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    2048 research outputs found

    Участь у суспільно-корисній діяльності: умова ефективної професійної підготовки майбутнього вчителя іноземних мов

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    (ru) Данное исследование было проведено с целью определения и апробации основных типов общественно-полезной деятельности студентов на первых курсах обучения на факультетах иностранных языков высших учебных заведений и является важным этапом подготовки диссертационного исследования. В частности, был проведен подробный теоретический и обширный практический анализ различных видов исследуемой деятельности студентов в процессе профессиональной подготовки.(en) This study has been conducted with the aim of identifying and testing of the main types of socially beneficial activity of students during the first year of studying at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of higher educational institutions, and is an important step in the preparation of our doctoral dissertation research. The author has investigated and analyzed the impact of the organization of socially beneficial activities in University for the individualization of professional training of foreign language teachers (the need for social self-realization, individual and collective work for the good of the group, University, society). In particular, it has been noted the importance of implementation in the process of training of future foreign language teachers of the following types of public beneficial activities: extracurricular activities of students, research activity, out-of-class activities, the use of the Internet in extracurricular activities, co-creative design and implementation, volunteering. It has been noted in the article that extracurricular activities is the work of subject groups with linguistic, pedagogical disciplines, clubs of oratory art. The most common forms of research activities are subject groups which objective is the familiarization with certain issues of science, deeper study of specific issues of this science. The out-of-class activities can be divided into the following forms of work in a foreign language studying according to the content: 1) competitive, 2) mass media, 3) cultural-mass, 4) political-mass. If co-creative design activity is organized pedagogically correctly, it unites students and teaching staff. During the use of all service possibilities of the Internet (the WIKI, MOODLE), the author describes the communicative exercises that are used in professional activities. Volunteering is a practice of a foreign language mastery and self-development; it is a great way to overcome the language barrier, to practice foreign language(s), to see the country, its traditions especially from the inside

    Система высшего образования в Канаде

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    (uk): Стаття присвячена особливостям системи вищої освіти у Канаді. Вища освіта у Канаді оптимально відповідає вимогам сучасного динамічного розвиненого світу. Вона переслідує дві головні цілі: дати людям можливість розвинути свої здібності і забезпечити суспільство знаннями і уміннями, які повинні слугувати його інтересам. Канада, як одна з найбільш розвинених країн світу, постійно піклується про вдосконалення системи вищої освіти, яка представлена різними видами коледжів, університетів.(ru) Статья посвящена особенностям системы высшего образования в Канаде. Высшее образование в Канаде оптимально соответствует требованиям современного динамичного развивающегося мира. Она преследует две главные цели: дать людям возможность развить свои умения и обеспечить общество знаниями и умениями, которые должны служить его интересам. Канада, как одна из наиболее развитых стран мира, постоянно беспокоится об улучшении системы высшего образования, которая представлена разными видами колледжей, университетов.(en) This paper will reflect on some of the historical origins of higher education in Canada and highlight some of the contemporary challenges facing the system. It focuses on the reasons why Canada needs to develop a higher education system that is democratic, open, and accessible to all who are qualified and willing to participate, regardless of background. There are approximately 163 public and private universities in Canada though this figure is based on an inclusive definition that includes private theological institutions that offer degrees in theology. By the 1970s Canadian universities were generally characterized as public, secular institutions and governments viewed university degree granting as a public monopoly. The number of universities was tightly controlled by government. While provinces still tightly control the number of universities, several provinces have allowed for the emergence of a limited number of private universities. Most of these private universities are quite small and are associated with a religious denomination (such as the Canadian Mennonite University in Manitoba) or offer programs within an institutional environment that supports the beliefs and values of a religious faith (such as Trinity Western University in British Columbia). There are approximately 183 public colleges and institutes in Canada. As noted much earlier in this essay, there are significant differences in the mission and role of institutions that fall under this broad category. Canada’s colleges and universities have a strong sense of internationalization, whether in the establishment of institutions or hiring teachers, the research subjects, students’ enrollment and employment, they can consider from the international point of view . For example, the recruited 3,200 international students of the University of York are from 50 countries; the enrolled 3,000 students in Seneca College are from 75 countries. They truly believe that the idea of internationalization is to allow students have access to international culture, so they require students to learn foreign languages and cultures. Canada’s international education includes the following six aspects: first, encouraging their students to learn a second language. Such as the University of York in recent years has increased the variety of European language courses, adding Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic and so on. Second, integrating the foreign language and courses. The third is the implementation of the cooperation with foreign institutions. The fourth is to send students abroad for short-term internships. The fifth is to attract international students to study in Canada. The sixth is to carry out scientific research cooperation with foreign colleges and universities. As in most industrialized, developed nations, Canadian society, and participation in the public sphere, is increasingly predicated on a high skills-high wage economic strategy. Although the extent to which educational attainment can facilitate upward social mobility is constrained by stratification at the societal level, education remains the primary mechanism by which low-income and disadvantaged groups can transcend the socioeconomic position of their families. While ‘education for citizenship’ has long been meant something important to many educators, perhaps a reinvigorated call for ‘education for economic competitiveness’ will appeal to those who possess the influence to make the changes that are necessary to make higher education universally accessible to all Canadians who would like to have an opportunity to participate

