Direktori Jurnal Universitas Widyagama Malang
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    1852 research outputs found

    Implementation of Plea Bargaining in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System

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    There is a need for a new system in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System that is thought to make case handling more efficient, specifically by adopting plea bargaining as a problem-solving method for the Indonesian criminal justice system. In this study, the issue formulation is how to implement plea bargaining in the present criminal justice system and the urgency of plea bargaining in the renewal of the Indonesian criminal justice system. The Normative Juridical Research technique was employed to generate this research. Normative Juridical Research is a type of legal research that involves literature study or just secondary information. The regulation on the application of Plea Bargaining in the current criminal justice system is not based on the value of justice, as Article 4 paragraph (2) of Law No. 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power mandates that the judicial process must be carried out quickly. At a low cost, but based on the problems that the author described in the previous sub-chapter, the criminal justice process has not been able to reach a simple judicature to this day. The complexity of the criminal justice process in Indonesia now prevents simple, quick, and low-cost judicial implementation from being accomplished in the criminal justice process in Indonesia. In this case, there is a need for a renovation of Indonesia's criminal justice system. This is the legal basis for the urgent need to establish Plea Bargaining in Indonesia

    The role of community dynamics on child wellbeing in the context of climate change in the Mwanza Region, Tanzania

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    The study explored the relationship between community dynamics and child wellbeing in the context of climate change in two districts, Nyamagana and Ilemela, found in the Mwanza Region in Tanzania. This study used a mixed methods research design with 458 participants purposively selected through systematic random sampling. On the other hand, the study applied mixed methods research design (MMRD), which incorporated questionnaires, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews (KII) as data collection methods. The findings established that climate change negatively impacted children's wellbeing through higher temperatures, erratic rainfall, food scarcity, disrupted schooling, and increased diseases. The community dynamics identified that enhanced child wellbeing were strong local resilience and coping strategies, support groups, educational initiatives, and environmental conservation commitment. The study explored a range of community-driven strategies and interventions to enhance child wellbeing, including local adaptation practices, education, improved healthcare, infrastructure development, water conservation, and early warning systems. The research also underlines climate-resilient infrastructure as one of the explicit elements towards tackling climate-related challenges and promoting child wellbeing. The research provides priceless insights and recommendations to communities, stakeholders, and policymakers on tackling climate-related challenges affecting child wellbeing in the Mwanza region and the world at large.JEL Classification O13; Q00; Q54To cite this article: Joseph, L. (2024). The role of community dynamics on child wellbeing in the context of climate change in the Mwanza Region, Tanzania. Journal of Socioeconomics and Development, 7(1), 89-103. https://doi.org/10.31328/jsed.v7i1.552


