E-Journal USD (Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta)
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    2704 research outputs found

    Liturgical Theology: Liturgical Inculturation as an Effort to Maintain Religious and Cultural Identity for Catholic Students who are Prospectives Catechists of The Batak Tribe

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    Local culture has extraordinary wealth for the people who have it and makes life valuable. The existence of local culture is eroded by the presence of outside cultures and becomes consumed by the younger generation, including Catholic students. Cultural changes have also changed for the community, especially students as a young generation. This has an impact on the inculturation of local culture (Batak culture) in the church through Catholic liturgy. This research aims to find out the main elements in the inculturative liturgy, namely aspects of language, building architecture, liturgy music, liturgical clothing, and dance movements, which are cultural artworks that have the values of Batak community life and become an attraction for Catholic students as a form of love for local wisdom. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with interview techniques for informants, the collection of supporting data through documentation, and direct observation related to the facts that occur about the implementation of liturgical inculturation. Key informants in this research include Catholic students, parish pastoral councils and parishioners, and cultural leaders. The research findings show that Catholic students really understand the basic concept of Catholic liturgical inculturation of local culture in the form of church music, dance, clothing, singing, architectural forms of church buildings, and language. Another finding is that students' love for local culture (Batak culture) in Catholic church liturgy is evidenced by taking part in the celebration of inculturation liturgy. This research shows that Catholic students have an understanding of and love for local culture in the celebration of the inculturation Eucharist.

    Mindfulness dalam Perspektif Neuropsikologi: Analisis Bibliometrik

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    Mindfulness is gaining prominence in academic community particularly in neuropsychology. This research aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of neuropsychology and brain research on mindfulness. 929 documents from Scopus database were analyzed with Bibliometrix software. The retrieved data regarding institutions, journal titles, countries, authors, and keywords. The analysis is focused on the research trend, the performance, and the collaboration network. The result indicates that neuropsychology and brain research on mindfulness were conducted from 1994 – 2023. The highest peak in the total production of neuropsychology research articles on mindfulness is 2022 with 142 documents. In addition, the data shows that certain authors, countries, and institutions contribute greatly to neuropsychology research on mindfulness. There are social interactions among authors, institutions, and countries. Future trends in this area of research will focus on topics related to depression, meditation, psychotherapy, and executive function. The results of this study provide insight into the growing trends in neuropsychology studies on mindfulness and data to assist researchers in identifying research gaps


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    Drug abuse and misuse among teenagers have been on the rise year after year. These teenagers must have a solid knowledge of drug use. Health education is provided to Yogyakarta high school students in order to improve their understanding of drug abuse and misuse. The health education is being held at SMK Kesehatan Pelita Bangsa Yogyakarta with 92 participants. The activities begin with a pre-test, continue with a presentation about drug abuse and misuse, and conclude with a post-test. Most participants are female (82%) and in the twelfth grade (49%). The average pre-test score of 86.41 increases to 91.41 in the average post-test score, indicating an improvement in respondents' knowledge. The activity hopes to teach students how to use drugs rationally, particularly ones widely abused by teenagers


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    This study aims to investigate how and why the first language impacts English Pronunciation Errors. The research design was a case study in the form of qualitative research using contrastive analysis principles to analyze the data. The participants selected were five students from various regions in Indonesia, that was Sunda, Batak, Jakarta, and Java. Each participant in this research studied English as a foreign language in the fourth semester at the Department of English Education at Universitas Tidar. Recorded pronunciation tests and interviews were used to collect data. Online phonetic transcription was used to find errors and transcribe them into phonetic symbols in this study. The finding of this study was the problems of long vowels, consonant sounds, words, and emphasis at the beginning, end, and middle have their respective differences according to their region. Even though the influence of the mother tongue on English pronunciation is quite strong, several methods and techniques can be applied to reduce problems in pronouncing English words

