesian Local Context: Towards an Agenda of Social Development Implications
This paper aims to revive the discussion on river-based tourism, highlighting its implications for sustainable social development. It is based on an analysis of various studies that have shown a focus on new patterns and strategies for sustainable development in river-based tourism. However, little attention has been given to further exploring these sustainability tools through achieving harmony between human and natural elements. The study adopts a case study approach, focusing on Temulus Village in Indonesia. Data was collected through interviews, observations, and field documentation. The research findings demonstrate that prioritizing the segmentation of river-based tourism development as a key agenda in social development holds intrinsic value as a new tool in transforming rural communities. The research successfully uncovers the harmonious relationship between human interests and nature, thereby contributing to sustainable development through river tourism. Consequently, this study contributes to leveraging local resources for sustainable development, introducing new local indicators that can serve as valuable lessons for future village development
From Digital Philanthropy to Sustainable Empowerment: Dompet Dhuafa Riau’s Mechanisms in Fundraising and Trust Building
Dompet Dhuafa Riau’s transition to digital philanthropic management has significantly increased voluntary donations, addressing the concerns of digital philanthropy scholars about the impact of technology on philanthropic interactions. This research aims to uncover the practical mechanisms employed by Dompet Dhuafa Riau in transforming into a digital media-utilizing philanthropic institution. Using a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, the study reveals a well-established transition pattern that integrates elements of traditional philanthropy into digital activities. Digital media serves as a tool to facilitate voluntary donations from donors, effectively addressing trust issues commonly associated with transitioning to online platforms by ensuring fund allocation emphasizes sustainability. Service, mentoring, and training mechanisms further enhance Dompet Dhuafa Riau’s credibility as a reliable philanthropic institution, strengthening donor confidence and encouraging continued donations. This shift demonstrates that incorporating media into the management of philanthropic organizations creates a complex relationship between philanthropic institutions and the public, mediated by the unique dynamics of digital platforms
Patterns of Community Empowerment through Fishermen’s Groups in Improving the Economy on the Pasaran Island of Bandar Lampung
This research is motivated by an interest in the economic empowerment program implemented by the Pasaran Island Fishermen Group, Kota Karang Village, Bandar Lampung City. The purpose of this research is to find out how the pattern of community empowerment through fishermen groups in improving the economy on Pasaran Island, Bandar Lampung. This research uses qualitative methods, namely data obtained by observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that in an effort to develop the economy of fishermen on Pasaran Island, several strategies are used which include education and training patterns, counseling and mentoring patterns, and fisheries business partnership patterns, with the main strategy emphasized is the provision of assistance from the government for fishermen. Empowerment through fishing groups is able to respond to local conditions because what they do gives very positive results and is able to improve the economy of the community on Pasaran Island
Religious Organizations' Advocacy Strategies for Disability Rights: A Case Study of the Jaya Music Group of the Visually Impaired in Malioboro, Yogyakarta
This study aims to analyze the advocacy strategies implemented by the Social Service Council of the Regional Leadership of Muhammadiyah in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (MPS PWM DIY) in addressing the case of Grup Jaya Musik, a group of blind musicians who faced obstacles in performing in the Malioboro area due to urban redevelopment policies. MPS PWM DIY, which has evolved into an organization with a broader scope of social services, plays a crucial role in advocating for the rights of people with disabilities. This research adopts a qualitative approach with a case study design. Data collection methods include observation, interviews, and documentation. The findings reveal that the advocacy strategy employed by MPS PWM DIY involves a multisectoral collaborative approach, realized through dialogues with stakeholders and cross-sector collaboration with local government and private sector entities. Additionally, MPS PWM DIY proactively advocates for legal certainty for the disabled community, emphasizing the urgency of inclusive and clear policy reforms. The study highlights the critical role of religious organizations in broader social advocacy and underscores the importance of a multisectoral collaborative approach in strengthening advocacy efforts. The findings from this study offer an advocacy model that can be adapted by other organizations in similar contexts and have significant implications for the development of disability rights advocacy strategies at the national level.
