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58 research outputs found
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Implementation of Regional Regulation N0 15 Of 2015 In Majene Regency in The Effectiveness Of Islamic Law
The main problem of this paper is how to implement Majene Regency Regional Regulation Number 19 of 2015 in the Permit for the Establishment and Arrangement of Self-Service Layouts in Majene Regency from the Perspective of Islamic Law. This type of research is classified as field research with a syar'i normative theological approach and an empirical juridical normative juridical approach. The results of this study show that the application of Majene Regency Regional Regulation number 19 of 2015 in the application of supermarket establishment permits in Majene Regency shows that the application of permits setting up a supermarket in Majene has been implemented, but the application for an establishment permit has not been maximized because there are still violations and points that have not been carried out in accordance with the bylaws In view of Islamic law, protection of the empowerment of small businesses and traditional markets are activities that renew the development of human life in order to benefit from ulil amri from the decision of the Government, in accordance with Maqāṣid al-Shari'ah
the The Impact of the Transition in Ethiopia on Geopolitical Dynamics in the Horn of Africa post-2018
The Horn of Africa is the most militarized and conflict-ridden region on the African continent. For many decades, armed conflicts have raged within states, between states, and among proxies. For a long period of time, Ethiopia has been playing a key role in stabilizing the peace and security of the region. In January 2018, the EPRDF declared that it would pursue reforms in response to the intensifying of youth-led antigovernment protests that began in November 2015, leading to reforms in the party that brought Abiy Ahmed to become Prime Minister. This paper focuses on evaluating the impact of internal dynamics in Ethiopia post-transition on the geopolitics of the Horn. The essay was written mainly based on a review of related literature. Recently, the country has been deeply embroiled in political and socio-economic crises. In particular, the war in the northern part of the country has ravaged the country and harmed its foreign relations. Ethiopia has yet to fully leverage its vast material and human resources to advance its key role in the region and the continent. Enhancing internal unity through inclusive dialogue should be given top priority to preserve and extend the regional role of Ethiopia in the region
Effectiveness Of Regional Regulation Number 19 Of 2015 Concerning Protection And Empowerment Of Traditional Markets And Arrangement Of Supermarkets In Majene
This research is a qualitative descriptive research, namely describing the theoretical process of implementing Regional Regulation No. 19 of 2015 concerning the Protection and Empowerment of Traditional Markets and the Arrangement of Supermarkets that have been effectively implemented in Majene Regency. The approach used is Statute Approach and Conceptual Approach This approach is carried out by examining all laws and regulations related to the problem (legal issue) at hand, and combining views and doctrines that develop in the legal science. The results of the study, after seeing the enforcement process of Perda No. 19 of 2015, the government is not serious in the process of implementations of Perda, this is evidenced that there are still many modern markets that do not follow the rules of the regional regulations, it can be seen from the process of opening and closing modern markets that are open up to 24 hours which jeals contrary to the Perda. And there is no process of silencing the swordsmen in the people's market and the traditional market
Juridical Analysis of Land Rights Ownership Arises in the Coastal Area of East Banggai District, Majene Regency
This research method uses the emphyric normativ method, which combines data in the field with the results of research in the field and then analyzed in a quantitative way.This study aims to find out who is entitled to get property rights to emerging land in the East Banggae district of Majene Regency. Idealizing the policy of the local government and the National Land Agency in Majene Regency towards the legal status of land tenure arising in the coastal area of East Banggai District, Majene Regency. This research was conducted in the East Banggae sub-district with the method of collecting data, namely conducting direct interviews with the people who control the emerging land, as well as the government related
Constitutional rights of indigenous peoples in forest management in the perspective of justice
The Constitution of 1945 NRI mandates the protection and constitutional protection of the unity of indigenous peoples. However, the constitutional protection of indigenous peoples has not realized justice for the unity of indigenous peoples themselves. This study uses socio-legal approaches, in order to answer the problems studied. The causal factors for the realization of justice for the unity of indigenous peoples are: (1) The absence of a special law governing the unity of indigenous peoples and the diversity of the term used to mention the unity of indigenous peoples, (2) Recognition of the existence of indigenous peoples unity has not all been outlined in the regional regulations. Both reasons have an impact on conflicts that often occur between the government and the unity of indigenous peoples
Analysis of sakka customary law' display to the community ada' Tuho in sambabo village ulumanda district Majene regency
Marriage is a social bond or legal bond between persons that forms kinship. Marriage generally begins and is officiated with a ceremony with a wedding ceremony. Generally, marriages are performed with the intention of making a family. The family is the smallest unit of society consisting of the head of the family and several people who are gathered and live somewhere and interdependently.
