University Of Lampung Journal Publication
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    338 research outputs found


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     Excessive and uncontrolled use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has resulted in various adverse effects on the soil. There needs to be a good way of managing healthy and environmentally friendly plants. This study examines the impact of using Trichoderma in combination with NPK fertilizer on nutrient conditions and nutrient uptake and growth of corn plants. This study used a Complete Randomized Block Design of 9 treatments control (A), standard NPK (Urea 350 kg ha-1, SP 36 200kg ha-1 SP36, and KCL 75kg ha-1 KCl) (B), ¼ NPK + 5 kg ha-1 Trichoderma (C), ½ NPK + 5 kg ha-1 Trichoderma (D), ¾ NPK + 5 kg ha-1 Trichoderma (E), 1 NPK + 5 kg ha-1 Trichoderma (F), ¾ NPK +1.25 kg ha-1 Trichoderma (G), ¾ NPK +2.5 kg ha-1 Trichoderma (H), ¾ NPK + 3.75 kg ha-1 Trichoderma (I), with three replicates. The results showed that NPK fertilizer accompanied by Trichoderma was able to increase total N, available P, and available K in the soil, and the growth of maize plants from control the use of Trichoderma up to 5 kg/ha has not been able to reduce the use of NPK fertilize

    Spatial Simulation of The Organic Carbon Content and its Effects on the Erodibility and Soil Erosion with Universal Soil Loss Equation and Geographic Information Systems

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    The combined Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and Geographical Information Systems are two models for spatial soil erosion analysis because the fact that each erosion factor has spatial context. As an important factor, the soil erodibility is crucial in determining soil erosion, with C-Organic significantly influencing the K value. The main aim of this study is to characterize soil erodibility and soil loss based on spatial simulation on the effects of Soil C-Organic in GIS environment. Research findings indicate that by simulating within GIS environment, C-Organic can affect both soil erodibility and erosion. Low C-Organic levels can increase soil erodibility, while high C-Organic levels can decrease it. A reduction in C-Organic by 10%, 20%, and 30% will increase K by 1.10%, 1.17%, and 1.21%, respectively. Conversely, adding 10%, 20%, and 30% C-Organic will decrease K by 1.12%, 1.27%, and 1.46%, respectively. A 10%, 20%, and 30% increase in C-Organic can reduce soil loss by 1.2%, 1.3%, and 1.5%, while a reduction in C-Organic will increase soil loss by 1.1%, 1.2%, and 1.3%, respectively. A low K value indicates slightly erosion, while a high K value suggests more severe erosion. Adding C-Organic and managing vegetation are necessary to maintain and improve soil quality

    Spatial Analysis of Disaster Vulnerability in Wonolelo, Magelang Regency

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    This research aims to assess the level of disaster vulnerability in the Wonolelo tourist village area using spatial analysis with an overlay method of several factors causing disaster vulnerability. The location of Wonolelo Village on the slopes of Mount Merapi with a rather steep to steep topography makes Wonolelo Village very vulnerable to landslides and the eruption of Mount Merapi. The research results show that Wonolelo Village has a high vulnerability to volcanic disasters (63.71%) and medium vulnerability to landslides (99.12%). The findings of this research can be used to inform disaster mitigation policies and strategies in Wonolelo Village and other vulnerable areas.

