Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law (MJSL)
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    The Malay states remain sovereign from the pre-Federation of Malaya in 1957 until today. They acquired external sovereignty through international recognition via membership of Malaya in the United Nations. International law recognises Malaysia\u27s continental shelf, a federation comprising a few coastal states under UNCLOS 1982. A local issue close to this subject is the Malay states’ rights in the Federation of Malaysia over petroleum production within the continental shelf adjacent to their territorial waters. Hence, this paper examines a Malay state\u27s rights over Malaysia\u27s continental shelf. This study is a qualitative legal analysis using a case study design promoting the method of watanic jurisprudence. Therefore, the Federal Constitution, UNCLOS 1982, and various statutes are analysed to answer many related issues beforehand. This paper has found that the territorial waters of the Malay states cannot be limited to three nautical miles from the low tide line in pursuance of the Territorial Sea Act 2012 without strict compliance with Article 2 of the Federal Constitution. The legitimacy of the territorial limits of the Malay states\u27 waters is essential as it determines their rights to the continental shelf and its petroleum production


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    This comprehensive study examines al-hadyu and al-udhiyyah sacrifice rituals within the framework of the major objectives of the Hajj tradition. The research aims to shed light on the profound role these rituals play in Islam, transforming them from a symbol of showmanship, association, and arrogance during the era of Jahiliyya (pre-Islamic period of ignorance) into a manifestation of monotheism, gratitude, and remembrance of the Creator. Employing a meticulous research methodology, this study explores the historical context surrounding al-hadyu and al-udhiyyah rituals, analyzing their evolution and transformation under the influence of Islam. The researcher highlights the authentic scriptural references from the holy Quran and Sunnah, emphasizing the rituals\u27 significance and their role in shaping the ethical and theological identity of Muslims. Additionally, the study underscores their contribution to the cultivation of virtuous manners that uplift individual spirits and foster self-dignity, ultimately contributing to the establishment of a peaceful, stable, and secure society. Furthermore, this research brings attention to recent civilizational advancements in the execution of these rituals, particularly exemplified by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia\u27s initiative to harness the potential of al-hadyu and al-udhiyyah rituals. The study examines the impact of this initiative on achieving the objectives of Shari\u27a (Islamic law) and its vital role in preserving the sanctity of places of worship, ensuring their cleanliness, and safeguarding them against harm and corruption. The research is structured into an introduction, three sections covering the historical context, the significance of the rituals, and their impact on social cohesion, and a conclusion summarizing the findings. The outcomes of this study hold significant implications for the international community, as it contributes to a deeper understanding of the transformative power of religious rituals in fostering unity, cooperation, and the promotion of noble values across cultures and societies.   ملخص البحث يتناول هذا البحث دراسة نسك الهدي والأضحية في الماضي والحاضر في ضوء مقاصد الحج الكبرى، وقد بين الباحث فيه النقلة الكبيرة  التي حققها الإسلام في أداء نسك الهدي والأضحية، فبعد أن كانت العرب في الجاهلية تمارس إراقة دماء الأنعام لتجعل منها مظهرا من مظاهر الشرك والفخر والكبر، تحول في ظل الإسلام إلى مظهر من مظاهر التوحيد والذكر والشكر، وبعد أن كان صورة من صور تعطيل الطاقات وتبديد الثروات وتضييع الأموال،أصبح في ظل الإسلام صور من صور التكافل الاجتماعي والتعاون الإنساني والتضامن في ميادين الخير والصلاح وإغاثة الفقراء وأصحاب الحاجات والمعوزين. وقد استحضر الباحث النصوص الشرعية من القرآن الكريم والسنة المطهرة التي تحدثت عن هذا النسك العظيم وعمد إلى إبراز معانيها التشريعية ودلالاتها المقاصدية وآثارها في صياغة الشخصية الإيمانية والأخلاقية للمسلم، ودور هذا النسك في غرس