Keywords: Advocacy Strategies, Disability Rights, Social Services, Multisectoral Collaboration
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi advokasi yang diterapkan oleh Majelis Pelayanan Sosial Pimpinan Wilayah Muhammadiyah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (MPS PWM DIY) dalam menangani kasus Grup Jaya Musik, sebuah kelompok musisi tunanetra yang mengalami hambatan untuk tampil di kawasan Malioboro akibat kebijakan penataan ulang. MPS PWM DIY, yang telah berkembang menjadi organisasi dengan cakupan pelayanan sosial yang lebih luas, memainkan peran krusial dalam memperjuangkan hak-hak penyandang disabilitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi advokasi yang diterapkan oleh MPS PWM DIY melibatkan pendekatan kolaboratif multisektor, yang diwujudkan melalui audiensi dengan pemangku kepentingan serta kolaborasi lintas sektor dengan pemerintah daerah dan sektor swasta. Selain itu, MPS PWM DIY secara proaktif memperjuangkan kepastian hukum bagi kelompok difabel, dengan menekankan pada urgensi reformasi kebijakan yang inklusif dan jelas. Penelitian ini menyoroti pentingnya peran organisasi keagamaan dalam advokasi sosial yang lebih luas serta pentingnya pendekatan kolaboratif multisektor dalam memperkuat upaya advokasi. Temuan dari penelitian ini menawarkan model advokasi yang dapat diadaptasi oleh organisasi lain dalam konteks serupa dan memiliki implikasi yang signifikan bagi pengembangan strategi advokasi hak-hak penyandang disabilitas di tingkat nasional.
Kata kunci: Strategi Advokasi, Hak Disabilitas, Layanan Sosial, Kolaborasi Multisektora
Indigenousity in the empowerment of construction laborers: A case study of the Indonesian Construction Labour Union (SBKI) Gunung Kidul
This study aims to explore the role of local wisdom in the empowerment of construction laborers, focusing on the Indonesian Construction Labour Union (SBKI) in Gunung Kidul, using a qualitative approach. The findings show that these labor communities organically empower themselves through local traditions such as guys rukun and gotong royong, which not only build social solidarity but also strengthen labor organizations. Initiatives that emerge from within the community, both through labor rights advocacy and other empowerment activities, show that construction workers are able to utilize their local resources and potential to achieve welfare. This strong indigenousity within the community serves as important social capital in building organizational foundations, supporting advocacy processes, and empowering the community. The success of this empowerment initiative emphasizes the importance of respecting indigenousity in community development and demonstrates that communities can develop their own potential without the need for excessive external intervention. This indigenousity can ultimately serve as a model for other communities facing similar challenges.
Keywords: Local wisdom, Labour union, Community empowerment
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi peran indigenousitas dalam pemberdayaan buruh kuli bangunan, dengan fokus pada Serikat Buruh Konstruksi Indonesia (SBKI) di Gunung Kidul. dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa komunitas buruh ini secara organik memberdayakan diri melalui tradisi lokal seperti guyub rukun dan gotong royong, yang tidak hanya membangun solidaritas sosial tetapi juga memperkuat organisasi buruh. Inisiatif yang muncul dari dalam komunitas, baik melalui advokasi hak-hak buruh maupun aktivitas pemberdayaan lainnya, menunjukkan bahwa buruh kuli bangunan mampu memanfaatkan sumber daya dan potensi lokal mereka untuk mencapai kesejahteraan. Indigenousitas yang kokoh dalam komunitas ini berfungsi sebagai modal sosial yang penting dalam membangun fondasi organisasi, mendukung proses advokasi, dan memberdayakan komunitas. Keberhasilan inisiatif pemberdayaan ini menegaskan pentingnya penghargaan terhadap indigenousitas dalam pengembangan masyarakat dan menunjukkan bahwa komunitas dapat mengembangkan potensi mereka sendiri tanpa perlu intervensi eksternal yang berlebihan. Indigenousitas ini akhirnya dapat menjadi model bagi komunitas lain yang menghadapi tantangan serupa.
