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    6140 research outputs found

    Literature Review of Concurrent Engineering in Kansei Engineering and Ergonomic

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    This research aims to conduct a literature review on the application of the integration of Kansei engineering, ergonomics, and concurrent engineering methods in the context of product design. A systematic study of 8 scholarly journals related to the topic in the last decade indicates that combining these three methods has a positive impact on product performance and the efficiency of the development process. In conclusion, a multidisciplinary approach is highly recommended to produce innovative and highly competitive products through a faster and cost-effective process

    Effectiveness of Inclusive Design for Children with Disabilities in Nigerian Education Buildings

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    The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) report that twenty million Nigerian children lack access to basic school education. This is due to inadequate support for children with unique educational needs and impairments in primary school buildings.  This study aims to assess how inclusive design ideas have been applied in Abuja public primary school buildings to accommodate children with unusual academic needs, including disabilities, in Nigeria. A descriptive study design with a survey technique was employed as the methodology. A standardised questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale was used to collect information and was delivered to a sample size of 133 people. According to the data, physically challenged pupils and older staff were more concerned with the proportions of overall desires and security, skills, and perception. Additionally, no ramps were installed in the school buildings, prohibiting disabled students from moving vertically, and students with impairments have difficulty reaching areas of conveniences. These findings indicate that inclusive design ideas have not been included into the architectural designs of Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) community primary academic buildings. The findings suggest the need for strong legislation to create an inclusive design special unit to ensure all architectural designs meet FCTA institutional standards for primary school building deliver

    Antibacterial Test of Dadih Against Pathogenic Bacteria and Its Effects on Native Chicken Immunity Organs

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    Dadih contains lactic acid bacteria that are antimicrobial so that it can be utilized to maintain the health of poultry such as native chickens. This study aims to prove the ability of dadih to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria, namely Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella. This study will also try to find out invivo effect of dadih on the organ immunity of native chicken infected with Salmonella. Antimicrobial research uses disc diffusion method with antimicrobial zone parameter. The invivo study was conducted using a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and five replications where the parameter was the development of immunity organs namely thymus, bursa fabrisius and spleen. The results showed that the antimicrobial test of dadih against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella caused a zone of inhibition of 7.84, 6.63 and 8.34 mm. Dadih treatment significantly affected the percentage of thymus, bursa fabrisius and spleen. As conclusion that dadih is able to suppress the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella at medium strength with a range of inhibition zone between 6.63-8.34.  Dadih is also able to maintain the health of native chicken

    Futuristic Architecture Theme Approach to the Design of the Automotive Center Building in the City of Medan

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    Four-wheeled and two-wheeled motorized vehicles are a very important and inherent need for human life, this is very important because it makes it easier for humans to reach where they want to go. This has also contributed to the development of automotive shops in the city of Medan and in its surroundings, because this sector has a clear investment value. This is supported by the statement of the Ministry of Industry in 2021, where the investment value in the automotive industry will reach around IDR 99.16 trillion for four-wheeled vehicles and around IDR 10.05 trillion for two-wheeled vehicles. In 2020, there will be 232,259 two-wheeled motorized vehicles and 42,397 four-wheeled vehicles. This is what underlies the need for an automotive center in the city of Medan with the aim of providing convenience for the people in the city of Medan and even around it in obtaining everything related to the automotive by considering efficiency and comfort. To create a characteristic of this building using a futuristic architectural theme, where this theme gives the impression that it is always up to date or oriented towards the future. The analysis method is carried out in this design process, which will then obtain a solution in the form of a concept that is applied to the design. The output of this design is in the form of 3-dimensional drawings and working drawings. To create a distinctive characteristic, this building uses a futuristic architectural theme, where this theme gives the impression that it always keeps up with the times or is oriented towards the future. The analysis method is carried out in this design process, which will then get a solution in the form of a concept that is applied to the design. The output of this design is in the form of 3D drawings and working drawings. To create a characteristic of this building using a futuristic architectural theme, where this theme gives the impression that it is always up to date or oriented towards the future. The analysis method is carried out in this design process, which will then obtain a solution in the form of a concept that is applied to the design. The output of this design is in the form of 3-dimensional drawings and working drawings.