القيم والأخلاق الكريمة التي ترتقي بشخصية المسلم وروحه وقلبه، كما ترتقي بحياة المجتمع، وتحقيق سلمه، وأمنه، واستقراره. وتناول البحث الإنجاز الحضاري المعاصر في أداء نسك الهدي والأضحية والمتمثل في مشروع الإفادة من الهدي والأضاحي، وقدرة هذا المشروع على تحقيق المقاصد الشرعية للهدي والأضاحي وأثره العظيم في ترسيخ قيم التكافل الاجتماعي بين المسلمين ودوره في تعظيم شعائر الله بحفاظه على نظافة البلد الأمين وصيانته من الأذى والفساد. يتكون هذا البحث من مقدمة، وثلاثة أقسام تتناول السياق التاريخي لهذا النوع من العبادات، أهميتها، وتأثيرها على التماسك الاجتماعي، وخاتمة تلخص فيها نتائج البحث. ومن هذه النتائج ، أن دراسة هذا الموضوع لها آثار كبيرة على المجتمع الدولي، لأنها تساهم في فهم أعمق للقوة التحويلية لهذه العبادات خاصة في تعزيز الوحدة والتعاون وتقوية القيم النبيلة عبر الثقافات والمجتمعات


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    Meat comprises of important nutrients for human body. As population of human increases, the demand for meat also keeps increasing. Therefore, a new alternative is introduced by inventing a cultured meat obtained from the outer side of the animal\u27s body and became the rumours in the 1930s. In spite of that, the idea of cultured meat invention was only realized in 2013 by a Dutch scientist which was invented a burger-shaped cultured beef. However, this invention did not exist in the time of the Prophet, his companions and the tābi\u27īn and it becomes a polemic among the Muslim community regarding of its halal status nowadays. The existence of cultured meat in the current society needs a clear explanation and procedure in fiqh because it is one of the new discoveries in food industry. This study is important as to provide a good understanding and new knowledge to the Muslim society. A clear fiqh approaches will give guidelines to the society whether considering it as a staple or alternative diet. Otherwise, they may avoid to consume cultured meat product as a precaution from haram and uncertainty (shubhah) and also may ensure of the purity of soul abreast with the main objective in sufism’s live. This study used qualitative descriptive research method by analyzing some previous studies as secondary sources that have been recorded elsewhere, processed, printed and disseminated to the public. The results found that cultured meat is a new discovery in Malaysia. Although the original law for this cultured meat is halal law, if it does not meet the shariah principles and criteria, it is considered haram. This review paper highlights on the halal status of cultured meat from fiqh and sufism in terms of the transformative form of Allah’s creation. Based on the primary sources of fiqh and sufism, the status of cultured meat is considered halal provided if in the condition of shortage of meat is affected the needs of population and also it causes no harm to people to consume as to enhance the prosperity of human beings. Further research must also be done to verify that it is also tayyiban and fulfils the maqasid in Islamic nutrition and the effects of consumption to consumers


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    The issue of verifying the status of children is a recurring topic within the community. Unfortunately, amidst the numerous daily issues that arise, this particular matter tends to be overlooked. While it was previously a prominent subject of discussion across different societal levels, it has been overshadowed by subsequent concerns. One contributing factor to this is the absence of a definitive ruling from an authoritative religious body in Malaysia. Additionally, disagreements among scholars on this matter persist, compounded by the fact that religious affairs fall under the jurisdiction of the Sultan, the King, and the States as stipulated in Article 3(2) of the Federal Constitution and the Eighth Schedule II of the same Act. This study adopts a problem-based learning approach commonly employed in Shariah lectures. Its objectives encompass cultivating critical thinking among law pupils/students to objectively identify problems, generate solutions, and subsequently justify those solutions. Throughout this process, students are encouraged to explore various methods of data collection and analysis, thereby comprehending and analyzing the study\u27s underlying concepts. The analytical techniques employed encompass descriptive, deductive, inductive, and comparative analysis. The outcomes of this systematic problem-solving process facilitate a comprehensive understanding of legal issues, thereby contributing to the development of law students\u27 skills, particularly in Shariah, when confronted with similar cases. This study suggests the application of a case study-based approach, similar to the one employed here, to other relevant cases. By doing so, the skills of law pupils/students, particularly in the field of Shariah, can be enhanced, leading to more effective learning and teaching processes.   