    Effects of Employing Biofertilizer and Combining It with Inorganic Fertilizer on Soil Available Phosphorous, Total Soil Microorganisms, and Productivity of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    There is a growing trend in agriculture to use Bacillus bacteria as biofertilizer. This is a result of the detrimental effects that inorganic fertilizers have on the agricultural environment. Despite this, the decreasing soil fertility makes inorganic fertilizer less effective in achieving the required crop productivity. In a study conducted at Bogor Agricultural University in Indonesia, the effects of Bacillus sp. Biofertilizer alone and in combination with NPK and UREA fertilizers were investigated on rice field. The experiment was a two-factor treatment arranged in a split plot design with three replications using a randomized complete block design (RCBD). The first factor was fertilizers as main plot. The second factor was paddy varieties as sub plot. We hypothesized combination of biofertilizer and inorganic fertilizer might improve productivity of rice field. The results showed that application of treatment NPK300UREA150BF4 resulted to increase of soil available P of 12.04%, 40.69%, and 44.05% in comparison with treatments NPK0UREA0BF0, NPK300UREA150BF0, and NPK0UREA0BF4 respectively. The same treatment resulted in increase of 28.13% and 13.64% of productive tillers per plant compared to NPK0UREA0BF0 and application of NPK300UREA150BF0 respectively. Moreover, applying the former treatment, resulted in increase of yield of 64.08% and 30.33% compared to NPK0UREA0BF0 and NPK300UREA150BF0 in Mekongga variety while in IPB 3S there was yield increase of 85.80% and 10.34% respectively. The application of treatment NPK150UREA75BF4 resulted higher total soil microorganisms of 14.6×106 (CFU). Overall, the results showed that combination of biofertilizer with inorganic fertilizers improved soil available P, total soil microorganisms, productivity of rice tillers, and paddy yield compared to a single fertilizer application.keywords: Bacillus, indole-3-acetic acid, inorganic fertilizer, nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization, and root exudates

    The Phosphate Adsorption Isotherms in a New Tidal Rice Field of Barito Kuala Regency South Kalimantan

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    Acid sulphate soils are sub-optimum lands with many chemical problems.  The research aimed to examine the characteristics of P adsorption and solubility using the adsorption isotherm equation.  This research was an incubation study using soil samples from Ray 7, Balandean Village, Alalak District, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan Province from May to November 2022.  The adsorption isotherm of P was measured in six soil samples with three replicates.  Added P (0, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, and 50 mg P kg-1) from KH2PO4 were applied in 1 g soil in 25 mL 0.01 M CaCl2.  The suspensions were shaken in at 25 ℃ for 17 hours, then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for five minutes and the supernatant was filtered for P analysis.  Three common adsorption isotherm equations, Langmuir, Freundlich, and Brunauer-Emmett- Teller (BET) were used to fit the data.  The high solubility of Al and Fe was thought to influence the adsorption of P as well as the reduction state of soil components were believed to change the properties of the soil in adsorbing P nutrients, even though they came from the same parent rocks.  The BET equation was more suitable for describing P adsorption isotherm in this type of soil

    Characterization and Classification of Soils in Landslide Residual Zones to Estimate the Presence of Shallow Slip Plane

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    Penentuan tanah longsor didasarkan pada topografi dan geologi. Masih jarang menghubungkan karakteristik tanah dengan kemungkinan tanah longsor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik tanah dengan klasifikasinya dengan kemungkinan adanya slip field dangkal yang menyebabkan terjadinya longsor. Penelitian dimulai dengan melakukan survei di tiga lokasi longsor dengan jenis material tanah yang berbeda. Karakterisasi dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada zona residu yang tersisa di bagian atas longsor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beberapa tanah longsor dapat diidentifikasi memiliki potensi slip plane hanya pada kedalaman profil 120 cm dan beberapa tidak bisa. Dua longsor yang terjadi di Magelang menunjukkan adanya ufuk endopedon yang khas, yaitu Bt (argillic dan candic). Cakrawala argilik (saturasi basa 35%) adalah situs akumulasi bahan tanah liat halus dan plastik. Kandungan bahan organik yang rendah juga membuat struktur tidak stabil dan mudah tersebar. Sementara itu, salah satu longsor yang terjadi di Purworejo menunjukkan bahwa profil tanah di zona residu memiliki kandungan lempung yang rendah dan tidak terbentuk horizon Bt. Kehadiran cakrawala argillik dan candic dangkal (lebih dari 60% kandungan tanah liat) menunjukkan kemungkinan tanah longsor

    Assessing Leaching Requirement an Ameliorated Saline Soil in a Lysimeter Experiment

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    Soil salinity problems in the coastal hinterland region of East Java diminish agricultural development and land productivity. Soil leaching is expected to reduce soil salinity. This study investigated the effectiveness of different ameliorant compositions and leaching requirements (LR) in the leaching process. The experiment involved applying ameliorants (T) and leaching (L) treatments to lysimeters filled with saline soil. The ameliorant treatments included biochar, organic matter, and gypsum. The results showed the leaching requirement capacity to reduce electrical conductivity from 5.7 dS m-1 to below 2 dS m-1. Leaching for T0 (without ameliorants) and T1 (10 Mg ha-1 of biochar) required 943 mm of water, while T2 (20 Mg ha-1 of biochar) and T3 (40 Mg ha-1 of compost) required 1052 mm. The T4 (10 Mg ha-1 of compost and 2 Mg ha-1 of gypsum) necessitated 1154 mm of leaching water. The ameliorants’ application and assortment increased the water demand for leaching. The findings indicated a consistent relationship between TDS and salinity, indicating the soil’s dominant presence of salty ions

