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NDLS Communicator: Week of 02.12.24
The Latest News U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett and Israel Supreme Court Justice Alex Stein speak at Notre Dame Law School Patrick Corrigan\u27s work was cited by The Securities and Exchange Commission om its January 24, 2024 release accompanying the recent publication of new regulations governing certain transactions involving special purpose acquisition companies. Roger Alford was quoted in a Bloomberg Law article about recent trends in state antitrust laws. Sam Bray participated on a panel about universal injunction as part of the Harvard Law Rappaport Forum last week. Sadie Blanchard published a new paper, Contract or Prison, about the use of coercive contracting in criminal law. Jeff Pojanowski and Sam Bray will be McDonald Distinguished Senior Fellows at Emory\u27s Center for the Study of Law and Religion for the years of 2024-29. Derek Muller was interviewed by CBS after the Supreme Court heard arguments about Colorado\u27s ballot eligibility rules for Donald Trump. Paolo Carozza was the featured speaker at the Pepperdine University Salon Dinner at the Army-Navy Club in Washington, D.C., on Elections, conflicts, and crises: Anticipated challenges to online free expression and international religious freedom in 2024. Jay Tidmarsh was quoted by Bloomberg Law in an article about jury fair use. Carter Snead was featured this year in the Catholic Herald\u27s 250 Catholics of 2024, which the publication describes as the highest profile 250 self-confessing Catholics in the United States of America. Mary Ellen O\u27Connell was on the BBC Radio 4 Beyond Belief broadcast, Religion and War, on February 5. Judy Fox was quoted by Houston Landing about the housing crisis in Liberty County, near Houston, Texas. The launch of the Global Human Rights Clinic was featured in an article in The Observer.
Monday, Feb. 12 2024 Journal of International and Comparative Law Symposium, 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., McCartan Courtroom Law & Economics Seminar, Patrick Corrigan will present Can a Business Really Pursue a Social Good? A Transaction Cost Theory of Pro-Social Corporate Governance, 12:30 p.m., 2130 Eck Hall of Law Making it: Women in Litigation, 12:30 p.m., 1315 Biolchini
Tuesday, Feb.13 Mardi Gras with SBA and STMS, 12 p.m., Eck Commons Faculty colloquium, David McIlroy, Head of Chambers at Forum Chambers in London, will present A prolegomenon to A History of Banking Law c. 1750 to 2020, 12:30 p.m., 2130 Eck Hall of Law
Wednesday, Feb. 14 Fannie screening, 12:30 p.m., McCartan Courtroom. Following the film there will be a voter registration drive with information about voting absentee in Duncan Student Center Commons.
Thursday, Feb. 15 Civil and Religious Law: Christian and Jewish Perspectives, 12:30 p.m., 1140 Eck Hall of Law Judge Matthew Solomson, Sam Bray, and Fr. John Paul Kimes will speak about Jewish and Christian perspectives on religious law. Lecture on Richard O\u27Sullivan with David McIlroy, 5:30 p.m., 3140 Eck Hall of Law Adjunct professor David McIlroy is visiting from London and will discuss his latest work on Richard O\u27Sullivan, fascinating Irish Catholic reader of English legal history. Maintaining Your Catholic Identity in the Professional World, 6:30 p.m., 1140 Eck Hall of LawBishop Kevin Rhoades will come to speak about how Catholic attorneys and business people can maintain their Catholic identity. This is a co-sponsored event with the MBA Association.