Abstrak Isu pengesahan taraf anak adalah antara isu yang sentiasa menjadi perbincangan dalam kalangan masyarakat. Walau bagaimanapun pun isu ini tenggelam timbul di tengah berbagai-bagai isu yang datang setiap hari. Sekejap ia menjadi isu yang panas sehingga dibincangkan dalam pelbagai peringkat masyarakat, namun ada ketikanya ia tenggelam dibawa arus oleh isu-isu lain yang datang kemudian.  Salah satu puncanya ialah kerana belum ada satu kata putus yang tuntas dari badan agama yang berautoriti di Malaysia. Tidak dapat dinafikan antara sebab perkara ini berlaku adalah kerana wujud perbezaan pandangan dalam kalangan ulama berkaitan isu ini di samping urusan agama adalah terletak di bawah bidang kuasa sultan, raja dan negeri-negeri seperti yang termaktub dalam Perkara 3 (2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan jadual kelapan senarai II dalam undang-undang yang sama. Makalah ini ditulis sebagai sebahagian dari kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran berasaskan masalah (problem-based learning) yang dijalankan di dalam kelas perundangan Syariah. Tujuan kajian ialah mengasah pemikiran pelajar undang-undang dalam mengenal pasti masalah secara objektif, menyediakan jawapan kepada masalah yang dihadapi dan akhirnya mewajarkan penyelesaian masalah yang dibuat. Dalam proses ini pelajar digalakkan meneroka pelbagai metode pengumpulan dan analisis data dalam memahami konsep, mencerna dan menganalisis kajian. Antara metode analisis yang digunakan ialah analisis deskriptif, deduktif, induktif dan perbandingan. Hasil proses ini membolehkan pelajar boleh memahami dengan jelas proses penyelesaian masalah secara sistematik. Ia seterusnya memberi impak kepada penyelesaian masalah berkaitan perundangan dengan lebih terperinci, jelas dan sistematik sekali gus menyumbang kepada peningkatan tahap kemahiran pelajar undang-undang khususnya Syariah dalam menyelesaikan sesuatu kes. Makalah ini mencadangkan agar proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran berasaskan kajian kes seperti ini diadaptasikan kepada kes-kes lain yang berkaitan agar kemahiran tersebut dapat diterapkan kepada pelajar undang-undang khasnya dalam bidang Syariah


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    This paper attempts to illustrate the primacy of the Shari’a-compliant murabaha transaction as a means of inconvertibility loss recovery by Islamic political risk insurers.  In practical terms, the risk most likely to occur in an underdeveloped Muslim country is the risk of the local currency becoming inconvertible because of a certain action or inaction by the authorities of the host country which is the destination of an export trade transaction, or a foreign direct investment covered under a political risk insurance policy. The political risk insurance (PRI) operator most concerned with the subject of this paper is the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC), a member of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group.  Where the PRI operator is established within the auspices of a lending agency which lends in local currency, and provided that the necessary legal arrangements are in place, the PRI’s local currency holdings could be passed on to the lending agency in the host country and the foreign currency equivalent thereof paid over to the PRI operator at its head office. In countries where a lender is not extending local currency financing and a speedy economic recovery is not expected, an attractive alternative for a PRI operator, as the authors argue, is the utilization of the local currency in murabaha transactions. PRI operators’ apprehension about the risk of inconvertibility finds expression in denial of the inconvertibility coverage altogether.  