ZRC SAZU Publishing (Znanstvenoraziskovalni center - Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti)
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    9316 research outputs found

    In memoriam akad. Janez Orešnik (12. december 1935 – 1. april 2024)

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    Successional development of shrub-woody vegetation on natural river banks along certain watercourses in the Julian Alps and their foothills (western Slovenia and northeastern Italy)

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    We conducted a phytosociological survey of pioneer shrub and shrub-wood (brushwood) communities on river banks at the contact of gravel bars and rockfall, slope debris or colluvium in the spring area of the Nadiža River, in the gorge of the Soča River between Srpenica and Kobarid (Log Čezsoški and Magozd), in the Tolminka valley, and in certain other locations in the hills of western Slovenia. We identified a successional sequence of two grey willow and hop hornbeam communities, which we classify into the associations Salicetum eleagno-appendiculatae (Salicion eleagno-daphnoidis) and Peucedano verticillari-Ostryetum carpinifoliae (Fraxino orni-Ostryion). Both are indicators of natural river banks that have not been artificially stabilized. We expanded the knowledge of hop hornbeam communities in the pre-Alpine–northern-Dinaric part of Slovenia with a description of a new association Scopolio carniolicae-Ostryetum carpinifoliae. Its sites are characterised by slightly moist soil, and its stands by a higher proportion of species of the alliance Tilio-Acerion

    Potencial interdisciplinarnih raziskav človeških skeletnih posmrtnih ostankov: četverni grob s poznoantičnega grobišča Bled – Pristava

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    The analysis of skeletal remains from archaeological contexts contributes significantly to the understanding of individuals and societies in the past. Using the quadruple grave 336–339 from the Late Antique cemetery of Bled Pristava as an example, we present the course and results of an integrated interdisciplinary research combining some of the most commonly conducted analyses in the study of skeletal tissues and placing their results in a larger archaeological and historical context. From the data collected, it can be concluded that the four deceased, a father with two daughters and a son, were placed in a common grave at the same time and intentionally, perhaps due to special circumstances at the time of death. Grave goods date the grave in the mid-6th century, radiocarbon dating to the 5th and first half of the 6th century. Stable isotope analysis reveals fluctuations in diet during different periods of life related to dietary changes and physiological stress. The results of an interdisciplinary study conducted on the remains of four individuals show how the various analyses complement and/or corroborate each other, the breadth of their range in understanding how individuals lived and died, and the potential they have for understanding the lives of entire societies in historical periods.Analize človeških tkiv iz arheoloških kontekstov pomembno pripomorejo k razumevanju posameznikov in družb v preteklosti. Na primeru četvernega groba 336–339 s poznoantičnega grobišča Bled – Pristava predstavljamo potek in rezultate celostne interdisciplinarne raziskave, ki združuje nekaj pri raziskovanju skeletnih tkiv najpogosteje izvedenih analiz, rezultate teh pa povezujemo v širši arheološki in zgodovinski kontekst. Na podlagi zbranih podatkov je mogoče sklepati, da so bili štirje pokojniki, oče s hčerama in sinom, v skupni grob položeni sočasno in premišljeno, morda zaradi posebnih okoliščin ob smrti. Grobni pridatki postavijo kontekst v sredino 6. st., radiokarbonsko datiranje pa v čas 5. in prve polovice 6. st. Analize stabilnih izotopov kažejo nihanja v prehrani skozi različna življenjska obdobja, povezana s spremembo prehrane in fiziološkim stresom. Rezultati interdisciplinarne študije, izvedene na posmrtnih ostankih štirih oseb, prikazujejo, kako se različne analize dopolnjujejo in/ali med seboj potrjujejo, kako velik je njihov domet pri razumevanju življenja in smrti obravnavanih oseb ter kakšen je njihov potencial za razumevanje življenja celotnih skupnosti v določenih zgodovinskih obdobjih

    Leskovca I in II, plani najdišči kamnitih artefaktov na planini Leskovca v Krnskem pogorju

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    In the last two and a half decades, several open-air sites with stone artefacts attributed to the Mesolithic period have been found in the Julian Alps, in the mountains above the Upper Soča Valley. This article also presents mountain sites from this region, located some 150 metres apart on the Leskovca alp in the Krn Mountains and named Leskovca I and II. It discusses the finds collected on the surface and the results of the archaeological excavation at Leskovca II. Due to the absence of organic remains reliably associated with stone artefacts, the cultural-chronological definition of the two sites only relies on the typological and technological analysis of the stone artefacts. The results show the sites belong to either the Late Upper Palaeolithic (Epigravettian) or the Early Mesolithic (Sauveterrian).V Julijskih Alpah, v gorah Zgornjega Posočja, je bilo v zadnjih dveh desetletjih in pol odkritih več planih najdišč kamnitih artefaktov, pripisanih mezolitiku. V članku predstavljamo dve najdišči kamnitih artefaktov na planini Leskovca v Krnskem pogorju, med seboj oddaljeni 150 metrov: Leskovca I in II. Predstavljamo površinsko zbrane najdbe in rezultate arheološkega izkopavanja na Leskovci II. Zaradi odsotnosti organskih ostankov, ki bi jih lahko zanesljivo povezali s kamnitimi artefakti, je kulturno-kronološka opredelitev obeh najdišč možna le na podlagi tipo-tehnološke analize kamnitih artefaktov. Rezultat ni enoznačen, najdišči lahko pripadata končnemu paleolitiku (epigravetjenu) ali starejšemu mezolitiku (sovterjenu)

