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    This article aims to analyse the concept of historia as the root of the discipline of history today. Historia is a concept in scientific tradition which dates back to Greek era. Today, the concept is only linked to the historical discipline still using the same name. Nevertheless, the concept was used to cover several studies such as natural studies, medicine, and humanities. This article will trace the evolution of the concept in the European scientific tradition since it was introduced for the first time. Furthermore, this article will discuss as well the problem of historia which raises the debate about the status of Herodotus as the Father of History. Finally, this article will elaborate to which extent the concept of historia becomes a junction between several professions, especially historian and physician. It is important to carry out this study to analyse the development of knowledge in Europe as the foundation that later develops in other places

    Strategi Manuver Geoekonomi Indonesia dalam Merespons Dukungan Negara-Negara Pasifik Selatan atas Isu Kemerdekaan Papua

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    The focus of the study in this research is the issue of the right to self-determination of Papua which has the support of countries in the South Pacific region. The Free Papua Movement (OPM) in Papua is motivated by differences in the history of integration, social and economic conditions between Indonesia and Papua. The support given by these countries for Papua has disturbed Indonesia's political sovereignty and national security conditions, so that the Indonesian government has responded with soft power. The response is in the form of an economic approach to Papua (internal) and South Pacific Countries (external). In discussing this research, the author uses a geoeconomic perspective with qualitative research methods, through data collection techniques from literature studies and various sources that are credible and relevant to the research. In addition, this research is also supported by primary data through interviews with parties who have the ability to discuss research problems.Keywords: geo-economics, Papua, self-determinations issues, South Pacific countries

    Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal dan Peran Konektivitas Global Lokal dalam Peningkatan Wawasan Peternak Ayam Layer di Kabupaten Blitar

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    Dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat peternak layer, salah satu pendekatan yang cukup menonjol adalah dengan melakukan pengembangan ekonomi masyarakat di tingkat lokal (local economy development/LED). PEL memperhatikan aset yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat (community assets), seperti modal manusia, modal sosial dan modal finansial. Pembahasan terkait ketiga hal tersebut dalam artikel ini dapat dilihat pada proyek “kandang percontohan ayam petelur” yang responsif terhadap perubahan iklim. Yang merupakan langkah awal yang baik dalam mengembangkan ekonomi lokal melalui peternakan ayam petelur. Proyek ini merupakan hasil kerjasama jaringan organisasi global antara Paguyuban Peternak Rakyat Nasional (PPRN) dengan PT. Cargill Indonesia dan USAID APIK. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses dan bentuk interaksi antara organisasi global dan komunitas lokal dalam PEL dan dampaknya terhadap kesejahteraan sosial baik bagi peternak maupun masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data primer melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Informan dipilih secara purposif dan snowball serta menggunakan coding untuk analisis data. Dengan menggunakan kerangka The Hexagonal of Local Economic Development, diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat menggambarkan proses LED oleh komunitas peternak layer dan interaksi global-lokal yang terjadi pada LED melalui usaha peternakan ayam layer untuk pembangunan wilayah dan ekonomi Kabupaten Blitar serta dampak sosial ekonomi bagi komunitas peternak dan masyarakat sekitar


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    China’s Belt Road Initiative (China’s BRI atau BRI Tiongkok) atau Prakarsa Sabuk Jalan Tiongkok merupakan diplomasi ekonomi dan politik Pemerintah Tiongkok yang bertujuan untuk mengamankan pasokan produksi negara dan devisa, penyebaran modal dan investasi, serta peningkatan hubungan internasional. Selain itu, China’s BRI merepresentasikan peta jalan tentang bagaimana Tiongkok memainkan strategi agar terintegrasi ke dalam ekonomi dunia. Selain itu sekaligus juga memperkuat pokgaruh politik di daerah Sabuk dan Jalan sambil menggabungkan seluruh kepentingan ekonomi, politik, budaya, dan keamanan internal dan eksternal (Mitrovic, 2018). Belt Road Initiative  dikembangkan dari dasar budaya Taoisme, Konfusianisme dan Mohisme yang mengajarkan etika dan hukum dalam bermasyarakat. Budaya Tiongkok menjadi ruh dalam berjalannya Belt Road Initiative. Xi Jinping menyebutkan bahwa Belt Road Initiative memiliki sifat damai, harmoni, terbuka dan makmur yang  sejalan dengan etika yang diajarkan dalam ajaran Konfusianisme, Taoisme, dan Mohisme. Belt Road Initiative  diharapkan membantu negara tersebut mencapai impiannya menjadi negara yang kuat. Dalam perjalanan China’s BRI, Tiongkok melakukan pendekatan sosial budaya dengan negara-negara yang diajak kerjasama. Belt Road Initiative  memberikan manfaat luar biasa bagi Tiongkok sendiri untuk merealisasikan impiannya. Tulisan ini berupaya menggambarkan mengenai ide besar China’s BRI tersebut beserta tantangan dan strategi budaya dan kerjasama lainnya yang dilaksanakan di dalamnya. Pemerintah Tiongkok ingin kerjasama BRI ini tidak berakhir dalam bentuk proyek fisik saja, tetapi juga menciptakan kerjasama bidang sosial dan budaya dan hubungan antar masyarakat. Namun, salah satu masalah yang harus diatasi Tiongkok adalah citra negatif negara tersebut di dunia. Banyak negara yang merasa khawatir terhadap dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh Belt Road Initiative.Kata kunci :China’s Belt Road Initiative (China’s BRI), BRI, BRI Tiongkok, Prakarsa Sabuk Jalan Tiongkok, proyek kerjasama, impian Tiongkok, sosial budaya

    Book Review, Immigrant Japan: Mobility and Belonging in an Ethno-nationalist Society, by Gracia Liu-Farrer

