Direktori Jurnal Universitas Widyagama Malang
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    1852 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Penggunaan Teknologi Building Information Modelling (BIM) Dalam Desain Rumah 3 Lantai

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    Permasalahan industri kontruksi saat ini adalah kesalahan dan kelalaian dokumentasi dan komunikasi yang sering menyebabkan pembengkakan biaya dan keterlambatan yang dapa menimbulkan konflik pada proyek. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut diperlukan sistem integrasi yang baik untuk mengkoordinasi dan mengkolaborasi antar pemangku kepentingan. Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut yaitu Building Information Modeling (BIM) yang merupakan salah satu lompatan terbesar dalam Industri ( Architecture, Engineer, Contractor ) atau AEC sejak teknologi komputer CAD. Tujuan kegiatan ini yaitu merancang bangunan rumah 3 lantai dengan software Autodesk revit, untuk mengetahui perbandingan antara software revit dengan autocad dan memberikan manfaat sebagai media komunikasi dalam kolaborasi pemangku kepentingan . Metode yang digunakan adalah metode pengambilan data yaitu desain dua dimensi rumah 3 lantai dan metode analisis yaitu membandingkan Software Autodesk Revit dengan AutoCad. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi berbasis BIM dalam merancang sebuah bangunan dapat mempermudah proses desain, meningkatkan efisiensi waktu, sumber daya manusia, dan sebagainya. Pada revit dapat menunjukkan volume output pekerjaan secara otomatis. Tata cara pembuatan desain tiga dimensi rumah 3 lantai


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    ABSTRAKPeningkatan hasil Selada (Lactuca sativa L.) hidroponik sistem sumbu dapat dilakukan apabila faktor-faktor pendukung pertumbuhannya terpenuhi, terutama faktor ketersediaan nutrisi tanaman. Larutan AB-mix merupakan nutrisi pada budidaya hidroponik yang menyediakan unsur hara untuk kebutuhan tanaman. Penambahan nutrisi nitrogen dari sumber lain dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman karena meningkatkan kandungan protein yang terbentuk sehingga pertumbuhan tanaman lebih baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh dan konsentrasi pupuk nitrogen yang tepat dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil selada pada hidroponik sistem sumbu. Penelitian dilaksanakan Juni-Agustus 2023 di Desa Panca Jaya, Kecamatan Muara Kaman, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari 5 taraf, yaitu: d0: 0 mg urea/l air; d1: 100 mg urea/l air; d2: 200 mg urea/l air; d3: 300 mg urea/l air dan d4: 400 mg urea/l air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan pupuk nitrogen berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertambahan tinggi tanaman pada umur 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 dan 42 hari setelah pindah tanam (HSPT), pertambahan jumlah daun umur 14, 21, 28, dan 42 HSPT, berat basah tanaman, dan panjang akar. sedangkan pertambahan jumlah daun pada umur 7 dan 35 HSPT, berat basah akar, berat kering tanaman, dan berat kering akar tidak berbeda tidak nyata pada tanaman selada sistem hidroponik sumbu. Berat basah tanaman selada terbaik pada sistem hidroponik sumbu diperoleh pada konsentrasi pupuk nitrogen 200 mg nitrogen/l air; 300 mg nitrogen/l air dan 400 mg nitrogen/l air. ABSTRACTIncreasing the yield of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) using a hydroponic wick system can be done if the factors supporting its growth are sufficient, especially the availability of plant nutrients. AB-mix solution is nutrition for hydroponic cultivation which provides nutrients for plant needs. The addition of nitrogen nutrition from other sources can be done to increase plant growth because it increases the protein content formed so that plant growth is better. This research aims to determine the effect and appropriate concentration of nitrogen fertilizer in increasing the growth and yield of lettuce in a hydroponic wick system. The research was carried out June-August 2023 in Panca Jaya Village, Muara Kaman District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. The study used a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment consisted of 5 levels, namely: d0: 0 mg urea/l water; d1: 100 mg urea/l water; d2: 200 mg urea/l water; d3: 300 mg urea/l water and d4: 400 mg urea/l water. The results showed that the addition of nitrogen fertilizer had a significant effect on increasing plant height at ages 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 HSPT, increasing the number of leaves at ages 14, 21, 28 and 42 HSPT, plant fresh weight and root length. while the increase in the number of leaves at the ages of 7 and 35 HSPT, root wet weight, plant dry weight, and root dry weight were not significantly different in lettuce plants with the wick hydroponic system. The best wet weight of lettuce plants in the wick hydroponic system was obtained at a nitrogen fertilizer concentration of 200 mg nitrogen/l water; 300 mg nitrogen/l water and 400 mg nitrogen/l water

