Official Journals of Universitas Indraprasta PGRI (Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia)
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    1066 research outputs found

    The influence of individual counseling in improving learning motivation for students

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    This study aimed to find out about the Effect of Individual Counseling in Improving Student Learning Motivation. Quantitative research method used in this research is Nonequivalent Control Group Design, this design is similar to Pretest-Posttest Control Group. The samples in this study were students who amounted to 10 respondents, through purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used in this study is a questionnaire. Data analysis technique is done by calculating the validity test, reliability test, normality test, linearity test and hypothesis test with SPSS version 20.0. This research showed, there was a significant effect of individual counseling in improving student learning motivation, with the result of a coefficient of Sig. (2-tailed) Of 0.000 <0.05 then it was decided that Ho was rejected, and H1 accepted. With R2 value of 0,866, which means, individual counseling give contribution as much 86,6% in improving student learning motivation

    Tracer study of graduate students in guidance and counseling program at the faculty of education in Universitas Riau

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    Tracer study is one of the studies that need to be done regularly to find out therelevance level between academic programs organized by an educational institution (study program) with the needs on the field, in the end will be a reference to the study program to create competitive advantage through the opinion of the alumni. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method. The Sampling method used purposive sampling method. In this, research will be seen completed the alumni career that includes alumni who go on education, the reason for continuing education alumni, alumni cumulative achievement index, waiting time to work, alumni satisfaction, and suitability between the field of education and employment. Tracer study results produce a number of conclusions and implementation suggestions that are very useful for improving the learning

    Information services in counseling and locus of control toward communication between parents and children’s

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    The aim of this research is to know how much contribution given by informationservices in counseling and locus of control toward communication between parents and children. This research is a quantitative research using survey. This research was conducted in Komunitas Bunda Condet. The sample for this study came to 44 people taken by saturated sample distribution technique. Data were collected through a questionnaire. Data was analyzed by using multiple regression test with the help of SPSS 22 for windows. The results showed that information services and locus of control contribute to communication between parents and children. These results prove that communication quality can be improved by taking into account information services and locus of control

    Play therapy in perspective theory of eco systemic therapy

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    Play therapy is a counseling approach for children applying toys, games, and otherplay media to communicate to the children "language." One of the Play therapy models that combine ecosystems as being formed by an inseparable reciprocal relationship between living things, and their environment is Eco systemic Play Therapy (EPT). Ecosystem Play Therapy as a hybrid model that integrates the concepts of science biology, several models of child psychotherapy, and developmental theories. This model is not eclectic. Rather, it is the integration of several models to create an independent model that is different from the sum ofits parts. The focus of EPT is on the process of optimizing the implementation of the child's function as the context of the child's ecosystem or world. EPT is developed from a phenomenological philosophical perspective, in contrast to traditional perspectives

    Behavioral service solutional steps in the context of sexual harassment issues in higher education

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    This paper is an exploratory study of the polemic of sexual abuse in college.Academic community as an important factor in the context of homo-social, has the potential to grow in al-ghadabiyah and al-syahwaniyah. If a person is not able to control himself in a good direction, then lust will lead to negative direction and trigger mental illness conditions such as sexual harassment behavior, and vice versa. Behavioral service as a catalyst requires specifically earthing to overcome sexual harassment behavior by adaptation into the college curriculum. Behavioral conceptualization service there are two types of preventive and curative that the system works differently, but in practice has the same goal that is, to lead the students to actualize themselves in accordance with the ability and the scientific basics. The key to success behavioral service lies in the synergy of the relationship between counselor and counselee who gave birth to three principles namely, awareness, openness, and confidentiality

    Brief group counseling focuses on the solution to improve the independence of decision making students in class XI at SMKN 2 Kediri

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    This study aimed to obtain accurate data and know the effectiveness of counseling groups that focus on solutions to improve students' independence in decision making. This study uses quasi-experimental research with the quantitative approach. The process of data analysis using descriptive analysis and hypothesis analysis using paired sample t test. Research subjects for this study amounted to 10 respondents who are divided to two groups. Each group consists of 5 students of class XI SMKN 2 Kediri. Results of final data analysis are done by using parametric statistic test that is Independent Sampling Test with significance level 0,05 obtained by Sig. (2-tailed) are 0,000 <0,05 then Ho is rejected. The results from this study indicate that focus group counseling services focused on this solution is effective to improve the independence of decision making students' class XI SMKN 2 Kediri


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