Masaryk University Journals / Časopisy Masarykovy univerzity
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“Cognitive control in media multitaskers” ten years on: A meta-analysis
In the decade since Ophir, Nass, and Wagner’s (2009) seminal study numerous researchers have investigated possible associations between media multitasking and cognitive control. Extending recent reviews, the present study provides a synthesis of extant research into this association across measurement approachs and cognitive functions. Following a systematic search and selection process, 118 assessments were included in the meta-analysis. Overall, the pooled effect size of the association, across measurement approaches and cognitive control functions, is small. This association is moderated both by the measurement approach as well as by the outcome variables targeted. These differences are tested and explained in detail. Building on the findings, it is recommended that research be conducted to determine the sources of heterogeneity in outcomes, understand differences between measurement approaches, and address causality and theoretical mechanisms. Overall, the review suggests that, ten years on, we are no closer to understanding ‘cognitive control in media multitaskers.
Establishment of Puck Control Standards for Ice Hockey Players Ages 6-15
Skill assessment by expert judgment through the observation method may be subject to bias by the person of the expert. In ice hockey, it is very difficult to find standards that have been created using scientifically based tests. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to define standards in ice hockey for players aged 6-15 years. Ice hockey consists of a large number of skills. Therefore, the focus of our work was on one of the basic ice hockey skills - puck control. Using Rasch and Mokken analysis, an assessment tool arranged in the form of a Guttman scale based on the difficulty of the items was developed to test players in controlling the puck in ice hockey. In this paper, on a scale from 1 to 17, the standards of puck control in ice hockey for players aged 6-15 in the Czech Republic were defined. Standards have been set for cohorts of players under the ages of 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15. The standards are 0, 2, 4, 6, and 9 items
Longitudinal predictors of online dating aggression: Similarities and differences between control and intrusiveness
Technological advances have led to dating aggression being perpetrated online, with online control and online intrusiveness (repeated attempts to gain access to one’s partner after an argument) being two of the most prevalent forms. Previous studies have made headway in terms of identifying the correlates of online control, but longitudinal studies are still scarce. Furthermore, the predictors of online intrusiveness are yet unknown. The present study aimed to explore the cognitive and emotional predictors of these two types of online dating aggression. The role of moral disengagement (MD), anger dysregulation and online jealousy were analysed. A total of 467 Spanish adolescents aged between 12 and 19 years (M = 14.03, SD = 1.41, 57.2% girls) with recent romantic experience participated in a longitudinal study with two time points (W1, W2) separated by a four-month interval. The results revealed that, although all variables were correlated, predictors varied in accordance with the specific form of online aggression analysed. Online control aggression at W2 was predicted by previous involvement in online control and online intrusiveness aggression, high levels of anger dysregulation (W1) and online jealousy (W1). In contrast, online intrusiveness aggression at W2 was predicted by prior involvement in the same form of online aggression and poor anger regulation (W1). Moral disengagement lost its predictive value when emotional variables were incorporated. The results highlight the multidimensional nature of online dating aggression in adolescent couples and suggest that, although the strong link between online control and intrusiveness should be taken into consideration, the two forms of aggression should be explored independently
Economic Motives and Problems of Healthcare Tourism in Asia Pacific
Nowadays, health tourism has emerged as a multi-billion dollar industry due to the fact that people have frequently travelled in order to improve their wellbeing. The global trend of patient traffic has shifted through time with flow from developing countries to developed countries or flow from developed countries to developing/emerging countries for healthcare reasons or bi-directions. The internationalisation of health tourism has also motivated production and consumption of healthcare services as well as increased variety of intermediaries and ancillary goods and services to support the health tourism industry. Although the significant benefits of health tourism, systematic analysis of its actual contribution to economic growth and related issues remains ambiguous. This paper aims to: (i) Discuss the potential economic aspects of healthcare tourism based on the published figures of major destinations in Asia Pacific with an international focus, (ii) Examine the economic risks related to health tourism that either directly or indirectly harm the process of economic growth. In light of this, the paper outlines key economic dimensions of health tourism with attention to significant contribution and risks across major Asia countries as well as policy considerations for sustainable growth
Correlations of online social network size with well-being and distress: A meta-analysis
This meta-analysis examines the correlations of the number of social network site (SNS) friends with well-being and distress, based on 90 articles consisting of 98 independent samples on correlations of online social network size (OSNS) with happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem, anxiety, depression, combined anxiety and depression, loneliness, social anxiety, social loneliness, well-being and distress. The correlations between OSNS and well-being indicators are positively weak (from .06 to .15), whereas those for distress indicators are inconclusive (from -.19 to .08). Studies recording the OSNS based on the participant profile have larger mean effect sizes for well-being (.21) and self-esteem (.31) than those based on self-reporting (.06 and .05, respectively). The correlation between OSNS and self-esteem is stronger in samples with a smaller mean network size
Harmonious and obsessive involvement, self-esteem, and well-being. A longitudinal study on MMORPG players
Starting from the dualistic model of passion by Vallerand and colleagues (2003), this study aimed to identify “obsessive” and “harmonious” involvements in MMORPGs and to verify their relationships with players’ self-esteem and well-being. An international sample of 147 MMORPG players participated in a longitudinal design filling out for 3 times an online questionnaire measuring game involvement (in terms of Internet Gaming Disorder [IGD] symptoms, time spent playing the video game, sense of presence while playing, and avatar identification), global self-esteem, and well-being (i.e., meaningful life, engaged life, and pleasant life). Results supported the presence of these two different types of involvement: Obsessive involvement, characterized by a close association between IGD symptoms and playing time; Harmonious involvement, characterized by a close association between presence, avatar identification, and IGD symptoms. Cross-lagged effects showed that, over time, low self-esteem and low meaningful life predicted obsessive involvement, which in turn predicted engaged life. The present study contributes to a better understanding of the effects between video games use and the users’ self-esteem and well-being. Furthermore, it contributes to the theoretical debate about problematic involvement in videogames, also providing some indications about problematic gaming assessment and prevention
The use of artificial intelligence in mental health services in Turkey: What do mental health professionals think?