    Підтекст як засіб сугестивного впливу (на матеріалі «Риторики» Аістотеля)

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    (uk) У статті досліджено особливості побудови підтексту як засобу сугестивного впливу на матеріалі трактату Арістотеля «Риторика». Осмислення та узагальнення поглядів Арістотеля уточнюють та доповнюють теорію педагогічної риторики.(ru) В статье исследовано особенности построения подтекста как способа суггестивного влияния на материале трактата Аристотеля «Риторика». Осмысление и обобщение взглядов Аристотеля уточняют и дополняют теорию педагогической риторики.(en) One of such topical problems of the pedagogical rhetoric is the creation of the subtext as a method of suggestive influence. Originally, it was represented in «Rhetoric» by Aristotle. The studying of public speaking focused mainly on the methods of influence on listeners where subtexts and suggestions had a great role. Subtext arises in such main methods of proofs as examples and enthymemes. The subtext phenomenon constitutes as the enthymeme which Aristotle terms as the syllogism where one of premises or parts is dropped out but is meant. Aristotle explores the nature of the enthymeme, the peculiarities of its creation, underlining that the enthymeme is the most emphatic of the other methods of proofs. The relation with subtext evolves through the comparisons and the fables where the truth is supplied in symbols, images, and allegories, in other words, it is hidden, suggested to listeners. The use of comparisons and fables as illustrative materials for good evidence of some thoughts or phenomena is very effectual. The use of such impressive illustrative materials shows both orators’ and listeners’ high culture, because the subtext effects need the adequate decoding for understanding the hidden truth. Aristotle determines that it is the audience that is a final goal for orators. So, the scholar studies the portrait of hearers, because the success consists in the understanding of the audience. Also the philosopher analyses «the emotions» in detail, character traits, social positions etc., the knowledge of which helps an orator to create his speech in such a way to have influence on the hearers, their mood, thoughts, decisions, and judgements. The speech has a great sense, it must be both influential and impressive. And in this case the metaphor has an exact signification; because by its nature it has a hidden and implicit meaning and has a fantastic influence on the audience. The metaphor has a powerful effect of influence on the listeners, their mood, emotions, and thoughts. Considering the rhetorical style features, including what characteristics the style must have for effective impact on the audience, Aristotle is concerned with the question of expressiveness which is known to be often associated with emotional overtones. Such an emotional impact on the audience evokes confidence, even defusing the semantic quality of speech. The achievement of a goal by the way of belief that influences the hearer’s consciousness, and the achievement of a goal by the way of suggestion that influences the hearer’s sub-consciousness, are closely intertwined. But in every way of speech influence subtext and its effects are very significant and valuable

    Development of professional competence in the process of training future teachers of fine arts