    Political Parties' Right To Recall Against Legislative Members In The Perspective Of A Democratic Rule Of Law

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    This article is entitled "Examination of the Recall Rights of Political Parties Against Legislative Members in the Perspective of a Democratic Rule of Law (Case Study of Regional People's Representative Assembly in Central Sulawesi)", where the author will analyze the right of recall or a right that political parties have to temporarily dismiss legislative members at the suggestion of a political party which supports it concerning the principles of a democratic rule of law. The legal issue raised in this writing is "Is the Right to Recall Political Parties Against Legislative Members Compliant with the Principles of a Democratic Rule of Law? ". This article uses normative juridical and empirical juridical research methods by analyzing the rights contained in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and their relationship to Law Number 17 of 2014 concerning the People's Consultative Assembly, the People's Representative Council, the Regional Representative Council, and the Representative Council Regional People, especially those related to the temporary dismissal of legislative members proposed by political parties, in this case is contained in Article 239 paragraph (2) letter "d". In this article, the recall rights of political parties follow the principles of the rule of law. Recalls are needed to monitor political parties over their members who have served as members of the legislature. However, its application still requires clarity regarding matters that result in the recall of a legislative member by his political party

    The Urgency to Renew Bankruptcy Law Requirements and Summary Proof in Indonesia

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    The provisions pertaining to bankruptcy and summary proof in Law Number 37 of 2004 present various drawbacks in their application, particularly impacting debtors. Debtors can be declared bankrupt with relative ease, and the requirement for declaring bankruptcy does not directly indicate the debtor’s insolvency. This can present difficulties for other creditors, as the leniency in bankruptcy requirements for debtors is viewed as means to accelerate debt resolution, even though not all face the same circumstances. This research will focus on the issues regarding the urgency of revising Law Number 37 of 2004, specifically with regard to the conditions for bankruptcy and summary proof. The method used in this research is the doctrinal legal research method, which entails scrutinizing literary sources, legal theories or principles, research journals, and legislative regulations to analyze the subject of the research. Furthermore, a comparative approach is adopted to evaluate the development of Indonesian law by examining the bankruptcy legal frameworks in France and the Netherlands. The study concludes that the pressing need for amendments to the conditions for bankruptcy and summary proof in Law Number 37 of 2004 necessitates a responsive legal system. This can be achieved through a comprehensive review of problematic regulations. Therefore, the incorporation of additional measures, such as an insolvency test and a proactive approach by judges, establishes a regulatory mechanism that can be viewed as a responsive outcome in the future

    Restorative Justice Di Wilayah Hukum Polres Singkawang

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    A criminal act is a violation of norms regarding disruption of legal order intentionally (dolus) or unintentionally/negligently (culpa) committed by the perpetrator, where the imposition of a prison sentence on the perpetrator is necessary for the maintenance of legal order and also guaranteeing the interests of the general public. In social life, criminal acts are often found which are often resolved with restorative justice in the police. However, this settlement does not provide a deterrent to the perpetrators who end up repeating the criminal acts they previously committed or being repeated. Repetition of criminal acts as a result of resolving cases using a restorative justice approach is interesting for research, where the problem raised is what the concept of restorative justice is like and why settlements using restorative justice still provide the potential for repetition of criminal acts so that there is a need for legal construction in the future. The results of this research show that the concept of restorative justice as an alternative for resolving cases in the Police is carried out in order to realize justice, benefit and legal certainty, which is the hope of the community, so the National Police has opened up opportunities to resolve criminal cases through a restorative justice mechanism. In terms of the concept applied in the field, resolution using a restorative justice approach cannot be blamed as a reason for repeat criminal acts by the perpetrator. Because the repetition originates from the subject of the perpetrator himself