Artificial intelligence (AI) supported applications have become increasingly prevalent in health care practice, with mental health services being no exception. AI applications can be employed at various stages of mental health services and with different roles. This study aims to understand the potential advantages and disadvantages of using AI in mental health services, to explore its future roles, and outcomes through the opinions of mental health professionals engaged with AI. Thus, we conducted a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews with 13 mental health professionals who have expertise in AI, and a content analysis of the interview transcripts. We concluded that the use of AI in mental health services revealed advantages and disadvantages for clients, the profession itself, and experts. Our study emphasized four findings. Firstly, the participants were likely to have positive opinions about using AI in mental health services. Increased satisfaction, widespread availability of mental health services, reduced expert-driven problems, and workload were among the primary advantages. Secondly, the participants stated that AI could not replace a clinician but could serve a functional role as an assistant. However, thirdly, they were skeptical about the notion that AI would radically transform mental health services. Lastly, the participants expressed limited views on ethical and legal issues surrounding data ownership, the ‘black box’ problem, algorithmic bias, and discrimination. Although our research has limitations, we expect that AI will play an increasingly important role in mental health care services
Judicial Dialogue Through Constitutional Referrals: How do Ordinary Courts and the Constitutional Court Communicate with Each Other and Why does Article 95(2) of the Constitution Serve as a Weapon of the Judiciary?
Mechanismus konkrétní kontroly norem podle čl. 95 odst. 2 Ústavy je důležitý nástroj formující vztah mezi Ústavním soudem a obecnými soudy. Článek přináší první komplexní analýzu tohoto mechanismu. Analýza je třívrstevná – zahrnuje tradiční doktrinální analýzu, kontextuální analýzu s ohledem na dělbu moci a konečně empirickou kvantitativní analýzu. Cílem je prostřednictvím kombinace různých metod (a perspektiv) přinést plastický obrázek toho, jak mechanismus podle čl. 95 odst. 2 funguje a může fungovat. Článek ukazuje, že čl. 95 odst. 2 slouží jako platforma pro mezisoudní dialog o ústavních otázkách a také, že ho lze využít jako sebeobranný mechanismus moci soudní. Zároveň kritizuje, že restriktivní výklad, který Ústavní soud v některých rozhodnutích zastává, prakticky vylučuje určitou skupinu norem z přezkumu a brání ústavněprávnímu dialogu. Přínos textu spočívá také v představení prvních empirických dat o fungování konkrétní kontroly norem na návrh obecných soudů v Česku.The mechanism of constitutional referrals under Article 95(2) of the Constitution is an important instrument shaping the relationship between the Constitutional Court and the general courts. The article provides the first comprehensive analysis of this mechanism. The analysis is three-layered – it includes a traditional doctrinal analysis, a contextual analysis with respect to the separation of powers, and finally an empirical quantitative analysis. Through a combination of different methods (and perspectives), the aim is to provide a plastic picture of how the Article 95(2) mechanism works and can work. The article shows that Article 95(2) serves as a platform for judicial dialogue on constitutional issues and also that it can be used as a self-defence mechanism of the judiciary. It also criticizes that the restrictive interpretation that the Constitutional Court has espoused in some decisions virtually excludes a certain group of norms from concrete review and hinders constitutional dialogue. The contribution of the text also lies in the presentation of the first empirical data on the functioning of constitutional referrals in Czechia
Evaluation of the Tourism Potential in Slovak Regions
Every region has its unique natural, cultural, and historical wealth, as well as infrastructure, a range of attractions, and business opportunities that can attract a large number of visitors. Developing the potential of tourism in regions is important for stimulating economic growth, job creation, and improving the quality of life for local residents. Its development in regions involves mapping and analyzing available resources, opportunities, and competitive environments. The purpose of this article is to quantify the level of regional tourism development, assess its potential in Slovak regions, and identify their current disparities. For the purposes of this study, we will evaluate the potential of Slovak tourism regions using commonly used indexes - indicators of tourism intensity. The results of the analyses have demonstrated significant disparities among the individual tourism regions. We see that the development in different tourism regions varies greatly, and in some cases, there are pronounced disparities in terms of their development, visitor interest intensity in each region, and the economic benefits of tourism in the regions. These findings have served as the basis for proposing solutions that address the development issues in regions through the impacts of tourism
Medical Tourists’ Satisfaction in the Czech Republic
Medical tourism in the Czech Republic is a relatively new phenomenon, so far, no research has been conducted in this area collecting relevant data. This research aims to analyse and evaluate the experience of medical tourists and find out what is important and what influences them in choosing a destination where they will undergo the selected procedure. Based on qualitative research, which was conducted in the form of interviews with medical tourists who underwent medical intervention in the Czech Republic, the problems faced by medical tourists, factors influencing their decision-making processes were identified and suggestions for improvement were found. The research focused on the areas of communication, behaviour, decision-making processes, and factors that lead to patient satisfaction. The results are important not only for the healthcare facilities themselves but also for the creation of an adequate marketing strategy, as it was found that the most important tool in the decision-making process is electronic or personal WOM (word-of-mouth). It was found that medical tourists decide on the choice of the country mostly based on the recommendation of family or friends, mostly those who have already undergone medical treatment in that country. Therefore, it is important that patients leave satisfied so that they can continue to recommend going for treatment abroad or particularly in the Czech Republic