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    (uk) У статті здійснено узагальнення поняття фахова компетентність вчителя образотворчого мистецтва. Пролонговано основні положення та принципи розвитку фахової компетентності у процесі професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів образотворчого мистецтва.(ru) В статье обобщено понятие профессиональная компетентность учителя изобразительного искусства. Пролонгированы основные положения и принципы развития профессиональной компетентности в процессе подготовки будущих учителей изобразительного искусства.(en) The article summarizes the concept of professional competence of a teacher of art. This definition implies a profound knowledge of contemporary issues of teacher pedagogy, psychology, art history, fine art teaching methods and ability to apply this knowledge in practice. Mandatory occupational competence of a teacher is the ability to match existing knowledge to the purposes, conditions and the ways of artistic and educational activities. Basic provisions and principles of professional competence in the training of future teachers of fine arts are prolonged. The system of training and education of an artist-teacher should be solid, scientifically sound and meaningful for society; during the training course a future specialist is required to master the educational and artistic skills, the ability to form an independent artistic and creative activities in various forms and genres of fine art; the final result of future specialist training should be a high level of artistic and creative, professional and pedagogical competence. The way of implementation of these provisions is to attract future teachers of fine arts to the social artistic projects. These projects provide professional self-realization of the future teachers of fine arts on both creative and pedagogical levels. We want to emphasize that the current state of future teachers of fine arts preparation in higher education institutions requires new ways of improving their theoretical and practical training quality, capacity for their independent creative work, professional self-development, development of professional competence as an integrated capability of the personality, consisting of knowledge, experience, values and attitude which can be integrated into practice, that means providing individual experience of using acquired knowledge in the process of studying

    Waldorf education as a recreational educational system

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    (uk) У статті визначено основні ідеї вальдорфської педагогіки та узагальнено досвід вальдорфської школи у формуванні здоров’я школярів. Висвітлено результати науково-педагогічного експерименту всеукраїнського рівня щодо впровадження засад вальдорфської педагогіки в навчально-виховний процес навчальних закладів України з метою інтеграції педагогічної системи «Вальдорфська школа» в освітній простір України(ru) В статье определены основные идеи вальдорфской педагогики и обобщается опыт вальдорфской школы в формировании здоровья школьников. Представлены результаты научно-педагогического эксперимента всеукраинского уровня по внедрению принципов вальдорфской педагогики в учебно-воспитательный процесс учебных заведений Украины с целью интеграциии педагогической системы «Вальдорфская школа» в образовательное пространство Украины.(en) The urgency of the realization of children's health through education requires reflection and creative use of the experience of Waldorf school to support and enrich children's health. The article analyzes the leading ideas of Waldorf education and generalized experience of Waldorf schools in shaping the health of schoolchildren. The aim of Waldorf schools – will create a pedagogical space favorable for personality development and preservation of physical, psychic and spiritual health of children. while education is oriented not only to nowadays, but in the future. The basis of educational theory concept of holistic education, which is a basis of Waldorf schools, put religious and philosophical doctrine R.Shtaynera - anthroposophy. According to him, human development is at a seven-year rhythms which knowledge can correctly build the educational process. For each of the seven years of maturation is one of the elements of nature. Methods and techniques of training and education based on anthroposophic interpretation of personal development as an integrated interaction of physical, mental and spiritual factors. The principles of the Waldorf School include: 1) education in the spirit of freedom that leads the child to free and deep self-knowledge, integrated development of the internal forces of self-determination in life; 2) integrity of identity formation; 3) сonsideration of the age of cycles, circadian biorhythms; 4) resistance to the authority of the teacher, parent, spiritual ideal. Methods of Steiner designed to prevent over-intellectualization of training to ensure the artistic and creative of teaching, and the implementation of targeted child rhythm. Overall, the results of research, health character Waldorf education is not in doubt, as evidenced in publications of different authors. The therapeutic effect of Waldorf education is manifested not only in the health environment, the general organization of the educational process, but also competent methodical organization of each of the subjects. It is set that health saving orientation of Waldorf school brings ti the considerable successful results of Waldorf education: Waldorf schoolchildren as compared to the students of traditional schools have the best indexes of physical and psychical health, developed cognitive flairs, personality qualities (individual initiativeness, work, independence of decisions, collaboration with people, social mobility). In Ukraine from 2001 to 2014 conducted a work with experimental verification of scientific and methodological foundations of Waldorf pedagogics and its implementation in the educational process educational institutions of Ukraine. The aim of the experiment - adaptation ideas Waldorf pedagogical system to social and educational realiy of Ukraine, creating a Ukrainian model of Waldorf pedagogical institution, recommendations of the use of certain elements of Waldorf pedagogical methods and systems in educational institutions of Ukraine to form developed personality. Today, Waldorf education is open to development and change pedagogical innovation system, which already has a tradition of learning and education of children and is based on experience. It focuses on the realities of modern life, modern children and parents and provides its viability, relevance and development