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    ABSTRAK  Pengambilan keputusan pemilihan komoditas utama didasarkan pada kriteria tertentu yang memberikan keyakinan bahwa budidaya tanaman tersebut secara ekonomi menguntungkan dan secara teknologi budidaya dapat dilakukan dengan baik, sehingga mampu mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga dengan baik.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan alasan ilmiah pemilihan tanaman mawar sebagai komoditas pertanian yang utama di Desa Sidomulyo Kota Batu. Penelitian ini diharapkan memberi manfaat: 1) memberikan justifikasi ilmiah atas pengambilan keputusan masyarakat Sidomulyo memilih tanaman mawar sebagai komoditas utama; 2) menjadi pertimbangan dalam pengembangan tanaman mawar pada masa yang akan datang. Penelitian dilaksanakan di sentra tanaman mawar yaitu desa Sidomulyo Kota Batu. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan metode survei yaitu menyebarkan kuesioner kepada petani di Desa Sidomulyo. Pendalaman materi (indepth study) untuk konfirmasi terhadap hasil jawaban kuesioner yang bertentangan dengan jawaban secara umum. Kuesioner berisikan jenis tanaman yang ditanam, pendapatan dari usaha tani, tingkat penguasaan budidaya tanaman, pengendalian organisme penganggu tanaman (OPT), kecocokan iklim  dan penghasilan. Data hasil penelitian dianalisa menggunakan Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP) yaitu metode/cara pengambilan keputusan bertingkat (multikriteria) dengan cara menyusun kriteria dan alternatif daalam suatu set. Hasil dari analisa AHP kemudian dikonfirmasi dengan analisa sensivitas dua dimensi. Kriteria tertinggi pengambilan keputusan multikriteria adalah tingkat budidaya yang diikuti pengendalian OPT, penghasilan dan kecocokan iklim.  Mawar  merupakan komoditas utama di Sidomulyo Kota Batu diperkuat dengan hasil uji sensivitas dua dimensi bahwa mawar selalu menempati pada kuadran D (yaitu kuadran dengan nilai  tertinggi pada paduan dua kriteria pengujian). ABSTRACT The decision to select the main commodity is based on certain criteria that provide confidence that the cultivation of the plant is economically profitable and technologically the cultivation can be carried out well, so that it is able to meet the family's needs well. This research aimed to explain the scientific reasons for choosing roses as the main agricultural commodity in Sidomulyo Village, Batu City. This research was expected to provide benefits: 1) provide scientific justification for the decision of the Sidomulyo community to choose rose plants as the main commodity; 2) be a consideration in the development of rose plants in the future. The research was carried out in the rose plant center, namely Sidomulyo village, Batu City. Data collection was carried out using a survey method, namely distributing questionnaires to farmers in Sidomulyo Village. In-depth study of the material (in-depth study) to confirm the results of questionnaire answers that conflict with general answers. The questionnaire contains the types of plants grown, income from farming, level of mastery of plant cultivation, control of plant pest organisms (OPT), climate suitability and income. The research data were analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), namely a method/method of multilevel decision making (multi-criteria) by arranging criteria and alternatives in a set. The results of the AHP analysis were then confirmed by two-dimensional sensitivity analysis. The highest criteria for making multi-criteria decisions was the level of cultivation followed by pest control, income and climate suitability. Roses are the main commodity in Sidomulyo, Batu City, confirmed by the results of the two-dimensional sensitivity test that roses always occupy quadrant D (i.e. the quadrant with the highest score in the combination of the two test criteria)

    Price fluctuations and market integration of fresh skipjack tuna in Indonesia

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    Price fluctuations significantly impact the market integration of fresh skipjack tuna. This study employed quantitative methods, analysing time-series data sourced from publicly available secondary outlets. Skipjack price fluctuations were estimated through multiple regression analysis, while skipjack market integration was assessed using the Index of Market Connection (IMC). The research findings indicate that skipjack tuna prices in Indonesia, at the retail, wholesale, and producer levels, are positively influenced by past fluctuations in skipjack prices. However, changes in skipjack prices at the wholesale level do not directly affect retail prices. In the short term, there is relatively high market integration between producer and wholesale markets, as well as between wholesale and retail markets. Producers and wholesale markets function as price-makers, while there is relatively low market integration between the producer and retail markets, where producers act as price-takers. For the market to function optimally, it needs to be wholly interconnected. In the long run, there is no integration in the skipjack market. Efficient marketing distribution requires improved access to infrastructure, including roads, land, and sea transportation. Furthermore, the establishment of a digital marketing system is essential for obtaining quick information on the prices of fishery products, spanning from producer markets, such as fish auctions, to wholesale and retail markets.JEL Classification D82; Q11; Q22To cite this article: Rahim, A., Hastuti, D. R. D., Malik, A., Sabar, W., Irwandi (2024). Price fluctuations and market integration of fresh skipjack tuna in Indonesia. Journal of Socioeconomics and Development, 7(1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.31328/jsed.v7i1.508

    Building socioeconomic resilience through an organizational culture approach: Lesson learned from the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Economic crises or shocks have become commonly encountered phenomena due to the competitive business environment and regional strategic changes.  This situation requires business organizations and economic entities to strengthen their internal systems and organizational culture to demonstrate resilience, enabling them to survive and take recovery actions promptly. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates the collaboration between government, society, and economic actors to save lives, prevent the spread of the virus, and promote economic activity. This article explains how to build socioeconomic resilience through an organizational culture approach. Organizational resilience is built through long processes and time; and succeeds through challenges and adversity, so that the organization performs sustainability and resilience. Organizational resilience is significantly influenced by foresight, a flexible culture, networking, and the involvement of human resources in driving innovation.  Essential points reviewed include the role of human resource competency, leadership, social capital, and related issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). These points demonstrate how organizational culture enhances human-centered activities at all stages of the organization's developmentJEL Classification H12; M14; O20To cite this article:  Nugroho, I.  (2024).  Building socioeconomic resilience through an organizational culture approach: Lesson learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Socioeconomics and Development, 7(1), v-x. https://doi.org/10.31328/jsed.v7i1.568

    Perlukah Pekerja Migran Indonesia Dilindungi?