Friday, Feb. 16 74th Moot Court Showcase, 9:30 a.m., McCartan Courtroom.Arguing on behalf of the Petitioner will be Allison Morcus and David Kilduff with brief by Sonia Patel and arguing on behalf of the Respondents will be Athanasius Sirilla and Molly Grace Baldock, with brief by Will Clark. The students will argue the case of Jessica Dunston v. Charmed Social, Inc.The panel of judges include: Judge John F. Kness, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Judge Chad Readler, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit Judge Matthew Solomson, U.S. Court of Federal Claims
Around the Watercooler
Ash Wednesday Opportunities February 14 is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. The schedule for other Masses on campus is as follows: 8:00 a.m. - Stinson Remick 8:00 a.m. - Fischer Grad 12:05 p.m. - Stayer 12:20 p.m. - Jenkins Nanovic 12:30 p.m. - Malloy Hall 5:05 p.m. - Law Schoo
Graciela Olivarez Award
The Notre Dame Hispanic Law Student Association, HLSA, annually recognizes The Outstanding Hispanic Lawyer or Judge that best exemplifies the principles and ideals of the pioneer for whom this award is named, including commitment to community service, demonstration of the highest ethical and moral standards, and dedication to justice
NDLS Communicator: Week of 07.22.24
The Latest News Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Clinic to be named the Lindsay and Matt Moroun Religious Liberty Clinic Experts from across the globe convene at fourth annual Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit, seeking to promote and depolarize religious liberty ND Law’s Religious Liberty Initiative presents 2024 Notre Dame Prize for Religious Liberty to Nazila Ghanea
Faculty News and Briefs As news outlets have covered President Joe Biden\u27s decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential election Derek Muller has been quoted by several news sources including The Atlantic, The Washington Post, CNN, NPR, CBS, CBC, Roll Call, Sacramento Bee, and Radio Iowa! Roger Alford was quoted by the Wall Street Journal in the article, The DOJ Asks: Does the Landmark Real-Estate Settlement Go Far Enough? Lloyd Mayer was quoted in an article by Pro Publica, Inside Ziklag, the Secret Organization of Wealthy Christians Trying to Sway the Election and Change the Country . Richard Garnett was quoted by The Christian Science Monitor, On the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett is unafraid to ‘go her own way’ . Fr. Patrick Reidy has published Sacred Easements in the Virginia Law Review ,and New Threats to Sacred Sites and Religious Property in the Oxford Journal of Law and Religion , Mary Ellen O\u27Connell published, Understating the Double-Standard on the Use of Force , in Revue belge de droit international. Michael Francus published a new article in the Yale Journal on Regulation, Death, Bankruptcy, and the Public Hospital . Jackie Carney is currently serving as a Legal Writing Instructor for the Young Scholars Fellowship on Religion and the Rule of Law, hosted at Oxford by the International Center for Law and Religion studies Kristina Swanson was a panelist at the Legal Writing Institute Biennial Conference. The panel was entitled: Legal Research Ethics in the 1L Curriculum. Kari Gallagher spoke at Legal Writing Institute Biennial Conference on A Win-Win: Techniques to Reduce Implicit Bias and Improve Persuasive Writing. Global Human Rights Clinic’s Research Fellow, Faisal Yamil Meneses , recently participated in a public hearing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights(IACHR) concerning 10 precautionary measures for access to medical care in Venezuela. Ugljesa Grusic, a visiting professor at our Notre Dame London Law Programme, has been promoted to Professor of Private International law at University College London.
Events GRILL, CHILL, AND ART!!! with Notre Dame Law School Wednesday, July 24, 2024 from 11:30am to1:00pm July Monthly Birthday Celebration on Wednesday, July 31 3-4 p.m. Location to be determine
Edward J. Kelly Prize in Elder Law
The Elder Law Prize is intended to advance the study of elder law and to encourage and assist Notre Dame Law students who may have an interest in this field. This award is given annually to the NDLS student who has written the best essay, article, or legal brief on a topic relating to elder law. Due to a gift from the Retirement Research Foundation on behalf of Mr. Ed Kelly, the winner of the award will receive a monetary prize
NDLS Communicator: Week of 10.28.24
The Latest News Notre Dame Law School welcomes new faculty and visiting scholars for the 2024-25 academic year Professors Paolo Carozza and Richard Garnett honored by the American Academy of Sciences and Letters Law School Professor Derek Muller joins CNN as contributor for 2024 presidential election Notre Dame Law Professor Patrick Corrigan named to The Irish Legal 100 Tribute: The Honorable Daniel A. Manion ‘64 ND Law\u27s Eviction Clinic reaches settlement for South Bend family fleeing lead-filled home Bryan Stevenson delivers powerful message about ‘proximity’ at lecture in South Bend
Faculty News and Briefs Dean G. Marcus Cole was honored last week in London with the St. Thomas More Medal by His Royal Highness Lord Nicolas Windsor, cousin of King Charles III, and was inducted into the Fellowship of God\u27s Good Servant at Stonyhurst College, the oldest continuously operating Jesuit school in Europe. Lloyd Mayer was featured in articles in: Notre Dame News, Ministry Watch, The San Luis Obispo Tribune, and The Star Tribune as advocating for updating IRS definitions of church and association of churches. On October 10, Mary Ellen O\u27Connell presented The links between social justice and international law: Common concepts and common approach implementation through peaceful means at a conference on the founding of the Abi-Saab Foundation for Social Justice and International Law. John Meiser was quoted in a Law 360 article about the Lindsay and Matt Moroun Religious Liberty Clinic\u27s work to support indigenous tribes\u27 efforts to protect the sacred Oak Flat land. Rick Garnett was quoted by The Hill in an article about judicial victories for religious schools. Nicole Garnett was a panelist on The Federalist Society\u27s event, Preserving Judicial Independence in a Time of Political Division. Over the past couple of weeks, Derek Muller has been quoted by numerous sources about the legal issues surrounding the upcoming presidential election. On October 24, Diane Desierto was a panelist at the International Law Association\u27s event, this year themed Powerless law or law for the powerless? Jorge Barrera-Rojas published a new paper, Educational adequacy: Harmonizing the right to education, parents’ rights, and educational freedoms under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Sam Bray published a new post in The Volokh Conspiracy: Three thoughts on the stay denial in West Virginia v. EPA. David McIlroy was called to the Bar of Ireland by the Chief Justice of the Irish Supreme Court on October 16. The Lindsay and Matt Moroun Religious Liberty Clinic was mentioned in articles about the Oak Flat case in Earthbeat and the National Catholic Register.