    New approaches of using informational technologies by future social pedagogs

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    (uk): Стаття присвячена проблемі сучасних підходів до використання інформаційних технологій викладачами спеціальності «Соціальна педагогіка». Визначено й проаналізовано вимоги, що висуваються до освітян щодо готовності використовувати інформаційні технології (ІТ) у професійній діяльності для розробки відповідних методик і технік підготовки соціальних педагогів в сучасних умовах.(ru) Статья посвящена проблеме современных подходов к использованию информационных технологий преподавателями специальности «Социальная педагогика». Определены и проанализированы требования, предъявляемые к педагогам по готовности использования информационных технологий (ИТ) в профессиональной деятельности для разработки соответствующих методик и технологий подготовки социальных педагогов в современных условиях.(en) The article deals with the modern approaches to the use of information technologies by social pedagogues. It has been analyzed and defined the requirements for teachers on the readiness to use information technology (IT) professional activities to develop appropriate methods and technologies of training social workers in the educational process in modern conditions. the introduction of multimedia technologies in the educational process significantly improves the quality of presentation of learning material and its efficiency of its perception, enriches the content of the discipline, increases academic motivation, creates conditions for cooperation between teachers and students. Analysis of practical experience shows that the use of multimedia learning technologies is an integral part in the learning process. Multimedia technologies have indisputable advantages over other educational technologies. It should be noted that the use of modern approaches to use IT efficiently enhances the professional skills of future social workers. This allows to change the teaching process or completely transform it to ensure its exploring nature. The use of new approaches can be achieved through high competence of the specialists in the field of computer technology

    Розвиток технологій аудиторної діяльності: нові технологічні й психологічні труднощі

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    (uk) Стаття присвячена психологічним аспектам розвитку видів навчальної діяльності. Увага звертається на нові можливості та виклики, з якими стикається викладач та студент у процесі викладання та вивчення іноземної мови. У статті наголошується важливість правильного створення та підтримки діяльності персоніфікованого електронного навчального середовища у процесі вивчення іноземної мови.(ru) Статья посвящена психологическим аспектам развития видов образовательной деятельности. Внимание акцентируется на новые возможности и вызовы, с которыми встречается преподаватель и студент в процессе преподавания та изучения иностранного языка. В статье отмечается важность правильного создания и поддержки деятельности персонифицированной электронной обучаемой среде в процессе изучения иностранного языка.(en) The article highlights the psychological management aspects of technology classroom activities. The attention is paid to new opportunities and challenges that teacher and learners come across while teaching and learning a foreign language. The work suggests. The article emphasizes the role of personalized e-learning environment organizing and supporting in the process of learning a foreign language. One of the main distinctive features of today’s education is the problem of developing new technologies of classroom activities. This process is usually accompanied with a series of obstacles that do not leave the teaching and learning process unmarked. Technology classroom activities differ greatly from the traditional ones. The teacher should take into account various methodological, psychological, linguistic and physical aspects that impact the process of learning of foreign language. By using the Internet the teacher will present the students powerful and interesting opportunities for communication, interaction and collaboration. Students should be encouraged to communicate not just with their group mates in the classroom but with those who are physically and geographically apart. Doing this, new ways for practicing language are opening. ICT provide appropriate basis for the development of main language skills – speaking, listening, writing and reading. Supporting the integration tendencies of cognition, the process of education informatisation actualizes the design and development of approaches to the potential use of information technologies in order to develop the personality of a student, his alternative thinking, imagination, attention, abilities

