E-Journal UNUJA (Universitas Nurul Jadid)
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This research explores teachers' strategies in raising students' learning awareness at MTs Miftahul Ulum Bago Pasirian. Learning awareness is considered key to creating an effective learning environment in this madrasa. Teachers have a vital role in guiding and forming students' learning awareness, which influences motivation, ability improvement, and interpersonal relationships. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. The research results highlight strategies such as providing insight, integrating technology in teaching, evaluating with strategy adjustments, and parental involvement. It is hoped that this research can contribute to the development of science and education in madrasas, especially in the context of increasing students' learning awarenes
In the digital era, where information is disseminated quickly through online platforms, the role of Cyber Public Relations (CPR) becomes very important in shaping public perception and trust. This study explores effective communication strategies used in building trust in online communities. Utilizing a qualitative research approach, this study examines various CPR techniques and their impact on building and maintaining trust among digital audiences. This research explores the integration of traditional public relations principles with digital communication tools to cultivate a positive online reputation. Emphasis is placed on transparency, authenticity, and responsiveness as core elements in building trust in cyberspace. Case studies and real-world examples illustrate successful CPR campaigns that have effectively fostered trust across diverse online communities. The use of communication strategies in cyber public relations does not experience significant differences, but places more emphasis on the use of communication technology which can provide efficiency in the community's communication experience, such as a sense of connection between the community and the institution. So it can be said that cyber public relations is a public relations strategy that cannot be ignored. As a strategy, cyber public relations certainly has an important role in shaping the image of an institution. The case study in this research is in-depth research about an individual, a group, an organization, an activity program, and so on at a certain time. The data collection technique in this research was carried out circularly using two approaches, namely; role observation (participant observation) and in-depth interviews (in-depth interviews). Meanwhile, data analysis in this research was carried out through; data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. This research describes the implementation of several problem solving procedures studied by presenting data about communication systems using cyber public relations methods in increasing public trust in Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Jadid, so that the object of the problem can be clearly exposed. The object of research is communication carried out by Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Jadid, where communication using cyber public relations methods functions as persuasive communication to the community. These findings contribute to existing knowledge about Cyber Public Relations and offer practical insights for practitioners, scholars, and organizations seeking to improve their online communications strategies. As the digital era continues to shape the way information is consumed and shared, this research underscores the importance of ethical, transparent, and engaging communication in building trustworthy relationships between entities and the online public. Promotion and education through cyber public relations is expected to improve institutions and society, especially information about institutions, because it is assisted by information technology which is developing increasingly rapidly. By increasing understanding of teachers and the community, institutional development efforts can be carried out more easily. Apart from that, this institution also needs to be introduced regionally and globally to attract the interest of students and the public
Optimizing Pedagogy through Gamification: A Scientific Approach to Enhancing Student Motivation in Madrasah
This research focuses on optimizing pedagogy through gamification as a scientific approach to increasing student motivation in madrasas. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of gamification elements in the learning process and how this can influence student motivation and engagement. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach, where data is collected through in-depth interviews, class observations, and content analysis. Research findings show that implementing gamification significantly increases student motivation, primarily through the dynamic engagement generated by game elements such as challenges, point systems, and rewards. Students who engage in gamification-based learning show increased active participation and a greater desire to achieve academic goals. The implications of this research highlight the importance of integrating appropriate gamification elements in madrasa curricula to create a more interactive and motivating learning environment and the challenges that need to be considered regarding adapting gamification to diverse learning styles
Interpersonal Metafunction Analysis of Smartphone Slogans
This study presents an interpersonal metafunction analysis of smartphone slogans. Since the smartphone has been extensively commercialized, companies create different slogans for every single edition. Though it is usually formulated in short-purposive phrases and does not straightforwardly magnetize purchasers, the slogan is a form of language to support a market campaign. Slogans are usually embodied in clauses or sentences; part of grammar; a “system of wordings” (Matthiessen and Halliday: 1997). The Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) approach was conducted to scrutinize the realization of the lexicogrammar level revealed through MOOD’s interpersonal meaning. By using the descriptive qualitative method, SFL, and UAM CorpusTool, it was found that the realization of MOOD in this study shown in percentage; declarative clause 6,4% or N=51; interrogative clause 0,1% or N=1; and imperative clause 3,4% or N=27. This result, it shows that the declarative clause is the most frequently used in creating smartphone slogans, to provide information and offering products at once. It can be concluded that from selected smartphone slogans, predominantly, companies shows that they have a wider knowledge of the products through delivering, informing, offering, demanding, and commanding customers. Ergo, success in acknowledging their prospective customers about their products’ eminence will attract customers.