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    The provincial government has the duty and responsibility to protect Indonesian migrant workers (PMI), especially those from their respective regions. This research is very important because the provincial government is the main determinant of improving PMI protection governance in their area. Protection of PMI is needed because PMI continues to experience various problems, including illness in the country of placement, the period of stay and work permits having expired, experiencing abuse, unpaid wages, migrant workers being pressured to pay compensation from the departing agent, leaving illegally, working without wages, victims of termination of employment, not having placement agreements and work agreements, being recruited illegally, not having complete documents, and not receiving job training. This study aims to determine the duties and responsibilities of the Regional Government of Central Sulawesi Province in protecting migrant workers in their area. The research method used is empirical legal research, starting with the stages of literature study, data collection, interviews, and legal analysis. The results of the study show that the Regional Government of Central Sulawesi Province has carried out its duties and responsibilities to protect PMI. However, of the nine obligations mandated by the PMI protection law, the Regional Government of Central Sulawesi Province still has two that have not been fulfilled, namely: point a) organizing education and job training by accredited government and/or private educational institutions and job training institutions; and point g) providing and facilitating training for PMI candidates through vocational training, whose budget comes from the education function. This is constrained by limited local budgets. Regional funding is more focused on public health as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and still relies on data from BP2MI


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    Jagung merupakan salah satu komoditi pangan di Indonesia. Salah satu sentra produksi jagung di Indonesia adalah Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Bulan Juli 2022 terjadi surplus produksi jagung di Sumatera Utara, tetapi terdapat masalah dalam proses budidaya tanaman jagung, di antaranya adalah serangan ulat grayak Spodoptera frugiperda. Pengendalian ulat grayak selama ini menggunakan insektisida kimia. Penggunaan insektisida kimia yang terus-menerus memberikan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan, tanaman maupun kesehatan manusia. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengeksplorasi jenis dan populasi musuh alami hama S. frugiperda yang menyerang tanaman jagung. Penelitian menggunakan metode koleksi secara aktif (metode jelajah) dan pasif. Koleksi secara aktif dilakukan dengan pengambilan secara langsung menggunakan jaring serangga dan pengamatan langsung. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan jaring ayun pada setiap tanaman contoh yang ditentukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa agen pengendali hayati berupa predator yang ditemukan di lapangan total sebanyak 259 ekor, dengan rincian 27 ditemukan pada pengamatan dari jaring serangga dan 232 dari pengamatan langsung. Indeks keanekaragaman pengamatan menggunakan jaring dan pengamatan langsung  tergolong sedang; indeks dominasi pengamatan menggunakan jaring tergolong rendah, sedangkan pada pengamatan langsung tergolong tinggi stabil; sementara indeks kemerataan tergolong tinggi stabil. Paederus sp. ditemukan di lahan dengan populasi yang tinggi.  ABSTRACTCorn is one of the food commodities in Indonesia, with North Sumatra Province as one of its production centers in Indonesia. In July 2022, there was a surplus of corn yield in North Sumatra, but there were problems in the corn cultivation process, including attacks by armyworms (Spodoptera frugiperda). Control of armyworms has ordinarily used chemical insecticides. But, continuous use of chemical insecticides has negative impacts on environment, plants and human health. The aim of the research is to explore the types and populations of natural enemies of the S. frugiperda pest that attack corn plants. The research uses active (exploration method) and passive collection methods. Active collection was carried out by direct collection using insect nets and direct observation. Data collection was carried out using a swing net on each specified sample plant. The research results show that a total of 259 biological control agents in the form of predators were found in the field, with details of 27 found from observations from insect nets and 232 from direct observation. The diversity index for observations using nets and direct observations is moderate; the dominance index for observations using nets is classified as low, while direct observation is classified as high and stable; while the equality index is relatively high and stable. Paederus sp. were found in areas with high populations.