Student & Alumni News J.S.D. candidate Pavithra Rajendran explores gender justice and criminal law through multidisciplinary legal research Devan Patel, J.D. \u2720 and adjunct faculty member, recently published a piece calling on the two presidential campaigns to avoid falling into a trap set by the Chinese Communist Party via TikTok. 1L Haley Palumbo was recently announced as the recipient of the Newland & Newland Single Parent Scholarship, which provides funding to college students who are also single parents.
Monday, October 28, 2024 Law and Economics Workshop: Gus Hurwitz (University of Pennsylvania Law School), Pigou’s Plumber (or Regulation as a Discovery Process), 12:30 p.m., 2130 Faculty Meeting Room Appeals on Wheels, Court of Appeals of Indiana ,12:30 pm., McCartan Courtroom Observe a real appellate oral argument Law School Trick-or-Treat 4:00 p.m., 1st floor Biolchini, Library Circulation Desk, and Eck Commons The Law School will host trick-or-treating for faculty, staff, and students with little ones.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 Job Talk 12:30 p.m., Faculty Meeting Library Summer Scholars Program Info Session, 12:30 p.m., 1310 Biolchini Experience and Dialogue in Unprecedented Times, 12:30 p.m., Eck 1130 Experiential Learning Fair 4:30 - 6:00 p.m., Eck Commons
Wednesday, October 30, 2024 IGP: Lunch and Learn: Visiting Professor, Satvinder Juss, 12:30 p.m., 1315 Biolchini Hall FPAC Panel: The Fentanyl Crisis & Criminal Justice, 12:30 p.m., 1130 Eck, Haley Proctor will moderate the panel with federal and state law enforcement officials Rev. David T. Link Public Interest Banquet, 6:15 p.m., 215/216 McKenna Hall Dinner and presentations to follow
Thursday, October 31 The Second Amendment After Bruen and Rahimi, 12:30 pm., Courtroom Civil Public Interest Panel, 12:30 p.m., 1130 Eck
Friday, November 1 Rice-Hasson Distinguished Lecture Series: Professor Steven Smith, University of San Diego School of Law, 12:30 p.m., 1130 Eck Hall, All are invited to attend and lunch will be provided. Justice Amy Coney Barrett Moot Court Tournament Semifinals, 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., McCartan Courtroom A Murder Victim\u27s Parents\u27 Encounter with the Death Penalty, (DPAS) 4:00 p.m, 3140 Eck
Next Week Clinical Information Session: Students are invited to the Clinical Information Session on November 5 to ask questions and meet the clinical faculty. November 5 3130 Eck, 12:30-1:30pm.
Around the Water Cooler Congratulations to Marah and Matt McLeod on the newest addition to their family with the birth of their daughter. The Administration, IT, and Marketing Communications teams volunteered at Cultivate over fall break, followed by a team building activity. Happy Birthday to our October celebrants
Blood Drive with the Notre Dame Law School
Monday, October 14, 2024 | 9:00 AM | Bloodmobile On-Site at Eck Hall of Law
Join the Notre Dame Law School and the South Bend Medical Foundation for a blood drive. Sign up with the QR code on the poster or visit www.GiveBloodNow.com. The Bloodmobile will be parked between Eck Hall of Law and McKenna Hall from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on 10/14/2024.
Sponsors: Notre Dame Law School South Bend Medical Foundationhttps://scholarship.law.nd.edu/ndls_posters/1925/thumbnail.jp
Affordable Housing and the Catholic Church
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 | 12:30 PM | Eck Hall of Law, Room 3130
The Notre Dame Law School chapter of the American Constitution Society and the St. Thomas More Society host Maddy Johnson, director of the Church Properties Initiative, on 10/9/2024 at 12:30 pm in Eck 3130. Lunch will be available.
Sponsors: American Constitution Society St. Thomas More Societyhttps://scholarship.law.nd.edu/ndls_posters/1913/thumbnail.jp