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    Gracia Liu-Farrer’s Immigrant Japan: Mobility and Belonging in an Ethno-Nationalist Society is an intellectually stimulating invitation to rethink the traditional definition of immigrant country in an age of global mobility. The book provides the readers with rich narratives to understand how the immigration takes place in an immigrant society that emerged out of an ethno-nationalist one. Through the analysis of narratives of belonging and mobility, Liu-Farrer has shown how international migration occurs in non-traditional receiving countries, challenged the traditional definition of an immigrant country, and offered a promise of future Japan as an immigrant country. The book presents an essential addition to the literature on Japanese studies, area studies, and international migration and mobilities in Japan and beyond. It shows that micro-level individual narratives on mobility could pave the way to understanding transnationalism and connectivity at a larger scale as well as socio-cultural change taking place in a particular area. The book, finally, contributes to broadening the concept of an immigrant country, especially in the age of global mobility


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    The global food system always faces threats and challenges. However, on the other hand, it is an opportunity for the Japanese civil society social movement to play an active role in building a just and sustainable food system. Chisan Chishou movement (local product, local consumption campaign) provides excellent opportunities for farmers in Prefecture Wakayama Japan to target local potential, with transparent price and added value through the Sanchoku (産直)or direct sales system. The Japanese food distribution chain is systemically coordinated below shade Kyoudou kumiai (協同組合) or JA (Japan Agricultural Cooperative), as a prominent entity in Japanese agri-food network governance. Qualitative method selected in explaining paradigm social capital and network in its role to achieve prosperity and regional economic development, by considering indicator non-physical such as the value of 'trust' and reciprocity in 'network' as the essential attributes of the social capital. The study case of farmer as a member of Japan Agricultural Cooperative (JA) Wakayama Prefecture describes how the Chokubaishou system is a strategy for the farmer to resolve problem profitability on the Chokubaishou JA system with the character of quality products at low prices. The non-binding JA membership system is a benefit for farmers in obtaining agricultural facilities and securing sales channels with a more stable market and low risk of operating costs. The mutual dependence on relational cooperation and 'trust' on this agri-food network mechanism has become a 'safety guard' for farmers, and JA perpetuates the sales business that profitable and sustainable.Keywords; Social Capital; Direct Sales System, Chokubaishou; Agri-Food Networ

    Shuttle Diplomacy Indonesia sebagai Upaya Penyelesaian Konflik Thailand-Kamboja

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    This research aims to determine how Indonesia uses Shuttle Diplomacy in resolving conflicts between Thailand and Cambodia. Indonesia's role in this conflict is as a third party that acts as a mediator between two parties in conflict using the shuttle diplomacy method. This research will describes the background of the Thailand-Cambodia conflict, the role and how the shuttle diplomacy is used by Indonesia in resolving the fatigue conflict, the factors from Indonesia in choosing shuttle diplomacy, and the obstacles used by Indonesia when it becomes The mediator uses shuttle diplomacy in resolving the regional conflict between Thailand and Cambodia. This research uses qualitative methods with descriptive research type. Researchers obtained data by conducting literature studies. Researchers use foreign policy theory with the concept of national interest to see and understand the reasons for Indonesia to intervene in the resolution of the conflict between Thailand and Cambodia

    Human Trafficking di Uni Eropa: Pendekatan Konstruktivis Atas Sikap Uni Eropa Terhadap Pemberitaan Media

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    Perdagangan manusia di Uni Eropa merupakan sebuah masalah yang terus menerus mendapatkan perhatian, dan begitu intensnya perhatian ini menimbulkan sejumlah pertanyaan, yakni konstruksi ‘perdagangan manusia Eropa’ sebagai ‘perdagangan budak kulit putih baru’ oleh media Eropa, pengaruh konstruksi ini terhadap bagaimana negara-negara anggota Uni Eropa menyikapi isu perdagangan manusia, dan hubungannya dengan politik internasional dan globalisasi secara lebih luas. Menggunakan konsep konstruktivisme yang menyatakan bahwa realitas dikonstruksi secara sosial oleh sejarah dan masyarakat, tulisan ini mengeksplorasi peranan media dalam mengonstruksikan ‘perdagangan manusia’ sebagai sebuah tindakan kriminal serta dan menganalisa sikap negara (state) yang menggunakan konstruksi isu tersebut untuk menjustifikasi ketakutan mereka akan “ancaman perbatasan akibat integrasi Uni Eropa.” Tulisan ini diharapkan dapat menyoroti peranan media dalam membentuk representasi-representasi yang kemudian dianggap sebagai ‘realitas’ dan pengaruh ‘realitas’ tersebut terhadap kebijakan luar negeri aktor international


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    Bicycles in the City: Ecological Mobility and Green City Discourse in Freiburg, Germany

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    Cycling in the city of Freiburg is a common thing to do by local communities as a form of daily mobility. Known as a green city, the city of Freiburg has specific attention to the fields of transportation and ecology what seek to reduce the use of private motorized vehicles through government policies and regulations. This effort was provided as a solution to government regulations to develop public transportation and promote bicycles. Cycling, which has been common in Freiburg for decades, is still an interesting topic to discuss. This study focuses on the production of discourse that was born from cycling activities in Freiburg. Besides, this study also wants to see how this cycling activity from an ecological perspective of green cities. This research was conduct using participatory observation research methods, interviews with research informants, and Internet research. The results obtained in this study show: (a) the existence of discourse on sustainable mobility in the context of green cities; (b) program forms and government regulations on cycling in Freiburg; and (c) the reality of the meaning and use of bicycles in Freiburg. The diversity dialogue born of this cycling activity binds to the practice of ecological green city that is still a concern in Freiburg today


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