Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong: eJournal Collections
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    1355 research outputs found

    Penguatan PKK untuk Menumbuhkembangkan Koperasi Wanita di Desa Lapeo

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    Pemberdayaan ibu-ibu PKK melalui Koperasi wanita selain untuk mesukseskan salah satu program pokok PKK yaitu kehidupan berkoperasi juga dapat memajukan perekonomian desa dan membantu meningkatkan ekonomi keluarga. Tujuan dilaksanakan pengabdian ini untuk memberikan solusi atas permasalahan macetnya koperasi di Desa Lapeo. Pendekatan yang dilakukan melalui sosialisasi dengan memberikan  materi terkait dengan jenis-jenis koperasi yang bisa dikembangkan oleh ibu-ibu PKK untuk mengaktifkan kembali koperasi dengan mengkhususkan pada koperasi wanita. Hasil pengabdian menunjukan bahwa melalui sosialisasi yang dilaksankan tim pengabdi, ibu-ibu PKK menjadi paham hal-hal yang mengakibatkan macetnya koperasi di Desa Lapeo. Selain itu ibu-ibu PKK mengetahui jenis-jenis koperasi mana yang cocok untuk dikembangkan sesuai dengan karakteristik ibu-ibu PKK. &nbsp

    Review Article, Use of Gelatin From Fish Scales for Food

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    Tujuan dari artikeli ini adalah mereview pemanfaatan gelatin yang diperoleh dari hasil ekstraksi sisik ikan untuk bahan pangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literature dengan melakukan serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan pengumpulan sutdi pustaka, membaca dan mempelajari data yang tersedia. Proses pengumpulan data melalui telaah jurnal serta mengelolah bahan penelitian. Data yang digunakan berasal dari jurnal, artikel ilmiah, literatur review yang berisikan tentang konsep yang diteliti, yang membahas tentang bagaimana pemanfaatan limbah dari sisik ikan untuk bahan pangan. Berdasarkan hasil telaah dapat dinyatakan bahwa gelatin yang diperoleh dari sisik ikan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan formulasi pada produk pangan. Pada pembuatan sirup nanas, penggunaan gelatin dari sisik ikan mampu meningkatkan tingkat viskositas sirup. Pada pembuatan Permen Jelly dan kembang gula, gelatin dapat menghambat kristalisasi. Penambahan gelatin pada pembuatan es krim mampu menstabilkan es krim agar tidak cepat mencair pada suhu ruang. Penambahan gelatin dapat memperbaiki karakteristik fisik dari beras analog dan penambahan gelatin pada mie sangat berguna untuk meningkatkan kekenyalannya


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    Many people choose bottled drinking water because it has been processed and meets drinking water quality standards so it is safe for consumption. Based on data from the Indonesian Bottled Drinking Water Companies Association, in 2014, Indonesians consumed 23.1 billion liters of bottled drinking water, an increase of 11.3 percent compared to 2013 which was only 20.48 billion liters One of the reasons the product does not sell in the market is the weakness of production management, especially the lack of precision in the production process. Constraints that can cause defects in the blowing process include mismatched air pressure or oven settings, which can result in defects such as unmelted bottoms, tilted bottle necks, white bottoms, torn or burst bottles, or bottle shapes that are not as expected. PT. TBK is one of the companies that produces bottled drinking water in 600 ml bottles. Efforts that can be made by the company are to improve product quality through quality control. Six Sigma is a method used for continuous process improvement and enhancement. Research at PT. TBK aims to identify the main factors of product failure during production and analyze the sigma level of 600 ml bottle defects. From the results of the DPMO calculation converted to the Sigma value, a value of 0.79 was obtained with an average DPMO of 1337.39. This means that the 600 ml bottle blowing process produced is above average or has reached the standard.Banyak masyarakat memilih air minum kemasan karena telah melalui pengolahan dan memenuhi standar mutu air minum sehingga aman untuk dikonsumsi. Berdasarkan data dari Asosiasi Perusahaan Air Minum dalam Kemasan pada tahun 2014, masyarakat Indonesia mengkonsumsi 23,1 miliar liter air minum kemasan, meningkat 11,3 persen dibandingkan tahun 2013 yang hanya 20,48 miliar liter. Salah satu alasan produk tidak laku di pasaran adalah kelemahan manajemen produksi, terutama kurangnya ketelitian dalam proses produksi. Kendala yang dapat menyebabkan cacat pada proses blowing termasuk ketidak cocokan pengaturan tekanan angin atau oven, yang bisa mengakibatkan cacat seperti bottom yang tidak muold, leher botol miring, bottom putih, botol robek atau meletus, atau bentuk botol yang tidak sesuai harapan. PT. TBK adalah salah satu perusahaan yang memproduksi air minum kemasan dalam botol ukuran 600 ml. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan perusahaan adalah meningkatkan kualitas produk melalui pengendalian kualitas. Six Sigma adalah metode yang digunakan untuk perbaikan dan peningkatan proses yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian di PT. TBK bertujuan mengidentifikasi faktor utama kegagalan produk selama produksi dan menganalisis tingkat sigma cacat botol 600 ml. Dari hasil perhitungan DPMO yang dikonversi ke nilai Sigma, diperoleh nilai sebesar 0,79 dengan rata-rata DPMO 1337,39. Ini berarti proses blowing botol 600 ml yang dihasilkan sudah berada di atas rata-rata atau telah mencapai standar


