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Telaah Pelaksanaan Sosialisasi Rancangan Peraturan Daerah dan Peraturan Daerah oleh DPRD Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
Background: The authority of DPRD to carry out the socialization of local regulations (Perda) through the allocation- absorption of the local regulation socialization budget (sosper) in the secretariat of certain DPRDs has become a polemic today. This study explains the implementation of dissemination or socialization of draft local regulations (Raperda) and local regulations (Perda) can be done in the legislative function of DPRD. Research findings using a qualitative approach through a literature review of laws and regulations and documentation data collection techniques show that: (i) the implementation of dissemination or socialization of draft regulations and local regulations can be done comprehensively. This is an integral part of the function and authority of the DPRD as a legislative body that has the responsibility and authority to form local regulations, especially those proposed as DPRD initiatives. (ii) The implementation of dissemination or socialization of local regulations can be carried out as long as there is a legal basis governing its implementation, such as local regulations, gubernatorial regulations, DPRD regulations and included in the main points of thought (Pokir) of DPRD, RKPD, KUA-PPAS and carried out in accordance with applicable mechanisms and procedures. (iii) The involvement of the DPRD in the dissemination or socialization of draft regulations and local regulations is a form of optimization of the functions and authority of the legislative body in forming local regulations. The creation of good, aspirational and representative local regulations that reflect the interests of the community
Components in the curriculum are altered and developed as the curriculum progresses. The developments are crucial aspects of the curriculum. Every change and progress that happens during the development of it should be investigated. Thus, there is a need for more research and literature that focus on the implementation of Kurikulum Merdeka and its impact on English Education in Indonesia. The lack of research about Kurikulum Merdeka happens because it is a new program that requires more studies and investigations. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the implementation of Kurikulum Merdeka in two different Senior High Schools, its impact on the teaching and learning English process, and a comparison of the implementation curriculum in the two schools. The research used qualitative research design. The Interview was the instrument used to gain the data in this research. The result found that the first school mixed the 2013 and Kurikulum Merdeka. The second school fully implemented and Profil Pelajar Pancasila. The difficulties of implementing it were related to English course time allocation and students’ different interests in learning English. This study implies that teachers can prepare themselves to avoid problems and difficulties found in this research by finding solutions and strategies when encountering similar difficulties during teaching and learning.
Keywords: Kurikulum Merdeka, EFL classroom, impact, implementation, compariso
The research aimed to analyze the need for implementing Critical Discourse Analysis to improve students' digital literacy skills. The research focuses on analyzing the problems and needs of students majoring in Management at STIE Gentiaras Lampung regarding the need to apply Critical Discourse Analysis to improve students' digital literacy skills. Qualitative descriptive is a type of research used by researchers. Meanwhile, STIE Gentiaras Lampung students were the subjects used in this study. There are literature studies, observations, interviews, and tests as data collection methods in the study. There are four analyses of problems experienced by students in order to develop students' digital literacy skills. The four problems are 1) Low Digital Literacy Skills of Students, 2) Mismatch of Teaching Methods in The Classroom, 3) Lack of Integration in the Curriculum, and 4) Lack of Access and Infrastructure. Needs analysis is also carried out by researchers, in addition to applying problem analysis. STIE Gentiaras Lampung students have three needs. First, students need CDA as a learning method to develop their digital literacy skills. Second, students need CDA integration with the latest curriculum. Third, students need adequate access and infrastructure to develop digital literacy skills. Therefore, researchers will continue this research by using CDA as a learning method to develop students' digital literacy skills.