Customary law that regulates forms of marriage, ways of application, marriage ceremonies, ways of marriage and the termination of marriage in Indonesia. The rule of marriage law in each region is different, due to their different societal, customs, religions and belief
Analysis of problematic credit completion at Bank BNI 46 branch Polewali Mandar
Lending to banks generally aims to make a profit, and these results can be obtained in the form of interest received by the Bank in return for services and administrative costs. Credit charged to the customer. This profit is essential for the survival of the Bank. In addition, profits can also increase the Bank's business. The provision of credit carried out in BNI 46, between BNI 46 as a creditor and the customer as a debtor, is a form of channeling funds from the Bank to the community as a function of the Bank itself. In collecting funds from the district and distributing them to the community. This research is empirical normative research, so that field research and data accuracy are carried out with interviews to Bank BNI 46 and the public as recipients. Credi
The existence of village regulations for development community empowerment in Padang village Polewali Mandar regency
The goal of accelerating the welfare of the people faster through village regulations can be seen by setting village regulations that are right on target for village community empowerment, such as village regulations on village potential development, for increasing village income as a form of village community empowerment in Padang village there is only a village regulation on village budgets, which is indeed an obligation in the village government budget and spending arrangements. Every year and the village regulations tentag farm animals.The lack of village regulation documents, which should be made to be the legality of every policy and action taken by the Village government and for welfare, environmental order, empowerment will have implications in the inaccuracy of the development of village community empowerment that has been mandated in the VillageLaw. Methods using a statutory research approach and a concept of approach that then uses the nature of quantitative research and qualitative descriptions. The existence of village regulations that are expected to be regulations that make the direction of the village government system in Padang village does not run optimally with a lack of knowledge from village officials and village consultative bodies for their duties and work functions thus the lack of village regulation documents in Padang village has implications for inequality. Government administaris and programs that do not have legal protection and are not targeted in the empowerment of rural communities. We recommend that padang villages and other villages that are aware of the lack of village regulation regulations, should establish cooperation relations with the university in providing village rule-making training in accordance with the cultural environment, village community in terms of village community empowerment and socialization about the implementation of good village governanc
Revolution in the perspective of khilafah
The collapse of the Khilafah in 1924 caused Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT) to fight for the re-establishment of the Khilafah. The expected change in the struggle is a fundamental change to people's thinking, outlook on life and system of government so that the change is more appropriately referred to as revolution. This paper examines HT's perspective on the method of revolution based onthe stages of the Prophet's da'wah. Thisresearch reveals that the revolution in ht perspective is applied through 3 (three) stages of da'wah, namely (1) wiring; (2) Interaction with Society, which includes "Battle of Thought" and "Political Struggle"; and (3) Acceptance of Power which includes Thalabun Nushrah for the Purpose of Support against Da'wah and Thalabun Nushrah for the Purpose of Handover of Power. Numbers (1) and (2) are categorized as "Methods of Thought Revolution". Number (3) is categorized as the "Method of System Revolution". Stages of da'wah above are carried out through da'wah fikriyah (da'wah ikiran)which has implications for changes in the thinking of thecommunity and public awareness, and is done Peacefully and without violence. The three stages of da'wah were adopted by HT from the prophet's da'wah stag
One-stop integrated service accountability at Majene district court
The Supreme Court as part of the government in the judicial field has also tried to make improvements to realize its vision to become the Supreme Indonesian Judicial Body, one of whose efforts is oriented towards excellent public services. To achieve this vision, the Supreme Court has outlined it in several missions where one of the missions that has been established is to provide equitable legal services to justice seekers. Based on the results of preliminary observations, it shows the number of criminal cases entered in 2019 amounted to 4,326 cases that can be resolved properly. While the number of civil cases entered in 2019 amounted to 67 cases with 54 cases resolved properly and 13 cases unresolve