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    This study aims to reveal the relationship between self-confidence and mathematical problem-solving ability experienced by students for straight line equation material. This research was conducted using quantitative and qualitative methods where the subjects involved were 30 students of SMPN 7 Barru. The instruments used were questionnaires, math problems, and interview guidelines. The results showed that subjects with a high level of self-confidence showed a more thorough fulfillment of the criteria than other subjects. Even subjects classified as moderate and low levels of self-confidence are still more lacking to fulfill the aspects reviewed in this search. What can be compared between the three subjects is that they can identify the information provided with equally good ability. However, the ability to determine the concept used, the subject with a moderate level of confidence was not as good as the other two subjects. Similarly, for the subject with a low level of self-confidence, in determining the relationship with other subjects and confidence in the answers he gave was not better than the other two subjects.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan keterkaitan kepercayaan diri terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika yang dialami siswa untuk materi persamaan garis lurus. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif dimana subjek yang dilibatkan adalah siswa SMPN 7 Barru sebanyak 30 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa angket, soal matematika, dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subjek dengan tingkat kepercayaan diri kategori tinggi menunjukkan pemenuhan kriteria lebih menyeluruh dibandingkan subjek lainnya. Bahkan subjek yang tergolong tingkat kepercayaan diri sedang dan rendah masih lebih banyak yang kurang untuk memenuhi aspek yang ditinjau dalam penelusuran ini. Hal yang dapat dibandingkan ketiga subjek tersebut, mereka dapat mengidentifikasi informasi yang diberikan dengan kemampuan yang sama baiknya. Namun kemampuan untuk menentukan konsep yang digunakan, subjek dengan dengan tingkat kepercayaan diri kategori sedang tidak sama baiknya dengan kedua subjek lainnya. Begitu pula untuk subjek dengan tingkat kepercayaan diri kategori rendah, dalam menentukan keterkaitan dengan mata pelajaran lainnya dan keyakinan terhadap jawaban yang ia berikan tidak lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kedua subjek lainnya

    Dinamika Pembelajaran Matematika dalam Konteks Pandemi COVID-19: Sebuah Analisis Bibliometrik