Keywords : CDA, digital literacy, need analysi
This study aimed at investigating whether or not there was any significant difference in listening comprehension achievement between before and after the students were taught by using Sketch-to-Stretch strategy, and to find out whether or not there was any significant difference in listening comprehension achievement between the students who were taught by using Sketch-to-Stretch strategy and those who were not. The population of the study was the eleventh grade students of SMA N 18 Palembang with a total number of 265 students. The two classes were chosen as the samples of the study by using purposive sampling method. In collecting the data, the pre-test and post-test were given to both groups. The data were analysed by using paired samples t-test and independent samples t-test. The results of paired samples t-test showed that the p-value (0.000) was lower than 0.05, therefore the null hypothesis (Ho1) was rejected while the alternative hypothesis (Ha1) was accepted. Thus there was a significant difference in listening comprehension achievement before and after the students were taught by using Sketch-to-Stretch strategy. The results of independent samples t-test showed that p-value (0.000) was lower than 0.05, then the null hypothesis (Ho1) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha1) was accepted. Thus, there was a significant difference in listening comprehension between the students who were taught by using Sketch-to-Stretch strategy and those who were not. To sum up, Sketch-to-Stretch strategy was effective in improving listening comprehension achievement of the eleventh graders of SMA N 18 Palembang
Keywords: listening comprehension achievement, Sketch-to-Stretch strateg
Analisis Kompetensi Rekrutmen Pejabat Pemerintah Kabupaten Gorontalo
The appointment of civil servants in government structural positions is based on competence so that placement in government structural positions using the merit system considers aspects of qualifications, competence, and good performance. This research aims to analyze managerial, technical and socio-cultural competencies in the aspects of knowledge, skills, attitudes of officials who will be placed in the Gorontalo Regency government. The research approach uses qualitative methods, data collection is done through interviews, participatory observation, field notes, and document studies. Data analysis used an interactive model with three steps: condensing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions or verification. Data condensation refers to the process of selecting, narrowing down, simplifying, summarizing, and transforming data. The findings in this research in the recruitment of Gorontalo Regency Government officials have referred to Law Number 5 of 2014, Regent Regulation Number 10 of 2017 which emphasizes aspects of technical competence, managerial competence and socio-cultural competence. In addition, the regulation also refers to the recruitment of officials who also pay attention to other aspects of competence such as integrity, cooperation, communication and skills. However, there are still interventions by groups of people who support candidates without regard to competence and educational background. Furthermore, in the mutation of structural officials in central and regional government agencies, although it has been carried out in accordance with statutory provisions, there is still political intervention. This research suggests that ASN must have adaptation competence or the ability to adjust to new or changing situations
This research paper aims to examine the temporal paradoxes portrayed in the film The Time Traveler's Wife (2009), a cinematic adaptation of the 2003 Audrey Niffenegger's novel of the same name. The film follows the story of Henry, an involuntary time traveler who, uncontrollably and unpredictably, travels through his life timeline. As he travels back and forward in time, Henry occasionally meets his wife, Clare, through her different stages of life, starting with her as a six-year-old child. The occasions in Henry's time-travelling life create some temporal paradoxes in both Henry's and Clare's life timelines. A temporal paradox occurs when there is an apparent or logical self-contradiction as a result of the idea of time travel, further classified into bootstrap paradoxes, grandfather (or consistency) paradoxes, and Newcomb's paradox. This study takes the data of lines from the film’s screenplay, written by Bruce Joel Rubin, that express or imply temporal paradoxes. The film touches upon all three types of paradoxes in different degrees. Bootstrap paradoxes include: (1) the meeting of Henry and Clare; (2) winning the lottery and buying the house; (3) the meeting of Henry and Dr Kendrick, a geneticist who helps Henry's Chrono-Impairment disorder condition; and (4) the naming of Alba, their only daughter. Each of the bootstrap paradoxes involves a causal loop–events whose causes are their own effects. The grandfather paradox deals with Henry’s inability to change the past despite being a time traveler who can travel back to the past. Newcomb’s paradox discusses all of the paradoxes and their relation to free will, especially Clare’s choice to marry Henry. By engaging with elements of time travel in a film, this paper offers a new insight into research on time travel narratives in literary works.