Kata Kunci: Kearifan lokal, Serikat buruh, Pemberdayaan komunita
Pesantren Intellectual Activism Outside of Islam and Muslims: Study of the Jalan Dakwah Pesantren (2016) Documentary Film
This research tries to reexamine the meaning of Pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) as inclusive spaces by reinterpreting the film Jalan Dakwah Pesantren (2016). As a prophetic space born from a long process of Indonesian cultural and educational history, Pesantren is often attached simply as a label for traditional Islamic education and ignores its role outside of Islam, which also uses the Pesantren education model. This article strengthens the historical perspective of Pesantren as inclusive spaces that can be used and applied by people outside of Islam and Muslims in Indonesia and the world. This research uses an interdisciplinary approach (interdisciplinary studies), including literature reviews and in-depth interviews, by exploring relevant historical forms of Indonesian educational experience, starting from Hindu, Buddhist, and Kapitayan education to Islam in the Archipelago and then similar models in other parts of the world. This research shows that the normalization of Pesantren traditions as intellectual activism has been widely absorbed by cultural actors outside of Islam and Muslims as a basis for deepening character and insight. Pesantrens, as examples of education, have been in the position of cross-cultural institutions and carry out the mission of transmitting religious and cultural knowledge outside of Islam
Addressing Street Children, Vagrants, and Beggars through the Role of Community Social Workers in Yogyakarta A Practical and Theoretical Approach
This paper aims to address the increasing phenomenon of social problems in society, such as street children, homeless individuals, and beggars, which require serious attention. This phenomenon is of particular interest to be studied in depth in order to find appropriate solutions for these social issues. One of the key players in addressing these problems is social volunteers, also known as Community Social Workers. This research focuses on the role of Community Social Workers in handling street children, the homeless, and beggars in Yogyakarta. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, this paper analyzes the role of Community Social Workers based on Ministerial Regulation No. 10 of 2019. The study highlights the importance of collaboration between Community Social Workers and government social institutions in Yogyakarta. The findings indicate that the role of Community Social Workers in addressing these social issues reflects their empathy, care, and dedication to serving the community of Yogyakarta.
Keywords: Community Social Workers, Street Children, Homeless, Beggars, Social
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjawab fenomena meningkatnya permasalahan sosial di masyarakat, seperti anak jalanan, gelandangan, dan pengemis, yang membutuhkan penanganan serius. Fenomena ini menarik untuk dikaji lebih dalam guna menemukan solusi yang tepat dalam mengatasi permasalahan sosial tersebut. Salah satu pihak yang berperan dalam penanganan masalah ini adalah relawan sosial, atau yang dikenal sebagai Pekerja Sosial Masyarakat. Penelitian ini berfokus pada peran Pekerja Sosial Masyarakat dalam menangani anak jalanan, gelandangan, dan pengemis di Yogyakarta. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, tulisan ini menganalisis peran Pekerja Sosial Masyarakat berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Sosial Nomor 10 Tahun 2019. Penelitian ini menekankan pentingnya kerjasama antara Pekerja Sosial Masyarakat dengan lembaga-lembaga sosial pemerintah di Kota Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran Pekerja Sosial Masyarakat dalam menangani permasalahan sosial ini merupakan wujud empati, kepedulian, dan jiwa pengabdian terhadap masyarakat Kota Yogyakarta.
Kata Kunci: Pekerja Sosial Masyarakat , Anak Jalanan, Gelandangan, pengemis, sosia
Bimbingan Pra Nikah dalam Membangun Keluarga Sakinah Mawaddah Wa Rahmah di KUA Ngampilan Yogyakarta
This study aims to see pre-marital guidance for realizing sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah families in KUA Ngampilan Yogyakarta. This research is a type of field research. The research subject was the bride and groom in KUA Ngampilan. The data collection instrument used documentation and direct observation. The results obtained are pre-marital guidance which is needed by prospective brides who feel more ready to live their family life so that families who are sakinah, mawaddah. Wa rahmah can achieve.
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pentingnya bimbingan pra-nikah untuk mewujudkan keluarga sakinah, mawaddah, wa rahmah di KUA Kecamatan Ngampilan Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian lapangan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah calon pengantin di KUA Kecamatan Ngampilan. Instrumen pengambilan data menggunakan dokumentasi dan pengamatan langsung. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah bimbingan pra- nikah sangat diperlukan oleh kedua calon mempelai agar calon pengantin merasa lebih siap dalam menjalani kehidupan keluarga sehingga tercapai keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah, wa rahmah