    Изучение теоретической грамматики английского языка: основные проблемы и пути их решения (на материале изучения имени существительного)

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    (uk): У статті розглядаються шляхи вивчення теоретичних засад граматики англійської мови; вивчаються основні труднощі, з якими стикаються студенти, які до того працювали переважно у сфері практичної граматики; запропоновано систему вправ, які б допомогли встановити зв’язки між теоретичним та практичним аспектом.(ru) Статья посвящена основным изучению теоретических основ грамматики английского языка; рассматриваются основные проблемы, возникающие в процессе изучения, и пути их решения; предлагается система упражнений, которые помогут установить связь между теоретическим и практическим аспектами.(en) Language is a multifaceted, complex phenomenon which can be studied and described from various points of view: as a psychological or cognitive phenomenon, as a social phenomenon, from the point of view of its historic changes. The following paper deals with the problem of theoretical study of the noun categories. Theoretic English grammar is usually taught after studying General Linguistics. That’s why students can easily refer to the general linguistic terminology. Studying practical grammar students mostly fulfill the tasks translating sentences and filling the blanks by appropriate word forms. But theoretical study demands the ability to explain various phenomena. Nouns directly name various phenomena of reality and have the strongest nominative force among notional parts of speech: practically every phenomenon can be presented by a noun as an independent referent, or, can be substantivized. The category of gender in English is a highly controversial subject in grammar. The category of number presents a classic example of a binary privative grammatical opposition. The category of number in English is expressed by the paradigmatic opposition of two forms: the singular and the plural. The division of the nouns into countable and uncountable is based upon their «quantitative nature». Uncountable nouns can be used either only in the singular or only in the plural; for them the category of number is absolute, or a constant feature category. Students’ attention should be turned to the difference between productive and non-productive as while studying practical grammar non-productive forms were viewed mostly as the exceptions. But students should still remind non-productive paradigms and the following exercise will help them to nail down. To sum up it should be mentioned that the study of theoretical English grammar must combine learning key terms and reviewing practical skills

    Promoting students’ interest to creating the image in educational environment of a university

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    (uk) У статті обґрунтовано необхідність оволодіння іміджевою діяльністю з метою побудови професійного образу. Показано значення іміджотворення для навчально-професійної діяльності майбутнього вчителя. Проаналізовано можливості освітнього середовища університету та запропоновано засоби стимулювання інтересу студентів до іміджотворення в процесі професійної підготовки.(ru) В статье обоснована необходимость овладения имиджевой деятельностью с целью построения профессионального образа. Показано значение созидания имиджа для учебно-профессиональной деятельности будущего учителя. Проанализированы возможности образовательной среды университета и предложены средства стимулирования интереса студентов к созиданию имиджа в процессе профессиональной подготовки.(en) The article deals with the essence of a teacher’s image as a variety of professional and educational activities. The necessity of mastering image-making activities for building a professional image has been proved. The importance of creating the image for educational and professional work of a future teacher and its role in professional formation of a young teacher have been shown. The possibilities of educational environment of a university in creating personal and professional image of a future teacher have been analyzed. The influence of artistic and aesthetic activities on developing the students’artistic image of the individual, that is primarily evaluated by the choice of clothes and the manners of dressing have been shown by the author of the article. The process of creating the image has been illustrated by the study of the discipline «The image of a modern teacher»as a part of the professional training. The means of stimulating students’interest to the process of creating the image have been suggested. They include giving students the historical details and modern aesthetic requirements to design the appearance of a young person, a future specialist


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