Keywords: Temporal paradox, time travel, causal loops, bootstrap paradox, grandfather paradox, Newcomb’s parado
Formulasi Kebijakan Program Banyuwangi Hijau, dalam Mewujudkan Pengelolaan Sampah Berkelanjutan (Studi di Desa Bunder, Kecamatan Kabat)
Background: The high volume of waste in Banyuwangi Regency, which reaches 1,245 tons every day, is a serious threat and needs to be addressed through alternative waste management programs. Household waste and low public awareness are major contributors to the waste pile. The Banyuwangi Regency Government through the green Banyuwangi program is expected to be the most up-to-date solution for sustainable waste management. Research Objectives: To find out how the policy formulation of the Banyuwangi green program, within the Bunder Village Government, Kabat District. Research Methods: Using qualitative methods, by conducting field survey activities and in-depth interviews with actors who play an active role in the Banyuwangi Hijau program, and program triggering documents that explain the participation of Bunder Village community. Research Results: The Banyuwangi Hijau program is a very cheap and aligned program, so that it gets high community participation, gets subsidies from the Banyuwangi Regency APBD & the proceeds from the sale of waste sorting, and the program is regulated independently in two Bunder Village Regulations compiled jointly with the Environmental Service (DLH) and the Village Consultative Body (BPD), as well as BUMDes as the body that collects fees and provides services
Conducting assessment to students’ learning is one of responsibilities a teacher has to do. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers of English to have good assessment literacy in order to help teachers of English to construct and conduct good assessment instrument. Assessment literacy is teachers’ knowledge towards assessment and its implementation. This research was case study with descriptive method and aimed at finding out teachers’ assessment of learning literacy and its implementation. This research took place at SMA PGRI 2 Palembang and three teachers of English involved as participants. Interview, survey questionnaire, observation, and documentation were used in data collection. The results of study revealed that teachers of English were not familiar with the nature of assessment of learning, and teachers did not make use of their knowledge on assessment into practice. It is important for schools’ principals in particular and government in general to provide professional development to upgrade teachers’ assessment of learning literacy.
Keywords: Teachers of English, assessment, assessment literacy, assessment of learning, assessment implementatio
Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan dalam bentuk pendampingan pembuatan laporan keuangan sederhana pada usaha kemplang panggang di Seberang Ulu Palembang. Laporan Keuangan merupakan catatan formal tentang keuangan suatu perusahaan berisi tentang laporan tertulis yang mengukur kekuatan keuangan, kinerja, dan likuiditas perusahaan. Selain itu, laporan keuangan juga mencerminkan dampak keuangan terhadap transaksi bisnis. Dari hasil kegiatan pelatihan tersebut, pemilik usaha kemplang panggang Seberang Ulu Palembang dapat membuat buku kas utama yang merupakan gabungan catatan pendapatan dan pengeluaran, dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui lebih detail besarnya kerugian atau keuntungan selain itu kegunaan buku kas adalah memantau data keluar masuknya dana atau uang dalam perusahaan. Pelatihan ini diberikan kepada pemilik usaha kemplang panggang Seberang Ulu Palembang dan merupakan langkah tepat untuk memotivasi selera bisnis masyarakat pada umumnya dan memberikan manfaat bagi mitra pengabdian masyarakat dalam keberlanjutan usaha kemplang panggang pada khususnya. Adapun saran untuk kedepannya adalah perlu adanya kegiatan pelatihan lanjutan untuk terus mengembangkan pembuatan laporan keuangan dalam menjalankan usahanya, juga perlu adanya pendampingan dari instansi terkait lainnya (Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan) agar lini usaha yang selama ini dikelola dapat terus maju dan membantu kemakmuran anggotanya serta serlu adanya pelatihan kewirausahaan usaha kemplang panggang kepada masyarakat disekitarnya agar mampu berwirausaha dalam rangka membantu meningkatkan kondisi perekonomian masyarakat setempat.Kata kunci: Laporan Keuangan Sederhana, Usaha Kemplang PanggangÂ
Persepsi Dokter Klinik Dalam Menggunakan Rekam Medis Elektronik Berbasis Cloud Computing: Survei Penggunaan rekmed.com
Background : The use of electronic medical records (EMR), including cloud computing-based EMR, is widely increasing. However, data regarding the perception of physicians using cloud computing-based EMR in Indonesia is still limited. Objective: This study aims to determine the perception of clinical doctors in using EMR based on cloud computing. Methods: This is a cross sectional study with a mixed-methods explanatory sequential design approach to determine the perception of clinicians in using cloud computing-based EMR. Qualitative analysis is used to support the depth of quantitative data analysis. Result: There are 10 private clinic doctors who participate. The average value of respondents' satisfaction after using cloud computing-based EMR is 7.4 from a scale of 1-10, with a median value of 8. In the analysis of interest in using cloud computing-based EMR in the long term, it was found that 30% of respondents said "yes", and 70% said "maybe". Qualitative data show that the problems in using EMR are the high price of the EMR system, security and privacy, the display is still limited, and the need for a stable internet network. Conclusion: The use of cloud computing-based EMR by clinicians still meet a number of obstacles. Further development is needed to increase the satisfaction and interest of doctors using RME based on cloud computingKeywords: electronic medical records, cloud computing, clinical physicians, perceptio