    Aktivasi Gereja Online Peluang Pembangunan Gereja Online HKBP Maranatha Cilegon

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    This research aims to analyse the establishment of online churches as an alternative medium for worship during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the approach of religious people in the digital era. The case study focused on the Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (HKBP) Church of Cilegon, which had difficulty accessing a physical church in Cilegon. The COVID-19 pandemic is the right momentum to realise online worship, considering that most churches have been running online worship for approximately the last two years. The resulting recommendation is to establish an online church involving the entire HKBP Cilegon congregation with officially recognised and registered leadership. If HKBP rules and regulations can allow this, it will be the first online church in Indonesia. This research uses qualitative research methods on online news sources and supporting literature. The results of this research are expected to contribute positively to overcoming the difficulty of accessing physical churches during the pandemic and help mediate inter-religious tensions. The limitation of this research is the focus on HKBP Cilegon as a case study, and an in-depth research on the impact of online churches in the wider Indonesian society would be an interesting further study. Abstrak Pembatasan mobilitas selama pandemi menyebabkan masyarakat melakukan aktivitas secara online, termasuk beribadah. Gereja online menjadi salah satu alternatif yang memudahkan masyarakat untuk tetap menjalankan ibadah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pendirian Gereja online sebagai media alternatif dalam peribadahan melalui pendekatan komunitas keagamaan dalam era digital. Penelitian difokuskan pada Gereja Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (HKBP) Cilegon yang kesulitan mendapatkan akses mendirikan bangunan Gereja di Cilegon. Kehadiran pandemi Covid-19 memberikan momentum yang tepat untuk mengejewantahkan peribadahan online, mengingat sebagian besar Gereja telah melakukan ibadah secara online selama kurang lebih dua tahun. Rekomendasi yang dihasilkan adalah pendirian Gereja online yang melibatkan seluruh jemaat HKBP Cilegon dengan kepemimpinan yang diakui, legal, dan tercatat dalam Almanak HKBP. Jika dapat diaktifkan sesuai dengan aturan dan peraturan Gereja HKBP, ini akan menjadi Gereja online pertama di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan mengacu pada sumber berita online dan literatur pendukung


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    The huge potential of the Kelumbayan coastal area is a treasure trove of local wisdom that promises to improve the population's economy and can be used as a source of learning based on local wisdom, it should be an important part of the student learning process. STEM is an interdisciplinary approach to learning in which students use science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in real contexts that connect schools, the world of work, and the global world that aims to build the literacy of the younger generation in these fields. The application of STEM combined with local wisdom as a learning resource for students is a new support for innovative learning for educators and students in Kelumbayan. The service was carried out in the Kelumbayan sub-district by presenting representatives of educators spread across several schools in seven villages. The service is carried out by applying the pretest first and the posttest at the end of the service program. Elementary school teachers in Kelumbayan District together have an understanding of the STEM learning approach and other innovative learning models that teach students, besides the simulation of teaching practice using this approach has provided enlightenment for teachers in carrying out classroom learning


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    The study aims to investigate second/foreign language (L2) confidence of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) learners. It employed a survey method. It involved 213 ESP learners from five different departments. Using descriptive statistics on SPSS, the study found a low-moderate level of L2 self-confidence among the participants. They reported interest in engaging in speaking activities in ESP classes. Nonetheless, they reported low L2 self-confidence regarding giving opinions and leading discussions in English and a low perception of their language competence in general. This low level of confidence could be attributed to the nature of ESP classes, which necessitate learners to study discipline-related vocabulary and language expressions, as well as several general aspects of L2 learning, such as pronunciation and grammar. Implications include encouraging ESP teachers to conduct more small-group-scale activities. That is to boost learners' confidence, increase learner-talk, and provide a safe environment for less confident learners to engage in the activities. This study contributes to the understanding of Indonesian ESP learners' self-confidence, and this could inform future studies involving ESP learners in Indonesia. Future quantitative studies on L2 confidence could use more representative samples. It is also strategic to conduct a mixed-methods study involving ESP teachers to allow triangulation