Where this is not the case, a PRI operator may impose recovery ceilings, demand the expiry of extended waiting periods, as well as compliance with a variety of other conditions prior to recovery. This paper argues that such measures are self-defeating. A Shari’a-compliant PRI operator is necessarily established to provide coverage against commercial and non-commercial risks in poor Muslim countries. To deny or restrict inconvertibility risk coverage in such countries is unacceptable. Murabaha is a panacea for currency inconvertibility: it is the most popular form of Islamic financing in the world, it is easy to structure, and its profits are almost certainly rewarding. While the risk of non-payment of the price by overseas buyers of Muslim country exports is minimal, risks associated with murabahacould be further minimized by means of export credit insurance coverage by local export promotion agencies


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       Blockchain technology is increasingly being recognized worldwide as a cornerstone of security and stability in the digital realm. The Internet, often viewed as a seemingly chaotic, unpredictable, and insecure environment, is experiencing a significant paradigm shift thanks to disruptive innovations such as blockchains, which provide a robust mechanism to ensure the integrity of the global information flow. While the original purpose of this technology was to facilitate cryptocurrencies, its applications have since broadened, permeating law, business, and more recently, sectors like art and gaming. In this context, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are on the cusp of becoming a mainstream asset class. These unique digital assets, intricately tied to Intellectual Property, present an unexplored avenue for legal and business applications. This paper assesses the potential uses of NFTs for to protect global IP. The study further suggests an analogous interpretation of existing norms that regulate the connection with NFTs and local regulations, thus laying the groundwork for an initial self-regulatory framework. In conclusion, NFTs are poised to revolutionize IP protection globally. However, from a legal perspective, it also represents the necessity to develop a regulated self-regulatory system to frame such technology. As part of future research, we propose the creation of legal standards to accept and introduce NFTs as part of the IP protection laws.  &nbsp


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    The processes involved in development are strongly tied to the land development policy and regulation. The Town and Country Planning Act 1976 [Act 172] and the National Land Code [Act 828] are among the laws regulating these processes. Cases such as Subang Jaya Municipal Council v. Visamaya Sdn. Bhd & Anor is one of the cases on the conflict of land conditions in the National Land Code (now revised in 2020 with the number [Act 828]) ("KTN") with the land use zone contained in the Local Plan issued by the Local Authority (PBT). Its decision offers a valuable lesson in legal matters and land planning. This study intends to take a firm stance on the interaction between land-related legislation, such as TCPA [Act 172] and KTN. Studies are carried out using the most recent court rulings and legislative modifications, using a doctrinal approach as the primary methodology. The Town and Country Planning Act of 1976 [Act 172] (often known as "Act 172") is the primary statute cited in project planning for development, according to the study. On the other hand, KTN, which went into effect on January 1, 1966, is the most significant land law in Peninsular Malaysia. The alleged legal inconsistencies must be clarified and justified, and this requires a thorough comprehension of the development of the relevant legislation\u27s original process and original intent. The study finds that amendments to the laws or guidelines should be initiated to ensure the development process continues as planned.   