Organizational Culture as a Catalyst for Literacy Development in Islamic Boarding School
Organizational culture in Islamic boarding schools plays a crucial role in improving students' literacy. Identifying the most influential cultural elements can help develop strategies to strengthen literacy skills among students. This study aims to analyze the role of organizational culture in promoting students' literacy in Islamic boarding schools. The research method used is qualitative, with a case study approach involving interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis using the Miles and Huberman model includes data reduction, systematic data presentation, and conclusion. The results of this study indicate that a conducive learning environment in Islamic boarding schools, strengthening sustainable literacy programs, effective collaboration with external partners, and developing values and norms by Islamic boarding school principles significantly contribute to improving students' literacy. These findings emphasize the importance of a holistic approach involving various aspects of organizational culture to achieve better student literacy outcomes. This study provides implications for Islamic boarding school management's importance in strengthening cultural elements that support literacy. In addition to providing new insights, this study contributes significantly to educational policies in Islamic boarding schools
This research attempts to address these challenges by constructing a classification model using the Naive Bayes algorithm. Naive Bayes is a statistical algorithm that can be employed to predict the probability of membership in a class based on the available data. This method can assist the Department of Industry and Trade of Langkat Regency in selecting targeted programs and identifying SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) with potential success. The research will involve the collection and analysis of data regarding SMEs in Langkat Regency, including information about the industry type, geographic location, and business formality status. This data will be utilized to train the Naive Bayes classification model to predict the potential success of programs offered by the Department of Trade and Industry. Consequently, it is anticipated that this model can aid in more effective and efficient decision-making in the management of SME program
Analysis of Students' Difficulties in Mastering English Vocabulary at Elementary School Students
The purpose of this study was to describe the students difficulties in vocabulary mastery and the factors that caused their difficulties in mastering vocabulary. This research employed a qualitative approach using a phenomenology design. The data were gathered by observation, interview, and document review. Data technique and data source triangulation were used to validate the collated data. The result of this research revealed that several students had difficulties with vocabulary mastery. This study showed that, first, the difficulties encountered by students were that they had difficulties translating words or sentences in English into Indonesian and vice versa. Students also experienced difficulties in understanding the meaning of words, pronunciation, misspelling, and remembering or memorizing English vocabulary. Secondly, there were some factors that caused students difficulties in vocabulary mastery. Students were reluctant to open dictionaries and less interested in learning English. This condition became a hindrance to their ability to practice English regularly. The other issues were external factors such as inadequate facilities and the negative influence of friends that, in the end, have made it difficult to learn English, especially, vocabulary mastery
Implementing Panca Kesadaran Santri in English Learning: Enhancing Character in Education
At Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School, the panca kesadaran santri—which consists of religious, social, and scholastic aspects—embodies core values. This study looks at how these principles are incorporated into SMK Nurul Jadid's English learning activities and how they show up in lesson planning and instructional strategies. Using a panca kesadaran santri-centered theoretical framework, the research attempts to analyze how it is incorporated into English learning activities and assess how well it is implemented at the school. The study design used is a descriptive-evaluative one that includes documentation, interviews, and observations. The successful incorporation of religious, social, and national/state awareness into lesson planning and learning activities is demonstrated by data analysis. These principles are actively lived by educators and students, supporting a comprehensive approach to character education. The results highlight how crucial it is to match educational methods with the goals and ideals of society. The study provides practical guidance for curriculum development that promotes holistic student development while also making a theoretical contribution to the conversation on values integration in education. It is advised that educational institutions investigate new teaching strategies and include stakeholders in order to foster a values-based culture. Overall, the study emphasizes how panca kesadaran santri can be successfully included into English language learning activities and emphasizes the importance of this practice in developing students' moral character and sense of social responsibility
This study aims to analyze the development of moral values through Balinese folklore. This study was conducted on children aged 5-6 years. The type and approach used are qualitative discriptive. Data analysis uses interactive descriptive analysis models such as data reduction, presentation, verification, and conclusion. Test the validity of the data using triangulation techniques. The results showed that there are several stories of local wisdom of Balinese people can be used as examples of moral values in children through the attitudes of characters in Balinese folklore. Exemplary behavior such as being honest, helpful, courteous, respectful, can distinguish good and bad attitudes
Historical reviews and analyses of the relationship between Islam, the state and politics are always interesting to discuss. A historical review would be significant for the discussion to show that an understanding of secularism, for example, is not a foreign idea in the history of Islamic societies. The purpose of this study is to provide confirmation that Islam does not only talk about worship. Islam is political and stately, the confidence of Islam in politics and state is proven based on historical facts and civilizations that are carved closely. This research is a literature research with a historical approach, so the data presented is the result of historical literature analysis. The results of the study explain that there is a separation between religious and political authority that can be traced back to the time of Abu Bakr as the first caliph of the state of Medina. The fact that this view does not prevail among Muslims does not mean that this view is in itself wrong. In fact, the crisis in relations between Islam and the state and politics that Muslims are experiencing today wherever they are, indicates the need for a new way of reading history. The conclusion of this study is that it is clear that the models of relations between religious authorities and the state vary from heightened state control over central religious institutions to more independent but cooperative relations, and full autonomy and even open opposition to state policies