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    Currently, Indonesia is only able to meet 10% of the need for potato seeds. The unavailability of quality potato seeds by farmers can cause a decrease in production of up to 60%. The high demand for quality seeds and limited supply is a prospective business opportunity for producers of superior potato seeds (potential 40 tons/ha) and quality produced through in vitro culture technology. The superior potato seed development technique is partnered with UD. Sumber Tani which is located in the potato production center area. The availability of quality seeds begins with the existence of core seeds and type seeds. Type seeds are divided into plantlet seeds and micro tubers from in vitro culture. Until now, the existence of type seeds is still quite limited, but they can be propagated through in vitro culture techniques at UMM Potato Seeds. Partner problems can be identified as follows: 1) Lack of availability of superior potato seeds in the form of potato plantlets, 2) Low production yields of potato seeds in the form of cuttings and G0, 3) The production process is relatively long because it uses conventional technology, 4) Products are not yet labeled (certified), 5) Products are still limited to local marketing and have not been developed nationally. For this reason, this activity implemented the adoption of an innovative assembly of superior potato seed production technology from the acclimatization process, production of rooted apical cuttings, production of G0 class potato seeds. The results of this activity are 1) 500 m2 screen net at the partner's location, 2) Superior potato seed production technology in the form of 10,000 rooted apical cuttings every 2 months, 3) 8,000 G0 tuber quality potato seeds per harvest.Saat ini Indonesia hanya mampu memenuhi 10% dari kebutuhan benih kentang. Tidak tersedianya benih kentang yang bermutu oleh petani dapat menyebabkan penurunan produksi hingga 60%. Tingginya permintaan benih bermutu dan terbatasnya persediaan merupakan peluang usaha yang prospektif bagi produsen benih kentang unggul (potensi 40 ton/ha) dan bermutu yang dihasilkan melalui teknologi kultur in vitro. Teknik pengembangan benih kentang unggul bermitra dengan UD. Sumber Tani yang berlokasikan dikawasan sentra produksi kentang. Ketersediaan benih bermutu diawali dengan keberadaan benih inti dan benih penjenis. Benih penjenis dibedakan menjadi benih planlet dan umbi mikro hasil kultur in vitro. Hingga saat ini keberadaan benih penjenis masih cukup terbatas, namun dapat dipropagasi melalui teknik kultur in vitro di UMM Potato Seeds. Permasalahan mitra dapat diidentifikasi sebagai berikut: 1) Kurang tersedianya benih kentang unggul beruapa planlet kentang, 2) Rendahnya hasil produksi benih kentang dalam bentuk stek dan G0, 3) Proses produksi relatif lama karena menggunakan teknologi konvensional, 4) Produk belum berlabel (bersertifikat), 5) Produk masih terbatas pemasarnnya dalam skala lokal belum dikembangkan secara nasional. Untuk itu pada kegiatan ini dilaksanakan implementasi adopsi rakitan inovasi teknologi produksi benih kentang unggul dari proses aklimatisasi, produksi benih stek pucuk berakar (rooted apical cuttings), produksi benih kentang kelas G0. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah: 1) Screen net berukuran 500 m2 dilokasi mitra, 2) Teknologi produksi benih kentang unggul berupa stek pucuk berakar sebanyak 10.000 setiap 2 bulan, 3) Benih kentang berkualitas umbi G0 sebanyak 8.000 umbi setiap panen

    Mafia Tanah di Indonesia: Tinjauan Hukum dan Pemberantasannya

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    The regulation of land mafia eradication in Indonesia in positive law applicable in Indonesia has been regulated in the codification of Criminal Law, Civil Law, and Administrative Law, where all of them also apply procedural law in the framework of legal efforts in the settlement of land mafia eradication in Indonesia, both non-litigation/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) settlement efforts involving mediators, adjudicators, conciliators, and arbitrators, as well as litigation involving parties/law enforcement agencies ranging from the police, prosecutors, to the court. In the level of practice on the legal consequences of the prevention and eradication of land mafia in Indonesia, in this case there is a significant positive legal effect on the legal efforts to prevent and eradicate the land mafia in Indonesia although it must continue to be improved both in terms of more specific laws and regulations, or in the spirit of law enforcement and land administration bureaucracy/land policy officials