Abstrak Pembangunan sesuatu kawasan berkait rapat dengan proses-proses berkaitan pembangunan tanah. Proses-proses ini dikawal oleh beberapa perundangan seperti Kanun Tanah Negara [Akta 828] dan Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa [Akta 172]. Kes Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya v Visamaya Sdn.Bhd & Anor mengenai konflik syarat nyata tanah dalam Kanun Tanah Negara 1965 (kini telah disemak semula pada tahun 2020 dengan nombor [Akta 828]) (“KTN”) dengan zon guna tanah yang terdapat dalam Rancangan Tempatan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) merupakan satu keputusan yang memberikan satu pengajaran besar dalam isu perundangan dan perancangan tanah. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kedudukan sebenar berhubung kaitan antara akta-akta melibatkan pembangunan tanah seperti Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976 [Akta 172] dan KTN. Kajian dijalankan melalui semakan kepada perundangan dan keputusan-keputusan mahkamah yang terkini serta menjurus kepada pendekatan doktrinal. Kajian mendapati bahawa Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976 [Akta 172] (“Akta 172”) merupakan undang-undang utama yang dirujuk dalam suatu perancangan projek untuk sesuatu pembangunan. Manakala KTN pula undang-undang tanah terpenting yang digunakan di Semenanjung Malaysia yang berkuat kuasa pada 1 Januari 1966 berkaitan urusan tanah. Konflik perundangan yang dinyatakan perlu diperhalusi dan disokong dengan pemahaman yang mendalam berkaitan proses dan niat asal penggubalan perundangan berkaitan. Kajian ini mendapati cadangan pindaan atau penjelasan melalui garis panduan merupakan satu tindakan yang wajar bagi memastikan semua pembangunan dapat dijalankan tanpa menjejaskan polisi dan perundangan tanah sedia ada


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    The current article represents a comprehensive understanding of the family system and kinship in normative Muslim scholarship. It introduces the perception and definition of family and kinship relations and presents some of its fundamental features and bases in order to restructure critical, yet scattered opinions of scholars from various religious, legal, and historical Islamic sources. This research also aims to investigate numerous normatively formed perspectives related to family forms, the paradigm of values for family and kinship, and the family systems inspired by normative sources of Islam which have been discussed in broader discourse echelons to show the development of Muslim scholarship, provisions, opinions, and analysis, with regard to family and kin, especially under the umbrella of maqāṣid al-shari’ah. The article follows a qualitative methodology with historical, analytical, and descriptive approaches in a comparative manner when investigating normative accounts of the Muslim family and kinship. This study\u27s contribution to international scholars in the field lies in its comprehensive analysis of maqasid framework for family and kinship in Islam and its divergence among normative scholarship. By shedding light on these normative perspectives, it enriches the existing scholarly discourse on maqasid al-shari’ah and opens up new avenues for further research and exploration in contemporary approaches to family and kinship studies. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for researchers, academics, and practitioners seeking a deeper understanding of maqasid al-shari’ah and its practical applications in contemporary contexts. The article found out that the advent of Islam, as mentioned in normative Muslim scholarship, introduced several religious rudiments into the family and kinship life that morally, structurally, and socially altered and regulated the character, structure, and purposes of the Muslim family to ensure stability and advocate social relations and order


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    The Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law (MJSL) Volume 11, Issue 2 for 2023, presents a diverse collection of sixteen articles that explore various dimensions of Syariah and Law. This issue features sixteen diverse articles traversing critical dimensions within the domains of Syariah and Law. The illuminating scholarship inquiries into conflicts surrounding land development legislation in Malaysia as a case study, intersections between self-determination and terrorism under international law, innovative Islamic financing mechanisms, preventative health policies in religious institutions, issues impacting the elderly, variations in Shariah governance models, dynamics