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    The musicological study of the Bojana Agung song examines the inculturation song as a faith reflection that lives and develops in the context of Javanese culture. Combining textual research methods and literature studies, this paper describes (1) How can the Javanese inculturation style in the Bojana Agung be a contextual reflection of the faith experience in the Eucharist?; and (2) How can the encounter between the Gospel and Javanese culture in the Bojana Agung's inculturation process encourage the faith growth in being more participative and transformative? Using the music score from Kidung Adi number 242 as the primary data, this research shows that Bojana Agung uses a pelog nem pentatonic scale with a binary song form. Part A's unison melody depicts the Last Supper contemplation; meanwhile, part B's two and four voices composition creates a livelier Church's response to this glorious passage. Diversity, togetherness, cooperation, humility, and wisdom are Javanese's noble values that are inculturated in this song. The encounter between the Gospel and the local is the essence of the inculturation process. Through it, the Church is more active, creative, and inclusive in responding to the fullness of Christ's incarnation.AbstrakKajian musikologis lagu Bojana Agung bertujuan untuk meneliti lagu inkulturasi sebagai cerminan iman yang hidup dan berkembang dalam konteks budaya Jawa. Menggabungkan metode penelitian tekstual dan studi pustaka, tulisan ini menguraikan rumusan masalah terkait (1) Bagaimana gaya inkulturasi Jawa dalam lagu Bojana Agung dapat menjadi refleksi kontekstual pengalaman iman dalam Ekaristi?; dan (2) Bagaimana pertemuan nilai Injil dan budaya Jawa dalam proses inkulturasi lagu Bojana Agung dapat mendorong pertumbuhan iman Gereja yang lebih partisipatif dan transformatif? Dengan sumber data utama partitur dari buku Kidung Adi nomor 242, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lagu Bojana Agung menggunakan tangga nada pentatonik pelog nem dengan format lagu dua bagian. Suara unisono pada bagian A menggambarkan kontemplasi akan peristiwa Perjamuan Malam Terakhir, sedangkan komposisi dua dan empat suara pada bagian B menciptakan suasana yang lebih hidup sebagai tanggapan iman Gereja akan peristiwa agung tersebut. Keberagaman, kebersamaan, gotong royong, kerendahan hati, dan kebijaksanaan merupakan nilai-nilai luhur masyarakat Jawa yang terinkulturasi dalam lagu ini. Perjumpaan antara Injil dan budaya lokal menjadi hakikat proses inkulturasi, dan melaluinya Gereja diajak untuk semakin aktif, kreatif, dan inklusif dalam menanggapi kepenuhan warta inkarnasi Kristus

    My girl, old girl: Keywords, Collocations and Gender in British Children’s Fiction

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    The importance of children’s literature in the development of gender roles and gender identity is widely acknowledged. In the mid twentieth century books were the primary medium for most children, and the popular British fiction of the period is often considered to present strong gender stereotypes, despite the enormous social changes taking place (World War II, the Women's Movement). This study builds on previous content analysis and small-scale linguistic analysis to explore the extent of such stereotyping. It uses two digitised corpora, one of adventure books aimed at girls and boys, and the other of books for girls, from the period 1930-1970. With the corpus linguistics software LancsBox it examines keywords of each corpus against the other, and further against a contemporary (1961) corpus of general English prose. It then looks at collocations of GIRL, BOY, WOMAN, MAN. While there are some distinctions between the two genres, there are also considerable similarities. Some gender stereotyping occurs in use of reporting verbs and physical description, but there is no clear polarisation of gender roles in the collocations, and females are referenced more frequently in the adventure texts than in general prose of the same period. This tends to support previous findings, that the popular children's literature of this period is more nuanced than is often assumed.

    Menelusuri jejak majalah Queer di Indonesia 1982-2014

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melihat jejak perkembangan majalah queer di Indonesia dalam rentang tahun 1982-2014. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada saat komunitas queer menerbitkan majalah tersebut, mereka mempergunakannya sebagai sarana untuk perkawanan dan edukasi atau penyuluhan dalam mengupas permasalahan mengenai seksualitas. Di sisi lain, majalah itu juga menjadi salah satu media alternatif yang digunakan oleh komunitas queer untuk kontestasi antar media. Majalah queer tersebut diterbitkan oleh beberapa organisasi gay maupun lesbian di beberapa daerah yang ada di Indonesia. Seiring berjalannya waktu, dan berkembangnya internet pada saat itu pada akhirnya mempengaruhi eksistensi majalah queer hingga akhirnya terbit dalam format media digital


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