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    This study presents a systematic literature review on the integration of mathematics and COVID-19, focusing on how the pandemic has transformed educational practices into online learning and emphasized the importance of mathematical modeling in understanding and managing virus spread. Utilizing qualitative methodology, this research processes data from articles sourced from the Dimensions database, analyzed using VOSviewer for bibliometric mapping. The findings indicate a significant shift in teaching practices, with the rapid adoption of digital technologies facilitating online mathematics education. This transition not only highlights the flexibility of digital platforms but also the challenges in engaging students and effectively conveying complex mathematical concepts remotely. Additionally, the review reaffirms the critical role of mathematical modeling in predicting the pandemic's trajectory and informing public health strategies. The study also explores the broader implications of these shifts, suggesting that the integration of technology in mathematics education, triggered by the pandemic, may have long-lasting effects on pedagogical approaches. Challenges such as technology access inequality and the need for pedagogical adjustments to optimize online learning environments are discussed. This research contributes to the academic discourse by mapping the evolution of mathematical applications during a global health crisis and suggests directions for future research to enhance the resilience of educational systems against similar disruptions.Penelitian ini menyajikan tinjauan literatur sistematis mengenai perpaduan antara matematika dan COVID-19, dengan fokus pada bagaimana pandemi telah mengubah praktik pendidikan menjadi pembelajaran daring dan menekankan pentingnya pemodelan matematika dalam memahami dan mengelola penyebaran virus. Menggunakan metodologi kualitatif, studi ini mengolah data dari artikel yang diambil dari basis data Dimensions dan dianalisis menggunakan VOSviewer untuk pemetaan bibliometrik. Hasil menunjukkan pergeseran signifikan dalam praktik pengajaran, dengan adopsi cepat teknologi digital yang memfasilitasi pendidikan matematika online. Transisi ini tidak hanya menyoroti fleksibilitas platform digital tetapi juga tantangan dalam mengikutsertakan siswa dan menyampaikan konsep matematika yang kompleks secara efektif secara jarak jauh. Selain itu, tinjauan ini menegaskan fungsi kritikal pemodelan matematika dalam meramalkan trajektori pandemi dan memberikan informasi untuk strategi kesehatan masyarakat. Studi ini juga menggali implikasi yang lebih luas dari pergeseran ini, menyarankan bahwa integrasi teknologi dalam pendidikan matematika, yang dipicu oleh pandemi, dapat memiliki efek jangka panjang terhadap pendekatan pedagogis. Tantangan seperti ketidaksetaraan akses teknologi dan kebutuhan akan penyesuaian pedagogis untuk mengoptimalkan lingkungan pembelajaran online dibahas. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi pada wacana akademis dengan memetakan evolusi aplikasi matematika selama krisis kesehatan global dan menyarankan arah untuk penelitian masa depan untuk meningkatkan ketahanan sistem pendidikan terhadap gangguan serupa

    The Reading Habits of English Education Department Students in The Middle of Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Indonesian Eastern Students

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    The objective of this research is to determine if there is an increase in EFL students’ reading habits before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study conducted using a descriptive quantitative design, involved 16 students of the second semester. A questionnaire about reading habits during the pandemic served as the research instrument. Results showed a rise in students’ reading habits during COVID-19, with averages shifting from 60.94% before the pandemic to 80.27% during it. The researcher categorized factors influencing reading habits into interest, motivation, and environment. Interest, motivation, and environment factors all saw increases during the pandemic compared to before

    Respon Pemberian Pupuk Kotoran Ayam (Pukam) terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kangkung Darat (Ipomoea Reptans L.)

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    Budidaya kangkung darat masih sering kali mengalami risiko kegagalan dalam pertumbuhannya sehingga diperlukan inovasi penggunaan pupuk khususnya pupuk organik yang tersedia di sekitar  lingkungan seperti pupuk kotoran ayam (Pukam). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis Pukam terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kangkung darat dan menentukan perlakuan Pukam yang paling tepat terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kangkung darat. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret - Juni 2023, di Kelurahan Klabala Distrik Sorong Timur Kota Sorong. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan satu faktor dengan 4 taraf perlakuan, yang  terdiri dari tanpa Pukam  (A0), Pukam 1 kg/petak (A1), Pukam 2 kg/petak (A2), dan Pukam ayam 3 kg/bedeng (A3). Variabel pertumbuhan yang diamati yaitu tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, dan panjang daun, sedangkan parameter hasil meliputi, bobot segar tanaman dan bobot segar batang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik terhadap pertambahan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kangkung darat ditunjukkan oleh perlakuan A3 (3kg/petak). Semakin tinggi perlakuan yang diberikan maka semakin meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kangkung darat