    Ponovno odkrita glasba za Tarquinio Molza: Cantate o nove alme/Mater misericordiae Domenica Michelija/Geronima Cavagglierija

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    Through the recent identification of the model for a contrafactum, a composition by Domenico Micheli dedicated to Tarquinia Molza has been discovered. This has turned out to be of earlier date than those dedicated to her by other composers. The incompletely preserved madrigal can be partially reconstructed with the aid of the parts belonging to the contrafactum and opens up new research perspectives on Molza and Micheli as well as on the process of retextualization carried out by Geronimo Cavaglieri, author of the new text.Nedavno odkritje modela za kontrafakturo je omogočilo identifikacijo avtorja skladbe, posvečene Tarquinii Molza. Skladba Domenica Michielija je zgodnejša kot druga dela, ki so ji jih posvetili drugi skladatelji. Nepopolno ohranjeni madrigal je mogoče delno rekonstruirati s pomočjo ustreznih glasov ohranjene kontrafakture, s čimer se odpirajo nove možnosti raziskav o Molzi in Micheliju, kot tudi procesu ustvarjanja novega besedila, ki ga je napisal Geronimo Cavaglieri

    Reprezentacije nečloveških živali pri pouku književnosti v Bolgariji

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    Through an educational perspective, the paper traces the attitudes towards nonhuman animals, the human-nonhuman relations, and the ideologies included in the literature curriculum developed by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Sciences. Comparing the official programmes with certain literary textbooks, I examine various representations of nonhuman animals in the latter. I study which authors who wrote about nature and nonhuman animals are included in the curriculum, which of their literary works are studied in school, what interpretational directions are offered, what approaches to human-nonhuman relations are chosen, and what types of thinking are encouraged and cultivated.Prispevek s perspektive izobraževanja predstavlja odnos do nečloveških živali, razmerja med človekom in nečlovekom ter ideologije, vključene v učni načrt književnosti, ki ga je razvilo bolgarsko ministrstvo za izobraževanje in znanost. Ob primerjavi uradnih programov z nekaterimi učbeniki književnosti avtorica v slednjih preučuje različne upodobitve nečloveških živali. Razpravlja o tem, kateri avtorji, ki so pisali o naravi in nečloveških živalih, so vključeni v učne načrte, katera njihova literarna dela se obravnavajo v šoli, kakšne interpretacijske smeri so ponujene, kakšni pristopi k razmerjem med človekom in nečlovekom so izbrani in kakšna razmišljanja spodbujajo in razvijajo

    Phytocenotic and ecological characteristics of the alien species Pistia stratiotes L. and Pontederia crassipes Mart. in urban river ecosystems (Ukraine)

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    Pistia stratiotes L. and Pontederia crassipes Mart. are alien species used in aquarism and aquaculture with a high invasive capacity. The aim of the study was to establish phytocenotic and ecological features of populations of these species in urban river ecosystems. The research was conducted in 2014–2023 on water bodies of the Kharkiv city, Ukraine. Local populations of these species were found in three rivers and vegetation relevés were carried out according to standard phytosociological methods. Alien species occurred with high constancy in the communities of Lemnetea O. de Bolòs et Masclans 1955 and with a minor occurrence in fragments of communities of Phragmito-Magnocaricetea Klika in Klika et Novák 1941. The obtained results of phytoindication show a variability of humidity, aeration, and thermal regime in which the populations of these species occur. The environmental characteristics such as low temperatures, light, salt and nitrogen regime are limiting for occurrence of populations. Climatic and hydrological conditions of the city’s river ecosystems of the city are favorable for spread of communities with the present Pistia stratiotes L. and Pontederia crassipes Mart

    Tri mahovne novosti v flori severne Makedonije

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    Three moss species are recorded for the first time in the Republic of North Macedonia. These are Brachytheciastrum dieckei,  Kiaeria starkei and Orthotrichum schimperi. The details on records are given including distribution, georeferences and ecology.V republiki Severni Makedoji so prvič yabeležene tri vrste mahov. To so Brachytheciastrum dieckei,  Kiaeria starkei in Orthotrichum schimperi. Podane so podrobnosti o zapisih, vključno z distribucijo, georeferencami in ekologijo

    Introduction: Labor Migration in Ukraine and the Post-Soviet Space

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    This themed section of Dve domovini / Two Homelands illuminates significant contemporary migration and labor migration trends in the post-Soviet space. Ukraine has experienced substantial emigration in recent decades, spurred by economic uncertainties and the conflict in eastern Ukraine since 2014. Labor migration is a major phenomenon, partly facilitated by Ukraine’s visa-free access to the EU, which provides more opportunities for temporary work abroad (Kortukova, 2021). However, large-scale emigration of working-age Ukrainians poses risks of “brain drain” and other socioeconomic impacts (Spanger & Andersen, 2023). Kazakhstan has also seen substantial emigration and immigration, mainly to and from neighboring countries like Russia and Uzbekistan, for economic reasons. Newly restrictive residence permit regulations in Kazakhstan may alter these longstanding migration dynamics within the region. Japan is gradually easing some of its previously strict immigration policies to fill acute labor shortages in the construction, home healthcare, and agriculture sectors. However, tensions remain around the integration of migrants into Japanese society. Public attitudes do not always align with government efforts to accept more foreign workers (Liu, 2023). Meanwhile, many Tajiks engage in temporary cyclical labor migration to Kazakhstan, working in trade sectors like markets or transportation. Their collective family-based migrant enterprises demonstrate resilience in the face of challenging conditions, though restrictive and unpredictable migration policies in Kazakhstan create precarity


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