    Socio-cultural Impact of Stunting Phenomenon on Children's Health in Medan City

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    Stunting is a health disorder that affects the growth and development of children caused by chronic nutrition and impacts cognitive and motor development. Other factors, such as the social and economic environment, can cause stunting. Medan City also has many stunting cases, which is caused by a lack of public understanding of the phenomenon. This research used a descriptive qualitative research method with a literature review approach. Data collection techniques through secondary data in the form of previous research, online media, and journals. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study show that the efforts made by the Medan City government, such as nutritional interventions to conduct socialization in the community, still need to be improved. This is due to cultural perceptions that stunting is not a severe disease but is caused by several factors, such as genetics, misconceptions, and religion

    Revenue Management Strategies in Airline Industry: A Literature Review

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    The airline industry has rapidly evolved, fostering intense competition among companies. This competition drives airlines to formulate strategies for revenue maximization, giving rise to Revenue Management. This literature review spans the past 13 years, examining the development of Airline Revenue Management methods. By analyzing 22 journals with at least Q2 and SINTA 2 indexing, three primary scopes emerge: Quantity Decision, Pricing Decision, and Structural Decision. Airlines predominantly employ dynamic pricing and programming to optimize revenue by adapting to ongoing changes. The development trend in Airline Revenue Management indicates a shift towards faster and more accurate processing through increased integration with simulation and algorithm programming. This paper identifies the three main scopes involved in revenue management strategies and explores the diverse approaches airlines take to optimize income. Notably, dynamic pricing and programming remain prevalent methods, adapting to changing decision variables. The evolving landscape emphasizes integration with advanced technology for efficient processing. The study utilizes numerical and case studies to exemplify the ongoing development of Airline Revenue Management methods within this dynamic industry

    Relationship between Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) with Quality of Sleep

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    Background. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a common gastrointestinal disorder caused by reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus, as a result, it causes various symptoms or complications . GERD is a commonly prevalent gastrointestinal disorder in medical students. Based on data from the 2006 US National Health and Wellness survey observing respondents who experienced heartburn at least twice a month, 89% of respondents experiencing nightime GERD symptoms, it showed that the presence of nighttime GERD was associated with decrease quality of sleep. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between GERD and students’ sleep quality in Faculty of Medicine USU 2020-2022. Method. Cross sectional design with total sampling method. Data collection was carried out using an online questionnaire in the form of a google form. The questionnaires used were GERD-Q, FSSG, PSQI, and ISI. The analysis used was univariate and bivariate analysis with Chi-square. Results. This study involved 378 respondents, 114 people (30.2%) with GERD, 67 people (58.8%) with severe of GERD, 286 people (75.7%) had a bad quality of sleep, and 43 people (15%) with moderate and severe of insomnia. The results of statistical analysis showed an association between GERD and quality of sleep. Conclusion. There was a correlation between GERD and quality of sleep of USU Faculty of Medicine students class 2020-2022 &nbsp