    Changes of Soil Chemistry Characteristics of Tephra Mount Anak Krakatau-Indonesia, Through Leaching Experiment

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    Studying the weathering process in pristine volcanic materials is crucial as this process will determine further soil characteristics. Mount Anak Krakatau is reported as one of the fastest-growing volcanoes. This volcano erupted powerfully in December 2018, ejecting tons of volcanic materials. These materials are considered pristine and unweathered tephra. Hence, a leaching experiment can be one of the crucial methods to predict further soil characteristics formed as climatic factors. Tephra sampling was conducted on 13 Augustus 2019 or eight months after the massive eruption of Mount Anak Krakatau in December 2018. Tephra samples were leached by deionized water (H2O), oxalic acid (H2C2O4) 0.02 M, and citric acid (C6H8O7) 0.02 M (solvents) for 90 days. pH of tephra increased approximately from  (3.95– 4.99 ) to (5.12–8.11). Organic-C rose about 0.2 to 1 point higher than organic-C of tephra before the leaching experiment. The increasing value of organic-C was predicted to increase CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity) (2.13–5.36 cmolc kg-1). After the leaching experiment, the tephra’s surface was weathered clearly as an impact of solvents and the growing of algae

    Effect of Coffee Ages and Shade Types on Soil Moisture and Soil N, P, K Availability in UB Forest

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    Water and nutrients is important for plant which has its characteristics. This study has been carried out in the UB (Brawijaya University) forest about soil moisture content during rainy and dry seasons, Total-N, -P, -K from litter on different types of shade and age of coffee plants, and their effect on soil Available-N, -P, and -K. There are P1 (control), P2 (4-year-coffee + pine), P3 (7-year-coffee + pine), P4 (4-year-coffee + mahogany), and P5 (7-year-coffee + mahogany). These treatments affected to total soil moisture storage, Total-N, -P, -K of litter, and Available-N, -P, -K in the soil. The soil moisture storage change between rainy and dry seasons was 36.97 mm. The highest Total-N, -P, and -K of litter was 11.00 kg ha-1 y-1 at P3, 1.06 kg ha-1 y-1 at P2, and 4.35 kg ha-1 y-1 at P3, which was inconsistently associated with high soil nutrients. The highest Total-N was 0.40 (0-20 cm), 0.27 (20-40 cm), 0.30% (40-60 cm) at P4, Available-K was 1.69 (0-20 cm), 1.64 (20-40 cm), 1.87 cmol kg-1 (40-60 cm) at P5, and Available-P was 15.21 (0-20 cm), 14.06 (20-40 cm), 12.64 mg kg-1 (40-60 cm) at P1

    Growth and Yields of Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Applied by Synthetic Zeolite and Catfish Liquid Organic Fertilizer

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    The average productivity of upland rice in Indonesia is around 4.4 tons per ha, significantly lower than its potential yield of 8.5 Mg per ha. The utilization of synthetic zeolite as a soil amendment and liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) is one of the technologies that can be applied to increase the growth and yield of upland rice. This study was carried out by factorial experiment with 2 factors: synthetic zeolite application at 4 levels (0, 100, 150, and 200 kg per ha), and catfish LOF application at 3 levels (0, 200, and 400 ml per clump), and each combina- tion was repeated three times. The results showed that applying synthetic zeolite and catfish LOF at each dose had no significant effect on plant height, maximum number of tillers and productive tillers, panicle exit age, harvest age, and weight of milled dry grain per clump. The interaction of synthetic zeolite at a dose of 100 kg per ha with catfish LOF at a dose of 400 ml per clump increased the number of pithy grains per panicle by 70%, the weight of milled dry grain per clump by 68%, and the harvest index 37.5% significantly compared to control (no treatment)


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