    Pemegang Saham Yang Meninggal Dunia Pada Perseroan Terbatas

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    The research was conducted because there was a legal vacuum regarding the transfer of rights to shares in PT Individuals as a result of the shareholder's death by using normative juridical research methods with statutory, conceptual and comparative approaches. The result is that PT Perorangan shares are inherited objects. PT Perorangan shareholders must be individuals, 17 years old, and legally competent. The transfer of shares of PT Perorangan resulted in changes to the company's status and data. The status of PT Perorangan remains as PT Perorangan because the object of inheritance is still joint property whose management is represented by one person, the object of inheritance falls to the heirs who are not yet competent at law, and the heirs refuse to have children. PT Perorangan changed to PT Persekutuan Modal because the heirs are more than one person and the object of inheritance has been divided. The status of PT Perorangan was lost after obtaining the determination and the liquidation report was received by the PN due to the heirs who refused to have no offspring and the object of inheritance became an unclaimed property


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    Penyandang disabilitas mempunyai permasalahan yang sangat kompleks dalam hidupnya terutama terkait dengan kecacatan yang dimilikinya. Salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapai adalah mengenai penerimaan dirinya. Tidak mudah bagi penyandang disabilitas untuk dapat menerima dirinya. Berdasarkan hasil asesmen wawancara dan observasi, permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh para penyandang disabilitas dan lembaga yang menaungi para penyandang disabilitas adalah rasa malu dan tidak percaya diri dikarenakan kurangnya pengetahuan, keterampilan serta keyakinan pada penyandang disabilitas, yang berakibat pada efikasi diri pada para penyandang disabilitas. Untuk meningkatkan efikasi diri pada penyandang disabilitas salah satunya dengan psikoedukasi efikasi diri. Psikoedukasi bersifat fasilitatif dan rehabilitatif yang dilakukan sebanyak 5 sesi. Psikoedukasi yang diberikan dalam bentuk penyampaian materi, materi fasilitator dan motivator, pemutaran video, ice breaking, diskusi dan tanya jawab disertai dengan angket pre-test dan post-test guna mengukur efikasi diri sebelum dan sesudah psikoedukasi. Tujuan pemberian intervensi ini adalah untuk meningkatkan penerimaan diri pada penyandang disabilitas dengan materi motivasi sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan keyakinan diri dan usahanya atau tidak menyerah ketika dihadapkan pada suatu permasalahan. Dan didukung dengan pembekalan keterampilan dari materi fasilitator. Dimana hasil dari intervensi menunjukan adanya peningkatan efikasi diri pada komunitas disabilitas dengan peningkatan mean sebesar 0,1277

    Guardians of Privacy: Unraveling the Tapestry of Personal Data Protection in Indonesia and France

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    The rapid advancement of technology has facilitated easier access to information but has concurrently heightened the risks associated with the security of personal data. This has raised concerns about individual privacy, prompting the enactment of regulations for the protection of personal data. Legal enforcement becomes crucial to ensure proper treatment of personal data. Indonesia responded to the increasing cases of data breaches by enacting the Personal Data Protection Act in 2022. However, incidents of data leaks persist. France boasts a well-established data protection law, notably the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which provides comprehensive guidelines for the management of personal data. There are similarities and differences in the approaches of the two countries. Both emphasize principles such as fairness, transparency, and responsibility. However, France highlights openness and integrity, while Indonesia places a greater focus on fairness and responsibility. Individual rights take center stage in both regulatory frameworks, with an emphasis on access, correction, and deletion of data. France introduces the rights to protest and data portability to afford individuals greater control over their personal data. Sanctions and legal enforcement are also crucial in safeguarding personal data. Both countries impose sanctions, though there are variations in implementation and enforcement. This research aims to provide a better understanding of the differences and similarities in the frameworks for personal data protection between Indonesia and France, with the goal of strengthening data protection and enhancing public awareness


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