    Tuberkulosis Gumma pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) gumma (metastatic tuberculous abscess) is a rare form of cutaneous TB, generally occurring in malnourished and immunocompromised patient. Case: A 24 year old man with a chief complaint of ulcers accompanied by a thick pigmented crusts on the neck and left abdomen without pain since 3 months ago. Initially, 6 months ago a small skin coloured lump the size of a green bean seed arised on the stomach and neck, not itchy or painful. One month later, the mass got bigger, ulcerated, and pus drainage were seen. The patient was also currently diagnosed with pulmonary TB. Dermatological examination showed an ulcer with a diameter of 10 cm with crusts and pus with irregular edges and hyperpigmentation in the left colli region and an ulcer with a diameter of 15 cm with crusts and pus with irregular edges and hyperpigmentation in the left lumbar region. The results of histopathological examination of the dermis showed fibrocollagenous connective tissue with infiltration of inflammatory lymphocytes and PMN cells, localized clusters of epithelioid cells with central necrosis and Langhans multinucleated giant cells were found. Discussion: Gumma tuberculosis is a multibacillary variant of cutaneous TB with a focus on hematogenous spread. Antituberculosis drugs are given according to the phase and the dose is according to the patient's body weight. Conclusion: A case of gumma tuberculosis has been reported in an immunocompetent young adult patient with pulmonary tuberculosis. The prognosis in patients is generally good. Pendahuluan: Tuberkulosis (TB) gumma (abses tuberkulosis metastatik) adalah bentuk TB kutis yang jarang, umumnya terjadi pada keadaan malnutrisi dan imunokompromais. Kasus: Seorang laki-laki berusia 24 tahun dengan keluhan utama luka borok disertai dengan keropeng hitam yang tebal pada leher dan perut kiri yang tanpa rasa nyeri sejak 3 bulan lalu. Awalnya, 6 bulan yang lalu pasien merasakan adanya benjolan kecil seukuran biji kacang hijau pada perut dan leher yang sewarna kulit dan tidak terasa gatal maupun nyeri. Satu bulan setelahnya benjolan dirasakan semakin membesar kemudian pecah dan mengeluarkan nanah. Pasien saat ini juga didiagnosis dengan TB paru. Dari pemeriksaan dermatologis tampak ulkus dengan diameter 10 cm disertai krusta dan pus dengan tepi ireguler dan hiperpigmentasi pada regio colli sinistra dan ulkus dengan diameter 15 cm disertai krusta dan pus dengan tepi ireguler dan hiperpigmentasi pada regio lumbalis sinistra. Hasil histopatologis dari jaringan regio abdomen dekstra menunjukan bagian dermis terdiri dari jaringan ikat fibrokolageneus dengan infiltrasi sel-sel radang limfosit dan PMN, setempat tampak kelompokan sel-sel epiteloid dengan nekrosis sentral dan dijumpai Langhans multinucleated giant cell. Diskusi: Tuberkulosis gumma merupakan varian multibasiler dari TB kutis dengan fokus penyebaran secara hematogen. Obat antituberkulosis (OAT) diberiksan sesuai fase dan dosis disesuaikan dengan berat badan pasien. Kesimpulan: Telah dilaporkan satu kasus tuberkulosis gumma pada pasien dewasa muda imunokompeten yang mengalami tuberkulosis paru. Prognosis pada pasien umumnya baik

    Linguistic Landscape in Kualanamu International Airport

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    This paper examines the spread of written language in the public space at Kualanamu International Airport. Kualanamu International Airport is one of the public spaces where members of the public gather together, interact, and communicate. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method. This type of qualitative descriptive research is a research method that utilizes qualitative data and is described in descriptive history. Data for this study were taken from written language related to the Linguistic Landscape at Kualanamu Airport. The study was conducted from the perspective of a linguistic landscape approach. The study results show that language in public spaces is very dynamic and has a variety of designs. Regarding the use of signs, speech spread in public areas combines lingual and non-lingual forms with an attractive design and layout. In terms of function, written language in public spaces on display at Kualanamu Airport is a medium to inform the public

    Carbon Trading Literacy in Coastal Communities of Gampong Sungai Lueng-Langsa

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    Carbon trading is an activity of buying and selling carbon credits, where the buyer produces carbon emissions that exceed the specified limits. This is regulated in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 98 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of the Economic Value of Carbon to Achieve Nationally Determined Contribution Targets. and Controlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions in National Development. Carbon trading is currently a priority program in the government to reduce greenhouse effect emissions, air conditioning, air pollution and factory waste which result in uncontrolled climate change. Through carbon trading literacy, the public can understand the importance of preserving mangroves in Gampong Sungai Lueng. The use of mangroves is very necessary to control carbon and community economic growth, so from the results of this research the community needs knowledge about carbon trading which is currently included in the government's priority program amidst carbon trading which is currently still an issue that must continue to be socialized to the community. Efforts to preserve mangroves as a marine resource for sustainable development in order to create conditions that are free of emissions from the impact of greenhouses, air conditioning, pollution and waste from factories that pollute the environment which has an impact on society, this is also the case at all times for the environment in all regions in Indonesia


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