shaping traditional governance structures, legal and political considerations around foreign investments, extremism affecting the Islamic community and ethical foundations guiding the Islamic finance industry. The Commentaries section discusses specific issues within the focus towards leveraging Islamic finance principles for poverty alleviation, the constitutionality of Section 498 of the Penal Code at the intersection of Islamic teachings, personal law, and morality in Malaysia and emerging technologies to transform intellectual property security. Collectively, these articles underscore MJSL’s emergence as a leading platform for discourse surrounding Islamic jurisprudence, legislation, finance, ethics and contemporary challenges at the intersection of syariah and law. These articles collectively contribute to a global perspective on legal discourse, reflecting MJSL\u27s commitment to high editorial standards and impactful research dissemination. The inclusion of MJSL in Scopus beginning in July 2023, with content retrospective to 2019, signifies a significant milestone that emphasizes the journal\u27s worldwide significance and dedication to academic distinction

    التدابير الوقائية المتعلقة بالمساجد للحد من انتشار وباء كورنا: دراسة في ضوء مقاصد نظام الحكم في الإسلام: PREVENTIVE MEASURES RELATED TO MOSQUES TO LIMIT THE SPREAD OF COVID-19: A STUDY FROM MAQASID SYARIAH PERSPECTIVE FOR GOVERNANCE SYSTEM

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    Mosque has fundamental role to social order in achieving the preservation of the Ummah’s order, as the main objective of Islamic legislation. To preserve the Governance of the Ummah from concussion, and to control the behavior of individuals. This study clarifies the opinion of the objectives of the Islamic governance system, regarding the precautionary measures that were codified during the Covid-19 pandemic. In order to prevent the spread of the pandemic, as it has changed the usual system of masjids since it’s legislation inception, in addition to imposing penalties on violators of those precautionary measures. This study aimed to clarify the relationship between the masjids matters and the shari’ah objective of preserving the Ummah governance system through the study of cataclysm emerging of Siyasah Shar‘iyyah. It also aimed to highlight that community affairs related to it, which preoccupied a group of scholars with experiences in this specific prominent matter. The researcher used the descriptive analytical approach to identify the dimensions of the emerging decisions that changed the rulings of masjids, and then analyzed those measures in the light of the objectives Islamic ruling system, and according to the legal jurisdiction set by scholars of the Laws of Islamic Governance. The study concluded with results, that it is the duty to undertake the management of the masjid affairs in any country and continuum times, especially looking into their cataclysm that involve the task of the ruler and authorities, to ensure the stability of a balanced system that serves the legal maxim and objectives of Islamic Shari’ah Law without contradicting its legislative principles. Furthermore, the interest of changing the ruling system of masjids which aimed to limit the spread of any epidemic; In a way that achieves the interest of preserving human lives supported by legal maxims of Sharia law and rational legitimacy.   ملخّص البحث نظام المساجد والجوامع نظام اجتماعي له دور أساسي وكبير في تحقيق حفظ نظام الأمة العام الذي هو المقصود العام من التشريع الإسلامي، فشأنُها شأنُ كلّ قضية تساس بتدابير سلطانية وقوانين يضعها ذوو الشأن العام في كلّ بلد؛ لحفظ نظام الأمة من الارتجاج، ولضبط سلوك الأفراد والجماعات. تأتي هذه الدراسة لبيان رأي مقاصد نظام الحكم في الإسلام حيال التدابير الاحترازية التي استُشكلتْ إبّان جائحة كورونا؛ وقايةً من انتشار الوباء، حيث إنّها غيّرتْ نظام المساجد والجوامع المعهود منذ فجر تشريعها، إضافة إلى فرض عقوبات على مخالفي تلك التدابير الاحترازية. فهدفت هذه الدراسة إلى توضيح علاقة قضايا المساجد بمقصد حفظ النظام العام للأنام، وعلاقة أبعادها الاجتماعية بالأحكام السلطانية من خلال دراسة بعض مستجدات ونوازل السياسة الشرعية في تلك الفترة. كما هدفت إلى تسليط الضوء على أن قضايا المجتمع والمسائل المتعلقة به مشغلةُ ثلّة من العلماء ذوي التجارب في عظائم الأمور فقط. وسلك الباحث في هذه الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي من أجل تحديد أبعاد القرارات المستجدة التي غيّرت نظام المساجد والجوامع المعهود، ومن ثمّ تحليل تلك التدابير في ضوء مقاصد نظام الحكم في الإسلام، ووفق الضوابط الشرعية التي وضعها علماء السياسة الشرعية والأحكام السلطانية. وخلصت الدراسة إلى نتائج أهمّها: أنّ واجب القيام بتدبير قضايا المساجد والجوامع في أي بلد وفي أي عصر، ولا سيّما النظر في مستجداتها المشتبكة مهمّة الحاكم وأهل الحل والعقد معه فقط، أو من في حكمهم؛ لضمان قيام نظام متّزن يخدم حِكم الشريعة الإسلامية ومقاصدها، ولا يتعارض مع أصولها التشريعية. وأنّ مصلحة تغيير نظام المساجد والجوامع للحد من انتشار أي وباء؛ بما يحقّق مصلحة حفظ الأنفس البشرية ممّا تؤيده كليّات الشريعة المعتبرة شرعًا وعقلًا.Mosques play a pivotal role in maintaining social order, serving as a cornerstone for upholding the unity and stability of the Ummah, which is the primary objective of Islamic legislation. They serve as guardians of the ummah\u27s leadership against unforeseen disruptions and help regulate individual behavior. This study seeks to elucidate the Islamic system of governance\u27s objectives concerning the precautionary measures instituted during the COVID-19 pandemic. These measures aim to curb the pandemic\u27s spread, necessitating changes in the traditional mosque practices and imposing penalties for violations. The primary aim of this study is to establish the intricate connection between mosque management and Shariah\u27s overarching goal of preserving the Ummah\u27s governance structure, all within the context of the challenges posed by Siyasah Shar‘iyyah. Moreover, this research endeavors to shed light on the community-related issues that have been addressed by a select group of scholars with expertise in this critical domain. The study\u27s conclusion underscores the crucial responsibility entrusted to rulers and authorities in managing mosque affairs, regardless of the country or era, especially when faced with crises that demand the preservation of a well-balanced system aligned with the legal maxims and objectives of Shariah, without compromising its foundational principles. Furthermore, it highlights the imperative of adapting mosque governance to address the exigencies of limiting the spread of epidemics in a manner that aligns with the principles of Shariah and rational legitimacy, ultimately serving the greater good of safeguarding human lives. This study explores the role of mosques in maintaining social order and addressing COVID-19 precautions, bridging disciplines like religious studies and public health. It emphasizes the global relevance of adapting mosque governance to preserve both Islamic principles and public health during crises, offering valuable insights to academic communities worldwide.   ملخّص البحث نظام المساجد والجوامع نظام اجتماعي له دور أساسي وكبير في تحقيق حفظ نظام الأمة العام الذي هو المقصود العام من التشريع الإسلامي، فشأنُها شأنُ كلّ قضية تساس بتدابير سلطانية وقوانين يضعها ذوو الشأن العام في كلّ بلد؛ لحفظ نظام الأمة من الارتجاج، ولضبط سلوك الأفراد والجماعات. تأتي هذه الدراسة لبيان رأي مقاصد نظام الحكم في الإسلام حيال التدابير الاحترازية التي استُشكلتْ إبّان جائحة كورونا؛ وقايةً من انتشار الوباء، حيث إنّها غيّرتْ نظام المساجد والجوامع المعهود منذ فجر تشريعها، إضافة إلى فرض عقوبات على مخالفي تلك التدابير الاحترازية. فهدفت هذه الدراسة إلى توضيح علاقة قضايا المساجد بمقصد حفظ النظام العام للأنام، وعلاقة أبعادها الاجتماعية بالأحكام السلطانية من خلال دراسة بعض مستجدات ونوازل السياسة الشرعية في تلك الفترة. كما هدفت إلى تسليط الضوء على أن قضايا المجتمع والمسائل المتعلقة به مشغلةُ ثلّة من العلماء ذوي التجارب في عظائم الأمور فقط. وسلك الباحث في هذه الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي من أجل تحديد أبعاد القرارات المستجدة التي غيّرت نظام المساجد والجوامع المعهود، ومن ثمّ تحليل تلك التدابير في ضوء مقاصد نظام الحكم في الإسلام، ووفق الضوابط الشرعية التي وضعها علماء السياسة الشرعية والأحكام السلطانية. وخلصت الدراسة إلى نتائج أهمّها: أنّ واجب القيام بتدبير قضايا المساجد والجوامع في أي بلد وفي أي عصر، ولا سيّما النظر في مستجداتها المشتبكة مهمّة الحاكم وأهل الحل والعقد معه فقط، أو من في حكمهم؛ لضمان قيام نظام متّزن يخدم حِكم الشريعة الإسلامية ومقاصدها، ولا يتعارض مع أصولها التشريعية. وأنّ مصلحة تغيير نظام المساجد والجوامع للحد من انتشار أي وباء؛ بما يحقّق مصلحة حفظ الأنفس البشرية ممّا تؤيده كليّات الشريعة المعتبرة شرعًا وعقلًا


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