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    Tujuan dalam telaah tentang aplikasi alat pemantul cahaya (APC) pada sepeda motor roda tiga angkutan barang ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana manfaat dari penerapan APC. Analisis situasi serta permasalahan yang terdapat pada sepeda motor angkutan barang adalah pengendara tidak dapat melihat secara jelas baik ke samping maupun ke belakang. Kondisi tersebut akan dapat menimbulkan risiko kecelakaan lalu lintas jalan raya. Hal ini dikarenakan pandangan pengendara terhalang oleh dimensi gerobag yang ada di belakang. Metode Aplikasi APC diterapkan pada bagian gerobag angkutan barang pada bagian belakang bak dan bagian sisi kiri dan kanan. Hasil dari aplikasi APC pada sepeda motor roda tiga angkutan barang adalah mampu memberikan peningkatan kesan mencolok pada kendaraan yang bersangkutan sehingga pengemudi yang ada di belakangnya dapat lebih perhatian terhadap keberadaan kendaraan yang ada di depan. Selain itu keberadaan APC juga mampu memberikan perhatian yang lebih ini akan memberikan efek antisipasi bagi kendaraan yang ada di belakangnya apabila dalam kondisi tidak sengaja terjadi manuver risiko kecelakaan

    How to address heuristics and cognitive biases in tax decision-making: A systematic literature review

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    Heuristic and cognitive biases in Indonesia have caused tax compliance issues, as public prejudice leads to tax avoidance, and overconfidence among authorities results in less effective tax policies. This study aims to investigate the use of heuristics and cognitive biases in tax decision-making by individuals and businesses. It examined tax decision-making using heuristics and cognitive biases in tax decision-making, selecting 25 recent research articles from scientific journals. The research shows that using heuristics can lead to biases and errors among individual taxpayers and professionals. To mitigate this issue, adopting a comprehensive approach that includes educational initiatives, integration of advanced technology, establishment of structured decision-making processes, promotion of interdisciplinary collaboration, and fostering a culture of critical analysis within tax-related organizations is important. Therefore, addressing biases driven by heuristics in tax decision-making requires a combination of educational efforts, technological advancements, and cooperative and interdisciplinary efforts to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of decision-making.JEL Classification  D91; G40; M4

    Pengembangan Produk Unggulan Oleh Perempuan Dalam Wirausaha Berbasis Potensi Lokal

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    Kabupaten Pasuruan memiliki komoditas unggulan yang khas dan tidak dimiliki oleh wilayah lain. Danau Ranu yang terletak di Kecamatan Grati memiliki Ikan Lempuk yang tidak ditemukan di daerah lain karena hanya bisa hidup di Danau Ranu. Ikan tersebut karena bergizi tinggi kemudian dimanfaatkan oleh mitra UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah) yang terdiri dari 10 ibu ibu pengolah hasil ikan Lempuk. Permasalahan yang terjadi mereka banyak yang belum memiliki izin usaha yaitu NIB (Nomor Induk Berusaha) dan P-IRT (Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga)  serta tidak memiliki keterampilan mendesain. Dosen dan Mahasiswa Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Yadika Pasuruan menggelar pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Metode pelaksanaannya terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap pasca pelaksanaan. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk membantu mitra UMKM agar memiliki izin usaha serta membantu mitra UMKM meningkatkan keterampilan dalam mendesain label kemasan produk hasil olahan ikan Lempuk khas Grati Kabupaten Pasuruan. Hasil dari pengabdian adalah luaran mitra UMKM yang mempunyai izin usaha serta meningkatnya keterampilan mendesain label kemasan produk usaha. Harapannya pelaku UMKM pengolah hasil ikan Lempuk bisa mendapatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang bisa membantu untuk memajukan usahanya


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