    The Limitation of Google Classroom as An Online Platform in EFL Teaching

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    Education is a crucial component of the process of constructing a nation. Education aims to transform the human mindset, fostering a more expansive and morally upright behavior. Furthermore, education is frequently referred to as the educational process. Information technology is a viable choice for structuring educational programs in the field of education. Web-based learning, utilizing the Internet as a medium, is a prevalent form of e-learning that is now being extensively explored by academic institutions. The Research Method section provides an in-depth analysis of the research methodology employed in this study. This text encompasses the examination of the research design, the subject and object of the study, the research instrument, the collecting of data, the analysis of data, and the verification of data for the study. According to Gay el.al (2006), descriptive research involves the analysis and description of factual information. The research process, as outlined by Gay et.al, involves several key processes. These include defining the research topic, doing a thorough assessment of existing literature, carefully selecting participants, collecting relevant data, analyzing and interpreting the data, and finally, reporting and evaluating the research findings. Objective: To ascertain the individuals who will be involved. Both assessments were conducted subsequently, once the pupils had acquired the necessary instructional content.  The study aims to determine What are the constraints encountered when implementing online teaching using the Google Classroom Application during the third semester at the University of Muhammadiyah Sorong? This research employs a qualitative methodology that specifically examines empirical data collected in the field. The implementation of Google Classroom in EFL classes faces three obstacles: limited internet connection, insufficient interaction capabilities, and potential for cheating

    The Analysis of Validity of English Test Made By English Teacher at SMA IT Al-Izzah Kota Sorong

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    This study aimed to ascertain the validity of English test made by English teacher in senior high school degree, specifically at SMAIT Peradaban Al-Izzah Kota Sorong. The objective of this research was to analyze the content validity test in the summative test that held in tenth grade. The researchers applied qualitative research in form of descriptive qualitative to obtain the data. The participant of this study was one of English teacher who made the test items towards students. Document analysis and interview are used to collect the data. The validity test was analyzed by using formula (Nur Islamiyah Umar: 2022). The result of his research show that most of all test item is categorized as valid after analyzing the data. But there are also invalid questions that appear in the test item which should be reduced and evaluated. In this research, it is also become evaluation for teacher to consider before making the English test in the future in order to maintain the validity of English test that given to students

    The Effect of Banking Competition and Efficiency on Banking Performance Moderated by GCG and Crisis Factors

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    The aim of this research is to test the influence of the level of competition on bank profitability, bank efficiency on bank profitability, test the relationship between competition and bank efficiency and company performance using ROA as a measure of performance, while GCG and the crisis period due to the pandemic are used as moderating variables for this relationship. . Testing of this research uses the multiple regression analysis method with the help of the SPSS version 21 program. The results of this research show that competition is a variable that has a positive and significant influence on banking performance. The greater competitive ability of banks will improve their performance. However, the bank's technical efficiency has not shown significant results. The moderating effect of implementing GCG by banks does not seem to be able to improve the relationship between competition and performance. The same results were also obtained on the relationship between bank efficiency and performance which also cannot be moderated by GCG. The moderating effect of the crisis period was found to be significant on the relationship between competition and bank performance, whereas during the crisis the relationship between competition and bank performance remained low. However, bank efficiency was not moderated by the crisis period resulting from the pandemic.The aim of this research is to test the influence of the level of competition on bank profitability, bank efficiency on bank profitability, test the relationship between competition and bank efficiency and company performance using ROA as a measure of performance, while GCG and the crisis period due to the pandemic are used as moderating variables for this relationship. . Testing of this research uses the multiple regression analysis method with the help of the SPSS version 21 program. The results of this research show that competition is a variable that has a positive and significant influence on banking performance. The greater competitive ability of banks will improve their performance. However, the bank's technical efficiency has not shown significant results. The moderating effect of implementing GCG by banks does not seem to be able to improve the relationship between competition and performance. The same results were also obtained on the relationship between bank efficiency and performance which also cannot be moderated by GCG. The moderating effect of the crisis period was found to be significant on the relationship between competition and bank performance, whereas during the crisis the relationship between competition and bank performance remained low. However, bank efficiency was not moderated by the crisis period resulting from the pandemic


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